
    #1426 - Justin Martindale

    en-usFebruary 12, 2020
    What are the societal norms regarding substance use in smoke-free buildings?
    How has marijuana use been normalized in California?
    What anecdotes does the speaker share about public consumption?
    How does the speaker view criticism on social media?
    What connections are made between psychedelics and ancient religious texts?

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Personal Freedoms and Societal ExpectationsEven in smoke-free environments, some individuals consume substances that may not be welcomed by all. This normalization of marijuana use in California raises questions about societal norms and potential health risks.

      Even in a health-conscious, smoke-free building, some people still find ways to consume substances that are technically legal but may not be appreciated by everyone. The speaker shares anecdotes about smoking weed in such a building and the reactions of others, comparing it to cigarette smoke and the protective behavior of parents. The discussion also touches on the normalization of marijuana use in California and the speaker's amusement towards tourists' reactions to it. Additionally, the topic of public consumption of substances, whether it be marijuana or disinfectants, raises questions about the potential health risks and societal norms. The speaker also mentions the lengths some people go to for their habits, such as a man who gets blasted in a yoga class or Eddie Isard running 28 marathons in 28 days in 28 countries. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of navigating personal freedoms and societal expectations.

    • Skepticism and concerns during the pandemicThe pandemic has led to unprecedented measures, raising skepticism and concerns, while also highlighting the importance of taking precautions to protect oneself and others.

      The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has led to unprecedented measures, including the use of disinfectants and drones, as people try to contain the spread of the virus. The speaker expresses skepticism about some of these methods, but acknowledges the seriousness of the situation. He also shares concerns about other health issues, such as the potential harm of glyphosate. The speaker's conversation reflects a sense of unease and uncertainty about the future, as well as a recognition of the importance of taking precautions to protect oneself and others. The pandemic has brought about a heightened awareness of the potential for diseases to spread rapidly and cause widespread harm, and the need for collective action to mitigate these risks.

    • Ongoing concerns over glyphosate safety with 85,000 lawsuits linked to cancer allegationsDespite the EPA's stance, glyphosate, commonly found in Roundup, raises health and environmental concerns due to potential risks to human health and other plants, leading to widespread use and contamination of water sources

      There are ongoing concerns about the safety of glyphosate, a widely used herbicide, with over 85,000 lawsuits related to cancer allegedly linked to the product. The substance, commonly found in Roundup, is used to kill weeds but may also harm other plants and potentially pose risks to human health. The EPA maintains that glyphosate does not cause cancer, but some individuals have reported falling ill after coming into contact with it. The substance is often used in large-scale agriculture, making it difficult to manually remove weeds, leading to widespread use of the chemical. The runoff from urban areas, including the infamous LA River, can carry chemicals and other pollutants into the water supply, raising concerns about the safety of recreational activities in contaminated waters. The complex interplay of environmental and health issues highlights the need for ongoing research and public awareness to ensure the safety of everyday products and practices.

    • A heartfelt conversation about simple living, self-sufficiency, and reminiscingSpeakers shared their desires for simple living and self-sufficiency, reminisced about the past, and joked about food and pop culture. They also discussed prepping and having food supplies ready for emergencies.

      During a conversation about various topics, the speakers expressed their desire for simple living and self-sufficiency, reminisced about the past, and made light-hearted comments about food and pop culture. They also shared stories about their experiences and friendships. While the conversation was not directly related to Valentine's Day, they did mention the holiday and joked about its commercialization. The speakers also touched upon the topic of preppers and their focus on having food supplies ready for emergencies. Overall, the conversation was a mix of serious and humorous reflections on life and survival.

    • Importance of Clean Water During EmergenciesHaving a water storage system is crucial during emergencies. Lesbians may form smaller, independent communities while gay men tend to congregate in larger groups, but both should prioritize preparation and self-sufficiency.

      During emergencies or long-term survival situations, having access to clean water is crucial. The speaker shares anecdotes about the importance of having a water storage system and the risks of drinking untreated water. He also touches upon the topic of community formation and compares lesbians to wolves and gay men to dogs, suggesting that lesbians may form smaller, more independent communities while gay men tend to congregate in larger groups. However, the conversation veers off into a humorous direction with discussions about beaver fever and conversion therapy. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of preparation and self-sufficiency in times of need.

    • Discussions on societal acceptance of the LGBTQ+ communityProgress towards acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community continues, but religious beliefs and societal norms can hinder this progress. Treating others with respect, kindness, and understanding is crucial.

      Despite progress, societal acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community remains an ongoing issue. This was highlighted through various discussions about conversion therapy camps, the acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals, and the public reaction to Pete Buttigieg's sexuality. The conversation also touched upon the selective application of religious beliefs and the hypocrisy of those who use the Bible to discriminate against certain groups. Ultimately, it was emphasized that treating others with respect, kindness, and understanding, regardless of their sexual orientation or other differences, is a core tenet that should guide our interactions.

    • Ancient religious texts may have origins in psychedelic experiencesAncient religious texts may have derived from psychoactive plant use, with stories like the burning bush and forbidden fruit potentially referencing psychedelic experiences

      Many ancient religious texts and stories may have origins in psychedelic experiences and the consumption of certain plants, such as mushrooms. These experiences were believed to bring about divine revelations and the formation of religious beliefs and commandments. For instance, the burning bush spoken of in the Bible is now believed to have been an acacia tree rich in DMT. The story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit could also be a reference to psychoactive mushrooms, as some theories suggest. The consumption of these substances was not uncommon in ancient cultures for spiritual and religious purposes. This theory challenges traditional beliefs and sheds new light on the origins of various religious texts and practices.

    • Ancient Mushroom Rituals and the BibleThe Bible's stories may have been based on ancient mushroom rituals, with the term 'Christ' possibly derived from a Sumerian term meaning 'mushroom covered in God's semen'.

      The Bible's stories may have origins in ancient mushroom rituals. The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in Qumran, Israel, contain theories suggesting the word "Christ" comes from a Sumerian term meaning "mushroom covered in God's semen." Ancient civilizations, like those in Asheville, North Carolina, used various methods to prevent the growth of these psychoactive mushrooms due to their hallucinogenic effects. The college students of the time would go out and consume these mushrooms, leading to altered states of consciousness. The stories in the Bible may have been allegories and parables to hide these mushroom rituals from their conquerors. Today, there's a push for decriminalization and acceptance of microdosing, similar to how society normalized the use of marijuana.

    • Marijuana Legalization: From Hidden Stash to Legal HighsMarijuana is now legal in 12 states and decriminalized in the District of Columbia, leading to increased revenue and population growth for some areas.

      The legalization of marijuana has evolved significantly over the years, from hiding it in underwear to carrying vape pens and gummies, and from being fully illegal to being legal or decriminalized in various states. The discussion highlights that marijuana is now legal in 12 states and decriminalized in the District of Columbia, while other states have reduced penalties for medicinal use. The conversation also touches upon the economic implications of legalization, with some states experiencing increased revenue and population growth. The speakers also share personal experiences and anecdotes related to the changing attitudes towards marijuana and its legal status.

    • Democratic Primary Controversies: Iowa Coin Flip and Bernie Sanders' Economic PlansThe 2020 Democratic primary race has seen controversies over campaign tactics and money influence, including a coin flip during the Iowa caucus and questions about Bernie Sanders' economic plans. Despite uncertainties, the race highlights the importance of transparency and fairness in politics.

      The 2020 Democratic primary race has seen its fair share of controversies, with accusations of money influence and questionable campaign tactics. A notable incident involved a coin flip during the Iowa caucus, which some perceived as being rigged in favor of Pete Buttigieg. Bernie Sanders, a leading contender, has gained support due to his long-standing commitment to civil rights and his proposed solutions for healthcare and other issues. However, some question the feasibility of his economic plans. Despite the uncertainties, many are looking forward to the primary process to determine the Democratic nominee. Ultimately, the race serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and fairness in politics.

    • Allegations of democratic primary rigging and the role of government in implementing changeThere are concerns about democratic primaries being manipulated against certain candidates, specifically those who reject corporate donations. Government may not always be the most effective entity to allocate resources, and the homeless crisis in California highlights this issue.

      There are allegations of democratic primaries being rigged against certain candidates, specifically Bernie Sanders in 2016, due to their unwillingness to work with the establishment and accept corporate donations. This conversation also touched on the topic of democratic socialism, the effectiveness of government in implementing large-scale change, and the growing issue of homelessness in California. The speaker expressed a belief that government may not be the most efficient or reasonable entity to allocate resources, and shared personal experiences of witnessing the homeless crisis in their area. The conversation also included a mention of Tulsi Gabbard and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as potential vice-presidential picks for Sanders, and the challenges they may face due to their age.

    • Unexpected Impact of Mental Health IssuesMental health issues can lead to homelessness and negatively impact individuals' lives. Policies like those from the Reagan administration may have contributed to the release of mentally ill individuals without proper support.

      Mental health issues can unexpectedly and dramatically impact individuals, turning their lives upside down. The speaker shared a personal experience of knowing a woman named Lotus, who was once a kind and cheerful yoga instructor, but later became homeless and appeared to be mentally unstable. The speaker felt guilty for not being able to help her and expressed sadness for the plight of homeless people, especially women. They discussed how mental health issues can lead to homelessness, and how policies like those implemented during the Reagan administration may have contributed to the release of mentally ill individuals from asylums, leaving them without proper support. The conversation underscored the importance of addressing mental health issues and providing adequate resources for those in need.

    • Addressing Homelessness: Beyond HousingMental health issues and despair are common among homeless individuals, requiring professional help and medication for some, while belief in oneself can make a difference for others.

      Addressing homelessness requires more than just providing housing. Many homeless individuals struggle with mental health issues and despair, which can make it challenging for them to maintain a stable living situation. Some may require professional help and medication, while others may be beyond reach. The speaker shares personal experiences of encountering individuals in various stages of their homeless journey, from those who have lost hope to those who still hold on to it. The speaker also reflects on his own struggles and how believing in oneself can make a difference. The conversation also touches upon the stark contrast between the luxury apartments in certain areas and the homeless population, highlighting the wealth disparity in society.

    • Discovered by Mitzi Shore at the Comedy StoreBeing discovered by a legendary figure in your industry can provide the confidence and validation needed to succeed in your career.

      The interviewee's comedy career took off unexpectedly after being discovered by Mitzi Shore at the Comedy Store. Prior to this, the interviewee had been struggling and unsure of himself, but Mitzi's recognition gave him the confidence and validation he needed to succeed. The moment was significant for the interviewee, as Mitzi was a legendary figure in the comedy world and her approval was a stamp of approval for him as a comic. The experience was emotional for the interviewee, who had been working hard and felt a deep connection to the Comedy Store as a place where he found a sense of belonging. The encounter with Mitzi was a turning point in his career and life, and it stayed with him as a defining moment.

    • The Comedy Store: A pivotal and nurturing environment for Justin's comedic careerThe Comedy Store, a legendary comedy club in Los Angeles, provided Justin with valuable experiences, challenges, and validation, transforming it into a home and source of support that helped him overcome self-doubt and perform in prestigious venues.

      The Comedy Store in Los Angeles served as a pivotal and nurturing environment for Justin's comedic career. During his time there, he faced challenges and received crucial validation from industry professionals. A particularly memorable moment was when Mitzi Shore, the club's owner, recognized his talent and encouraged him, leading him to believe in himself and continue pursuing comedy. This experience transformed the Comedy Store into a home and a source of support, helping him overcome self-doubt and ultimately leading him to perform in prestigious venues like the Grand Ole Opry. The Comedy Store, as Justin describes it, is a unique and magical place where aspiring comedians can hone their craft and grow within a community.

    • The back bar: a special place for comedians to connect and build relationshipsThe back bar is a unique space where comedians form genuine friendships, support each other's careers, and find inspiration

      The back bar in the comedy scene is a special place where comedians can connect, reconnect, and build relationships. It's a place of positivity and empowerment, where egos are checked and genuine friendships are formed. The back bar has been instrumental in launching many careers and providing a space for comedians to hang out and support each other. However, it's important to keep the back bar exclusive to comedians and avoid distractions or interruptions that take away from its unique purpose. Overall, the back bar represents the heart and soul of the comedy community, where camaraderie and creativity thrive.

    • An unexpected run-in with the KardashiansThe speaker regrets not starting a YouTube channel earlier and is excited to begin a podcast, despite a past encounter with Kim Kardashian's security causing tension.

      The speaker had an unexpected encounter with Kim Kardashian and her family at an awards show. He was wearing a jacket covered in their faces, which caused a security guard to almost body slam him. The speaker used to work at E! Entertainment, hosting a fashion show called What the Fashion. He left the job because he didn't get to do the fun parts of the job, like attending events. Now, he's starting a podcast and regrets not having a YouTube channel earlier. Despite the awkward encounter, the speaker seems to have a good sense of humor about the situation and is looking forward to his new ventures.

    • Empowerment through self-control and resilienceEmpowerment comes from controlling your own content and business. Receive feedback with resilience and maintain a thick skin to overcome criticism.

      Having control over your own content and business is empowering. The speaker shares their experience of encouraging comedians to be their own bosses and shares stories of getting blocked on Twitter by famous figures like Meghan McCain and Chloe Grace Moretz. These incidents were seen as badges of approval. The speaker also reflects on the fascination of receiving comments, both positive and negative, and the impact they can have on people. They emphasize the importance of not letting others' words affect your emotions and self-worth. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-reliance, resilience, and maintaining a thick skin in the face of criticism.

    • Mean-spirited behavior on social mediaSocial media anonymity can fuel bullying and harassment, negatively impacting individuals and their development, especially for younger generations. Always strive for kindness and respect online.

      The anonymity and disconnect of social media can bring out mean-spirited behavior in some individuals, who may feel entitled to criticize or bully those who are successful or in the public eye. This behavior can stem from feelings of inadequacy or jealousy, and can take the form of harassment through comments, direct messages, or even creating fake accounts. This issue is particularly concerning for younger generations who are growing up with social media as a primary means of communication, potentially stunting their development of essential interpersonal skills. It's important to remember that online interactions still have real-world consequences and to strive for kindness and respect in all forms of communication.

    • Impact of Video Calls on Daily LivesPeople have strong opinions about using video calls for staying connected, productivity, and dealing with unexpected group calls, reflecting the diverse ways technology impacts our lives.

      Technology, specifically video calls through FaceTime, has become more prevalent in people's lives in recent years. Some people, including rappers, enjoy using it for various reasons, such as staying connected and seeing where others are. However, there are also criticisms, such as the inconvenience of unexpected group calls and the preference for certain devices and keyboards for productivity. It seems that people have strong opinions about the technology they use and are not afraid to share them. The discussion also touched on the latest tech developments, including new phone models and their features. Overall, the conversation highlights the impact of technology on our daily lives and the diverse ways people use and react to it.

    • Preference for laptops and concerns about drug safetySpeaker prefers laptop use for comfort and productivity, but expresses concerns about drug safety and potential dangers of drug use, advocating for legalization to ensure purity and reduce harm.

      While some people prefer the convenience of using their phones for tasks, others find the experience of using a laptop or desktop computer to be more comfortable and productive. The speaker in this conversation expresses a preference for the feel of a keyboard and the ability to easily access specific music genres on his devices. However, he also expresses concerns about the dangers of drugs, specifically the issue of drugs being cut with more potent substances like fentanyl, leading to unintended overdoses. The speaker advocates for the legalization of drugs to ensure that users have access to pure substances and to reduce the harm caused by the illegal drug trade. Despite his past experiences with drug use, he emphasizes that he doesn't want others to use drugs and encourages caution and awareness around their use.

    • Dangers of Drug Addiction and Personal VowsOne use of addictive drugs like Adderall can lead to withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings, potentially breaking personal vows not to use them.

      Drugs, such as Adderall, can be addictive after just one use. The speaker described experiencing withdrawals and the intense desire to continue using the drug despite a personal vow not to do so again. The conversation also touched on the connection between certain drugs and increased productivity, as well as the potential risks and challenges associated with their use. Additionally, the discussion touched on the topic of anal sex and the preferences of some individuals, highlighting the complexity and diversity of human experiences and desires. Overall, the conversation underscored the potential risks and rewards of various behaviors and substances, and the importance of making informed decisions.

    • Factors influencing attraction: genetics, societal norms, and personal preferencesAttraction is influenced by a complex interplay of genetics, societal norms, and personal preferences, including height, strength, body size, and cologne.

      Physical attributes, including genetics and body shape, play a role in attraction. The discussion touched upon how certain features, such as height, strength, and body size, are favored. Additionally, the conversation mentioned the influence of societal standards and personal preferences, including the example of the Kardashian sisters. It was noted that there are various factors that contribute to attraction, including genetics, societal norms, and individual preferences. The conversation also touched upon the topic of cologne and how it can be a factor in attraction, with some people preferring certain scents for different seasons or moods. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexity of attraction and how it is influenced by a multitude of factors.

    • Exploring societal norms and expectations through humorThe conversation highlighted the use of humor to challenge stereotypes and misunderstandings, and the complexities of navigating societal expectations and norms, particularly within the LGBTQ+ community.

      The conversation touched on various topics, including a misunderstanding of a term, the use of humor, and societal norms and expectations, particularly within the LGBTQ+ community. The speakers joked about a perfume and its supposed origins, using humor to poke fun at stereotypes and misunderstandings. They also discussed the acceptance and normalization of certain relationships and behaviors within the gay community that may be viewed differently in the straight community. The conversation also touched on the complexities and challenges of growing older and navigating societal expectations and norms. The speakers also made references to Britney Spears and her conservatorship, sparking a discussion about mental health and control in celebrity contexts. Overall, the conversation showcased the use of humor and the exploration of societal norms and expectations.

    • Britney Spears' Personal Life: A Rollercoaster Ride of Controversies and ChallengesFame at a young age brings unique challenges, including public scrutiny, mental health struggles, and the impact of controversial relationships. The cases of Britney Spears, Macaulay Culkin, and Anna Nicole Smith illustrate these complexities.

      Britney Spears' personal life has been a subject of public scrutiny and speculation for years. From her quirky fashion shows at home to her canceled residencies and controversial relationships, her life has been a rollercoaster ride. The conversation also touched upon allegations of her father's abuse and her mental health struggles. Despite the controversies, many continue to root for her, hoping for a comeback. Speakers also shared their thoughts on the impact of fame at a young age and the challenges it brings. They discussed the cases of other celebrities like Macaulay Culkin and Anna Nicole Smith, who have also faced similar struggles. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of being a public figure, particularly for those who gained fame at a young age.

    • The Dark Side of FameEnvy and judgment can lead to harmful behavior towards successful individuals, manifesting in cyberbullying and cancel culture. Social media makes it easier to hide behind screens and lash out, but it's important to strive for empathy and understanding instead.

      Fame can be a distorting and isolating experience, and once it's lost, it can lead to a negative perception from others. The speaker argues that people often envy those who are successful and look for opportunities to bring them down, which can manifest in the form of cyberbullying and cancel culture. This behavior, the speaker notes, is not only harmful to the target but also has a way of coming back to haunt the perpetrator. The widespread use of social media exacerbates this issue, making it easier for people to hide behind screens and lash out at others. Ultimately, the speaker urges us to be mindful of the impact of our words and actions, and to strive for empathy and understanding instead of envy and judgment.

    • Navigating inappropriate content in the entertainment industryParents should monitor their children's online activities to protect them from inappropriate content, even in the entertainment industry.

      The entertainment industry, especially in its early stages of new platforms, can expose individuals to inappropriate content, often unintentionally, and it's important for parents and guardians to be aware and involved in their children's online activities. The speaker shared experiences of encountering disturbing content on social media platforms, particularly when they first started, and the sense of responsibility and discomfort that came with it. Additionally, the speaker expressed no interest in having children due to the flexibility and independence that comes with having a pet instead. The tour and upcoming projects, including a dance-off show, were also mentioned.

    • Effective Communication is Key to Resolving ConflictsClear and respectful communication can prevent misunderstandings, build stronger relationships, and foster positive interactions.

      Communication is key in resolving conflicts and maintaining healthy relationships. The exchange in the text showcases a lack of effective communication leading to misunderstandings and hostile responses. It's important to express feelings openly and respectfully, rather than ignoring or making threats. Building and maintaining positive relationships requires effort, patience, and understanding. Justin Martindale's name was mentioned multiple times in the text, suggesting a potential connection or ongoing interaction between the individuals involved. It's important to remember that social media platforms can be a tool for communication, but they should not replace face-to-face interactions or meaningful conversations. In conclusion, the text serves as a reminder to prioritize clear and respectful communication in our relationships, whether in person or online. By doing so, we can avoid misunderstandings, build stronger connections, and foster a more positive and productive interaction with others.

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