
    13: Embracing Discipleship in Your Home: Shifting Mindsets & Prioritizing Your Family's Spiritual Restoration

    enAugust 02, 2023

    About this Episode

    Raising children in this day and age is not joke. The enemy is terrified that your family will align with the will of the Lord. Why is he so afraid of that? Because the Lord is raising up his standard against the enemy coming in like a flood! So, let's talk healing, deliverance and restoration for your family. This is priority, so that you can live your life as an example of how the Lord calls us to live. So your children have examples to follow. It is not easy. This strategy means death to the flesh. It means an exit strategy from the world systems. It means, leaning on the Lord for wisdom, direction and His strength. You are gonna need a battle strategy blueprint! Don't worry, that's what we are talking about in this episode.

    If you are looking to access a free 30 min. strategy call with me, more info on the Spirit Warrior Academy, or coaching intensives or if you are passionate to be a guest on this podcast, check us out here

    Recent Episodes from Kingdom Academy

    39: The Honey Tribe Origin Story: Your Invitation to Share Your Message, Voice & Purpose

    39: The Honey Tribe Origin Story: Your Invitation to Share Your Message, Voice & Purpose

    The Honey Tribe is one of our new offers! I'm so excited to share with you how this vision was birthed and how it can help you launch your Kingdom MVP, or as you might know it, your message, voice and purpose.

     Podcasting is a great way to get your message out there, strengthen and embolden your voice, and learn how to grow a platform that can help you and your ministry and business monetize so that you can multiply!

    I was fascinated by what the Lord revealed to me in scripture about honey and I also share my testimony about how the Lord opened doors for me to move me to a new land, and to find the HONEY in the land, according to a word that was shared with me four years previously. 

    You can check out more  HERE @The Honey Tribe if you are ready to step into the vision that has been dripping from your lips like honey from the rock. 

    38: Surviving the Christian Narcissist: With Naghmeh Panahi

    38: Surviving the Christian Narcissist: With Naghmeh Panahi

    If you are a woman or even a man who has endured the abuse of a narcissist, or as the scripture calls them, a Jezebel, then this episode is for you. If you know someone who has endured this, and you aren't sure how to help them, please listen. 

     Our guest in this episode is Naghmeh Panahi, the daughter of the Most High King, our sister in the Lord, and the author of her recently released book: I Didn't Survive, which you can get HERE on amazon. Be sure to check out her book, whether you choose to read it, or listen on audible, to hear the whole story. 

    In this episode we will be discussing many aspects of what the book reveals, and how many other women are surviving, enduring and how the Lord is able to bring us ALL through it. 

    It's difficult to be seen in a certain light, to be heard with a certain voice, and to be identified with a certain image, all the while, you are screaming inside for someone to hear you, see you, help you. And all anyone can see, is what the perpetrator is projecting, as well as what you have been conditioned and groomed to project about them. 

    The most dangerous narcissists of all are the "Christian" Narcissists. The ones who project a righteous image. The ones who use the Word of God as a weapon in secret, and weild it as a shining beacon on their own well cutivated image. 

    Naghemeh can also be found on IG. 

    If you want her links, be sure to her links here as well as our other guests, at the Parenting & Business Toolbox

    37: Amber Olafsson & Dianne Wyper: Equipping Women for Spiritual Warfare and Identity Transformation

    37: Amber Olafsson & Dianne Wyper: Equipping Women for Spiritual Warfare and Identity Transformation

    Wow, this episode was difficult to name because there are so many amazing things we discussed. 

    Amber Olafsson, the founder of United House Ministries, and Dianne Wyper the founder of When Gathered, share about their ministries and outreach to women in the body of Christ, through worship, their powerful Armor Up Fellowship and Study, a Christian womens publishing company and so much more! 

    Join us to hear the hearts of the bride of Christ and learn how you can join in, get connected and even find out where to get your book published if so called in that direction. 


    All the links for this show will be posted in our Parenting and Business Toolbox, be sure to check them out to connect!

    36: Scott Schara: Exposing The Spiritual Enemy In the Medical Murder Agenda

    36: Scott Schara: Exposing The Spiritual Enemy In the Medical Murder Agenda

    This episode is about much more than exposing medical murder. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, and so this episode is about exposing the spiritual enemy in the physical realm. 

    Our guest Scott Schara is a nationally recognized expert commentator on the medical murder agenda in America, and the dangers of incentivized healthcare. Scott's research proves that this proactice of medical murder is intentional and by design. The father of Grace Schara, a 10-year-old with Down Syndrome who was killed by St. Elizabeth's Hospital (Ascension Health), Scott is on a mission to spotlight the crimes of the American medical system. He has shared his insights, research, and personal story thorugh hundreds of television, radio, and podcast appearances, and alos hosts his own show, "Deprogramming With Graces Dad" which can be found on Rumble and all major podcast platforms. HIs landmark lawsuit in the murder of his daughter, Scott Scara v. Ascension Health is underway in Wisconsin Circuit Court. 

    Check out our Parenting & Business Toolbox to get access to all Scott Schara's links and how you can help and connect with him and his ministry. 

    35: Kristy Whittington: How We Can Agree & Stand Fast in the Midst of the Battle

    35: Kristy Whittington: How We Can Agree & Stand Fast in the Midst of the Battle

    What does it mean to stand in faith?

    Kristy Whittington is a passionate speaker and advocate for sharing her faith and talking about Jesus. Her heart's desire is to see the children of God walking in the fullness of their salvation. She is known for her beleif in stepping out in faith and witnessing the powerful moves of God in her life. If you haven't yet learned the power of your tongue, this is the episode, or if you need a refresher!

     Kristy's unique persoective and stong faith will encourage us as we raise up our swords of the Spirit and lift up our battle cries. 

    Get ready to be refreshed and encouraged, this episiode will reignite your faith!

    Kristy works with United House Ministries. 


    34: Tailored Support For Your Homeschool Family's Needs

    34: Tailored Support For Your Homeschool Family's Needs

    Ever wondered if homeschooling your child will be a good idea or not? Hear the journey of a homeschooler who believes that homeschooling helped shaped her critical thinking skills, entrepreneurship and creativity.

    Next, we'll discuss the benefits of personalized help that will make your homeschool journey easier. You don't have to go it alone. Whether transitioning into homeschooling, growing to the next level, or still shopping around, this episode is a one you don't wanna miss. 


    Be sure to secure a free 1:1 coaching call to see how we might better serve you!

    Secure your call here

    33: Jamie Walden: The Battle For Our Identity, Know Your God, Know Yourself

    33: Jamie Walden: The Battle For Our Identity, Know Your God, Know Yourself

    This episode has so much that is powerful, relevant and filled with the goodness of God for equipping you and your family in spiritual warfare, that I barely know where to even begin. 


    This episode we have Jamie Walden as our guest and he brought the fire of the Lord! 

     Jamie Walden has what the world calls, an incredible backround, and through the array of his resume you begin to see the anointed hand of God on his life, from Marine, to street police, to paramedic to fireman to disaster response, to overseas Christian defense team, to selling everything to be a missionairy, to defender of anti human trafficking, to family man and minister of the Lord, to raising up a community of believers this brother has a gift in sharing the heart of the Father for us, and there is a fire in his bones to see us, his Kingdom family, come into restoration and fellowship with our God!

    The church age has greatly decieved and failed us, but our God is a mighty God Who is yet calling us to Him. Come, hear the truth about spiritual warfare, how it has been deeply diluted and manipulated through witchcraft, seduction, and mutated deliverance ministries. 

     In learning your true and better identity you will come to know your God, and in so doing, you will know yourself, the you God created you to be in His image. When we walk in our true and better identity in Christ, the enemy trembles and is brought to his knees. Nothing else will make him more afraid then the body of Christ fully submitted and living out this identity. Walk out this truth and your resume will also change, your transformation will effect everthing in your family, your life and where the Lord is desiring to lead you. 

    I can promise you will be blessed in listening to this brother as he shares. 

    The vision Jamie and his family have for the body of Christ is powerful, so be sure to hear all the ways you can connect with Jamie, get his book and find his ministry at our Parenting & Business  Toolbox. 

    32: Audrye McLeod: Kingdom Business & Shifting Your Poverty Mindset

    32: Audrye McLeod: Kingdom Business & Shifting Your Poverty Mindset

    Have you been trying to launch or multiply your business, but you are wrestling with pricing, setting offers and standing in the value of what you are serving others in?

    Join us as Audrye McLeod, teaches on shifting your poverty mindset and stepping into your Kingdom value, in your offers and in your verbage. We'll also be talking on leadership, as a parent and a business boss. 

    For all access to Audrye McLeod's info, offers and access, check out our Parenting & Business Toolbox 

    31: Identifying The Enemy In Your Family

    31: Identifying The Enemy In Your Family

    If we can't identify who is our enemy, we will not know when we are under attack and will not understand who is attacking us and why. 

    We need to be able to identify our enemies. The scripture shows us this in Ephesians 6:10-20 If we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, then who are we wrestling against? And how do we fight in this invisible realm that can effect us physically?

    Join your host, Heather Sudbrock in taking a deep dive into the Word and learning how to understand and identify our spiritual enemy. 

    30: Jimmy Price: Faith On The Battlefield: Of Faith, Warfare & History

    30: Jimmy Price: Faith On The Battlefield: Of Faith, Warfare & History

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     Are you a veteran, or do you know a veteran? This episode is an interesting conversation with valuable information. 

    Discover how a historian has taken his skillsets to the battlefield and birthed a ministry and mission to serve veterans, families and all who are interested in learning the truth about battle, history and warfare. 

    You can find Jimmy and more info about his events at Faithonthebattlefield.com & in our Parenting & Business Toolbox.