
    12/5/23: Kamala Screws Gaza Future Day One, Israel May Cost Biden 2024, Israeli Stocks Shorted Before Oct 7, Life Expectancy Crisis, Lindsey Flips On Ukraine, Biden Spox Caught Lying On Israel, And Ro Khanna Calls Out Biden

    enDecember 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Save money and upgrade experiencesRefresh home and wardrobe with dd's discounts, get child-priced Disney tickets, save on wireless with Consumer Cellular, support independent news, and read 'The Squad' for political insights

      There are various ways to save money and upgrade experiences this season. At dd's discounts, refresh your home and wardrobe with great deals on dresses, sandals, throw pillows, and scented candles. For a more magical and affordable Walt Disney World vacation, buy adult theme park tickets at child prices from undercover tourists and link to official apps for added perks. Meanwhile, if you're looking for cost-effective wireless service, Consumer Cellular offers the same coverage as leading carriers at up to half the cost. Additionally, support independent news coverage by subscribing to Breaking Points and learning about critical issues, such as the ongoing situation in Israel and rising health concerns in America. Lastly, Ryan Grim's new book, "The Squad, AOC, and the Hope of a Political Revolution," provides valuable insights into domestic politics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    • US leads efforts for Gaza post-war governance amid civilian deathsDespite international pressure for a targeted approach, Israel's ground invasion in Gaza results in over 700 civilian deaths, raising concerns about US-led post-war governance plan's feasibility and acceptance in the region.

      The ground invasion in the southern part of Gaza is beginning more quickly than previous conflicts, despite international pressure for a more targeted approach with less civilian deaths. This comes as US officials, including Vice President Kamala Harris, are now leading efforts for post-war governance in Gaza, raising concerns about the feasibility and acceptance of such a plan in the region. The bombing campaign in the south, among an even more densely packed civilian population, has already resulted in over 700 civilian deaths, and there is no evidence of a change in Israel's approach. Kamala Harris and her team are now spearheading the Palestinian authority plan for Gaza, a position that some view as misguided and potentially setting her up for failure.

    • Vice President Harris's handling of Israel-Palestine conflict raises concernsDespite her position, Harris's lack of knowledge and limited influence hampers U.S. representation and outcome in Israel-Palestine conflict, increasing likelihood of prolonged conflict.

      Vice President Kamala Harris's handling of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine raises concerns about her ability to effectively represent U.S. interests and influence the outcome of the situation. Her lack of knowledge on basic details and the administration's position, as well as her inability to threaten aid or diplomatic cover, limits her impact. The situation is further complicated by the unattractive options for governing Gaza once the war ends, and the potential for diplomatic nightmares and wasted political capital if the U.S. becomes involved. The Israeli government's clear end goal and Harris's amateur level of knowledge increase the likelihood of decades-long conflict, reminiscent of the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    • Israeli military campaign in Gaza increasing Hamas supportThe Israeli military campaign in Gaza is inadvertently increasing Hamas support among Palestinians, making a peaceful resolution more difficult. The US's efforts to strengthen the Palestinian Authority and take the lead in resolving the conflict are also facing challenges due to the Authority's lack of legitimacy and Hamas's growing influence.

      The current Israeli military campaign in Gaza, aimed at eliminating Hamas, is having the opposite effect and increasing support for the militant group among Palestinians, both in Gaza and the West Bank. The US's plan to strengthen the Palestinian Authority and give them control of the Gaza Strip is also unlikely to be successful due to the Authority's lack of legitimacy among the Palestinian population. The tactics of the Israeli military, which aim to create a "shock" among civilians, have historically led to increased support for the government in power. The situation is particularly concerning as Hamas's support in the West Bank is on the rise, indicating potential future problems. The US's embrace of the idea that it should take the lead in resolving the conflict is also problematic. It's important to recognize that a just peace, including a two-state solution, is the only viable solution to address the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people and bring an end to the suffering.

    • Discrepancy between officials' claims and reality on ground for Palestinians in GazaOfficials' claims of aid and shelter for Palestinians in Gaza contradict reality, raising concerns about capacity to accommodate population

      There is a significant discrepancy between what officials are stating regarding the availability of aid and shelter for Palestinians in Gaza, and the actual conditions on the ground. A speaker claimed that shelters had been created in the Muasi area for Palestinians, but footage from the location revealed a desolate wasteland with no aid or infrastructure in sight. Furthermore, the size of the designated area raises serious questions about its capacity to accommodate the large population of Gaza. Mainstream media outlets and even government spokespersons have begun to acknowledge the absurdity of these claims, highlighting the ongoing crisis and the potential for even greater catastrophes as people are forced to live in increasingly densely populated areas.

    • Generational and political divides in American views on Israeli military actions in GazaYounger adults and Democrats are more critical of Israeli military actions in Gaza than older adults and Republicans, which could impact the 2022 elections and broader political landscape. Additionally, there's a retirement product called Parity Flex Annuity that offers financial flexibility and security for women.

      There are significant generational and political divides when it comes to American views on Israeli military actions in Gaza. According to recent Gallup polling, younger adults and Democrats are more critical of these actions than older adults and Republicans. This divide is particularly notable in the context of the ongoing conflict and the current political climate, with young people and people of color being underrepresented in the government and feeling contempt from some quarters for expressing their views. These trends could have implications for the 2022 elections and the broader political landscape. Additionally, there is a retirement product called Parity Flex Annuity, which is designed to provide financial flexibility and security. It's an example of a commitment to creating a better financial future for women. If you're interested in learning more, please visit gainbridge.io/parityflex for current rates, full product disclosures, and other important information.

    • Muslim Voters in Swing States Could Impact 2024 Election OutcomeMuslim discontent with Biden's policies, specifically Israel and foreign aid, could lead to a shift in votes towards Trump or other alternatives, potentially surprising the political landscape.

      The Muslim community, particularly in key swing states, could significantly impact the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. Their discontent with President Biden's policies, specifically regarding Israel and foreign aid, could lead to a shift in votes that could potentially result in a Trump victory. This discontent is not limited to those who would vote for Trump; instead, many are considering other options. The Biden administration and Democratic Party seem to be underestimating this potential groundswell of outrage, which could lead to a significant surprise in the election. Voters, especially younger ones, are growing tired of being pressured to choose between two unsatisfactory options and are looking for alternatives. It's essential for political analysts and party leaders to take this seriously and address the concerns of these voters rather than trying to shame them into supporting a candidate they're not fully behind.

    • Unusual short selling activity against Israeli shares before October 7th, 2020 massacreSignificant short selling occurred against Israeli shares before the October 7th, 2020 massacre, generating over $1 billion in financial gains. The identities of the parties involved remain unknown, sparking concerns of insider trading and the need for market transparency and regulation.

      There were significant and unusual amounts of short selling against Israeli shares in the days leading up to October 7th, 2020, with the volume and short ratio being in the top percentiles compared to other periods of crisis. The financial gains from these bets amounted to over $1 billion. The identity of the parties involved in these transactions remains unknown, with speculation suggesting it could have been Hamas or other entities with advanced knowledge of the October 7th massacre. This phenomenon, referred to in a paper titled "Trading on Terror," raises questions about insider trading and the potential for financial gains from geopolitical events. The implications of these findings are far-reaching, highlighting the need for transparency and regulation in financial markets.

    • Evidence of insider trading before 2014 Gaza conflictAn academic paper identified unusual short selling activity in Israeli stocks before the 2014 Gaza conflict, raising questions about insider trading and legality.

      There is evidence suggesting that individuals with insider knowledge of impending terrorist attacks may have profited significantly from short selling Israeli stocks before the 2014 Gaza conflict. This is based on an academic paper that identified unusual trading activity in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, specifically in the case of one company where over $4 billion in new shares were sold short within a two-week period. The timing of these trades, coupled with intelligence reports indicating the certainty of the attacks, points to a high level of confidence in this insider information. The legality of profiting from such knowledge is questionable, and if these trades involved US securities, it would warrant a thorough investigation. The fact that Israeli intelligence had detailed knowledge of Hamas' plans and warned of an imminent attack, but were dismissed, adds another layer of complexity to this issue.

    • Decline in US Life Expectancy: Suicides, Chronic Illness, and Drug OverdosesThe US experienced a significant decline in life expectancy in 2022, with record-high suicides, chronic illness, and drug overdoses contributing to the trend. Older people, particularly old men, have seen the most alarming increase in suicides. Efforts to address root causes and promote interventions for living, not just surviving, are essential.

      The United States is experiencing a significant decline in life expectancy, with 2022 data showing a rebound but still leaving the country behind its peak in 2014. The decline is due to chronic illness, drug overdose, and suicide, with the suicide rate reaching the highest per capita since 1941, during the tail end of the Great Depression. The number of suicides also hit a record high, with over 50,000 people losing their lives to suicide alone in 2022. The most alarming trend is the increase in suicides among older people, particularly old men, which is heartbreaking and requires urgent attention. While there have been some encouraging signs with a decrease in suicide rates among young people, more needs to be done to address the root causes of these deaths of despair. It's crucial for society to focus on interventions that can help people live, not just survive.

    • A Crisis in Health and Life Expectancy in the USThe US faces a health crisis with disparities among racial groups and states, caused by lack of healthcare access, chronic illness, poverty, obesity, and worsened by COVID-19. Suicide rates, particularly among older men, have also increased.

      The United States is facing a crisis in health and life expectancy, with significant disparities among racial groups and certain states. Factors contributing to this include a lack of access to healthcare, chronic illness, poverty, and high rates of obesity. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these issues, leading to a higher mortality rate compared to other wealthy nations. The suicide rate, particularly among older men, has also increased, with Canada experiencing similar trends through assisted suicide. These issues are complex and multifaceted, with underlying metaphysical conditions and structural problems within the US contributing to the crisis. Despite the gravity of these issues, there has been a lack of comprehensive coverage and discussion in mainstream media.

    • Addressing challenges in retirement security and international relationsWomen face retirement security concerns, economic instability impacts various sectors, and effective communication and financial flexibility are crucial in addressing challenges in retirement security and international relations.

      Despite promising metrics in certain areas, there are significant challenges that need addressing, particularly in the realm of financial security and international relations. For women, retirement security is a major concern, and Gainbridge's parity flex annuity offers a solution with flexible withdrawals and a guaranteed lifetime income benefit. However, economic instability continues to impact various sectors, such as the Walt Disney World attendance and wireless service pricing. In Washington, negotiations over Ukraine aid and border security have hit a stalemate, with key figures admitting that things are not going well. Lindsey Graham's stance on Ukraine aid being contingent on border security highlights the political divide on the issue. These situations underscore the importance of financial flexibility, security, and effective communication in overcoming challenges and creating a better future for all.

    • Ukraine's early successes in the war gave it leverage in negotiations with RussiaDespite US military advice, Ukraine's military leadership's arrogance and incompetence led to significant losses, raising questions about the effectiveness of foreign military aid

      The negotiation dynamics between Ukraine and Russia were significantly influenced by Ukraine's early successes in the war and Russia's underperformance, which put Ukraine in a stronger position. However, the current discussion revolves around a controversial package that includes border security, Israel, and Ukraine funding. Each component of this package is contentious, and bundling them together can obscure their individual complexities. The investigation into the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive revealed that the US military's advice to conserve resources and employ Western military equipment effectively was disregarded, resulting in significant losses. The Ukrainian military leadership's arrogance and incompetence also contributed to these losses. The US has a history of unsuccessfully training and equipping foreign militaries, and the billions of dollars invested in Ukraine's conflict raise questions about the effectiveness of this approach.

    • US military support for Ukraine: A costly and uncertain strategyThe US policy of supporting Ukraine militarily has led to significant loss of lives and resources, without a clear strategic objective. The Ukrainian leadership's incompetence and untrustworthiness have complicated matters, and the ongoing conflict is marked by shifting blame and misinformation.

      The situation in Ukraine has deteriorated significantly, and the US policy of supporting Ukraine militarily has led to the loss of countless lives and resources, without achieving a clear strategic objective. The Ukrainian leadership has been deemed untrustworthy and incompetent, leading to a disastrous counter-offensive. The US encouraged Ukraine to reject peace deals and instead focused on degrading the Russian military, but this has come at a great cost to Ukrainian lives and morale. The ongoing conflict has been characterized by shifting blame and misinformation from both US and Ukrainian officials. The recent reports revealing the true nature of the US involvement in the war highlight the complex and contentious dynamics behind the scenes. Ultimately, the question remains whether the massive financial and military support for Ukraine is a defensible policy, or if it is merely prolonging a disastrous conflict.

    • Ukraine Conflict: Corruption, Lies, and Misallocated AidThe Ukraine conflict is marked by corruption, false narratives, and misallocated aid, resulting in a catastrophic failure of diplomacy and oversight, with devastating consequences for troops on the ground and potential global implications due to the use of advanced technology in warfare

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has been marred by corruption, lies, and the misallocation of billions of dollars in aid. Former military officials and organizations have perpetuated false narratives to keep the money flowing, while Ukraine remains one of the most corrupt nations in the world. The troops on the ground are suffering, and the situation has only worsened since Russia's hardened position. The West, particularly the United States, bears significant responsibility for this catastrophic failure, as the conflict could have been avoided or mitigated with better oversight and diplomacy. Furthermore, the use of inexpensive drones in the conflict is a worrying sign of how technology is leveling the playing field in modern warfare, with potentially devastating consequences for troops abroad.

    • Be cautious with financial information and verify facts before spreading themApproach financial information with caution, avoid spreading unverified news, and ensure facts are from trusted sources.

      While there are promises of financial security through products like the parity flex annuity, it's important to approach all financial information with caution and transparency. In the news world, trust is crucial, and misinformation can have serious consequences. In the recent news regarding the ceasefire and alleged hostages, State Department spokesperson Matt Miller made inflammatory claims without evidence, which were later retracted. It's crucial to be sensitive to the facts and avoid spreading unverified information, no matter the source. At Gainbridge, they're committed to creating a better financial future for women, offering flexibility and security through their retirement income solutions. Meanwhile, at The Economist, readers trust the expert analysis and in-depth reporting on a wide range of topics. And at Walt Disney World, visitors can save money by purchasing adult theme park tickets at child prices from undercover tourists, making their vacation more affordable. But remember, it's essential to verify information and ensure it's coming from a trusted source before spreading it.

    • Government officials should ensure accuracy in statements, especially sensitive onesFalse claims by gov't officials can cause distress, fuel propaganda, and escalate tensions. It's crucial to base statements on factual evidence.

      US government officials should ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of their statements, especially when they concern sensitive and potentially inflammatory issues. The recent incident involving a State Department spokesperson's unfounded claim about rapes committed by Hamas against Israeli hostages is a prime example of the serious consequences of speculation and misinformation. Such claims can cause distress and despair for families of the affected individuals, and they can also be used to fuel propaganda and escalate tensions. It's crucial for government officials to base their statements on factual evidence and to acknowledge when they lack sufficient information. The spread of false information can have long-lasting and damaging effects, and it's important for journalists and the public to hold officials accountable for their words. The recent history of inaccurate claims made during the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas highlights the importance of fact-checking and verifying information before it's shared with the public.

    • False Claims Spread During Israel-Hamas ConflictDuring the Israel-Hamas conflict in October 2021, numerous false claims were spread about atrocities committed by both sides. It's crucial to maintain truth and accuracy in reporting events and question the validity of information.

      During the conflict between Israel and Hamas in October 2021, there were numerous false claims spread about the atrocities committed by both sides. Some of these claims included the beheading, burning, and execution of children, a pregnant woman having her baby cut out and stabbed, and a 5-month-old baby being a doll. However, these claims were debunked, and it was revealed that they were intentionally embellished or outright fabricated. This misinformation was used to justify responses and policies, but it's important to maintain truth and accuracy in reporting events. Both the Israeli and American governments were caught in multiple lies, and it's crucial to question the validity of information and demand evidence for every claim made. The downplaying of civilian deaths and spreading of conspiracy theories were also prevalent during this conflict. It's essential to be clear about what we ingest, spread, and accept as fact, and to question the governments' statements, as they have a tendency to fold on the truth.

    • Financial security and flexibility for women in retirementCambridge's Parity Flex Annuity ensures women have guaranteed lifetime income and flexible withdrawals during retirement, providing financial security and flexibility to cover unexpected expenses

      Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity offers women financial security and flexibility during retirement, with guaranteed lifetime income and flexible withdrawals to cover unexpected expenses. The Economist provides trusted news and expert analysis on various topics. Ro Khanna advocates for enforcing the Leahy law, which requires US military aid recipients to uphold human rights and international law standards. A permanent ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine conflict is a complex issue, with some arguing it could help Hamas regroup, while others believe it's an unachievable goal without massive civilian casualties. The next steps in the conflict resolution process should involve diverse Palestinian factions at the negotiation table, recognizing Israel's right to exist and renouncing violence.

    • Biden administration's handling of Israel-Palestine conflict debatedCritics argue Biden admin should've condemned Israel's Gaza bombing strongly, called for surgical approach, and recognized Palestinian lives' value to deescalate tensions and prevent further violence.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine requires a permanent ceasefire to deescalate tensions and prevent further violence. The Biden administration's handling of the situation has been a subject of debate, with some critics arguing that the administration should have condemned Israel's bombing of Gaza more strongly and called for a more surgical approach. There is concern that the administration's perceived lack of empathy for Palestinian lives may be driving anger and disillusionment among young people, progressives, and minority communities in the US. Additionally, the ongoing attacks on US forces in the Middle East are seen as a contributing factor to the escalating conflict, and there is a need for a diplomatic solution to end the bombing and release all hostages. The recent House resolution equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism has been met with criticism, as it could stifle legitimate criticism of Israeli policies. Overall, there is a growing sentiment among some politicians for a more even-handed approach to the conflict that recognizes the dignity and value of all human lives involved.

    • US Presidents' Role in International ConflictsUS Presidents have the power to influence international conflicts, demonstrated by Biden's intervention in Gaza, and listeners were encouraged to adopt a strong financial mindset and self-belief.

      American policy makers have significant influence over international conflicts, as demonstrated by the recent ceasefire in the Gaza war. The discussion highlighted how President Biden's intervention led to the end of hostilities, and previous instances of US presidents exerting similar power. Moreover, the humanitarian situation and temporary ceasefire in Gaza provided hope for a diplomatic solution. Meanwhile, in a different context, the importance of financial mindset and self-belief was emphasized, with State Farm and DJ Ramos encouraging listeners to demand what they're worth and set financial goals. The Economist was also touted as a trusted news source for in-depth analysis on various topics.

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

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    Zelensky's Plea To Congress

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.