
    12/2/21: Omicron Spreads, Trump Covid, CNN Cuomo, China/Wall St, Maxwell Trial, Metaverse, Twitter CEO, Class Politics, and More!

    enDecember 02, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Deals and Significant NewsStay informed with discounts, family plans, and significant news like Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis, Chris Cuomo's suspension, Peng Shuai's safety concerns, and the first omicron variant case in the US. Prioritize getting vaccinated and boosted.

      There are various deals to be had this season for home and wardrobe refreshes at dd's discounts, family plans with Straight Talk Wireless starting as low as $25 a line, and affordable adult theme park tickets at child prices with Undercover Tourist. Additionally, significant news includes Trump's positive COVID-19 test before the debate, Chris Cuomo's suspension from CNN, concerns for Peng Shuai's safety, and the first confirmed case of the omicron variant in the United States. It's essential to stay informed and take necessary precautions, such as getting vaccinated and boosted.

    • Market Volatility from Omicron DiscoveryThe discovery of Omicron variant led to market volatility, modest US response, concern for future restrictions, significant cost of tests, and global spread uncertainty.

      The discovery of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in the US led to significant market volatility, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeting over 1.3 percent. The US response included relatively modest changes to travel restrictions and an emphasis on boosters, testing, and encouraging vaccinations. The speaker expressed concern that this could be a precursor to more onerous restrictions. Another key point is the significant cost of COVID-19 tests in the US, which can be a financial burden for many individuals. The speaker also noted that the origin of Omicron is still uncertain, and travel restrictions may not be effective due to its global spread. Overall, the emphasis is on continuing vaccination efforts and encouraging boosters to mitigate the impact of the Omicron variant.

    • Unequal vaccine distribution and new COVID-19 variantsThe COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge public health and global policy. The unequal distribution of vaccines, particularly in developing countries, and the emergence of new variants complicate efforts to contain the virus. Global cooperation and equitable distribution of resources are crucial to effectively combat the pandemic.

      The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to present numerous challenges, both in terms of public health and global policy. One of the most pressing issues is the unequal distribution of vaccines, particularly in developing countries. This issue was highlighted by the postponement of the WTO conference aimed at waiving patent rights for vaccines. The emergence of new COVID-19 variants, such as the one identified in South Africa, further complicates the situation. The speaker expressed outrage that vaccine development and distribution, which were funded by taxpayer dollars, are being restricted, leading to vaccine hesitancy and the continued spread of the virus. Another issue discussed was the importance of free and accessible COVID-19 testing and the extension of mask mandates to prevent the spread of the virus. Overall, the conversation underscored the urgent need for global cooperation and equitable distribution of resources to effectively combat the pandemic.

    • Incentivize reporting of new COVID-19 variants instead of travel bansFocus on vaccination, mitigation measures, and severe illness, not breakthrough infections. COVID-19 is an endemic disease, and early detection is crucial.

      Instead of imposing travel bans and creating unnecessary fear, the international community should incentivize countries to report new COVID-19 variants and invest in early detection regimes. The speaker argues that COVID-19 is an endemic disease and that vaccination and mitigation measures are the most effective ways to deal with it. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on severe illness rather than breakthrough infections and the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing severe illness from new variants like Omicron. Additionally, the speaker criticizes the media for focusing on the numbers of breakthrough infections and causing unnecessary panic. He also notes that President Biden's approval rating remains high due to his handling of the coronavirus response, despite some criticism of his travel ban on South Africa. Lastly, it was revealed that Trump received a positive COVID-19 test before the presidential debate in 2020, but kept it hidden from the public.

    • Trump's Reckless Behavior During COVID-19 DiagnosisDespite testing positive for COVID-19, Trump disregarded safety protocols and put others at risk, including Joe Biden, older staff members, and Gold Star Military Families.

      During his presidency, Donald Trump continued to hold public events and interact with others despite testing positive for COVID-19. Mark Meadows, his former chief of staff, described a scene where they received a call to stop Air Force 1 because Trump had tested positive. However, Trump continued with his plans, even though he was feeling poorly and had a second negative test. This reckless behavior put many people at risk, including Joe Biden, older staff members, and Gold Star Military Families. Trump even blamed these families for giving him the virus. Despite the potential danger, Trump did not follow safety protocols or allow others to take control, showing a disregard for the well-being of those around him. This behavior is a reflection of Trump's prioritization of his own interests over the safety of others. The timeline of events also raises questions about the honesty and transparency of the White House regarding Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis.

    • Trump's Selfishness During 2020 CampaignFormer President Trump's focus on self-interest during the 2020 campaign was evident in his disregard for ethical standards and prioritization of personal image over others' well-being, as seen in his handling of COVID-19 and his brother's scandal.

      During the 2020 presidential campaign, former President Trump's refusal to put others before himself, even during a global health crisis, was callously evident. This was highlighted when Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and, while hospitalized, reportedly showed concern not for the well-being of those around him, but for protecting his public image. The event, which took place at a time when a White House ceremony for Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court confirmation became a major COVID-19 super-spreader, ultimately led to Trump's diagnosis and subsequent hospitalization. A stunning revelation emerged later when it was disclosed that CNN anchor Chris Cuomo had been using his media platform to aid his brother, Governor Andrew Cuomo, during his own scandal involving sexual assault allegations. Both incidents underscored a disregard for ethical standards and a prioritization of personal interests over the welfare of others.

    • CNN suspends Chris Cuomo indefinitely amid brother's scandalNew CNN CEO may have influenced Cuomo's suspension, signaling changes to come, with high-rated anchor facing potential termination

      The involvement of Chris Cuomo in his brother's defense situation led to his indefinite suspension from CNN. The new CEO of Discovery, who reportedly had a planned meeting with Jeff Zucker on the day of the revelations, may have played a role in the decision to suspend Cuomo. This could be a sign of a shift in leadership at CNN, with a new vision for the network and potential changes to come. The suspension of Cuomo, who had significant power within the organization due to his high ratings and close relationship with Zucker, sends a message to other anchors and contributors at CNN that actions have consequences. While it is uncertain if Cuomo will ultimately be fired, the situation highlights the potential for new leadership to bring about change within the organization.

    • Media industry's inner workings exposed in Chris Cuomo scandalThe Chris Cuomo scandal revealed a culture of backroom deals, spin doctoring, and lack of transparency in the media industry, highlighting the importance of ethical journalistic practices and transparency to hold powerful individuals accountable.

      The inner workings of the media industry were put on display during the Chris Cuomo scandal, revealing a culture of backroom deals, spin doctoring, and a lack of transparency. CNN's handling of the situation, with the suspension of Chris Cuomo and the silence regarding Katie Tur's actions, highlights the close relationships and interconnectedness of media figures and their sources. This culture of insularity and favoritism can make it difficult for objective reporting and analysis to prevail, particularly when it comes to powerful individuals and their teams. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and ethical journalistic practices in holding those in power accountable.

    • Standing up for what's right despite consequencesThe WTA's bold stance to suspend all tournaments in China, in support of Peng Shuai and her safety, highlights the importance of upholding values and protecting individuals, even when it's challenging and potentially costly.

      While some individuals and organizations may try to manipulate the truth or downplay unethical behavior, it's crucial for others to stand up for what's right, even if it means facing consequences. This was evident in the contrasting responses to the unethical actions of a media figure and the brave stance taken by the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) regarding the safety and wellbeing of tennis player Peng Shuai. The media figure was caught using unethical means to gather information and manipulate public perception, while the WTA took a bold step by suspending all tournaments in China due to concerns for Peng's safety and belief in her initial accusations against a powerful Chinese official. The WTA's stance, though potentially costly, demonstrated a commitment to upholding values and protecting individuals, despite the challenges and potential backlash.

    • WTA and Top Tennis Players Refuse to Play in China Over Safety Concerns for Peng ShuaiThe WTA and top tennis players prioritize Peng Shuai's safety and freedom of communication over financial gains, potentially costing them millions in endorsements.

      The Women's Tennis Association (WTA) and several top tennis players have taken a firm stance against playing in China due to concerns over the safety and wellbeing of Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai, who accused a former high-ranking Chinese government official of sexual assault. The players and WTA are prioritizing Peng's freedom of communication and safety over financial gains from tournaments in China. This decision comes with significant financial consequences, potentially costing the athletes millions in endorsement deals. Ray Dalio, a renowned investor and China apologist, has a different perspective, emphasizing the importance of following government guidelines and making money regardless of human rights issues. The situation highlights the complexities and potential risks involved in international sports and business dealings.

    • Money and power's impact on bending rulesMoney and power can lead to disregard of rules, resulting in economic retaliation and ethical dilemmas.

      Money and power can lead individuals and organizations to bend the rules or even disregard them entirely, with significant consequences. This was exemplified in the discussion about Ray Dalio's investment firm and their continued business dealings with China despite human rights concerns. Similarly, Jamie Dimon's comment about JPMorgan outlasting the Chinese Communist Party resulted in an apology and financial consequences. The power dynamic between China and other nations or companies can result in economic retaliation when lines are crossed. The Maxwell trial also highlighted the confirmation of known information regarding corruption and misuse of power at the highest levels. These examples demonstrate the complex interplay between money, power, and ethical considerations, and the potential risks and repercussions for those who disregard the rules.

    • Learning from the Ghislaine Maxwell trial: Epstein's connections to powerful figuresThe Ghislaine Maxwell trial highlights Epstein's associations with powerful individuals and the allegations that Maxwell procured and participated in the sexual assault of minors.

      Learning from the Ghislaine Maxwell trial is the allegations made by an anonymous accuser that Jeffrey Epstein took her to Mar-a-Lago when she was 14 to meet Donald Trump. While she did not allege any improper behavior by Trump, this testimony, along with the revelation of Epstein's connections to powerful and famous individuals, sheds light on the depths of Epstein and Maxwell's associations. Maxwell is currently on trial for her role in Epstein's crimes, but the defense argues that she did not participate in any of it. However, testimony and evidence suggest that Maxwell not only procured and groomed young girls but also participated in their sexual assault. The defense's strategy to smear the accusers as fame seekers and turn the trial into a gender or feminist argument is unlikely to be effective given the mounting evidence. The most significant aspect of the trial is how Epstein and Maxwell were able to operate in elite circles despite Epstein's conviction as a sex offender, and the importance of holding Maxwell accountable for her alleged role in these heinous crimes.

    • Power, privilege, and accountability in the Epstein trialThe Epstein trial raises questions about accountability for powerful individuals and their enablers, as well as the extravagant spending habits of the rich.

      The Epstein trial has brought up important questions about accountability and the involvement of various powerful individuals in the case. While the trial has focused on old charges against Epstein, many are questioning why there isn't more scrutiny on those who facilitated his actions or were involved themselves. The trial has also shed light on the extravagant spending habits of the rich, with record-breaking demand for art, fancy trees, and even digital land. However, the international conspiracy theories surrounding Epstein and the elite have not been a major focus of the trial thus far. It's important to remember that the victims and their experiences should be the priority in this case, but the larger issues of power, privilege, and accountability are also worth exploring.

    • Metaverse Real Estate Boom: $2.5 Million for Virtual LandThe metaverse, a virtual reality space, is experiencing a real estate boom with record-breaking sales, but concerns over inequality and potential negative impacts persist.

      The latest real estate boom is not in traditional locations but in the metaverse, where digital property sales are reaching new records. The metaverse is a virtual reality space accessed through headsets, and companies like Facebook (now Meta) are investing heavily in it. A record-breaking $2.5 million was paid for metaverse real estate by tokens.com. Some see potential for luxury shopping experiences, but critics argue that millions of people are homeless or housing insecure, and it's concerning that permanent capital is being poured into virtual real estate. The metaverse was first imagined in the 1992 sci-fi novel "Snow Crash," which depicted a dystopian future where corporations held most power. Critics fear the metaverse could lead to increased surveillance, status contests, and control by a few tech billionaires. Some hope it could enrich societies, but it's crucial to learn from the mistakes of social media and ensure the metaverse is a public commons rather than a tool for profit and manipulation.

    • Twitter's new policies raise concerns over free speech and access to informationNew Twitter CEO's focus on harm reduction and censorship could limit free speech and access to important info, raising concerns for future of public discourse and the role of social media in society

      Twitter, as a platform for news and public discourse, holds significant influence and power in shaping the national conversation. However, the new CEO, Parag Agarwal, has raised concerns due to his focus on harm reduction and censorship, which could potentially infringe on free speech and public access to important information. The new policy of not allowing the sharing of private media without consent, although with some exceptions, is seen as a dangerous precedent that could be open to interpretation and manipulation. The potential loss of free speech and access to important information, especially in the context of historical events and journalism, is a significant concern. The implications of these developments extend beyond Twitter and could have far-reaching consequences for the future of public discourse and the role of social media in society.

    • The importance of principles and standards in dealing with complex issuesMaintaining principles and standards is crucial for handling complex issues like censorship on social media platforms. Reversing from a stance can lead to a slippery slope towards increased censorship. Long-term trends, such as the education and income divides, also emphasize the need for balance in society.

      Having principles and standards is crucial for dealing with complex issues, including censorship in social media platforms. The Holocaust denial issue on Facebook serves as an example, where Mark Zuckerberg initially upheld free speech but later reversed his stance. Retreating from a standard can lead to more exceptions and a slippery slope towards increased censorship. The ongoing education and income divides in Western democracies also highlight the importance of adhering to principles. The research by Amory Gatton and his team shows a reversal in voting patterns, with higher educated voters increasingly supporting left-leaning parties, while high-income voters continue to favor right-leaning parties. This separation between the "Brahmin left" and "merchant right" highlights the need for understanding long-term trends and the importance of maintaining a balance in society.

    • Two exceptions to the trend of higher education levels correlating with social democratic voting in Western democracies are Portugal and Ireland.Portugal and Ireland buck the trend of higher education levels leading to social democratic voting in Western democracies due to their unique histories. Since the 2008 crisis, class politics have become more complex, with education and income as key dimensions, leading to a fragmented party system and clustering of parties based on these factors.

      Higher education levels have been correlated with voting for social democratic parties in Western democracies for several decades. However, not all countries have followed this trend. Portugal and Ireland are two exceptions due to their unique histories. In Portugal, democracy only returned in the 1980s, and in Ireland, there was never a strong social democratic or left-wing party. Since the 2008 crisis, there has been a rise of socioeconomic and class divides in these countries. Class politics have not disappeared entirely but have become more complex. Education and income are two dimensions of social class, and many Western European countries have seen a fragmented party system based on these two dimensions. Far-right parties tend to capture more votes from lower-educated voters, while green parties are supported mainly by higher-educated voters. This fragmentation leads to a clustering of parties based on education and income. Switzerland and the Netherlands are two countries where this transition to a fragmented class-based politics was completed early on. Switzerland has the highest educational divides in Europe and the largest far-right and green parties. The US and the UK are also countries where this trend is prominent. The more a country focuses on culture war clashes, the more rapidly this sorting out occurs, and economic redistribution becomes less likely. This trend applies to many countries across the world.

    • Social cultural issues in politics linked to educational dividesWhen parties prioritize social cultural issues, educational divides are likely to increase, a trend that began in the 1960s and may be ongoing due to various factors including the decline of class politics and ambitious redistributive economic policies.

      Social cultural issue emphasis in politics is strongly linked to educational divides. When parties focus more on social cultural issues, educational divides are likely to rise. However, it's important to note that this trend began in the 1960s, a time of significant cultural change, but may be part of a longer-term process. The decline of class politics and ambitious redistributive economic policies in the 50s and 60s may have contributed to this shift, but various factors, including the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 2008 crisis, have also played a role. The trends towards educational divides began earlier in some countries, suggesting a more complex and ongoing process. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding the relationship between social cultural issues and education in politics.

    • Making Therapy More Accessible with BetterHelpBetterHelp offers online therapy with licensed therapists, making mental health support accessible, flexible, and affordable.

      Mental health support is essential for everyone, and it should be accessible, flexible, and affordable. BetterHelp offers a solution to this need with its online therapy platform. This service allows individuals to connect with licensed therapists at their convenience, making it a more accessible and cost-effective option compared to in-person therapy. By providing mental health support that meets people where they are, BetterHelp is making therapy more accessible and reducing the barriers that often prevent people from seeking help. If you're interested in learning more, visit betterhelp.com.

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    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


    Teen Line (Los Angeles)


    The Trevor Project (LGBTQ Youth Hotline)


    National Domestic Violence Hotline

    800-799-SAFE [800-799-7233]

    Crisis Text Line

    Text "Connect" to 741741 in the USA

    Lifeline Chat


    International Suicide Hotlines: 






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    If you want go from feeling hopeless to hopeful, lonely to connected and like a burden to a blessing, then go to 1-on-1 coaching, go to www.thrivewithleo.com. Let’s get to tomorrow, together. 

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

    800-273-TALK [800-273-8255]

    1-800-SUICIDE [800-784-2433]

    Teen Line (Los Angeles)


    The Trevor Project (LGBTQ Youth Hotline)


    National Domestic Violence Hotline

    800-799-SAFE [800-799-7233]

    Crisis Text Line

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    Lifeline Chat


    International Suicide Hotlines: 



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    Sponsor:Is there something interfering with your happiness or is preventing you from achieving your goals? https://betterhelp.com/leo and enjoy 10% off your first month and start talking to mental health professional today!! 

    1-on-1 Coaching: If you want go from feeling hopeless to hopeful, lonely to connected and like a burden to a blessing, then go to 1-on-1 coaching, go to www.thrivewithleo.com. Let’s get to tomorrow, together. 

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


    Teen Line (Los Angeles)


    The Trevor Project (LGBTQ Youth Hotline)


    National Domestic Violence Hotline

    800-799-SAFE [800-799-7233]

    Crisis Text Line

    Text "Connect" to 741741 in the USA

    Lifeline Chat


    International Suicide Hotlines: 




