
    (127) Steadiness in the Waiting

    enOctober 12, 2023

    About this Episode

    Are you in a season of waiting?

    Are you wondering if things will ever change?

    Waiting is NOT a bad thing. It's an experience all humans go through. You haven’t been singled out and other people’s lives are not better than yours.

    On this episode, Kate shares 3 ways to thrive in a season of waiting or uncertainty. Whatever you're currently weathering, this episode will support you. 

    Join my totally FREE 5 day e-course: Daily Life Hacks for Moms. Every day for 5 days you'll get an email with a short audio guide with easy, actionable steps to conquer the chaos and create an incredible future for you and your family. Designed to be downloadable and squeezed into the busyness of your day; mom life approved.

    Find me on Instagram

    Or take a peek around my website, find other free resources and ways to coach with me. 


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    But that takes knowing what yours is, both in motherhood AND business. 

    Ready to join my new FREE community for mom entrepreneurs? 

    Head here to sign up now. 

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    Ready to be part of the Club? Head here to join the Present + Profitable Mompreneurs Club.

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    Head to www.happierinmotherhood.com/the-podcast/138 for the full show notes. 

    Explore mental health support for moms with Prospera: https://prosperamhw.com

    Find Andrea on Instagram: www.instagram.com/drandreaniles

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    Desire Kate's level of productivity and positivity? You need Magic Mind. If you’re ready to feel happier and more productive in motherhood and business, head to https://www.magicmind.com/JANfullyinit to get your 3rd month free. This special is just for January so make sure you leap on the 3rd month free deal right away. Or You can also use my discount code FULLYINIT20 to get up to 56% off your first subscription or 20% off your first one time purchase.


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    To register for the Side Hustle to Full-Time Freedom Virtual Summit taking place January 15th-19th and hear Kate's talk "Time Hacking Secrets to Successfully Lead in Business and Homeschooling" head here: https://www.raehuck.com/a/2147751732/xzgNDb4U

    Ready to try Magic Mind, Kate's new fave productivity drink, and feel happier and calmer daily as a mom? Head to https://www.magicmind.com/JANfullyinit to get your 3rd month free. Or You can also use the discount code FULLYINIT20 to get up to 56% off your first subscription or 20% off your first one time purchase.

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    If you're currently struggling with mental focus and brain clarity, give Magic Mind, the productivity shot, a try. It’s a total game changer for us moms who are trying to do all the things daily. In January only, you can get 1 month free, when you subscribe for 3 months.

    Head to https://www.magicmind.com/JANfullyinit to get your 3rd month free. Or you can also use my discount code FULLYINIT20 to get up to 56% off your first subscription or 20% off your first one time purchase.

    Want to connect with Kate? Follow her on Instagram and Facebook

    Curious what coaching with Kate is all about? Head here to learn more about ways to work with Kate. 

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    Kate's current fave productivity hack? Drinking Magic Mind before getting to work for the day to experience greater brain clarity, energy, and focus. If you’re a busy entrepreneur mom like Kate who is trying to get all the things done daily, we totally recommend you try it. You can get it at:


    Use Kate's code FULLYINIT20 to also get up to 56% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase and make 2024 your most productive year in home and business yet. 

    Love the episode?

    Share it on social media and tag Kate @happierinmotherhood.

    Ready to join Kate's community of entrepreneur moms growing profitable businesses while prioritizing family life? Head here to learn more about Expand Mentoring Membership and apply. 

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    Want to feel more confident selling and running your business? Ready for a simple, mom-friendly strategy and a community of other mom entrepreneurs who will haved your back? Join the waitlist for Expand Mentoring Membership for Moms in Business: a yearlong program with weekly coaching calls and everything you need to create more profit in less time. Head here to learn more and put your name on the waitlist to be notified when doors re-open. 


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    Access Kate's branad new and free training: 

    It's only available for two weeks (until November 22nd, 2024) and then it will be gone. Don't miss out!