
    #14 Alan Cooper - Marine Recon/Green Beret/CIA Contractor

    en-usOctober 26, 2021
    What was highlighted in the Paramount Plus promotion?
    What experience did the Marine veteran share?
    What updates were provided on the Sean Ryan show?
    How did the speaker react to incidents during the Gulf War?
    What unique qualities were revealed about the interviewee?

    Podcast Summary

    • Paramount Plus and Hyundai promotions, Marine veteran story, and Sean Ryan updatesParamount Plus promotes new limited series and benefits of streaming, Hyundai showcases sedan and SUV capabilities and owner assurance, Marine veteran shares war experience, and Sean Ryan launches new YouTube channel and asks for iTunes reviews

      The discussion covered various topics including promotions for Paramount Plus and Hyundai, a war experience shared by a Marine veteran, and updates on the Sean Ryan show. The Paramount Plus promotion featured the new limited series "Count Alexander Rostov" and highlighted the benefits of streaming with the Paramount Plus with Showtime plan. Hyundai's Getaway Sales Event was promoted, showcasing the capabilities and technology of their sedans and SUVs, and the confidence that comes with Hyundai owner assurance. The Marine veteran shared his experience serving as a scout during the Battle for Khafji, highlighting the adrenaline and fear of war, and the importance of completing the mission. The Sean Ryan show updates included the launch of a new YouTube channel, Sean Ryan Clips, and a request for iTunes reviews.

    • Insights from a Special Operations VeteranA humble and private special operations veteran shares his unique experiences during Desert Storm and his transition into civilian life, emphasizing their dedication, resilience, and humor.

      The interviewee, a former military service member with experience in Marine Reconnaissance, Green Berets, and the CIA, is a humble and private individual who has made significant contributions to various special operations branches but prefers to keep a low profile. Despite the challenges in getting him on the show, the interview revealed his unique experiences during Desert Storm and his transition into civilian life. The interview also showcased his sense of humor and appreciation for small tokens of kindness. The elephant in the room was addressed, as the interviewee had been putting off the interview due to a missing front tooth, which he had recently had extracted and was in the process of getting replaced with a bridge. The interview provided valuable insights into the mindset and experiences of a special operations veteran, highlighting their dedication, resilience, and humility.

    • Growing up with Guns: A Personal StorySharing personal experiences, especially those that shape history, is important for future generations to learn and be inspired.

      Despite the discomfort and unusual nature of discussing personal experiences, it's important to share stories, especially those that shape our history. The speaker grew up in a small town in New York, surrounded by guns due to his father's long-term employment at Remington Arms. He was inspired to join the Marine Corps at a young age, influenced by the portrayal of the military in media during the Vietnam War era. He joined the delayed entry program at 18 and went through Marine Combat Training, eventually becoming a toe gunner. Despite the challenges, he found the experience valuable and formative. Sharing these stories not only documents history but also allows future generations to learn and be inspired.

    • From infantry to scout swimmer in the MarinesA Marine with exceptional swimming skills was selected for special training to become a scout swimmer, mastering over-the-horizon navigation, high speed boat operations, and amphibious landings, while teaching these skills to other countries

      The speaker began his military career as a toe gunner in the Marine Corps infantry, but was later selected for special training due to a swimming test. This training included over-the-horizon navigation, high speed cast and recovery, and repel master skills. The speaker and his team were sent to Coronado for training, where they learned to navigate small boats in the ocean and perform amphibious landings. They also became spy masters and taught these skills to other units. At the time, the Marine Corps did not recognize special operations designations, so the speaker and his team were simply Marines. They went on to train other countries, such as Malaysia, in these techniques. A scout swimmer is an individual who launches from a small boat to perform missions and is skilled in swimming and navigating in open water.

    • Recon Marines' Hydro Reconnaissance during the Gulf WarRecon Marines used hydro reconnaissance to get behind enemy lines, providing valuable intel for LCACs and paving the way for larger forces during the Gulf War.

      In the early 90s, a group of special operators, originally part of the Special Training Section (STS), were re-designated as Recon Marines due to bureaucratic reasons. Despite the unexpected change, they found themselves being deployed during the Gulf War. Using a unique method of hydro reconnaissance, they were able to get behind enemy lines undetected, conducting surveys for LCACs and preparing the way for larger forces. This innovative technique allowed special operations to gain access to targets before conventional forces, showcasing the importance and versatility of special operations teams.

    • Assigned as a reconnaissance soldier during Operation Desert StormAn Army veteran was surprised by his role in Operation Desert Storm, a large-scale war with extensive air campaigns and new technologies, despite his childhood dream of joining the military. Despite rigorous training, uncertainty and harsh realities awaited.

      The speaker, an Army veteran, was surprised and awed by being assigned as a reconnaissance soldier during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, despite having dreamed of joining the military since childhood. The war, which was the largest since Vietnam, involved 500,000 U.S. troops and was marked by extensive air campaigns and the use of new technologies like stealth and missile systems. The speaker and his platoon underwent rigorous training and preparation, but were ultimately split up and assigned to different units. Despite the excitement, they were also faced with uncertainty and the harsh realities of war, including the potential for high casualties due to minefields and Iraqi attacks.

    • Waiting in the Desert: Basic Training and UncertaintyDespite limited resources and basic training, soldiers adapted to uncertain situations and waited for instructions during a military deployment in the late 1990s.

      During a military deployment in the late 1990s, the speaker and his team were given very basic training and equipment before being sent to an unknown location. They flew over on a C-141 and landed in Saudi Arabia, where they spent weeks in sweltering heat, waiting for instructions. They had no GPS or advanced technology, and their training consisted of elementary-level classes and common sense. When they finally arrived at their destination, they dug holes to "protect the border" but were essentially just loitering. The speaker recalled the experience as a time of uncertainty and adaptation, with long hours spent waiting and limited resources. The lack of advanced technology and extensive training contrasted sharply with later experiences in the SF and agency.

    • Unexpected encounters and constant threats during the Gulf WarThe Gulf War was defined by unpredictable moments and intense danger, even during quiet periods.

      The speaker's experience during the Gulf War involved unexpected encounters with chemical weapons and the constant threat of nuclear attacks. Despite the downtime and waiting, the situation was intense and the population fled when the air campaign began. The speaker and his team conducted reconnaissance for conventional units in their corridor, which included investigating an abandoned oil facility and encountering numerous POWs. The war was a defining experience for the speaker, and the threat of chemical and nuclear attacks left a lasting impact. The speaker's account highlights the unpredictability and intensity of war, even during seemingly quiet moments. Additionally, the speaker's use of humor and casual language adds to the authenticity of the account. Overall, the speaker's story provides a unique perspective on the Gulf War and the experiences of those who served during that time.

    • Unexpected military encounters and quick adaptationDuring military operations, unexpected encounters require quick decision-making and adaptability. Effective communication and coordination between teams are crucial for mission success.

      During a military operation, unexpected encounters and situations can arise, requiring quick decision-making and adaptability. The speaker recounts an experience where they encountered a Special Forces team during their mission, leading to an unexpected encounter with their commander. The commander requested specific weapons and positioned them for defense, expecting an imminent attack. The speaker and their team had to leave the area quickly once the sun rose to avoid potential danger. Despite the unexpected turn of events, they were able to adapt and continue their mission. Additionally, the unexpected discovery of the Special Forces team and their resources highlighted the importance of communication and coordination between different teams during military operations.

    • Abandoned city during conflict, witnessing rocket attacks and lootingDuring a conflict, Special Forces teams faced danger and isolation, witnessing rocket attacks, looting, and uncertain encounters with approaching groups.

      The speaker experienced a harrowing night in an abandoned city during a time of conflict. They were part of a small Special Forces team, and they witnessed multiple rocket attacks on their location. The team reported the incident and moved to a new location due to safety concerns. The city was eerily empty, with only cats and dogs remaining. The team found evidence of looting and the population had evacuated. The team remained in the city despite small arms fire and illumination, but the following morning they saw groups of people with RPGs approaching, prompting them to leave the area. The team was one of two in the city, totaling 12 Americans. The night was filled with tension and uncertainty, as they didn't know if they were under attack or if the approaching groups were friendly or hostile. The experience left a lasting impression on the speaker, highlighting the danger and isolation of their mission.

    • A coalition of forces retake a city during a military operationA small group of soldiers stayed behind to report, despite being outgunned, and were eventually rescued. The operation, led by an SF major, faced challenges but ultimately succeeded in retaking the city.

      During a military operation, when enemy forces overtook a city, a coalition of Qataris, Saudis, and Marines were formed to retake it. The Marines were kept outside of the city to minimize collateral damage, and the coalition relied on helicopters, tanks, and artillery for support. Despite being outgunned, a small group of soldiers stayed behind to report on the situation and were eventually rescued by their own forces. The operation was led by an SF major named Coyote, who gave his troops free rein to take action. The coalition faced challenges, including a Sagger missile brought down a Harrier, halting air support, but they ultimately succeeded in retaking the city.

    • Unpredictability and chaos in warMiscommunications and small details can significantly impact the outcome of military engagements, highlighting the intensity and unpredictability of war

      During a 40-hour long military engagement, the unpredictability and chaos of war were evident. A miscommunication led to friendly fire, artillery strikes landed dangerously close, and an enemy sniper was present but undiscovered. Despite these challenges, the team managed to escape unharmed. Another team experienced friendly fire resulting in injuries. The destruction of their crypto equipment forced them into a readiness stance, but the enemy never attacked. These events underscore the unpredictability and intensity of war, where the outcome can hinge on small details and miscommunications.

    • Marines trapped during Gulf War survive and contribute to victoryDespite facing heavy gunfire and sniper attacks, marines trapped during Gulf War contacted families and media, survived, and marked B-52 bomb lanes to help troops advance and end the war.

      During the Gulf War, a team of marines was trapped for two days inside the city of Khafji, enduring heavy gunfire and sniper attacks. They managed to contact their families and the media to let them know they were alive during the height of the battle. Later, they were sent on a mission to locate and mark the lanes created by B-52 bombs in the defensive belts, which helped end the war by allowing troops to advance. The marines' quick thinking and resilience in the face of danger allowed them to survive and contribute to the eventual victory. Despite the challenges they faced, they remained focused on their mission and worked together to overcome adversity.

    • US soldiers discover crucial route into Kuwait during Gulf WarDuring the Gulf War, a US patrol led by Coop found a key entry point into Kuwait, contributing to the swift end of the conflict.

      During the Gulf War, a patrol led by a soldier named Coop discovered a crucial route into Kuwait, allowing US troops to enter the country and ultimately end the conflict. The patrol faced challenges such as minefields and enemy attacks, but they persevered and successfully located the route. This discovery was significant because it provided a critical entry point for US forces, contributing to the swift end of the war. The mission's success was a testament to the well-planned and well-organized efforts of the US military under the leadership of General Schwarzkopf.

    • Soldiers' experiences during the Desert Storm warTwo soldiers share their unique experiences of waiting, preparation, intense combat, and adjusting to a new military branch during the Desert Storm war, ultimately staying committed to military service.

      The Desert Storm war was a significant and intense experience for the soldiers involved, with long periods of waiting and preparation, and intense bombing and tank battles. One soldier, who was a tow gunner on a ship in the Gulf, spent the entire war as a diversion. Another soldier, who started working for Remington Arms after leaving the Marine Corps, couldn't handle the transition and eventually joined the Army to become a Green Beret. The experience of leaving the Marine Corps and adjusting to a new military branch was challenging for him. Despite the difficulties, both soldiers remained dedicated to military service and pursued their goals of becoming elite special operations forces.

    • From infantry to Special Forces, determination and adaptability lead the wayDetermination and adaptability can help achieve goals, even when initial plans change or face challenges.

      Determination and adaptability can lead to achieving desired goals, even if the initial path is not what was expected. The speaker shares his experience of wanting to join the Special Forces (SF) in the Army but being told he couldn't. Instead, he was offered a position in an infantry unit. Despite his hesitation due to horror stories he had heard, he ended up in the long range surveillance (LRS) unit, which was considered a stepping stone for SF. Though he had never been in a line unit before and was dreading it, he found himself excelling in LRS and eventually earned a spot in Ranger School. The grueling 21-day SF selection process followed, which he described as the hardest thing he had ever done. Despite being unprepared and out of shape, his determination and adaptability helped him complete the course and eventually join the SF. This story illustrates the importance of staying focused on goals and being open to new opportunities, even when they don't initially align with what was planned.

    • Military selection training tests resolve and determinationMilitary selection training pushes individuals to their limits with physically and mentally demanding tasks, testing resolve and determination, including a grueling 26-mile road march with a heavy rucksack.

      Military selection training is physically and mentally demanding, pushing individuals to their limits. During selection, trainees faced various challenging events such as carrying heavy sandbags, steel pipes, and water pails uphill. The 26-mile road march with a 65-pound rucksack was a grueling test of endurance. Despite the hardships, some trainees, like the man with broken feet, managed to complete the course. After selection, trainees moved on to MOS training, language school, and specialized schools to prepare for their roles in the military. The experience was a gut check, testing one's resolve and determination. This selection process was just the beginning of a long military career.

    • Survival Training: A Week of Challenges and IntensitySears School teaches survival skills and resistance techniques through immersive experiences involving harsh conditions and interrogations.

      Sears School, a survival training program, is a challenging and intense experience. The first week focuses on survival skills and storytelling techniques. The second week involves living off the land and completing a mission, during which participants may be captured and endure harsh interrogations and imprisonment. Throughout this process, trainees are encouraged to manipulate their captors and deny information. The experience includes physical and emotional hardships, with food deprivation, sleep deprivation, and brutal interrogations. The ultimate goal is to teach individuals how to survive and resist in extreme situations.

    • Effective communication and empathy in interrogationsMastering the 'soft cell' approach in interrogations, which emphasizes rapport and empathy, can lead to valuable intelligence despite its challenges.

      Effective communication and empathy are crucial in gaining information during interrogations. The German interrogator in World War II demonstrated this by establishing rapport with individuals without resorting to violence or mistreatment. This approach, known as the "soft cell," is the most challenging type of interrogation to master, but it's essential for extracting valuable information. Interrogation school teaches techniques for deception, avoiding answering questions, and manipulating one's identity to gain an interviewee's trust. While these methods may be effective against conventional forces, they may not work on terrorists who don't care about the consequences. Despite the challenges, the knowledge gained from interrogation school can be invaluable for gathering intelligence and making informed decisions in various operational contexts.

    • Training foreign military and law enforcement in combating narcotics trafficking and terrorismThe speaker's deployments focused on training foreign military and law enforcement personnel in various countries to combat narcotics trafficking and terrorism, resulting in hostile situations and casualties.

      The speaker had multiple deployments, primarily focused on training foreign military and law enforcement personnel in various countries, including Nepal, Thailand, and the Philippines. These deployments ranged from three to five weeks and included training in military decision making, tactics, shooting skills, medical aid, and counter-terrorist operations. The primary goal was to help these countries combat narcotics trafficking and terrorism. The speaker mentioned that they had encountered hostile situations, resulting in casualties. These deployments were part of joint operations with various US military branches and foreign agencies. The speaker also mentioned that the Philippines was a significant area in the global war on terror.

    • Gaining knowledge and skills from real-life situationsLive tissue training and scenario-based operations offer valuable experiences, enhancing skills and preparedness in specialized fields through collaboration and learning from real-life situations.

      Live tissue training and scenario-based operations provided invaluable experiences and knowledge for those working in specialized fields, such as military or emergency medical services. These trainings offered opportunities to learn from real-life situations and individuals who had experienced trauma, enhancing their skills and preparedness. For instance, a trip involved teaching team members how to keep an individual alive for several days to transport them to a hospital. Another operation was a joint effort to locate a dirty bomb, which required collaboration with various organizations and traveling extensively. Live tissue training, specifically, was highlighted as an excellent and beneficial experience, allowing participants to gain hands-on knowledge and learn from experts. These trainings not only broadened horizons but also fostered camaraderie and a deeper understanding of diverse cultures.

    • Military and intelligence background shapes unique perspectiveHis military and intelligence background provided valuable experiences in 'trade craft' and blending in, shaping his personal endeavors in woodworking

      The speaker's experiences in the military and working for intelligence agencies have shaped his interests and skills in various ways. He reflects on missing out on certain opportunities but ultimately appreciates the unique experiences he had, particularly in the realm of "trade craft" and blending in. Now, he is pursuing a new venture in woodworking through his business, True Grit Wood Designs, showcasing his creativity and attention to detail. The speaker's background in military and intelligence work has given him a unique perspective and skillset that he continues to apply in his personal endeavors.

    • The Power of Support and GratitudeExpressing gratitude for support during transitions and supporting veteran-owned businesses can lead to success. Surprising loved ones with expressions of love and adding a P.S. to cover letters can increase chances of success.

      Support from others, especially during times of transition, can make all the difference. This was evident in a conversation between two veterans, who met through a mutual connection and formed a business partnership. The speaker expressed his gratitude for the other's support, which helped him succeed in the business world after leaving the military. He also emphasized the importance of supporting other veterans and buying from veteran-owned businesses. Additionally, the speaker's father made a surprise appearance on the podcast to express his pride in his son's military career and to tell him that he loved him. This heartfelt moment underscores the importance of expressing love and appreciation to loved ones, especially in moments when it might not be the norm. Finally, Skip Freeman, author of "Headhunters Hiring Secrets," shared a tip for job seekers: adding a P.S. to a cover letter can increase the chances of it being read by up to 75%. These stories and tips serve as reminders of the power of support and the importance of expressing love and gratitude.

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    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usAugust 05, 2024

    #123 Erik Prince - Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    #123 Erik Prince - Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt
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    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 29, 2024

    #122 Edwin C. May - Psychics in Space, Dream Telepathy and Remote Viewing Saturn

    #122 Edwin C. May - Psychics in Space, Dream Telepathy and Remote Viewing Saturn
    Edwin C. May is an author and former Director of the CIA's secretive Stargate Project. Edwin, a nuclear physicist (Ph.D.) by trade, spent many years at Stanford Research Institute studying ESP (extrasensory perception) and psychokinesis. In 1985, May founded the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, which would ultimately become the Stargate Program. May worked directly with former SRS guest Joe McMoneagle researching the remote viewing phenomenon. After the closure of the project, May founded The Laboratories for Fundamental Research, a multi-disciplinary research facility that studies psi phenomena via rigorous protocols and analyses techniques of modern science. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://shopify.com/shawn https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://expressvpn.com/shawn https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Edwin C. May Links: Books - https://www.lfr.org/book-store Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Edwin-C.-May/author/B00MLS5MWK Laboratories for Fundamental Research - https://www.lfr.org/lfr Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 22, 2024

    #121 Cmdr. Ahmad Massoud - The Assassination that Changed the World

    #121 Cmdr. Ahmad Massoud - The Assassination that Changed the World
    Ahmad Massoud is the Commander of the National Resistance Front (NRF) of Afghanistan. Massoud is the son of the late anti-soviet and revolutionary commander, Ahmad Shah Massoud, and hails from the Province of Takhar in Northeast Afghanistan. After the assassination of his father in 2001, Ahmad and his family settled in the UK, where he completed his higher education and military training at the Sandhurst Military Academy. Ahmad received his bachelor’s degree in War Studies from Kings College London and his master’s degree in International Politics from City, University of London.  After completing his education, Ahmad returned to Afghanistan and started his political movement. Supporters of his father declared him as the successor of the late Ahmad Shah Massoud. Now, he continues to advocate for the freedom of his people, appearing in the media and garnering support from allied nations. His vision for the country is reminiscent of his father's–decentralized, multicultural, and modern. Massoud recently authored In the Name of my Father: Struggling for Freedom in Afghanistan. This memoir explores his aspirations for his nation’s future and his commitment to the values of liberty, justice, and human rights. SIGN THE PETITION - https://www.change.org/shawnryanshow Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://unplugged.com/shawnryan https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://mypatriotsupply.com https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://expressvpn.com/shawn https://blackbuffalo.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Commander Massoud Links: X - https://x.com/AhmadMassoud NRF X - https://x.com/nrfafg | https://x.com/alinazary Book - https://www.amazon.com/Name-Father-Struggling-Freedom-Afghanistan/dp/1645720969 | https://www.republicbookpublishers.com/product/in-the-name-of-my-father/ Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 16, 2024

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    1. The human spirit soars when it's challenged.
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    Listen Here

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