
    #1321 - Robert Oberst

    en-usJuly 08, 2019
    Why is diaphragm strength important for athletes?
    What unconventional exercise strengthens the diaphragm?
    How do Brian Shaw and Eddie Hall maintain their performance?
    What nutrition is essential for peak athletic performance?
    What risks did the speaker face in their training?

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of strength training for Strongman competitionsCardiovascular strength, diaphragm function, and unconventional exercises like pushing heavy objects against your upper abdomen are crucial for Strongman success. Being prepared physically and mentally is key.

      Strength training, both physical and diaphragm, is crucial for participating in challenging competitions like Strongman. The athlete discussed the importance of cardiovascular strength and diaphragm function, as well as the unconventional exercise of lying on your back and pushing a heavy object against your upper abdomen to strengthen the diaphragm. Additionally, the conversation touched on the history of fashion trends like sagging and the potential risks associated with it. Ultimately, the importance of being prepared, both physically and mentally, for demanding activities was emphasized.

    • Body Image Challenges for Different Body TypesIndividuals with different body types face unique challenges in finding clothes and societal acceptance. Societal sensitivity towards overweight women contrasts with insensitivity towards overweight men, and body image issues and societal pressure to conform persist.

      The discussion revolves around the challenges faced by individuals with different body types, particularly in relation to finding clothes and societal acceptance. The speaker expresses frustration with the insensitivity towards overweight men, contrasting it with the perceived sensitivity towards overweight women. They also share their experiences with body image and the pressure to conform to societal standards. Another topic that emerged was the idea of regulating dancing competitions based on athletic movements rather than opinions, to make it fairer and more objective. The speaker also reflects on their experiences in Strongman competitions and the importance of respect and humility in the sport. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of body image, societal expectations, and the desire for fairness and respect.

    • Being cautious about giving advice on behavior based on limited experienceExperienced individuals should be respected for their expertise, but caution is needed when giving advice to those who haven't lived it. Trash talking and celebrating victories are part of some sports, but respect and personal responsibility are crucial.

      People who have not experienced something at a high level should be cautious about telling others how to behave. This was discussed in the context of UFC fighters and their pre-fight trash talking. The speakers agreed that talking trash is a part of the sport and can draw more attention to it. They also acknowledged that winners have the right to celebrate and showboat after a victory. The conversation touched on the intensity and brutality of the fastest UFC KO ever, which took place between Conor McGregor and Jose Aldo. Despite the heated rhetoric, respect was shown for Aldo's sportsmanship and personality. The speakers also discussed the challenges of transitioning from one combat sport to another, such as professional wrestling. Ultimately, they agreed that earning one's place and maintaining personal responsibilities are important considerations.

    • Size vs. Strength: Challenges for HeavyweightsSize doesn't guarantee success or strength in combat sports. Heavyweights like Tim Sylvia and Andre the Giant faced adversities despite their massive sizes.

      Size doesn't always determine strength or victory. The discussion revolved around various heavyweight champions in different combat sports, such as Tim Sylvia and Andre the Giant. Despite their enormous sizes, they faced challenges and adversities. For instance, Tim Sylvia was underestimated by an opponent, leading to a brutal defeat. Andre the Giant, on the other hand, faced health issues and the challenges of being a giant in a world where resources were scarce. Another interesting point was the comparison of heavyweights in different combat sports, like boxing and MMA, and how the size limit in MMA can be debated. The conversation also touched upon the upcoming TV show, "History's Strongest Man," which aims to explore the lives and feats of historical strong men.

    • Historical Figures Demonstrated Extraordinary Strength and ResilienceHistorical figures showed remarkable strength and resilience, turning the tide of battles and carrying heavy loads, while people in simple societies report contentment with their lives.

      Size and strength were different in historical times compared to today. Marciano, a boxer from the past, was considered big despite being smaller than modern heavyweights. Similarly, stories of figures like George Washington reveal feats of strength and size that would be impressive even by today's standards. These historical figures, like Washington, demonstrated remarkable strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Washington, for instance, was known to single-handedly turn the tide of battles, even when out of ammunition, and carried cannons off the battlefield himself. People's perception of happiness and wealth also differed in the past. For instance, in Thailand, where life is simple and inexpensive, people are reportedly content. The speaker's own experience of traveling and living differently inspired him to quit his job and become a nomad, leading him to a more fulfilling life.

    • Contrasting Cultures: Happiness vs. InstabilityPeople's happiness and sense of stability can vary greatly depending on cultural norms and societal expectations. Dangerous situations may be accepted in some places, while seeking fame or recognition can lead to instability in others.

      Certain places, like parts of China and rural areas of Thailand, have a unique culture where people seem incredibly happy despite seemingly dangerous situations, like riding motorcycles with babies on them. However, this contrasts sharply with places like Florida, which are associated with chaos, instability, and a high number of people seeking fame or recognition, leading to a sense of unease and instability. These observations were made during a conversation about various experiences and stories, including a dangerous motorcycle video and the challenges of living in Florida. The speaker also mentioned the differences between Texas and California, with Texas having more "real people" and less instability due to fewer people seeking fame or recognition. The conversation also touched on the introduction of wolves in Colorado and the impact it had on wildlife populations.

    • Wolves: A Controversial ReintroductionWolves' reintroduction is debated due to human-wolf conflicts and economic implications, but they're crucial for ecosystem health.

      The reintroduction of wolves into ecosystems is a controversial topic. Some people, such as hunters, view the presence of wolves negatively due to potential conflicts with human activities and economic implications. Others, including those concerned with wildlife ecology and balance, believe that wolves play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. The history of large herds of animals, like elk and buffalo, in North America is complex and influenced by factors such as human population growth and disease. The size of animals can also be impacted by their environment, with colder climates leading to larger animals. Ultimately, the reintroduction of wolves requires careful consideration and planning to minimize potential conflicts and maximize benefits for both humans and wildlife.

    • Discovering a tiger in an abandoned house in TexasLack of regulations for exotic animals can lead to inhumane living conditions, while growing awareness and activism towards animal rights is crucial for their ethical treatment.

      The treatment of exotic animals as property and the lack of regulations can lead to unfortunate situations where they are kept in inhumane conditions. This was highlighted in a story where a man discovered a tiger in an abandoned house in Texas, which was only secured with a screwdriver and a nylon strap. The casual attitude towards exotic animals in Texas contrasts with the regulations for native animals. However, there is a growing awareness and activism towards animal rights, as seen in Instagram pages like "Nature is Metal," which showcases the raw and untamed side of wildlife. Unfortunately, such content is often targeted and taken down by social media platforms, despite having no ulterior motive or causing harm. It's important to recognize and address the issue of animal exploitation and ensure they are treated ethically and humanely.

    • Understanding content moderation on social media platformsNavigating content rules on social media requires awareness of copyright laws, age restrictions, and government protections. Virtual experiences can't fully replace physical challenges.

      Navigating the complexities of content moderation on social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube can be challenging, especially with regards to understanding what is and isn't allowed. With over a billion active users on Instagram alone, it's no wonder that enforcing copyright laws and age restrictions becomes a daunting task. While some content may be allowed on certain platforms despite being questionable, other content may be strictly regulated due to government protections for minors. The virtual world is only going to become more immersive with technologies like virtual reality, but the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction derived from physically challenging experiences cannot be replicated in the virtual realm.

    • Deadlifting vs Hand Cleans and Power Cleans in FootballFootball athletes may benefit more from hand cleans and power cleans than deadlifts due to lower injury risk and easier form mastery.

      Deadlifting may not be the best exercise choice for athletes, especially those in football, due to the high risk of injury and the difficulty of mastering proper form. Instead, hand cleans and power cleans are commonly used in NFL and Division I college football gyms because they offer a better risk to reward ratio. The speaker, who had a brief stint in the NFL but transitioned into Strongman competition, shared his personal experience of discovering Strongman after working as a security guard and being introduced to it by a friend. Growing up without electricity, he had never heard of Strongman before and was excited to try it out and quickly excelled in the sport.

    • Better grip for wrist and shoulder healthUsing a neutral grip during workouts is beneficial for your wrist and shoulder health, and can lead to success in Strongman competitions. Perseverance and determination are also essential in pursuing a passion, despite potential financial challenges.

      Using a neutral grip during workouts, such as the log press in Strongman competitions, is better for your wrist and shoulder health compared to other grips like supinated or pronated. This was emphasized in the discussion between the interviewee and the host, who also shared their personal experiences and achievements in the sport. Additionally, the importance of determination and perseverance in pursuing a passion, even when faced with skepticism about potential financial rewards, was highlighted in the interviewee's story of making a career in Strongman. The use of proper equipment and techniques, as well as the significance of mental fortitude, were also touched upon in the conversation.

    • Kindness from unexpected sourcesAppearances can be deceiving, and individuals with potentially dangerous backgrounds can be kind and friendly. Performance can be enhanced by being unfed or hungry, and focusing on core strength and stretching can aid in recovery.

      Appearances can be deceiving, and kindness and niceness can exist even in individuals with potentially dangerous backgrounds. The speaker shares an anecdote about a Russian man who was a former Secret Service agent but was surprisingly kind and friendly. The concept of being hungry or unfed before performing, whether it's in sports or comedy, was also discussed, with the idea that it can lead to better performance. The speaker also mentioned his personal experience of losing weight and getting injured, which led him to focus on core strength and stretching, as well as using marijuana for recovery. The topic of drug testing in professional strongman competitions was brought up, and the speaker expressed frustration that marijuana was still banned despite its potential benefits. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of deception, performance, and personal well-being.

    • The complexities of toxic masculinityToxic masculinity is not solely based on physical appearance or aggression, and it's important to approach the concept with nuance. Censorship and validation based on online presence can be harmful, and humor and individual expression are valuable tools for challenging perspectives and bringing people together.

      The concept of toxic masculinity can be subjective and should not be solely based on physical appearance or differences in opinion. The speaker shared a story about a friend who was accused of ruining someone's life due to his aggressive behavior towards women. However, the speaker argued that his friend was simply expressing himself in a way that was common in their community and that there were better ways for him to approach romantic encounters. The speaker also criticized the idea of censorship and the validation of individuals based on their online presence. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of humor and individual expression, and the value of experiencing live comedy performances. The speaker's admiration for comedians like Joey Diaz and Richard Pryor highlighted the power of comedy to challenge perspectives and bring people together.

    • Cultural misunderstandings and local customsBeing culturally sensitive and respectful can prevent dangerous situations and misunderstandings while traveling abroad.

      Cultural misunderstandings and unfamiliarity with local customs can lead to misunderstandings and potentially dangerous situations. The speaker shared an experience from the World's Strongest Man competition in China, where they inadvertently caused offense and nearly ended up in jail due to a misunderstanding with the local camera crew. The incident highlighted the importance of being aware of cultural norms and being respectful, especially when traveling to foreign countries. The speaker also shared their surprise and discomfort at the prevalence of public defecation and lack of sanitation on the island, further emphasizing the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptability.

    • Traveling for Strongman competitions brings excitement and cultural experiencesTraveling for Strongman competitions exposes one to unique security systems, thrilling experiences, and valuable cultural insights, while building camaraderie and mutual respect among individuals.

      Traveling for Strong Lab competitions has taken the speaker to various places around the world, with Dubai being a favorite due to its unique security system and the sense of excitement it brings. The speaker shared his experiences in Dubai, including driving a Ferrari without any police presence and attending the world's ultimate strongman competition. The speaker also mentioned the cultural changes he observed at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles and the importance of camaraderie and mutual respect among individuals. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlighted the thrill of traveling and the value of building connections with others.

    • Supporting others leads to personal growthEncouraging comedians and staying motivated can lead to personal growth and positive change. Authenticity matters and staying true to oneself is essential.

      Supporting and uplifting others can lead to personal growth and positive change. The speaker shares how he tries to bring out the best in comedians by promoting them and encouraging them, which in turn helped them improve. This concept of camaraderie and brotherhood was lacking in the past but has now become a source of inspiration and motivation through podcasts, social media, and other platforms. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of staying motivated and pushing oneself to new heights, drawing inspiration from figures like Jocko Willink and David Goggins. The power of authenticity and the dangers of fakery are also highlighted, as the speaker warns against being misled by those who appear inspiring but are not truly living up to their claims. Overall, the speaker's message is one of positivity, encouragement, and the importance of genuine connections.

    • Exploring Unexplained Phenomena with Critical ThinkingApproach unexplained phenomena with critical thinking, separating credible reports from those lacking evidence, and being aware of potential misinformation.

      While some people claim to have encountered unexplained phenomena, such as UFOs or extraterrestrial life, it's essential to approach such claims with a critical and open-minded perspective. Some experiences may have rational explanations, while others may be genuine. For instance, there are credible reports of unexplained aerial phenomena from military personnel, but it's also possible that these could be experimental aircraft or other technological advancements. On the other hand, some claims lack credibility due to the lack of evidence or inconsistencies in the stories. Ultimately, it's crucial to separate the wheat from the chaff and approach the subject with a healthy dose of skepticism and curiosity. As one interlocutor put it, just because something makes you feel foolish doesn't mean it's not true. However, it's also essential to be aware of the potential for misinformation and disinformation, especially in a world where misinformation can spread rapidly. In the end, the search for answers to the mysteries of the universe is an ongoing process that requires a commitment to truth and a willingness to explore new ideas.

    • George's Authentic and Compelling UFO StoryThe interview with George, a man who claimed to have encountered unusual objects and technologies, was seen as authentic due to his honesty, consistency, and lack of rehearsal. The raw, unedited nature of the interview allowed listeners to form their own conclusions.

      The conversation with the physicist, George, who claimed to have encountered unusual objects and technologies, was seen as authentic and compelling by the interviewer, despite the uncertainty about their origins. George's honesty, consistency over the years, and lack of apparent rehearsal made his story more believable to many listeners. The interview itself was notable for its raw, unedited nature, allowing listeners to form their own conclusions without the influence of music or edits. Additionally, the interviewer expressed admiration for Dan Carlin's hardcore history podcast, which shares George's in-depth storytelling style and commitment to historical accuracy. The interviewer also acknowledged the challenges of memory, particularly for those who have experienced concussions, and the importance of thorough research in historical storytelling.

    • Dan Carlin's engaging storytelling of historical figuresListeners have learned more from Dan Carlin's entertaining approach to history than in college. A favorite moment was recreating Thomas Topper's feat of strength and admiring Vicki Golden's record-breaking stunt.

      Dan Carlin, a radio host and history enthusiast, has become an influential historian through his entertaining and engaging storytelling. His self-deprecating approach to history has resonated with listeners like the speaker, who has learned more from him than in college. The speaker shares an anecdote about an episode they produced on a historical figure named Thomas Topper, where they recreated one of his legendary feats of strength. This experience, and the opportunity to share Thomas Topper's story, was a favorite moment from the entire season. The speaker also expresses admiration for a stuntwoman named Vicki Golden, who broke a world record by driving through a wall of flaming boards. The speaker's language and tone reflect his excitement and enthusiasm for the historical stories he's shared and the people he's met along the way.

    • Daredevils push limits despite injuriesDaredevils often perform despite injuries, driven by fear and adrenaline, leading to changes in safety protocols and contracts.

      The world of extreme sports and stunts involves significant risks, and performers often push their limits, even under the influence of substances like cocaine or meth. Evil Can Evil, a famous daredevil, broke his ankle just before a live show in the 70s or 80s, but he continued performing despite his injuries. The fear and adrenaline rush during the performance often override the fear and hesitation beforehand. However, accidents can still happen, and they have led to changes in safety protocols and contracts in various sports. For instance, Franco Colombo, a strongman competitor, destroyed his knee during a competition, leading to new safety measures. Despite the risks, performers continue to challenge themselves, hoping to make a name for themselves in their respective fields.

    • Overtraining can lead to injuriesListen to your body, prioritize rest, and seek medical attention to avoid injuries and prolonged health issues.

      Pushing oneself too hard without proper preparation and rest can lead to serious injuries. The speaker shares his experience of competing in a strength show despite having recently started deadlifting and attempting to lift a heavy car, resulting in a heart attack and numb legs for two years. Despite the challenges, he continued to train and compete, but eventually suffered another injury that made him question his commitment to the sport. It's important to listen to your body, prioritize rest and recovery, and seek medical attention when necessary to avoid prolonged health issues.

    • Overcoming Injuries: Perseverance and Self-CarePerseverance and dedication to self-care are crucial for injury recovery and goal achievement. Core work, stretching, addressing scar tissue, and listening to experts are essential for optimal health.

      Perseverance and dedication to self-care are key to overcoming injuries and achieving goals. The speaker, a strongman athlete, shares his experience of pushing through pain and relying on surgery and rehab to make a comeback. He emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's body through core work, stretching, and addressing scar tissue. The speaker also highlights the importance of listening to experts and debunks the myth that warming up is unnecessary. He reflects on the evolution of resources available to athletes, noting that information and equipment are now more accessible than when he started. Ultimately, the speaker's message is that everyone, regardless of their goals, can benefit from prioritizing their health and well-being.

    • The importance of proper warm-ups and body maintenance for optimal performance and injury preventionInvest time in recovery and injury prevention through proper warm-ups, body maintenance tools like foam rollers and reverse hypers, addressing injuries promptly, and focusing on hamstring and glute strength to enhance performance and reduce lower back strain.

      Proper warm-ups and body maintenance are crucial for optimal performance and injury prevention, especially as we age. The speaker shares his personal experience of neglecting hip mobility and suffering from low back pain for years. He also mentions the importance of using tools like reverse hypers and foam rollers for recovery and injury prevention. Moreover, he emphasizes the significance of addressing injuries promptly and getting necessary surgeries to ensure long-term health and strength gains. The use of deadlift suits and focusing on hamstring and glute strength are other strategies mentioned for enhancing performance and reducing strain on the lower back. Overall, the importance of taking care of one's body and investing time in recovery and injury prevention cannot be overstated.

    • Boss Rootin's Determination and Impact on StrongmanInspite of injuries and setbacks, Boss Rootin's determination and innovative training methods helped pave the way for Strongman. His grit and savagery inspired others to push through adversity and extend their careers.

      Despite the challenges and setbacks, including a torn bicep tendon during a world record attempt, Boss Rootin' continued to push through and make a significant impact on the Strongman community. His determination and resilience, as well as his innovative training methods and pioneering spirit, helped pave the way for the sport. Despite the pain and long recovery process, he remained positive and continued to inspire others. The average lifespan for competing at the highest level in Strongman varies, but with dedication and improvement in injury management, athletes can extend their careers. Boss Rootin' is a prime example of savagery, grit, and determination in the face of adversity.

    • Investing in body care for powerlifting successDedication to rehab and maintenance through various methods like cold and hot pools, massage therapy, and specific food diets are crucial for powerlifting success. A scientific approach to lifting and continuous learning are also important.

      Dedication and proper care for the body are essential for success in powerlifting, with athletes like Brian Shaw and Eddie Hall setting examples of commitment to rehab and maintenance through various methods such as cold and hot pools, massage therapy, and specific food diets. These practices are not luxuries but necessary investments for optimal performance. Shaw's scientific approach to lifting and Shaw's dedication to his craft, even after multiple world titles, serve as reminders of the importance of continuous learning and improvement. Additionally, the significance of proper nutrition, with a focus on meat, rice, and vegetables, cannot be overlooked in achieving peak performance.

    • Skepticism towards a specific claim to the title 'Strongest Man in the World',Skepticism towards individual's claim to be the strongest man, emphasizing the need for proven credentials and accomplishments in strongman competitions, with numerous qualifying events and high-level competition in the US.

      The title of "strongest man in the world" is not easily earned and can be subject to controversy. The speaker expresses skepticism towards a specific individual's claim to this title, questioning the legitimacy of his credentials and accomplishments. They argue that there are numerous small federations and qualifying events, and only the strongest and most proven competitors make it to the top. The speaker also emphasizes that being strong is not limited to certain countries or individuals, and getting into the top competitions from the United States can be particularly challenging due to the high level of competition. They also mention specific strongmen athletes like Eddie Holland, Nick Best, and the current champion, Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson (known as "Thor"), who are considered legitimate and impressive.

    • Bell's Palsy Recovery and Diet for Strength TrainingRecovering from Bell's Palsy involves managing stress and infections, while a meat and rice diet with bison and elk meat is beneficial for strength training.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including a person's recovery from Bell's Palsy, diet preferences for optimal strength training, and the challenges of competing in the World's Strongest Man competition. The person sharing expressed that the individual they were referring to was almost fully recovered from Bell's Palsy, and that stress and infections are common causes. The group agreed on the benefits of a meat and rice diet for fueling strength training, with a preference for bison and elk meat. The World's Strongest Man competition was discussed, with the challenges of training and competing in hot and humid locations, and the importance of having a support team to alleviate the stress and distractions of competing.

    • Importance of recovery and nutrition for high-performance athletesHigh-performance athletes prioritize recovery through ice baths, proper meal timing, and hydration to support muscle growth and overall performance. Proper nutrition fuels their bodies for optimal performance.

      High-performance athletes prioritize recovery and proper nutrition to optimize their training and competition. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of training with the strongest man in the world and the importance of ice baths, proper timing of meals, and hydration in their routine. He emphasizes the significance of allowing the body to feel the effects of workouts and inflammation as part of the recovery process. The use of ice baths, proper meal timing, and hydration are essential components of their training regimen to support muscle growth and overall performance. Additionally, they prioritize proper nutrition, whether it's through catering on set or meal prep at home, to fuel their bodies for optimal performance.

    • In-N-Out Burger's exceptional fries, burger options, and high-quality buns set it apartThe pursuit of quality and optimal health through nutrition and supplementation involves finding exceptional food options and high-quality supplements.

      According to the speaker, In-N-Out Burger stands out among its competitors with exceptional fries, a variety of burger options including jalapenos and bacon, and high-quality buns. Additionally, the speaker shares his preference for hemp protein and his experience with a company called Nanosuticle Solutions, which provides vitamins in nanograms for improved bioavailability. The speaker also mentions his use of protein powders and pre-workouts, and the importance of listening to his body for signs of imbalance. Despite the discussion jumping between topics, the overarching theme is the pursuit of quality and optimal health through nutrition and supplementation.

    • World's Strongest Man Drug Testing and Societal Views on MarijuanaWorld's Strongest Man competitors undergo strict drug testing, focusing on steroids and amphetamines. Societal views towards marijuana are changing, but influential figures like Jeff Sessions and Hillary Clinton have impacted drug policies.

      The World's Strongest Man competition has strict drug testing policies, primarily focusing on steroids and amphetamines. The testing can be random, and those who exhibit suspicious behavior may be targeted. The conversation also touched on the changing societal views towards marijuana use and the impact of influential figures like Jeff Sessions and Hillary Clinton on drug policies. Additionally, a unique and creative animation of a Trump robot with Hillary's head was discussed, showcasing the artist's imagination and the ongoing political discourse.

    • Societal norms evolve: Artistic expression, humor, and marijuana useSocietal norms are softening towards artistic expression, humor, and marijuana use, but accurate information and education are crucial to mitigate potential negative side effects.

      Societal norms and rules are becoming more flexible, leading to a greater appreciation for artistic expression and humor, even if some may find it offensive. This was evident in the discussion about the contrasting body image portrayals in art and the influence of movies like "Superbad" on popular culture. The conversation also touched upon the evolving perspective towards marijuana use, acknowledging its potential benefits when used responsibly, but also recognizing the need for accurate information and education to mitigate any negative side effects. Ultimately, it seems that people are growing tired of political correctness and are embracing a more relaxed approach to life, as long as it doesn't harm others. However, the potential impact on sponsorships and public perception remains a concern.

    • Societal stigmas and misconceptions hinder unconventional methods for individuals with autismUnderstanding individual needs and being open to unconventional methods is crucial for individuals with autism, despite societal pressures and expectations.

      There are unconventional methods and treatments that can significantly improve the lives of individuals with autism and other conditions, but societal stigmas and misconceptions can hinder their implementation. The speaker shared a personal experience of how THC pills helped a non-verbal, autistic girl feel more stable and engaged in her daily activities. However, due to societal misunderstandings and fear, her parents were pressured to stop giving her the medication, causing her symptoms to return. The speaker also mentioned another child who refused to leave his room due to past experiences with workers, and how their fear of breaking rules and societal norms prevented them from helping him. These stories highlight the importance of understanding individual needs and being open to unconventional methods, rather than being bound by societal expectations and rules.

    • The joys and challenges of parenthoodParenting brings love, vulnerability, and broadens perspective, but can also lead to compassion fatigue. Be present and loving towards your own children.

      Having children brings about a unique blend of intense love and vulnerability. It broadens one's perspective and increases compassion for others. However, the challenges and suffering in the world can be overwhelming, potentially leading to feelings of compassion fatigue or paralysis. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being present and loving towards one's own children, and expresses disbelief towards those who abandon their responsibilities. The discussion also touches on the topic of aliens and the speaker's fascination with the subject.

    • Appreciating humor and intensityComedy and intense activities provide essential releases for people. Many individuals in intense fields are nice and channel their energy into their craft, rather than displaying aggression.

      Comedy and being a warrior are significant releases for people, especially those who engage in intense activities. The speaker shares his appreciation for Ari's subtle humor and the importance of having an outlet for expression, whether it's through comedy or physical pursuits. The speaker also notes that many people in intense fields, like fighting or comedy, are often nice individuals who channel their energy into their craft rather than displaying aggression unnecessarily. Additionally, the speaker expresses his fascination with unexplained phenomena, such as UFOs and Bigfoot, acknowledging the potential for belief to lead individuals down intriguing paths.

    • Exploring the Mystery of Mythical CreaturesThe speaker's fascination with mythical creatures like Bigfoot highlights human curiosity and the desire to explore the unknown, despite the challenges of proving their existence.

      The speaker expresses a strong desire to witness the existence of mythical creatures like Bigfoot, despite the skepticism and doubts surrounding their authenticity. He imagines encountering such a creature in a respectful and awe-inspiring way, but acknowledges the challenges of proving their existence due to the dense forests and their potential elusiveness. The speaker also shares the historical evidence of Gigantopithecus, a large bipedal hominid that once existed, which may have contributed to the legends and lore surrounding Bigfoot and similar creatures. Ultimately, the speaker's fascination with the possibility of these creatures highlights the human curiosity and desire to explore the unknown.

    • The Impact of Unproven Theories and Beliefs on Our Understanding of HistoryExploring unproven theories and beliefs about history, from ancient civilizations to unexplained phenomena, challenges our understanding and highlights the importance of continued research, critical thinking, and an open-minded approach.

      Our desire for mysteries and the belief in the existence of things that may not be proven can significantly impact our perception of history and reality. From ancient civilizations like Egypt and Sumer, to possible explorations of the Americas by Africans, there are numerous theories and discoveries that challenge our understanding of the past. However, due to the limited written record and the passage of time, much of this information remains speculative and controversial. Additionally, history is often written by the victors, leading to potential biases and incomplete narratives. The discussion also touched upon the fascination with unexplained phenomena such as UFOs and cryptids, and the importance of maintaining an objective perspective. Overall, the exploration of these topics highlights the importance of continued research, critical thinking, and an open-minded approach to understanding the complexities of our world's history.

    • MMA Fighter John Jones Shows Resilience Despite InjuryJohn Jones suffered extensive damage to both knees but refused to back down, instead choosing to stand and fight, potentially costing him the title. He is undergoing surgery and a lengthy recovery period.

      MMA fighter John Jones displayed immense resilience and determination in his split decision loss against Tiago Santos, despite suffering extensive damage to both knees during the fight. Santos delivered powerful strikes and kicks that left Jones unable to walk after the fight, with his left knee requiring surgery and a lengthy recovery period. Despite the injury, Jones refused to use his opponent's weakness against him and instead chose to stand and fight, potentially costing him the title. The UFC doctors will attempt to rebuild the damaged tissue using stem cells. Jones's next fight is scheduled for August in Anaheim, where he will face Daniel Cormier or Stipe Miocic. Despite some initial skepticism, Jones has gained more recognition and fan support for his impressive performances in the octagon.

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    #2196 - Greg Fitzsimmons

    #2196 - Greg Fitzsimmons
    Greg Fitzsimmons is a comedian, actor, and writer. He hosts the “Fitzdog Radio” podcast and co-hosts “Sunday Papers” and “Childish.” His new special, “You Know Me,” premieres on YouTube on 8/27. https://gregfitzsimmons.com/  "You Know Me" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUqkWh_x4U Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enAugust 28, 2024

    #2195 - Andrew Huberman

    #2195 - Andrew Huberman
    Andrew Huberman, PhD, is a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. Andrew is also the host of the Huberman Lab podcast, which aims to help viewers and listeners improve their health with science and science-based tools. New episodes air every Monday on YouTube and all podcast platforms.  www.hubermanlab.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enAugust 27, 2024

    #2194 - Luis Elizondo

    #2194 - Luis Elizondo
    Luis "Lue" Elizondo is the former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which investigated UFOs, now referred to as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). A veteran of the U.S. Army, he has worked in counterintelligence and counterterrorism worldwide. His new book, "Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs," is available now. https://luiselizondo-official.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enAugust 23, 2024

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