
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected life turns and alternate pathsEvery experience shapes our lives, from seemingly insignificant moments to life-altering events. Our resilience and determination help us navigate these twists and turns.

      Our lives can take unexpected turns, leading us to places we never imagined. The speaker shares a personal story about how 9/11 led him to a job fair, where he hoped to join the FBI but ended up leaving empty-handed. He ponders about how his life might have been different if he had become an FBI agent. This experience, although disappointing at the time, made him wonder about the interconnectedness of events and the alternate paths our lives could take. The podcast episode also highlights the importance of determination and resilience, as shown by Shannon Rossmiller, a municipal court judge who continued her work despite a serious injury. This story serves as a reminder that every experience, whether seemingly insignificant or life-altering, contributes to the complex tapestry of our lives.

    • The 9/11 attacks shaped Shannon's life and led her on a new journey of understanding and seeking justice.The 9/11 attacks led Shannon to explore radical Islam and terrorism online, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding and personal growth.

      The 9/11 attacks significantly impacted Shannon's life, pushing her down a new road and shaping her into someone she never imagined herself being. As a focused and curious woman, she felt compelled to understand the motivations behind such a tragic event and seek justice for those affected. The Internet, though in its infancy, became a valuable resource for her, allowing her to connect with others and learn about radical Islam and terrorism. The anonymity of the online world enabled her to explore various perspectives, even those she found disturbing. The emergence of Al Qaeda as a new enemy for the United States added to the confusion and uncertainty, with the Internet becoming a breeding ground for extremist views. Despite the challenges and complexities, Shannon's determination to learn and make sense of the world around her ultimately led her to a deeper understanding and personal growth.

    • Exploring the Complexity of Online InteractionsOnline interactions can blur the lines between friends and enemies, allowing individuals to explore opposing views and ideologies while concealing their true identity and intentions.

      The Internet can bring people with opposing views and ideologies closer together, blurring the lines between friends and enemies. Shannon, a woman from Montana, formed an online group, the 7 Seas Global Intelligence Security Team, with like-minded individuals interested in Islamic extremism. She wanted to understand their culture and language better, so she started learning Arabic. Although she shared information with the group, she often explored on her own and hid her activities from her husband. Shannon was drawn to her enemies, realizing they were within her reach on the Internet. To get closer, she disguised herself online and interacted with them as one of them, analyzing their conversations and nuances. Shannon's story highlights the intrigue and complexity of online interactions, where one's identity and intentions can be easily concealed. It also raises questions about the ethical implications of such actions and the potential risks involved.

    • Woman infiltrates extremist group online using fake identityOnline environments can be dangerous, allowing for easy creation of fake identities, making it crucial to be aware and cautious of potential deception.

      The Internet provides a complex and dangerous environment where people can easily create fake identities and infiltrate online communities, including those with malicious intentions. Shannon, a woman in the early 2000s, used this to her advantage to infiltrate an Islamic extremist group by creating a believable persona, "Abu Zida," and gained the trust of a key influencer, Osama Abdullah Kasser, also known as Kesser. She went to great lengths to hide her true identity and location, even using proxy servers to mask her IP address and create the illusion of being from a different country. However, the lack of usual cues, such as facial expressions and tone of voice, made it challenging to determine if someone was lying or not, adding to the complexity of her mission. Despite the risks, Shannon's curiosity and determination led her to infiltrate Kesser's email account, giving her access to valuable information, even if it didn't lead to any immediate incriminating evidence. Overall, her story highlights the importance of being aware of the dangers of the Internet and the ease with which people can manipulate their online identities.

    • Judge Goes Undercover on Dark Web to Gather IntelCollaboration, innovation, and caution are crucial when dealing with potential threats on the dark web. However, undercover operations raise ethical concerns regarding privacy and entrapment.

      Undercover investigations on the dark web require careful planning and execution to avoid entrapment and maintain legality. In this case, a judge named Shannon went undercover online using the persona Abu Zida to gain the trust of terrorists in the Army of the Righteous, a known jihadist militant organization. Her goal was to gather intel and prevent terrorist attacks. She developed a plan, Operation Whirlpool, with the help of a software developer, Brent Ashley. They created malware that logged keystrokes on a target's computer and uploaded the data to Shannon. They disguised the malware as a document in the Jihadist Encyclopedia, hoping terrorists would download and open it. This operation highlights the importance of collaboration, innovation, and caution when dealing with potential threats on the dark web. However, it also raises ethical concerns regarding privacy and entrapment.

    • Impersonation Attack using Friend's IdentitySocial engineering and impersonation are powerful tools for cyber attacks. Trusting sources online can lead to downloading malware and exposing sensitive information.

      Social engineering and impersonation can be effective methods for cyber attacks. Shannon, a hacker, used her friend's identity, Kasser, to trick people into downloading malware by posing as him on a radical Islamic forum. She created a user profile that looked identical to Kasser's, even using a proxy to hide her true identity. This ruse worked, and many people downloaded the malware, believing it was coming from a trusted source. The attackers monitored the data collected by the malware and focused on a user named Samir, who seemed to have valuable information about Al Qaeda. This case illustrates the importance of security awareness and the risks associated with trusting sources online. It also highlights the potential power and danger of impersonation in the digital world.

    • Online undercover work: Patience and effective communicationEffective online undercover work requires patience, careful planning, and the ability to communicate convincingly in various languages to gain trust and gather intelligence

      Online undercover work requires careful planning and patience. Shannon, a linguist and undercover agent, monitored computer activity and chatted with potential threats in various online forums. She used her language skills to create multiple personas and communicate effectively with suspects, even when they spoke in Arabic. One such suspect, "Amir Abdul Rashid," hinted at ties to Al Qaeda and plans for a terrorist attack. Shannon, posing as an Al Qaeda recruiter, gained his trust and learned that he was a US Army National Guard member planning to deploy to Iraq. This discovery was alarming, and Shannon continued the conversation for two months, gathering more information without revealing her true identity. The success of Shannon's operation highlights the importance of patience, careful planning, and effective communication in online undercover work.

    • Online undercover work: A delicate processEffective communication and trust between informants and law enforcement are crucial for successful undercover operations.

      Online undercover work can be a complex and delicate process. Shannon, a Montana mom and judge, discovered an English-speaking Arabic forum user named Ryan Anderson, who was attempting to defect to Al-Qaeda and share sensitive military information. She traced his IP address to Seattle and contacted Homeland Security, but they didn't take her seriously. Shannon felt torn about revealing her online identity and eventually met with the FBI to share all the details. The FBI was interested but needed more evidence and wanted Shannon to keep communicating with Ryan and set up a meeting. The plan was for the FBI to pose as an Al-Qaeda member and meet with Ryan to gather more information. However, Ryan grew suspicious and suggested they use fake names to communicate. This added complexity to the operation, but it was necessary to ensure the success of the sting. The story illustrates the importance of trust and communication between law enforcement and informants in carrying out successful undercover operations.

    • Online double life of a counterterrorism agentOnline interactions can hide true identities, leading to dangerous situations. Always be cautious and report suspicious activities to authorities.

      Online interactions can lead to dangerous situations when people hide their true identities and intentions. In this case, Shannon, a mother and wife, led a double life as a counterterrorism agent, infiltrating online forums and chat rooms. She befriended a man named Ryan Anderson, who was planning a terrorist attack on US soldiers. Shannon, using the alias "George," pretended to be an old friend to gain Ryan's trust. She used cash as a lure to get him to reveal details of his plan, which was to give classified information to enemy forces. The FBI eventually arrested Ryan based on the evidence collected during their sting operation. Meanwhile, Shannon also discovered that a journalist, Samir, was sending emails about potential Al Qaeda bases along the Afghan border. She translated an Arabic attachment and passed the information to the authorities. This incident highlights the importance of being cautious in online interactions and the potential danger of hiding one's true identity.

    • Judge Goes Undercover Online to Prevent Terrorist Attack, but Reveals Her Identity and Faces ConsequencesUndercover work for national security can prevent attacks, but it comes with the risk of exposing personal details and putting oneself and family at risk.

      Shannon Morse, a municipal judge, went undercover online as "Abu Zeta" to gather intelligence on a suspected terrorist, Ryan Anderson. Her actions led to his arrest and prevented an attack on US troops. However, during the court proceedings, she was pressured to reveal her identity, which led to the exposure of her online persona and personal details. This put her and her family at risk, and she had to face the consequences of her actions in the public eye. The experience highlights the importance of balancing national security with personal privacy, and the potential risks and consequences of undercover work.

    • Undercover Agent's Brave Pursuit of JusticeAn undercover agent's commitment to justice led her to face dangerous consequences, but she refused to back down, ultimately securing a life sentence for a terrorist.

      Shannon Rossmore, an undercover agent, faced severe consequences when her identity was exposed while investigating a terrorist, Al Qaeda member, Ryan Anderson. Despite the threats to her life and career, she refused to back down and continued her work, testifying in court and ultimately contributing to Anderson's life sentence. The incident led to her being doxxed, strip-searched, and even suspected of carrying explosives. The determination and bravery she displayed throughout the ordeal highlight the importance of staying committed to one's mission, even in the face of danger.

    • Online Activism and Cybersecurity RisksExposing terrorist activities online can put individuals at risk. Secure digital information and reduce excessive permissions to prevent cybersecurity threats.

      Cybersecurity threats can have serious and potentially dangerous consequences in real life. Shannon, a woman who tried to make a difference online by exposing terrorist activities, found herself in grave danger when her actions led to retaliation. Despite the fear and danger, she chose to stay and protect her family and home, demonstrating resilience and determination. However, the incident also highlighted the importance of securing digital information and reducing excessive permissions to prevent such incidents. As mentioned in the ad, Varonis' least privilege automation can help organizations secure their data and reduce risk. The incident in December served as a stark reminder of the potential danger lurking online and the importance of being proactive in securing both digital and physical safety.

    • Using an old persona to gain trustPatience, careful planning, and using established personas are crucial for successful undercover work. In this case, an agent used an old persona to gain Michael's trust and uncover a potential serious threat.

      Undercover work requires patience and careful planning. In the given scenario, Shannon, an undercover agent, came across a new user named Michael Reynolds on a Yahoo message group, who was spouting Islamic extremist rhetoric and planning a big attack. Shannon, who had earlier encountered a similar situation with Ryan, was cautious and decided to investigate further. She traced the IP address of the user to a server at Assumption College in Bangkok, Thailand. To get closer to Michael, she used an old and established persona, Abuzida, which she had not used in any previous cases. She engaged Michael by posting on the forum and got him to message her first. Michael revealed that he needed $80,000 to finance his plan, and Shannon set up a secure email communication channel with him. However, Michael was reluctant to share more details about his plan. Shannon then upped the ante by telling him that she had contacts ready to mobilize across the US and Pennsylvania, and they had a lot of cash available. This strategy worked, and Michael shared more details about his plan. Shannon used this information to build a dossier on Michael Curtis Reynolds, who was a potential serious threat due to his criminal record and history of attempting to blow up his parents' house. Overall, Shannon's success in the operation highlights the importance of patience, careful planning, and using established personas to gain the trust of potential suspects.

    • Al Qaeda plot to disrupt US fuel productionAn Al Qaeda member, Michael Reynolds, planned to disrupt US fuel production by blowing up multiple sites including the Alaskan pipeline, causing chaos and civil unrest. The FBI thwarted the attack through an undercover operation.

      Michael Reynolds, who was believed to be a member of Al Qaeda, was planning a large-scale attack on US fuel production. He had been in contact with an undercover FBI agent, Shannon Ross Miller, posing as a member of Al Qaeda. Reynolds revealed his plan to disrupt fuel production by blowing up multiple sites, including the Alaskan pipeline, which he believed would cause widespread chaos and civil unrest. He was proud of his plan and was seeking financial support. When he admitted his intentions to Shannon, she reported it to the FBI, and he became a person of interest. The FBI set up a sting operation, and Reynolds was arrested when he attempted to pick up $40,000 from the undercover agent. The incident underscores the potential threat of individuals planning large-scale attacks on critical infrastructure and the importance of intelligence gathering and law enforcement intervention.

    • Infiltrating Terrorist Organizations: Personal Costs and ConsequencesUndercover work and high-stakes investigations can have significant personal costs and consequences for investigators and their communities, highlighting the importance of recognizing and addressing these risks.

      Undercover work and high-stakes investigations can have serious consequences for both the investigator and the community. In this story, Michael Reynolds' attempt to infiltrate a terrorist organization led to his own arrest and conviction, while Shannon Rossmiller's involvement in the case resulted in her own health issues and a significant change in her career. The events of 9/11 set the stage for these individuals to take action and make a difference, but the toll on their personal lives was substantial. The importance of their work cannot be understated, but it's essential to recognize and address the potential risks and challenges that come with it.

    • A rural mom's bravery in infiltrating extremist groups onlineOne person's actions online can prevent terrorist attacks, but it comes with risks and requires determination and bravery

      The internet can be a dangerous place, and the actions of one person, like Shannon Rossmiller, can make a significant impact in preventing potential terrorist attacks. Shannon, a rural mom and municipal judge by day, used her skills to create multiple online identities and infiltrate extremist groups, leading to the discovery and apprehension of two high-profile terrorists. However, her work came with risks, including potential danger to herself and her family. Despite this, Shannon's determination and bravery led to her receiving prestigious awards and recognition for her contributions to national security. Her story serves as a reminder of the importance of staying vigilant and using technology to protect against threats, even in the most unexpected places.

    • An ordinary American mother's inspiring journey to bring terrorists to justiceBravery, love, justice, and technology intertwined in an ordinary American mother's extraordinary quest for truth and justice

      Shannon Rossmiller's story, as shared in her book "The Unexpected Patriot," serves as an inspiring example of how bravery, love, justice, and technology can intertwine. Her journey, which goes beyond the horizon and outlives the setting sun, is a testament to an ordinary American mother's efforts in bringing terrorists to justice. Listeners are encouraged to explore her book further, as well as Spy Cast, the podcast that interviewed Shanna back in 2011. The team behind Darknet Diaries includes Jack Rhysider as the host, Fiona Guy as the researcher and writer, Tristan Ledger as the editor, Praximity San for mixing, and Breakmaster Cylinder for intro music. An intriguing question posed in the podcast is, "Why did the online spy go to art school?" The answer lies in the importance of learning how to draw conclusions from incomplete information.

    Recent Episodes from Darknet Diaries

    146: ANOM

    146: ANOM

    In this episode, Joseph Cox (https://x.com/josephfcox) tells us the story of anom. A secure phone made by criminals, for criminals.

    This story comes from part of Joseph’s book “Dark Wire” which you should definitely read. Get yours here https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/joseph-cox/dark-wire/9781541702691.

    Darknet Diaries
    en-usJune 04, 2024

    145: Shannen

    145: Shannen
    Shannen Rossmiller wanted to fight terrorism. So she went online and did. Read more about her from her book “The Unexpected Patriot: How an Ordinary American Mother Is Bringing Terrorists to Justice”. An affiliate link to the book on Amazon is here: https://amzn.to/3yaf5sI. Thanks to Spycast for allowing usage of the audio interview with Shannen. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    144: Rachel

    144: Rachel
    Rachel Tobac is a social engineer. In this episode we hear how she got started doing this and a few stories of how she hacked people and places using her voice and charm. Learn more about Rachel by following her on Twitter https://twitter.com/RachelTobac or by visiting https://www.socialproofsecurity.com/ Daniel Miessler also chimes in to talk about AI. Find out more about him at https://danielmiessler.com/. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    143: Jim Hates Scams

    143: Jim Hates Scams
    Jim Browning has dedicated himself to combatting scammers, taking a proactive stance by infiltrating their computer systems. Through his efforts, he not only disrupts these fraudulent operations but also shares his findings publicly on YouTube, shedding light on the intricacies of scam networks. His work uncovers a myriad of intriguing insights into the digital underworld, which he articulately discusses, offering viewers a behind-the-scenes look at his methods for fighting back against scammers. Jim’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JimBrowning Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. This episode is sponsored by Intruder. Growing attack surfaces, dynamic cloud environments, and the constant stream of new vulnerabilities stressing you out? Intruder is here to help you cut through the chaos of vulnerability management with ease. Join the thousands of companies who are using Intruder to find and fix what matters most. Sign up to Intruder today and get 20% off your first 3 months. Visit intruder.io/darknet. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    142: Axact

    142: Axact
    Axact sells fake diplomas and degrees. What could go wrong with this business plan? Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    141: The Pig Butcher

    141: The Pig Butcher
    The #1 crime which results in the biggest financial loss is BEC fraud. The #2 crime is pig butchering. Ronnie Tokazowski https://twitter.com/iHeartMalware walks us through this wild world. Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. Support for this show comes from Drata. Drata streamlines your SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR & many other compliance frameworks, and provides 24-hour continuous control monitoring so you focus on scaling securely. Listeners of Darknet Diaries can get 10% off Drata and waived implementation fees at drata.com/darknetdiaries. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    139: D3f4ult

    139: D3f4ult
    This is the story of D3f4ult (twitter.com/_d3f4ult) from CWA. He was a hacktivist, upset with the state of the way things were, and wanted to make some changes. Changes were made. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from Thinkst Canary. Their canaries attract malicious actors in your network and then send you an alert if someone tries to access them. Great early warning system for knowing when someone is snooping around where they shouldn’t be. Check them out at https://canary.tools. Support for this show comes from Quorum Cyber. Their mantra is: “We help good people win.” If you’re looking for a partner to help you reduce risk and defend against the threats that are targeting your business — and especially if you are interested in Microsoft Security — reach out to Quorum Cyber at www.quorumcyber.com/darknet-diaries. Sources https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3ekk5/kane-gamble-cracka-back-online-after-a-two-year-internet-ban https://www.wired.com/2015/10/hacker-who-broke-into-cia-director-john-brennan-email-tells-how-he-did-it/ https://www.hackread.com/fbi-server-hacked-miami-police-data-leaked/ https://archive.ph/Si79V#selection-66795.5-66795.6 https://wikileaks.org/cia-emails/John-Brennan-Draft-SF86/page-7.html Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    138: The Mimics of Punjab

    138: The Mimics of Punjab
    This episode is about scammers in the Punjab region. Tarun (twitter.com/taruns21) comes on the show to tell us a story of what happened to him. Naomi Brockwell (twitter.com/naomibrockwell) makes an appearance to speak about digital privacy. To learn more about protecting your digital privacy, watch Naomi’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@NaomiBrockwellTV. And check out the books Extreme Privacy (https://amzn.to/3L3ffp9) and Beginner’s Introduction to Privacy (https://amzn.to/3EjuSoY). Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from SpyCloud. It’s good practice to see what data is getting passed around out there regarding you, your employees, your customers, and your business. The dark web is a place where this data is traded and shared. SpyCloud will help you find what out there about you and give you a report so you can be aware. Then they’ll continuously monitor the dark web for any new exposures you should be aware of. To learn more visit spycloud.com/darknetdiaries. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker. ThreatLocker has built-in endpoint security solutions that strengthen your infrastructure from the ground up with a zero trust posture. ThreatLocker’s Allowlisting gives you a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker provides zero trust control at the kernel level. Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    137: Predator

    137: Predator
    A new type of mercenary spyware came on the radar called Predator. It’ll infect a mobile phone, and then suck up all the data from it. Contacts, text messages, location, and more. This malware is being sold to intelligence agencies around the world. In this episode we hear from Crofton Black at Lighthouse Reports who spent 6 months with a team of journalists researching this story which was published here: https://www.lighthousereports.com/investigation/flight-of-the-predator/. We also hear from Bill Marczak and John Scott-Railton from Citizen Lab. If you want to hear about other mercenary spyware, check out episodes 99 and 100, about NSO group and Pegasus. To hear another episode about Greece check out episode 64 called Athens Shadow Games. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Akamai Connected Cloud (formerly Linode). Akamai Connected Cloud supplies you with virtual servers. Visit linode.com/darknet and get a special offer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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