
    12/26/23: Norm Finkelstein UNLEASHED On Bill Maher, RFK Jr, Netanyahu

    enDecember 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

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    • The establishment of Israel led to Palestinian displacementIsrael's creation resulted in the expulsion of Palestinians, creating a large refugee population. It's crucial to acknowledge this history for productive dialogue.

      The establishment of the Jewish state of Israel through the Zionist project led to the expulsion or displacement of the indigenous Palestinian population. This was an inherent aspect of Zionist ideology, as acknowledged by Israeli historian Benny Morris. The Palestinian population naturally opposed this prospect, leading to conflict and eventually a war in 1948. The expulsion of the Palestinians resulted in the creation of a large refugee population. Bill Maher's suggestion for Palestinians to "get over it" was met with disagreement, as there is a moral obligation for those not directly affected by a wrong to support rectification efforts. The importance of historical knowledge and understanding was emphasized, as ignorance can hinder productive dialogue.

    • The PLO had accepted a two-state solution before the speaker's birthDespite the PLO's willingness to compromise, Israel invaded Lebanon, resulting in the destruction of the PLO and the deaths of thousands, highlighting the need for historical acknowledgement in peace talks.

      Before the speaker was born, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) had already compromised on the idea of a two-state solution in the region, giving up their claims to 80% of Palestine. This was evident in various negotiations throughout the late 1970s and 1980s, where the Palestinians were willing to make significant compromises regarding the refugee question and the return of Palestinian refugees. Israel, however, was fearful of international pressure and the potential loss of control over the West Bank and Gaza, leading them to fabricate reasons to invade Lebanon and destroy the PLO, which was seen as too moderate. This resulted in the deaths of thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese civilians. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging this historical fact in any discussion or negotiation surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    • Palestinian Civil Revolt during the First IntifadaThe Palestinian Intifada was a courageous civil revolt for self-determination, not a call for genocide. Compromise is more effective from a position of strength.

      During the first Intifada in 1987, Palestinians, in their desperation to end the occupation of their lands, initiated a civil revolt. This was a time when speaking out against Israeli policies was met with accusations of antisemitism, but a new generation, including Brianna and Crystal, was not deterred. The Intifada was a civil revolt, not a call for genocide as some claimed. Living in the region during this time, the speaker witnessed the Palestinian people's courage and resilience despite the fear and danger they faced from both the Israeli army and settlers. In November 1988, Yasser Arafat formally declared the Palestinian state's desire for a two-state solution, which gained global attention and negatively impacted Israel's public relations. The speaker emphasizes that compromise is more likely from a position of strength rather than weakness in politics.

    • Historical context of Israeli-Palestinian conflictThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict's complex history requires understanding power dynamics, international law, and past negotiations to have an informed perspective

      The narrative often presented about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as portrayed by Bill Maher, oversimplifies the complex historical context and the dynamics of power between the two parties. During the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel faced a major PR problem due to the international perception of its military actions. Israel, from a position of strength, proposed the two-state solution at the June 1967 borders. However, the Palestinian civil revolt was repressed brutally, leaving Arafat in a weak position when negotiating the Oslo Accord. The agreement did not result in significant gains for the Palestinians, who were left with a promise of future negotiations. The United Nations General Assembly consistently submits resolutions based on international law, recognizing Israel as a member state and calling for a peaceful resolution with two states on the June 1967 borders. The voting record of these resolutions shows that it is the Palestinians, not Israel, who have been reluctant to compromise. It is essential to understand the historical context and the nuances of the conflict to have an informed perspective.

    • Israeli government under Netanyahu hinders Middle East peaceThe Israeli govt under Netanyahu consistently obstructs peace in the Middle East, aligning with public opinion that has shifted to the far right, making negotiations challenging. US involvement adds complexity.

      The Israeli government, represented by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been a consistent obstacle to peace in the Middle East according to UN votes. Netanyahu's views align closely with Israeli public opinion, which has shifted to the far right, making peace negotiations challenging. The myth that Israelis deeply desire peace may be breaking down as more people become aware of this pattern. For instance, Netanyahu publicly stated that he is proud of blocking a Palestinian state. The US, another key player, has also often opposed peace resolutions. This raises questions about who the real partners for peace are and who has been the primary obstacle to peace in the region.

    • Israeli Political Landscape: Right-Wing Dominance and Controversial LeadersDespite international consensus, Israeli govts reject Palestinian compromise on settlements; Right-wing leaders have controversial pasts; Complexities of Israeli-Palestinian conflict require nuanced understanding

      The Israeli political landscape is dominated by right-wing and ultra-right parties, with no significant left-wing opposition. Netanyahu's rival, Gantz, who is being touted as a more humane alternative, has a controversial past, having overseen the destruction of Gaza during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. Despite the international consensus against Israeli settlements in the West Bank being illegal, no Israeli government has ever considered eliminating them. Contrary to popular belief, it's the Palestinians who have shown a willingness to compromise, offering to let 60% of the settlements remain in place and accepting a small number of refugees returning. However, the Israeli governments have consistently rejected these proposals and the international law. The complexities and nuances of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict require careful attention and understanding.

    • Palestinians open to border adjustments and compromisesDespite being entitled to more, Palestinians were open to compromises based on UN resolutions, but international perception of obstruction hindered progress towards peace.

      During negotiations for peace between Israel and Palestinians, the Palestinians were open to border adjustments and compromises based on UN resolutions, even accepting less than what was legally entitled to them. However, despite their willingness to compromise, the international community, including the United States, Israel, and various international organizations, were perceived as being on the Palestinians' side, according to Bill Maher. This perception, despite the lack of political significance of Hamas at the time, led to the belief that the Palestinians were the obstacle to peace. Yet, the Palestinians were willing to make even more concessions than the UN General Assembly and International Court of Justice mandated. It's important to note that this discussion occurred before the rise of Hamas as a significant political force. The complexities of the situation illustrate the challenges in achieving peace in the region.

    • Israel's unique situation in the Middle EastDespite efforts to avoid civilian casualties, Israel's conflict with Palestinians is complex and has a long history, with Egypt declining control after the 1967 war due to militancy.

      During an interview with RFK Junior, he made several claims regarding the Palestinians and Israel, specifically mentioning that even neighboring Arab states like Egypt didn't want to deal with them. In response, it was discussed that Israel has made significant efforts to avoid civilian casualties during conflicts, and the comparison of civilian deaths in Gaza to other conflicts in the past 25 years shows Israel's unique situation. Furthermore, it was mentioned that after the 1967 war, Israel attempted to return control of Gaza to Egypt, but Egypt declined due to the high level of militancy in the area. These points illustrate the complex history and ongoing issues in the region, and the importance of understanding the perspectives and actions of all parties involved.

    • Bernie's change of heart compared to Garrison'sBoth Bernie and Garrison changed stance on human rights, highlighting the importance of open-mindedness and compassion.

      Bernie's change of heart on an issue can be compared to William Garrison's reversal on granting voting rights to African Americans. Both men were initially criticized for their stance but later recognized their error. In the context of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza, Bernie's unexpected statement about the disproportionate civilian casualties in Gaza led the speaker to reflect on this historical parallel. The speaker's anger towards Robert Kennedy's defense of Israel's actions was palpable, as he highlighted the devastating impact on Gaza's civilian infrastructure and hospitals. Human Rights Watch reports confirm that Israeli attacks on hospitals are unjustified, and the speaker challenged Kennedy's claim that Israel is doing everything possible to minimize civilian casualties. The speaker's impassioned plea for acknowledging the gravity of the situation and the need for accountability underscores the importance of keeping an open mind and being guided by compassion and truth.

    • Israeli actions in Gaza: Indiscriminate attacks or protecting civilians?Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of potential war crimes, including indiscriminate attacks, while Israel maintains efforts to protect civilians. Demographic data suggests indiscriminate targeting, but Israel imposes severe restrictions on essential resources, leading to severe hunger for half of Gaza's population.

      There are conflicting perspectives regarding Israel's actions in Gaza. Human Rights Watch raises concerns over potential war crimes, including indiscriminate attacks and the use of starvation as a weapon, while others argue that Israel goes to great lengths to protect civilians. The demographic breakdown of casualties in Gaza aligns with the population proportions, suggesting indiscriminate targeting. However, Israel has also imposed restrictions on food, fuel, electricity, and water, leading to severe hunger for half of Gaza's population. A senior Israeli official has stated that returning to Gaza would mean finding "scorched earth," suggesting a desire to render the area uninhabitable. These conflicting viewpoints underscore the complexity and sensitivity of the situation.

    • Israel's withdrawal from Gaza didn't end the occupationIsrael maintains control over Gaza's population, resources, and movement, despite no longer directly occupying the territory.

      Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 did not result in the end of the occupation as some claim. Despite Israel no longer controlling the territory directly, they still maintain significant control over the population, resources, and movement in and out of the area. This is evidenced by the fact that Israel banned various goods from entering Gaza and restricted the freedom of movement for its residents. This situation can be compared to Israel encircling a prison and allowing prisoners more freedom within that confined space, but still denying them the ability to leave or bring in certain essentials. Therefore, it's important to critically evaluate information and consider multiple perspectives when forming opinions on complex geopolitical issues.

    • Gaza: Ethnic Cleansing or Humanitarian Crisis?The speaker questions the ethics of assisting in ethnic cleansing in Gaza, advocating for an end to the conflict and holding the US accountable for its role.

      The situation in Gaza is a complex issue with moral dilemmas. In March 2004, the head of Israel's National Security Council described Gaza as a huge concentration camp before the blockade. Egypt, as a sovereign country, has the right to decide who enters its borders but not who leaves. Leaving Gaza means not returning, and Egypt refuses to facilitate Israel's ethnic cleansing. The speaker acknowledges the humanitarian crisis but questions whether it's ethical to assist in ethnic cleansing. He prefers demanding an end to the genocide rather than opening borders. Professor Chomsky emphasizes that the US, as a significant contributor to the situation, bears responsibility. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the US President could end the conflict if they chose to do so.

    • US influence on Israeli-Palestinian conflictThe US has a significant impact on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict due to its influence and the heavy reliance of Israeli society on US support. Historical context and complexities are crucial for informed decision-making regarding this issue.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be solved without the involvement of the United States. The US has significant influence over the situation, and its actions or inactions can have a profound impact. During the discussion, it became clear that the Israeli society relies heavily on the US for support, and any shift in US policy could have major consequences. Additionally, the use of white flags by civilians during conflict has been a longstanding issue, with Human Rights Watch reporting on such incidents as early as 2009. Despite the shock and outrage over recent killings of civilians carrying white flags, this is not a new phenomenon. It's essential to understand the historical context and the complexities of the conflict to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions.

    • Soldiers describe Gaza destruction as indiscriminate and extensiveSoldiers used descriptive terms to detail the extensive destruction in Gaza, emphasizing the use of excessive force and elimination of all signs of life, with a detached and normalizing tone.

      That the soldiers described the destruction in Gaza as extensive and indiscriminate, with a focus on the use of immense firepower and explosives. They used terms like "insane," "real trip," and "total destruction" to describe the scene. The soldiers also mentioned that the level of destruction went beyond what was necessary, with the explicit goal being to eliminate all signs of life in the area. This perspective was emphasized by the statement that "this wasn't because of October 7th, but about extirpating every blade of grass in Gaza." The conversation also touched upon the desensitization to violence and destruction, with soldiers comparing the experience to a computer game or a fireworks display. The overall tone conveyed a sense of detachment and normalization of extreme violence.

    • A historical record of injustices in GazaThe speaker's 15-year research on Gaza's injustices resulted in a book, not for financial gain but as a record for future generations.

      Recommendation of a book by the speaker, which provides a historical perspective on the situation in Gaza. The book, which is the result of the speaker's 15-year research, is not promoted for financial gain but for its educational value. The speaker draws a parallel with Helen Hunt Jackson's "A Century of Dishonor," which chronicled the treatment of Native Americans in the United States. The speaker expresses hope that future generations will find the book and be shocked by the injustices inflicted on the people of Gaza. The book was written with the belief that it may not sell many copies but serves as a record for future generations. The speaker's perspective changed when the situation in Gaza became relevant again, and they saw the potential impact of their research.

    • Historical accuracy matters for peace and understandingHistorian Norman Finkelstein emphasized the importance of humility, listening, and accurate historical knowledge for resolving conflicts and promoting peace and understanding.

      Getting the facts straight about history is crucial for resolving conflicts and promoting understanding. The importance of humility and listening in discussions was also emphasized. Historian Norman Finkelstein highlighted the difference between interlocutors who display humility and those who exhibit arrogance and ignorance. He appreciated the humility shown by female commentators and found their questions insightful. The past, with all its complexities and inaccuracies, shapes the present and future, making it essential to strive for accurate knowledge.

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    The war in Gaza has escalated. The UK, US and allies have attacked Houthi militia in Yemen, who themselves have been attacking Western shipping routes in the Red Sea. Meanwhile, on Thursday South Africa took Israel to court, in the ICJ, the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

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    In this episode Lewis asks whether the case is credible and what might happen if Israel loses. He also talks in an extended interview to Eylon Levy, the ubiquitous spokesman for the Israel government to ask him when the war might end and how Israel can continue to justify the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Laura FitzPatrick

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

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