
    About this Episode

    This week’s episode features the host of the Getting Married Multiculturally Podcast, Edit Vasadi. Edit was born in Serbia, grew up in Hungary, went to university in Italy and now lives with her American husband and children in the United States. In this interview, Edit details her upbringing, how she met her husband, her US immigration experience and the ups and downs of life as a multicultural couple. Edit doesn’t shy away from hard topics. You’ll hear her open up about what led her and her husband to the brink of divorce, how they managed to rekindle their relationship and start down a new path. You won’t want to miss this one!

    *Check out Edit's website:www.editvasadi.com

    *Find her on Instagram: @editvasadi


    Recent Episodes from Love Beyond Borders: Immigration Stories

    24. Queren - Growing Up Undocumented in the US

    24. Queren - Growing Up Undocumented in the US

    Queren left her home in Mexico and moved with her mom, dad and brother to the United States at a young age. She didn't realize the full gravity of her status in the US until she was a bit older and started to see some of the consequences. She went through some very dark times, like when her father and brother were detained at the border and deported, and when she was unable to attend her father's funeral in Mexico.

    Queren is now a US Citizen, but she's still dealing with the psychological effects of spending so many years living in fear due to her status. Tune in to this episode to hear Queren tell her powerful story.

    *Check out Queren's Instagram: @querenking

    23. Patty - Detained, Deported & Denied

    23. Patty - Detained, Deported & Denied

    Patty and her family have been through a lot. Her husband Joel was detained and held for two months in ICE custody before being deported to his native country, El Salvador. Together Patty and Joel have two small children who are now missing their father. Listen in to this episode to hear Patty explain what it was like to see her husband detained right in front of her, to learn what it was like for Joel in the detention center and to hear her talk about the devastating effects family separation has had on her family. 

    21. Kate & Val - Finances for Multicultural Couples

    21. Kate & Val - Finances for Multicultural Couples

    Kate and Val are dedicated to teaching multicultural couples how to manage their money in order to build their American or Canadian dream. Finances can be a very complicated topic for any couple, but maybe even more so for multicultural couples. Countries and cultures around the world view money differently, so it's no wonder it can become a stressor in relationships.

    In this episode, you'll hear some great advice from Kate and Val about having a common vision as a couple, creating short and long term financial goals, how to responsibly help family abroad, what to do with feelings of guilt around money, and introducing finances to your children.

    This interview is jam-packed with helpful information you won't want to miss, so be sure to tune in!

    *Visit their website: www.kateandvalfavstov.com

    *Check out their Instagram: @kateandval

    *Facebook: www.facebook.com/KATEandVAL

    *Youtube: Kate and Val Favstov

    20. Sadhana - DACA: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

    20. Sadhana - DACA: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

    Sadhana grew up knowing she was undocumented. She moved to the US with her family from Guyana at the age of thirteen. Her status kept her from accomplishing many of her goals, like getting her driver's license and going to college, but that all changed when DACA was introduced. DACA opened up doors for Sadhana but it wasn't a permanent solution. Especially after the 2016 election and the threat to end DACA from the new administration. Tune in to find out the brave decision Sadhana and her husband made to free themselves from the weight of living undocumented in the United States. I hope this conversation will shed light on a topic that is often in the news but still misunderstood by many. 

    *Listen to the Above Status Podcast

    *Check out Above Status on Instagram: @abovestatus

    *Check out Sadhana's Instagram: @mysinghlove

    19. Katie - A Culture Apiece

    19. Katie - A Culture Apiece

    Katie is from the US and her husband Markus is from Austria. In this episode, you'll hear how they've navigated life in two countries, two cultures, two languages, with two families and two weddings! Katie talks about their differences and how they've been able to work together to better understand one another. She shares the importance of having family who appreciate their cultural differences. She tells us how she managed homesickness and what it's like to live as a digital nomad! This is a fun, light-hearted episode that you won't want to miss!

    *Visit Katie's Blog: http://acultureapiece.com/

    *Check out her Instagram: @acultureapiece

    18. Stacy - Facing Family Separation

    18. Stacy - Facing Family Separation

    Stacy is a US Citizen but her husband is undocumented. Together they are raising five US Citizen children. In this interview, Stacy shares the heartbreaking ordeal her family is facing. Her husband is in removal proceedings and may very likely be deported to Mexico. Stacy and her family must make a gut-wrenching decision: Uproot their lives and move to Mexico to keep their family together or remain in the US and face long term, possibly permanent family separation. This is a decision she wishes no family had to make.

    Listen in as Stacy details the complex immigration process they've gone through thus far, including the I-130 and the I-601A Hardship Waiver. She'll also talk about the 10 year, 20 year and life time bans that can destroy the lives of immigrants and their families. This is an episode you can't afford to miss, as this very same situation is happening to families across our nation.

    Our Story - Part Three (Rebroadcast)

    Our Story - Part Three (Rebroadcast)

    Hey guys! Tiago and I are in Brazil visiting family for a few weeks. While I'm gone I thought I'd rebroadcast the very first episodes of Love Beyond Borders. (I'll be back with new episodes in January) Episodes one, two and three are all about our immigration story.

    Today you'll hear the dramatic conclusion of our three part immigration story. Find out what happens with our I-601 Waiver for Grounds of Inadmissibility and whether or not we are able to move home to the US. 

    Our Story - Part Two (Rebroadcast)

    Our Story - Part Two (Rebroadcast)

    Hey guys! Tiago and I are in Brazil visiting family for a few weeks. While I'm gone I thought I'd rebroadcast the very first episodes of Love Beyond Borders. (I'll be back with new episodes in January) Episodes one, two and three are all about our immigration story.

    Today you'll hear part two of our three part immigration story. By now you know the tragic outcome of our K1 Fiancé Visa process. Stay tuned hear about my move to Brazil and the next steps in our immigration journey, including an I130 Petition for Alien Relative Visa and an I601 Waiver for Grounds of Inadmissibility. It has only just begun...

    Our Story - Part One (Rebroadcast)

    Our Story - Part One (Rebroadcast)

    Hey guys! Tiago and I are in Brazil visiting family for a few weeks. While I'm gone I thought I'd rebroadcast the very first episodes of Love Beyond Borders. (I'll be back with new episodes in January) Episodes one, two and three are all about our immigration story. My Brazilian husband and I navigated the complex and unforgiving US immigration system for over five years. Stay tuned to find out how we met, fell in love and the path we took to be together forever. It included the K1 fiancé visa - yes, the one from that show 90 Day Fiancé! We had no idea what we were getting into...