
    12/20/23: Trump Removed From Colorado Ballot, Ryan Hammers State Dep On Israel, Israel Offers Hamas Pause For Hostages, Document Vindicates Imran Khan, Epstein Names To Be Revealed, Tucker Attacks DeSantis On Ukraine, And Freedom Caucus Says Ukraine Aid Dead On Arrival

    enDecember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Deals, Discounts, and Labor WinsConsumers can save on home and wardrobe items with dd's discounts, explore Europe with Avalon Waterways, find affordable wireless plans with Consumer Cellular, and witness labor wins with UPS and DHL workers. US Right to Know uncovers potential deception about risky work in Wuhan, and Breaking Points prepares for the 2024 elections.

      Consumers can find great deals on home and wardrobe items at dd's discounts, while also embarking on European adventures with Avalon Waterways. Meanwhile, those seeking more affordable wireless plans can turn to Consumer Cellular. Additionally, the labor movement saw a significant win with UPS and DHL workers in Cincinnati, and there are ongoing developments in the Trump Colorado court case and potential Epstein file releases. For those interested in geopolitics, Ryan's coverage of Imran Khan and Pakistan continues with updates from the State Department. Subscribe to Breaking Points for in-depth analysis on these topics and more. On a more serious note, the team at Breaking Points is gearing up for the 2024 elections and seeking premium subscriptions to expand their coverage, upgrade their studio, and add staff. They invite those who appreciate independent journalism to show their support. An intriguing revelation from US Right to Know, through the Freedom of Information Act, uncovered potential deception regarding risky work in Wuhan, raising further suspicion about the COVID origin. Lastly, UPS and DHL workers at the Cincinnati hub achieved a remarkable victory, setting the tone for the labor movement. Stay tuned for more updates on these stories and more on Breaking Points.

    • Colorado Court Rules Trump Ineligible for White House Due to Insurrection ClauseThe Colorado Supreme Court has barred former President Trump from the presidential primary ballot based on the Insurrection Clause, potentially leading to a Supreme Court showdown over his GOP nomination eligibility.

      The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that former President Donald Trump is ineligible for the White House under the US Constitution's Insurrection Clause, removing him from the presidential primary ballot. This decision sets up a potential showdown in the Supreme Court regarding Trump's eligibility for the GOP nomination. Trump has not been charged with insurrection but can be disqualified for aiding or giving comfort to insurrectionists. The 14th Amendment, enacted after the Civil War, has provisions for disqualified individuals to be allowed back into office if two-thirds of Congress votes to undo the disqualification. Some argue that if political power is to be used, it should be used decisively, either through impeachment and investigation or at the ballot box. Trump supporters are drawing parallels with banana republics and third-world countries due to the ongoing legal proceedings and the inconsistency in past actions regarding election interference. This situation may embolden other states to take similar actions, posing a significant threat to Trump's candidacy.

    • Legal uncertainty surrounding Trump's ballot removalThe Supreme Court is reviewing whether the President can be removed from the ballot, adding uncertainty to the democratic process and potentially setting a precedent for future elections.

      The legal landscape surrounding the potential removal of elected officials from the ballot, specifically in relation to the ongoing dispute regarding former President Donald Trump's eligibility, is complex and contentious. The debate centers around the interpretation of the language "civil officers" in the statute and whether it includes the President. This uncertainty has led to various legal challenges, with some arguing that the President could only be subject to removal during the lame duck session. The Supreme Court is currently reviewing this issue, leaving the outcome uncertain and potentially setting a precedent for future elections. The broader implications of this situation are that it could further erode public trust in the democratic process and potentially embolden parties to manipulate election rules to their advantage.

    • Political disagreements and the risk of violenceThe Pope's comments on Israeli actions as terrorism underscore the importance of finding peaceful resolutions to political conflicts, while the Colorado Supreme Court ruling highlights the political divide and potential consequences of escalating disagreements.

      When political disagreements reach a point where parties are unwilling to engage democratically, the risk of violence and even war increases. However, a coup attempt comes with serious consequences, including potential imprisonment for those involved. A recent ruling in the Colorado Supreme Court highlighted the political divide between Ivy League and Denver Law School appointees. Meanwhile, in the news, the Pope's description of Israeli actions as terrorism raises questions about the US's international standing. The US has consistently advocated for protecting civilian sites and has directly addressed concerns with the Israeli government. The pope's comments underscore the importance of finding peaceful resolutions to political conflicts. In other news, BetterHelp offers affordable online therapy to help individuals process their thoughts and emotions, while Cambridge's parity flex annuity provides financial security for women in retirement. Realtors provide expertise and support throughout the home buying process.

    • US influence over Israel questioned after church compound attackThe inconsistent Israeli responses and continued targeting of civilian structures despite US condemnation raise concerns about US leverage or complicity.

      The incident of Israeli forces targeting a church compound in Gaza, resulting in the deaths and injuries of several people, raises serious questions about the United States' influence over Israel. The inconsistent and evasive responses from Israeli officials have added to the confusion, making it unclear whether the U.S. has the ability to prevent such actions or if they are complicit. The continued targeting of civilian structures, such as churches, schools, hospitals, and mosques, despite U.S. condemnation, suggests either a lack of leverage or active support from the U.S. The situation echoes the Shrine Abu Akleh incident, where Israeli denials were eventually proven false, and the lack of transparency and accountability from Israeli authorities remains a concern.

    • Trust and firsthand accounts shape public perception in conflictsThe presence of a British MP with Christian family in Gaza led to widespread coverage, while Muslim stories were less heard. Video evidence has limitations when parties have contrasting narratives. Transparency, empathy, and effective communication are crucial during conflicts.

      Trust and firsthand accounts play a significant role in shaping public perception during times of conflict. In the discussed situation, the presence of a British MP with Christian family members in Gaza who witnessed an alleged crime outside a church led to widespread coverage and questions towards Israeli officials. The lack of similar connections for Muslims in Gaza has resulted in their stories being less heard. The use of video evidence as a substitute for direct trust has its limitations, especially when parties involved have contrasting narratives. It's crucial to acknowledge and address concerns raised by individuals and organizations, rather than dismissing them as bigotry. The handling of the situation by Israeli officials, including the deputy mayor of Jerusalem, has been perceived as insensitive and ineffective in addressing the underlying issues. The decimation of the Christian population in Gaza and the mishandling of the situation have led to negative publicity for Israel. The use of force, such as snipers, raises questions about military strategy and the credibility of statements regarding precision and non-involvement in such incidents. Overall, the importance of transparency, empathy, and effective communication cannot be overstated during times of conflict.

    • Expertise of a realtor simplifies property transactionsRealtors provide valuable assistance in financing, inspections, negotiations, market analysis, and addressing anxieties during property transactions.

      The expertise of a realtor can significantly simplify the process of buying or selling a property by providing guidance on financing, inspections, negotiations, market analysis, and addressing anxieties. Meanwhile, in international news, there's ongoing tension between Israel and Hamas over the release of hostages. Netanyahu's government faces immense pressure to bring hostages home, including from families and the hostages themselves, who have endured dire conditions. However, there's also pressure from the far-right in Israel to continue the war and not focus too much on the hostages. This delicate situation highlights the complexities of international diplomacy and the importance of effective communication and understanding between parties.

    • Hostages in Gaza call for peace amid ongoing conflictHostages advocate for peace amidst Israeli invasion of Gaza, putting pressure on Netanyahu, while the destruction and civilian casualties raise concerns for the future of peace efforts

      The hostages held in Gaza, who are not focused on survival but also advocate for peace, have been creating tension between the Israeli government and the international community. The released hostages have been publicly calling for an end to the bombing and a peaceful resolution, putting pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. The question moving forward is whether the current situation in Gaza makes Israel safer in the short term. Netanyahu is under pressure from both factions within his government and the US government, which wants the invasion to end by the new year. The destruction in Gaza has resulted in a significant number of deaths and displaced people, making it difficult for Israel to claim it is not targeting civilian areas, such as hospitals and churches. The situation is complex, and the ongoing conflict raises concerns about the future of peace efforts. Additionally, there is a developing story in Pakistan regarding a cipher that was discovered in August, which has not been fully addressed and warrants further investigation.

    • US pressured Pakistan to oust Imran Khan for neutrality towards Russia-Ukraine conflictThe US attempted to influence Pakistan's political landscape by pressuring the country to remove Imran Khan due to his neutral stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In exchange, the US offered to help Pakistan manufacture weapons and forgive past issues.

      The diplomatic cable revealed that the US State Department had pressured Pakistan to oust Prime Minister Imran Khan due to his neutrality towards the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In return, the US expressed willingness to forgive past issues between the two countries and help Pakistan manufacture weapons. After Khan's ousting in a no-confidence vote, Pakistan began producing low-grade shells for the Ukrainian conflict. Later, Pakistan's encryption system was allegedly compromised due to a leak, leading to a secret trial against Khan, who was falsely accused of being the source. The Pakistani government banned media discussion of the trial and throttled the Internet to prevent a virtual rally by the opposition party. Despite the US's calls for free and fair elections, the government's actions during the rally raised questions about the legitimacy of upcoming elections. The US State Department has consistently advocated for Internet access as a crucial component of a free society but did not publicly comment on the situation during a recent military chief's visit.

    • Governments and powerful figures using influence to limit oppositionGrowing trend of govts and powerful figures suppressing opposition online/offline with impunity. Importance of transparency, accountability, and respect for individual rights and freedoms.

      There is a growing trend of governments and powerful figures using their influence to limit or suppress opposition, both online and offline, with increasing impunity. This was highlighted in the discussion about the situation in Pakistan, where military leaders have been meeting with civilian officials in the US, granting them legitimacy and confidence in their crackdown on dissent. Similarly, the US intelligence apparatus and government institutions are becoming more comfortable with publicly wielding their power to control information and influence outcomes, as seen in the cases of Voice of America reporting on Pakistan and the Twitter account of former President Trump. Furthermore, the ongoing legal situation involving Jeffrey Epstein and the potential release of names of over 170 individuals associated with him adds another layer to this issue, as victims and potential victims may be forced to face public scrutiny and potential backlash. These developments underscore the importance of transparency, accountability, and respect for individual rights and freedoms in the face of increasing power consolidation and control.

    • Potential Congressional ties to Epstein scandalBelief that powerful individuals from both parties may have been involved with Epstein, fueling speculation about blackmail or influence

      The ongoing Jeffrey Epstein scandal continues to reveal potential compromises within the halls of power, including members of Congress. While some names have already been made public due to defamation lawsuits, many more could potentially be implicated in the scandal. Rep. Tim Burchett's comments on Newsmax suggest that there is a belief that powerful individuals from both parties may have been involved with Epstein and may be using blackmail or other means to influence decisions. The disappearance of CDs containing potentially damning information from Epstein's mansion adds to the intrigue, leaving many questions unanswered and fueling speculation about the true extent of the conspiracy. Despite the conspiracy theories, it seems clear that the Epstein scandal is far from over and will likely continue to reveal shocking revelations in the coming months.

    • Politics and Old SkeletonsBeware of unearthing old skeletons in politics as it could harm victims, some politicians may face allegations, leading to a culture of secrecy and avoiding scrutiny.

      During a discussion about potential Congress members being implicated in a defamation lawsuit, Birchenall warned against digging up old skeletons in politics, emphasizing the potential harm to victims. He did not suggest every member was involved in the Epstein scandal but rather that some had been approached with allegations, leading to a culture of secrecy and avoiding scrutiny. Meanwhile, in a separate context, Tucker Carlson criticized Ron DeSantis' online supporters and his change in stance on Ukraine policy, which some supporters have strongly defended. The conversation also touched on the importance of financial security, the role of realtors, and a river cruise promotion. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and nuances of politics and the importance of considering different perspectives.

    • Online presence and actions of political figures causing division and tension among donorsRon DeSantis' online presence and actions have led to tension with major donors due to perceived shifts in stance and cultural priorities. The influence of money in politics and the power of online spheres can impact donor relationships.

      The online presence and actions of certain political figures and their supporters, like Ron DeSantis and his "Ronnie bros" army, can be a source of contention and division, even among those who might otherwise agree on political issues. This was evident in DeSantis' handling of the Ukraine situation and his perceived shift in stance, which reportedly led to tension with major donors like Ken Griffin. The influence of money in politics and the pressure to align with certain cultural priorities can also impact donor relationships. Despite this, it remains unclear how DeSantis would approach international conflicts as president, adding to the uncertainty surrounding his political stance. The online sphere, while powerful, can often be a distraction from the larger political landscape and the complexities of governing.

    • Trump leads Republican primary race against DeSantisDespite a significant lead in national polling, the ideological clash between Trump and DeSantis holds relevance for the conservative movement.

      Based on the current RCP polling averages, Donald Trump is significantly leading the Republican primary race against Ron DeSantis and other contenders. This lead is particularly evident in national polling, where Trump is pushing for over 60% of the votes, leaving a yawning gap for other candidates. In states like Iowa and New Hampshire, where the rules allow supporters of underperforming candidates to realign, a significant portion of DeSantis' supporters might shift to Trump, further widening the margin. Even in DeSantis' home state of Florida, Trump maintains a substantial lead. The primary race, therefore, does not appear to be a competition at this stage. However, beyond the material reality of the primary race, the ideological clash between Trump and DeSantis holds relevance for the conservative movement.

    • Freedom Caucus Demands Border Security Before Ukraine AidThe Freedom Caucus insists on passing HR 2, the House's strong border security bill, before discussing any support for Ukraine, due to pressing US issues like debt, inflation, and border invasion.

      The Freedom Caucus, led by Representative Bob Good of Virginia, is holding a firm stance on border security before considering any support for Ukraine. They believe that the House's strong border security bill, HR 2, must be passed and signed into law by the president before any discussion on Ukraine can take place. This is due to the unprecedented crises facing the country, including record-breaking debt, inflation, and border invasion, which the Freedom Caucus believes must be addressed first. They also emphasized the need for accountability, transparency, and a defined limit to US involvement if any support for Ukraine were to be considered.

    • Speaker of the House Evaluated on Policy PerformanceEncouragement for Speaker to stand firm on funding gov't, securing border, and FISA reform. Separate votes on issues for proper reform.

      The speaker of the House is being evaluated based on his performance and ability to fight for conservative policies and American interests, rather than a personal vendetta. The current speaker inherited a difficult situation and is being encouraged to stand firm on issues like funding the government, securing the border, and reforming FISA surveillance. Israel aid is being supported with a clean vote due to its importance and the fact that it is not financially burdensome to the US, unlike other issues being bundled together in large spending packages. The goal is to separate and vote on each issue individually to allow for proper reform and improvement.

    • Opposition to IRS expansion and FISA reformConservatives challenge IRS expansion due to deficits and potential targeting, while Americans call for FISA reform to protect privacy and prevent warrantless searches.

      The proposed expansion of the IRS under President Biden's administration is facing opposition from conservatives due to concerns over increased deficits, potential political targeting, and the overall spending problem in the country. Marjorie Taylor Greene's criticisms of the Freedom Caucus and its leadership have been dismissed as lies and attacks, and the Freedom Caucus remains committed to fighting for conservative principles and holding leadership accountable. In the FISA debate, the lack of support for reforms and the attachment of the issue to the NDAA were major factors in falling short of the necessary votes to block its extension. The American people want FISA reformed to protect their privacy and prevent warrantless searches. The Progressive Freedom Caucus Coalition can work towards building a stronger alliance and securing more votes by focusing on the importance of policy changes and the need for transparency and accountability.

    • Freedom Caucus Opposes NDA Extension for FISA SurveillanceThe Freedom Caucus opposed an NDA extension for FISA surveillance, which received more support from Democrats than Republicans, highlighting political differences on national security and alliances.

      The Freedom Caucus strongly opposed an NDA extension for FISA surveillance, which received more support from Democrats than Republicans, ultimately passing. Despite Israel's historic alliance with the US and its status as a key democracy in the Middle East, some on the left question why America First principles don't translate to Israel's funding and support for conflicts. Israel faces threats from neighboring countries and has the right to defend itself, making it a crucial US ally. Regarding the Pope's comments on Israeli actions, it raises questions about the US's role in international conflicts and its alliance with Israel. The Freedom Caucus's perspective is that Israel takes measures to minimize civilian casualties while dealing with an enemy that uses civilians as shields. The inconsistency between what elected Republicans promise their voters and what they deliver in DC is a complex issue. Democrats often run as moderates but govern as radical leftists, while Republicans run as conservatives but govern as moderates, leading to frustration among the base.

    • House Republican Divide: Principles vs Party LoyaltyAbout 2/3 of House Republicans prioritize party loyalty over conservative principles, making it difficult for the American people to trust their ability to govern effectively

      Within the House Republican party, there is a divide between those who are committed to upholding conservative principles and fighting for them, despite opposition from party leadership, and those who prioritize party loyalty over limiting government and making tough choices. Unfortunately, the latter group, which makes up about 2/3 of House Republicans, makes it challenging for the American people to trust the party's ability to govern effectively and deliver on campaign promises. This dynamic was discussed with Representative Goode during a recent interview on Counterpoints. The show also touched on various topics including mental health support, river cruises, and trusted news sources.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    Libertarian comedian Dave Smith and politics streamer Vaush join Counterpoints Fridays for a debate on the Ukraine war.

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    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden,  Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    Episodes of The Today Podcast land every Thursday and watch out for bonus episodes. Subscribe on BBC Sounds to get Amol and Nick's take on the biggest stories of the week, with insights from behind the scenes at the UK's most influential radio news programme. If you would like a question answering, get in touch by sending us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 4346 or email us Today@bbc.co.uk

    The Today Podcast is hosted by Amol Rajan and Nick Robinson, both presenters of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, the UK’s most influential radio news programme. Amol was the BBC’s media editor for six years and is the former editor of the Independent, he’s also the current presenter of University Challenge. Nick has presented the Today programme since 2015, he was the BBC’s political editor for ten years before that and also previously worked as ITV’s political editor.

    The senior producer is Tom Smithard, the producers are Hazel Morgan and Joe Wilkinson. The editor is Louisa Lewis. The executive producer is Owenna Griffiths. Technical production from Ricardo McCarthy and digital production from Elliot Ryder.