
    15 Evolutionary Astrology with Thea Wirsching

    enJuly 16, 2019

    About this Episode

    Hello, Listeners! And might we just say how patient you are this episode?  

    How we trust that you will bare through the brunt of ruined paint brushes,  romano-bae pie, and other such nonsense? ALL in the name of getting to what you TRULY want, the awe-inspiring intelligence of PHD holder of the Occult Studies, Thea Wirsching. You will learn not only more about Thea, but also what Evolutionary Astrology really means and how it is relevant to you.

    For the complete show notes including featured information, recommendations, pictures, and links please visit magikpizza.com .

    You may contact us at magikpizzapodcast@gmail.com.

    Enjoy the Slice! ~ 🍕

    -H & S

    Recent Episodes from Magik Pizza

    24 The Magick of Drumming Part 2 with The Rhythm Sisters

    24 The Magick of Drumming Part 2 with The Rhythm Sisters

    Welcome back Pizza Pals!! We missed you soooooo much! Us MP ladies hope that you have been keeping as well physically, spiritually, mentally, and magickally. Thank you for being patient with us as we all readjust and recalibrate. There have been relocations, equipment breaking, life changes and lots and lots of COVID. Yes...a lot has happened in a year, but we know that you will enjoy this next installment of our magickal drumming series featuring the marvelous Rhythm Sisters hailing from California, USA. Check out some of our links below and support these amazing women. Be strong. Be inspired. Be enlightened. Be magickal. Be yourselves! <3

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    21 Shintoism and the Religion of Japan with Dr. James Rietveld

    Welcome back Listeners, and a Merry Isolation to you!

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    Cowabunga, my dudes! ♥


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    20 Energy and Emotions

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    For the complete show notes including featured information, recommendations, pictures, and links please visit magikpizza.com.

    You may contact us at magikpizzapodcast@gmail.com.

    Energetically yours,


    19 Places of Power: A Witchy Roundtable

    19 Places of Power: A Witchy Roundtable

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    For the complete show notes including featured information, recommendations, pictures, and links please visit magikpizza.com.

    You may contact us at magikpizzapodcast@gmail.com.

    Enjoy the show, guys!


    18 Faeries & Other Northern European Elemental Traditions

    18 Faeries & Other Northern European Elemental Traditions

    Welcome, Listeners!

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    For the complete show notes including featured information, recommendations, pictures, and links please visit magikpizza.com.

    You may contact us at magikpizzapodcast@gmail.com.


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    For the complete show notes including featured information, recommendations, pictures, and links please visit magikpizza.com.

    You may contact us at magikpizzapodcast@gmail.com.

    Enjoy the slice!



    16 Ancient Luwian Magick and Religion with Dr. J. Rietveld

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    For the complete show notes including featured information, recommendations, pictures, and links please visit magikpizza.com .

    You may contact us at magikpizzapodcast@gmail.com.

    Enjoy the show, everyone!


    15 Evolutionary Astrology with Thea Wirsching

    15 Evolutionary Astrology with Thea Wirsching

    Hello, Listeners! And might we just say how patient you are this episode?  

    How we trust that you will bare through the brunt of ruined paint brushes,  romano-bae pie, and other such nonsense? ALL in the name of getting to what you TRULY want, the awe-inspiring intelligence of PHD holder of the Occult Studies, Thea Wirsching. You will learn not only more about Thea, but also what Evolutionary Astrology really means and how it is relevant to you.

    For the complete show notes including featured information, recommendations, pictures, and links please visit magikpizza.com .

    You may contact us at magikpizzapodcast@gmail.com.

    Enjoy the Slice! ~ 🍕

    -H & S