
    #134 - Why the Collectables Market is Booming, Ecommerce 3.0, and "Time Billionaire" Explained

    enDecember 04, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Marketing Trends from HubSpot's 2024 ReportStay ahead of the competition by understanding effective social media strategies, balancing privacy and personalization, and having a unique 'food thing' to engage audiences.

      Staying updated with the latest marketing trends is crucial for businesses to thrive. HubSpot's "2,024 State of Marketing" report provides valuable insights based on data and surveys from marketing professionals worldwide. The report covers effective strategies for optimizing social media, boosting engagement, and balancing privacy with personalization. Meanwhile, during the conversation, we discussed the importance of having a unique "food thing" to add personality to one's online presence. Examples included Topo Chico, Chick-fil-A, and Cinnabon. While the food choices might seem trivial, having a distinctive topic to engage with audiences can help build a following and foster controversy.

    • Encountering challenges with certain tools for recording and sharing podcast contentDespite reaching over 20,000 listens, the speakers faced issues with Riverside.fm and found QuickTime and Zoom more suitable for their recording process. They also felt uneasy about personal connections listening to their podcast.

      Despite the success of their podcast, the speakers have encountered challenges with using certain tools for recording and sharing their content. Specifically, they've had issues with Riverside.fm and have found it overly complicated for their recording process. Instead, they continue to use QuickTime and Zoom. Additionally, they've seen a significant increase in listenership, with their podcast reaching over 20,000 listens in a short time, and even being listed as a top listened-to item on some listeners' Spotify accounts. However, the speakers find it uncomfortable and even strange that their personal and professional connections are listening to their podcast. They also discussed their recent experience with having Jack Butcher on the show and how his wife and their wives became friends, leading to an unexpected situation where they all listened to the podcast together. Despite the success and growth of the podcast, the speakers believe that discussing the podcast itself could potentially make for boring content and have decided to switch topics to "Time Billionaires" for their next segment.

    • Winner takes all phenomenon and versatility contribute to Notion and Rome's successNotion and Rome's success can be attributed to the 'winner takes all' phenomenon online and their versatility to cater to a wide range of users and use cases.

      Notion and Rome, two popular web apps often referred to as "brain mapping" or "note taking" tools, have gained significant valuations despite being similar to many other apps in the market. The first reason for their success can be attributed to the "winner takes all" phenomenon on the internet. The best tool or platform in a particular category can reach a large user base, as there are no geographic boundaries online. The second factor is the versatility and general-purpose nature of these apps, which can cater to a wide range of users and use cases. For instance, Scrivener, a similar app with a cult following, has a significant user base and even generates substantial revenue for its creator through courses on how to use it effectively. While there are many competitors, these apps' unique features, user experience, and marketing strategies have contributed to their success. The market for these tools is not just a simple to-do list, but a growing industry with various opportunities for innovation and expansion.

    • Winner-takes-all phenomenon in the digital worldTools and companies that excel and differentiate themselves in the digital landscape can dominate their markets, leading to rapid growth and significant market value.

      In the digital world, being the best and most well-known tool in a particular category can lead to rapid growth and the accrual of almost all the market value. This is due to the lack of geographical limitations on the internet. For instance, Notion became popular by making note-taking and collaboration easy and seamless, while Roam stands out by allowing users to link ideas together, creating a web of interconnected notes. This concept is illustrated by Joel Spolsky's "Strategy Letter 1: Ben and Jerry's versus Amazon," where he emphasizes the importance of deciding whether your company follows the Ben and Jerry's model (focusing on a specific niche) or the Amazon model (aiming for market dominance). In the digital landscape, the winner-takes-all phenomenon often applies, making it crucial for tools and companies to excel and differentiate themselves.

    • Business models and productivity appsProductivity apps can follow various business models, from rapid growth to independent success, and offer simple, effective tools based on personal philosophies for sustainable productivity.

      Note-taking apps and writing software can follow different business models, with some aiming for rapid growth and market domination like Amazon, while others, like Ben & Jerry's, can thrive as smaller, independent players. Evernote, for instance, reached a large market value but struggled, while apps like Agenda, Campfire Tech, and 750 Words have smaller user bases but generate significant revenue. These apps can offer simple, effective tools based on personal philosophies, like focusing on one big thing per day. For example, the Chrome extension "Chromium session called focus" and the philosophy "one big thing" can help users prioritize and stay productive without relying on complex systems or long to-do lists. These tools can be simple, free, and dead-simple extensions of one's life, offering a more sustainable and effective approach to productivity.

    • Creating Value with Chrome ExtensionsChrome extensions offer a unique value proposition with easy access to a community of users and less development resources compared to building a full software or app. Developers can create successful and profitable extensions by providing useful features and continuously adding value.

      Chrome extensions can be highly effective and cost-efficient products. The speaker, who has had significant success with his own Chrome extension called Focus, believes that these tools offer a unique value proposition. They can be easily accessed by a community of users who are already interested in the product, and they require less development resources compared to building a full software or app. The speaker also mentioned the example of Honey, a billion-dollar Chrome extension that helps users save money on online purchases by finding discounts and coupons. Inspired by this, the speaker is developing a new Chrome extension called Loot, which aims to help users find discounts on popular software tools like AWS, Slack, and HubSpot. Moreover, the speaker plans to add additional features to his Focus extension, such as relaxation breaks and blog post promotion, to provide even more value to users. By giving away these tools for free or a small fee, the speaker aims to build a loyal community of users and create sticky products that can generate significant page views and revenue. In summary, Chrome extensions offer a powerful and cost-effective way to create value for users and build a community around a product. By providing useful features and continuously adding value, developers can create successful and profitable extensions that resonate with their audience.

    • Profitability of Discount Aggregation PlatformsDiscount aggregation platforms like AppSumo can generate significant revenue by negotiating discounts with vendors and keeping a percentage of sales.

      Affiliate marketing and discount aggregation platforms, like AppSumo, can be highly profitable businesses. AppSumo, for instance, reportedly generates around $30 million in sales, with potentially $15-$20 million in actual sales, by negotiating discounts with vendors and keeping a significant percentage of the revenue. The convenience of a Chrome extension or automating savings, such as with Honey or Main Street, also adds to their appeal. These companies have the potential to grow rapidly by attracting a large user base and providing valuable services that save users money.

    • The power of past experiences on current money decisionsPast experiences and perceptions can create mental barriers, making us feel we're overpaying or struggling with expenses, even when they're reasonable.

      Our past experiences and perceptions can significantly influence our current decisions and feelings about money, even if those past prices are no longer relevant. This psychological phenomenon, known as anchoring, can make us feel like we're overpaying for something, even if it's a fair price or a good investment. This was exemplified in the speaker's experience with Bitcoin, where he found it hard to buy more at a higher price even though he believed in its potential. Similarly, when starting a business, the speaker found it difficult to get past certain expense numbers, despite the growth and profitability of the company. Understanding and overcoming these mental barriers around money can be challenging but essential for making sound financial decisions.

    • Impact of emotions on investment decisionsRegret over missed Bitcoin or Ethereum investments due to fixation on original price, stock splits allow more people to buy fractional shares, houses often a bad investment due to opportunity cost of not investing in stock market

      Our emotions and psychology can significantly impact our investment decisions, sometimes leading us to miss out on potential opportunities. For instance, the speaker shared his regret of not increasing his Bitcoin or Ethereum investment due to being fixated on the original price. This psychological phenomenon is why companies perform stock splits, allowing more people to buy fractional shares, and why some investors prefer stocks with lower share prices. The speaker also discussed his experience with buying a house and the difficulty of understanding compound growth. He noted that if his house doubled in value in 10 years, he could have doubled his money by investing in the stock market instead. The speaker concluded that unless you plan to rent out the property and make income from it, buying a house is typically a bad investment due to the opportunity cost of not investing the money in the stock market. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of overcoming emotional attachments and focusing on long-term financial growth.

    • Maximizing Impact with Time - Time BillionaireEmbrace the idea of being a time billionaire by maximizing impact on the world or others' lives, rather than just wealth or influence.

      Time is a valuable asset, arguably more so than wealth or influence. A time billionaire, according to this perspective, is someone who has maximized their impact on the world or the lives of others with the time they have been given. This concept challenges us to consider what we truly value and what we are optimizing for in our lives. While it's easy to be enamored with the idea of being a dollar billionaire, the idea of being a time billionaire encourages us to focus on making a difference in the world and living a meaningful life. The speaker also introduces the concept of different types of billionaires, such as cultural and helpful billionaires, emphasizing the importance of various forms of impact and influence. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of considering the value of time and the impact we can make with it.

    • Balancing Work, Family, and Personal HappinessConsidering personal values, prioritize time and health over wealth, and make significant decisions early on to save future choices.

      Considering the different aspects of life and prioritizing them according to personal values is essential. The speaker, who is considering starting a family, reflects on the balance between working hard for financial success and sacrificing time and health versus living a more balanced life focused on relationships and personal happiness. The Dalai Lama's quote, "man sacrifices his time, money, and health to get money so that he can buy back his time and health," highlights the importance of valuing time and health over wealth. The speaker also mentions Nick Bare, who prioritizes fitness, and the concept of making a significant decision early on to save future decisions. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledges that it's a challenging question to answer and that everyone must find their own balance between work, family, and personal happiness.

    • Optimizing for joy and fulfillmentIdentifying what brings joy and fulfillment in life simplifies decisions and leads to a more intentional and fulfilling existence.

      Having clear values and optimizing for what brings joy and fulfillment in life can help simplify decisions and save mental energy. Companies like Whole Foods that have established their values early on don't have to make countless decisions about what to sell or how to operate. Similarly, individuals can design their lives to prioritize what brings them joy and avoid things that detract from it. The challenge lies in figuring out what that is, as external influences can be persuasive. Ultimately, deciding what attribute to maximize in life, such as joy, money, or achievement, can make other decisions easier by filtering them through that lens. It's a worthwhile endeavor, as it can lead to a more intentional and fulfilling life.

    • Reflecting on life transitions and new opportunitiesLife transitions offer chances to reassess values and goals, but there's no perfect decision, keep learning and growing.

      Significant life events or achievements, such as having a child or selling a company, can serve as transitional periods that allow for introspection and reevaluation of values and goals. These moments provide an opportunity to step back, assess, and consider what comes next. Investing in new opportunities, whether it's starting a company or investing in another, can be a source of excitement and potential regret, but ultimately, there's no perfect decision. The key is to keep learning, growing, and moving forward. The speaker shares his experiences with these transitions and the lessons he's learned along the way. He also mentions a few companies that have piqued his interest and might be worth keeping an eye on.

    • Collectibles Market Surge: Baseball Cards, Pokemon Cards, and SneakersThe collectibles market, including baseball cards, Pokemon cards, and sneakers, is experiencing a surge in popularity and value. Companies like Whatnot and Loop offer live streams of pack openings, while grading companies like PSA hold significant power in determining value.

      The collectibles market, specifically for items like baseball cards, Pokemon cards, and sneakers, is experiencing a significant surge in popularity and value. Companies like Whatnot and Loop are capitalizing on this trend by offering live streams of people opening packs and allowing buyers to purchase or swap for specific cards. The market for graded cards is also booming, with major grading companies like PSA being bought for billions of dollars. These platforms and grading companies hold significant power in the market as they determine the value of collectibles based on their grading. Nat Turner, a well-known collector and investor, recently led a group to buy PSA, recognizing its potential value in the market. Overall, the collectibles market is an intriguing space to watch as it continues to grow and evolve.

    • Authentic and interactive ecommerce experiencesLivestream video marketplaces allow consumers to connect directly with sellers and browse catalogs in real-time, disrupting traditional ecommerce platforms

      The future of ecommerce is moving towards a more authentic, interactive experience, as seen in the livestream video marketplaces popular in Asia. This approach allows consumers to connect directly with sellers, browse catalogs in real-time, and ask questions before making a purchase. This model, which is reminiscent of social media platforms like TikTok, is poised to disrupt traditional ecommerce platforms like Shopify. Additionally, successful entrepreneurs are leveraging this trend, such as Nat Turner, who has moved from starting an ad network and a health company to this new venture. This shift towards more authentic and interactive ecommerce experiences is an exciting development in the world of business.

    • Institutional Adoption Driving Up Bitcoin Demand and PriceInstitutions like Square and PayPal are investing in Bitcoin, shrinking supply and increasing demand, and long-term investors are holding onto their Bitcoin, reinforcing the trend for investors to hold rather than sell.

      The adoption of Bitcoin by institutions is driving up its demand and price due to a limited supply. Institutions like Square and PayPal are investing significant amounts into Bitcoin, and this trend is leading to a shift where every investment strategy must include Bitcoin. Approximately 60% of Bitcoin's supply is held by long-term investors who are not selling, leading to a shrinking supply and increasing demand. This cycle reinforces the trend for investors to hold onto their Bitcoin rather than sell. The speaker, who is a long-term holder, shared that they have never sold and have no intention of doing so. The discussion also touched upon the excitement around other topics like e-commerce, trading cards, and Rally, and plans were made to invite an expert, Jack Smith, to join the conversation. The speaker had consumed three Topo Chicos during the call and needed to use the bathroom before signing off.

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    EXCLUSIVE: $3B Founder Reveals His Next Big Idea
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    My First Million
    enJune 17, 2024

    He Got Fired By His DAD… So He Built a $60M/yr Empire

    He Got Fired By His DAD… So He Built a $60M/yr Empire
    Episode 596: Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) talks to Craig Fuller ( https://x.com/FreightAlley ) about how he turned dying hobby magazines into a cash flow machine.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (2:45) Economics of long-haul trucking (3:36) Getting fired from the family business (5:30) Fuel cards for truck drivers (6:40) How FreightWaves hit $20M ARR in 2 years (9:08) Acquiring FLYING for $3.5M (12:14) Opportunity: Depressed media properties (16:02) From losing $8 per subscriber to profitability in 1 year (20:31) A media side hustle becomes a real estate main hustle (22:55) Craig's tolerance for being leveraged (25:32) Pre-selling $28M units pre-construction (28:51) Diversity, Asymmetrical risk, and generational security (31:11) Teams to diversify your time (34:21) Building a portfolio of hobby magazines (37:20) Content to commerce playbook (47:03) The story of William Randolph Hearst (51:32) What's the chase? (53:15) "The best thing to give a founder is an enemy" — Links: • FreightWaves - https://www.freightwaves.com/ • Knight-Swift - https://knight-swift.com/ • Firecrown - https://firecrown.com/ • The Chief - https://tinyurl.com/36khrt8y — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 13, 2024

    $100M Founder Reveals The Secret To Making Data Profitable

    $100M Founder Reveals The Secret To Making Data Profitable
    Episode 595: Anand Sanwal ( https://x.com/asanwal ) joins Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) to reveal his playbook for building an insanely profitable data business.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Anand’s data arbitrage playbook (9:51) Starting weird as Chubby Brain (12:03) Don't run 100mph in the wrong direction (14:53) Edge, Collection, and Opportunity (19:24) IDEA: High-end Glassdoor (27:00) IDEA: C-Suite Head Hunting Service (28:57) IDEA: HomeOptions for Founder Exits (32:17) Anand's School of Entrepreneuring (36:03) Learn how to think, not what to think (38:18) The Die-At-Your-Desk Life Philosophy (39:26) Competency-based curriculum (42:47) IDEA: Slime Museums (46:40) IDEA: Autonomous HOA Convenience Stores (51:32) IDEA: Online Addiction Centers (58:51) Leadership lessons from legendary coaches — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • CB Insights - https://www.cbinsights.com/ • Bloomberg article - https://tinyurl.com/32ns9beu • Blackbaud - https://www.blackbaud.com/solutions/total-fundraising-solutions • HomeOptions - https://www.homeoptions.com/ • IMG Academy - https://www.imgacademy.com/ • American Addiction Centers - https://americanaddictioncenters.org/ • Weapons of Mass Instruction - https://tinyurl.com/49s6xhpk • Chasing Perfection - https://tinyurl.com/46hc5zxj • The Score Takes Care of Itself - https://tinyurl.com/4v6k72h3 • The Talent Code - https://tinyurl.com/4h2z9yer • The Learner Lab - https://thelearnerlab.com/ • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 11, 2024

    The GameStop Guy Has Returned… (And Has A New $210M Bet)

    The GameStop Guy Has Returned… (And Has A New $210M Bet)
    Episode 594:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) explain what’s happening with GameStop AGAIN and how Keith Gill turned $56k into $210M with memes.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Roaring Kitty's $200M GameStop holding (8:41) Is Keith Gill the most genius creator behind a brand? (14:53) Where did the $65M come from? (17:44) The 7 Stages of GameStop FOMO (20:00) Ryan Cohen's activist investments in GameStop, Bed Bath and Beyond  (26:34) Shaan's honest take on paternity leave (31:53) Painting the windows black (35:42) Zach Pogrob's The Year of Obsession (37:03) What's the deal with run clubs right now? (39:19) Sexy faces and sexy paces (42:04) Endurance event businesses (45:06) Opportunity: The suburban Iron Man (51:19) Scott Harrison gives Shaan unsolicited feedback — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • wallstreetbets - https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/ • Unusual Whales - https://unusualwhales.com/ • WSJ on Ryan Cohen - https://tinyurl.com/4zue9xps • Wander - https://www.wander.com/ • The Lehman Trilogy - https://thelehmantrilogy.com/ • The Year of Obsession - https://tinyurl.com/4nsrh689 • Nick Bare - https://www.instagram.com/nickbarefitness • RAWDAWG - https://www.instagram.com/rawdawgrunclub • River - https://www.getriver.io/ • 29029 Everesting - https://29029everesting.com/ • Rock n Roll Running - https://www.runrocknroll.com/ • thespeedproject - https://www.instagram.com/thespeedproject • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Enter to win a free trip at https://www.wander.com/mfm and use code MFM300 at checkout for $300 off your booking. — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 07, 2024

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