
    About this Episode

    My guest for this episode is Rebecca Richman. Rebecca is a Senior Research Specialist at Morris Animal Foundation. She is also an artist and owns an art studio called studio d'Une. Her goal through her art is to celebrate our love for nature!  

    She has been part of the Morris Animal Foundation for 12 years. 

    As an artist, Rebecca strongly supports conservation. Here is what she says: “Fluid, viable relationships bring into focus the connection of one life to another, and the
    ways in which we impact our planet and are impacted by it. I create images that
    reveal the inherent bond between species and ecosystems, people and the natural

    In this episode we discuss her work within the foundation and how her art participates to
    conservation.  Rebecca explains how she educates people through her art work from bugs, hummingbirds to darters and aquatic pollution. Every educational message can be painted and a visual is more impactful than a talk! 

    A little bit of information about Morris Animal Foundation. It is a global leader in supporting scientific research that advances veterinary medicine related to health and quality of life for dogs, cats, horses and wildlife around the world . The studies so far granted have led to better preventions, diagnostic tools, treatment protocols and even cures for what ails the world’s animals. Some of these breakthroughs have become industry gold standards and are used in every veterinary practice in the United States.

    Without further due, it is my great pleasure to welcome my guest Rebecca. 

    Hope you enjoy the travel.  




    Recent Episodes from Wildlife Conservation Insights

    #15: Meet with Dr. Martine Van Zijll Langhout

    #15: Meet with Dr. Martine Van Zijll Langhout

     My guest for this episode is Dr. Martine Van Zijll Langhout.  It was a real pleasure to have
    this chat! Her passion for wildlife is tangible. 

    Her passion for wildlife conservation and medicine took Martine to many wild places in the world, where she worked with a wide range of wildlife species. Currently she's head of the veterinary department in Amsterdam Zoo and next to her work, she wrote a book about her life in the wilderness and what we human can learn from wildlife (Over Leven in het Wild). The enthusiastic reactions from readers inspired her to get a degree in life coaching and since then she's helping people to stay close to their heart and follow their dreams, which she's thoroughly enjoying. 

    In this episode, we discussed about the importance of living the present moment, the fact that it is not easy to find your own way :"it does not come easy, things are difficult, embrace when it is difficult, you have a high chance when you persevere" and her "go with the flow" way of thinking. I loved her mindset: " see where life takes you instead of trying to really be rigid about the way you want it". Her advices are invaluable for everyone, from young scientists to be to older veterinarian specialist as myself!

    We also chat about the role of zoological institutions and conservation of wild species. We as humans, also have to realize that "the world is not made around us", we are part of it and it is a good reminder about humility and deep appreciation.

    Without further due, it is my great pleasure to welcome my guest Martine. 

    Hope you enjoy the travel.   



    Bonus 3

    Bonus 3

    This is Whats'going on in the wildlife side Bonus 3 of the show Wildlife Conservation Insights. 

    I am Estelle, a French veterinarian, specialist in zoological medicine.

    In this bonus I will share with you 3 news:

     - The first news is a fun factoid: Aye-aye do nose picking using their very long middle finger- This finding has recently been published in the journal of Zoology 

    - The second news has been recently published in Science and is pretty cool I think: Canine distemper virus select for mate choice and coat color in wolves. 

    - The third news is a microbiome study in a special mustelid: the American marten.   

    Ready? Go!   


    A review of nose picking in primates with new evidence of its occurrence
    in Daubentonia madagascariensis A.-C. Fabre et al. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1111/jzo.13034 


    Disease outbreaks select for mate choice and coat color in wolves 

    CUBAYNES et al. SCIENCE 20 Oct 2022 Vol 378, Issue 6617 pp. 300-303 

    DOI: 10.1126/science.abi8745   

    The gut microbiome of wild American marten in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, PLoS ONE (2022).   

    Do not forget to share it and get back to us at Estellevet.com

    #14: Meet with Rebecca from Morris Animal Foundati

    #14: Meet with Rebecca from Morris Animal Foundati

    My guest for this episode is Rebecca Richman. Rebecca is a Senior Research Specialist at Morris Animal Foundation. She is also an artist and owns an art studio called studio d'Une. Her goal through her art is to celebrate our love for nature!  

    She has been part of the Morris Animal Foundation for 12 years. 

    As an artist, Rebecca strongly supports conservation. Here is what she says: “Fluid, viable relationships bring into focus the connection of one life to another, and the
    ways in which we impact our planet and are impacted by it. I create images that
    reveal the inherent bond between species and ecosystems, people and the natural

    In this episode we discuss her work within the foundation and how her art participates to
    conservation.  Rebecca explains how she educates people through her art work from bugs, hummingbirds to darters and aquatic pollution. Every educational message can be painted and a visual is more impactful than a talk! 

    A little bit of information about Morris Animal Foundation. It is a global leader in supporting scientific research that advances veterinary medicine related to health and quality of life for dogs, cats, horses and wildlife around the world . The studies so far granted have led to better preventions, diagnostic tools, treatment protocols and even cures for what ails the world’s animals. Some of these breakthroughs have become industry gold standards and are used in every veterinary practice in the United States.

    Without further due, it is my great pleasure to welcome my guest Rebecca. 

    Hope you enjoy the travel.  




    #13: Meet with Suzanne from Wildlife Coexistence Network

    #13: Meet with Suzanne from Wildlife Coexistence Network

     Bonjour!  I am Estelle, your host and this is Wildlife Conservation Insights, the podcast dedicated to the connections between wildlife and human being.  


    Welcome to Wildlife Conservation Insights! This is episode 13. The podcast is celebrating one year of existence!! It started last June 2021.

    Thank you for listening to this podcast from all over the world from 74 countries! 

    I really need your feedbacks to improve this podcast, please do not hesitate to reach out at wildlifeconservationinsights@gmail.com. 

    My guest for this episode is Suzanne Stone. She is currently the Leader of International
    Wildlife Coexistence Network. On the Western front lines of wolf restoration since 1988 including the 1990s Idaho/Yellowstone wolf reintroduction teams, Suzanne developed many of the nonlethal methods used around the world today to minimize wolf and livestock conflicts. She is the founder of the Wood River Wolf Project, a 15-year demonstration study that has proven the effectiveness of nonlethal coexistence strategies over traditional lethal control of wildlife.  She is also a member of the IUCN Canid Specialist Task Force. 


    Hope you enjoy the travel.   


    Connect with Us! If you like it, share it!  

    You can find more about International Wildlife Coexistence Network on the website estellevet.com under episode 13.   




    Adaptive use of nonlethal strategies for minimizing Wolf-sheep conflict
    in Idaho
    . Stone et al. 2017. Journal of Mammalogy 

    Compensation and Non-lethal Deterrent Programs: Building Tolerance for
    Wolf Restoration in the Rockies
    . 2009. In book: A New Era for Wolves and People Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes, and Policy Edition: Energy, Ecology, and the Environment Series Publisher: University of Calgary Press Editors: Musiani, Boitani, Paquet  

    #12: Tiger conservation

    #12: Tiger conservation

     Bonjour! I am Estelle, your host and this is Wildlife Conservation Insights, the podcast
    dedicated to the connections between wildlife and human being. 

    This is episode 12.  My guest for this episode is Stuart Chapman. Mr. Chapman is currently the Leader of Tigers Alive Initiative, a program of the WWF International.  

    Since the age of 5, Stuart wanted to be a naturalist. A lifelong conservationist and vocal advocate for nature, he has lived and worked in Asia for 20 years starting his international career as a ranger trainer in Wolong Panda Reserve in China in 1991. In 2019, Stuart was appointed as WWF’s Tigers Alive Initiative leader with the goal of doubling the number of tigers in the wild by 2022 and is now based in Nepal. 

    In this episode, we discussed about his passion; what he belives in and the fact that staying open to opportunities aligned with your passion will lead you where you need to be. 

    Hope you enjoy the travel.   


    Estellevet.com: episode 12


    #11: From the Netherlands to Namibia: Tales of a wildlife veterinarian

    #11: From the Netherlands to Namibia: Tales of a wildlife veterinarian


    I am Estelle, your host and this is Wildlife Conservation Insights, the podcast dedicated to the connections between wildlife and human being. 

    Welcome to Wildlife Conservation Insights! This is episode 11. 

    My guest for this episode is a friend and wildlife veterinarian Dr. Maaike de Schepper. We met back in 2019 in Zimbabwe while attending the Wildlife capture Africa trust in Malilangwe. As you can imagine it was an incredible adventure. 

    I want to share with you the current work Maaike is doing.  Maaike is currently a wildlife veterinarian working for the NGO called NaanKuSe based in Namibia.

    The Naankuse Foundation is a conservation charity dedicated to preserving the landscapes, cultures and wildlife of Namibia. It is world-famous conservation organization, that has a global approach: working to preserve animals, ecosystem and working closely with local communities.  

    During my conversation with Maaike, we talked about few missions Maaike was involved in and how her work participates in species conservation as well as her close
    involvement with the local communities. 

    Hope you enjoy the travel.  


    Connect with Us! If you like it, share it! 

    You can find more about Maaike on the website estellevet.com under episode 11.  


    Be sure and connect with Maaike on Instagram after listening to this episode under the_desert_vet 


    #10: Te mana o te moana: Meet with Dr. Cecile Gaspar

    #10: Te mana o te moana: Meet with Dr. Cecile Gaspar

     Bonjour! I am Estelle, your host and this is Wildlife Conservation Insights, the podcast dedicated to the connections between wildlife and human being. You want to know
    more about wildlife? About whats going on: Why some species are getting endangered? What are the challenges our world is facing? You want to meet people that dedicate their life to save animal species? You want to be proactive and also participate in species conservation? This podcast is for you!!! 

    Welcome to Wildlife Conservation Insights! This is episode 10. 

    This episode is very special as it was recorded live. My guest Dr. Cecile Gaspar invited me to French Polynesia to help her out with diagnostic and medical treatments of sick
    sea turtles. It is one of this time when you connect deeply with someone and that gives you new hope for our planet, faith in what you are doing and energy.

    We discussed about her NGO te mana o te moana, her work with sea turtles, ocean conservation and the fact that nothing is given: you have to go get what you want and believe in your projects. 

    Te mana o te moana, a NGO meaning “spirit of the ocean” has three objectives: education, conservation and research on the Polynesian marine environment. Jean-Michel Cousteau and the French astronaut Jean-François Clervoy are its ambassadors.  

    Cecile is an official sea turtle expert for IUCN. She developed a dedicated sea turtle clinic in Moorea, which has welcomed more than 600 sick and injured turtles to this day. She has set up a long-term green turtle nesting monitoring program on Marlon Brando’s Tetiaroa atoll since 2007.
    Her foundation has developed educational programs and received over 100,000
    children up to date. The foundation is one of the leaders of the AME (aires marines éducatives) Educative Marine Area concept in French Polynesia. Cécile has and still continues to inspire new generations.  

    Cécile Gaspar has been honored as a Knight of the National Order of Merit in 2012.  


    Hope you enjoy the travel.  


    Connect with Us! If you like it, share it! 

    You can find more about Cécile on my website estellevet.com under episode 10.  




    Bonus 2

    Bonus 2

    This is Whats'going on in the wildlife side Bonus 2 of the show Wildlife Conservation Insights. 

    I am Estelle, a French veterinarian, specialist in zoological medicine.

    In this bonus I will share with you a special focus on koala and okapi conservation and
    we will then move on to a hot topic: COVID-19 in ungulates and gorillas. This bonus will then end on an Ocean note. 

    Ready? Go!  






    Vanessa L. Hale, et al.  (2022) SARS-CoV-2 infection in free-ranging white-tailed deer. Nature volume 602, pages481–486  

    Gilardi, K. V., & Uwingeli, P. (2022). Keep mountain gorillas free from pandemic virus. Nature, 602(7896), 211-211. doi:10.1038/d41586-022-00331-z 

    Mazet, J. A., et al. (2020). Human respiratory syncytial virus detected in mountain gorilla
    respiratory outbreaks. EcoHealth, 17(4), 449-460. doi:10.1007/s10393-020-01506-8 

    Palacios, G., et al.  (2011). Human metapneumovirus infection in wild mountain gorillas,
    Rwanda. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 17(4), 711-713. doi:10.3201/eid1704.100883 

    Flowers, K., et al. (2022). Varying reef shark abundance trends inside a marine reserve: Evidence of a Caribbean reef shark decline. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 683, 97-107. doi:10.3354/meps13954 

    Senko et al., Net illumination reduces fisheries bycatch, maintains catch value, and increases operational efficiency, Current Biology (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.12.05095  

    Bonus 1

    Bonus 1

    This is Whats'going on in the wildlife side Bonus 1 of the show Wildlife Conservation Insights. 

    I am Estelle, a French veterinarian, specialist in zoological medicine.

    In this bonus I will share with you a special focus on species loss (species going extinct and new species facing new threats) and end with two really neat news about Ocean protection! Ready? Go!




    #9: Improving welfare during rhinoceros translocations

    #9:  Improving welfare during rhinoceros translocations

    Bonjour! I am Estelle, your host and this is Wildlife Conservation Insights, the podcast dedicated to the connections between wildlife and human being. You want to know more about wildlife? About whats going on: Why some species are getting endangered? What are the challenges our world is facing?
    You want to meet people that dedicate their life to save animal species? You want to be proactive and also participate in species conservation? This podcast is for you!!! 

    Welcome to Wildlife Conservation Insights, and Happy New Year 2022!  

    This is episode 9: our first episode of the year. I have been very busy these past few months and I am very happy to be back to share this new episode with you. 

    Today my guest is a very talented veterinarian!: Dr. Friederike Pohlin. 

    Today we discussed about her PhD focused on welfare improvement during rhino translocations. We talk about the importance of getting out of your comfort zone. Dr. Pohlin shared her recent experience at the IUCN global youth submit and share with us the fact that “We are the last generation that create a more sustainable future for all, We can not afford not to talk about climate change”. 

    Finally we share the need to work together to make a positive change and the Importance of transgenerational interactions. 


    Hope you enjoy the travel.  

    Connect with Us!   If you like it, share it!

    You can find more about Fidu on my website estellevet.com under episode 9. 

