
    About this Episode

    Dr. Wiss is an expert in all things nutrition and mental health. In this episode he shares his wealth of knowledge about the nuances of healthy weight release. We speak to food addiction, disordered eating, food plans, intuitive eating, intermittent fasting, how nutrition and mental health correlate, and so much more. Dr. Wiss is truly living into his greatness to shape the field of nutrition in order to help us all live healthier lives.

    *To download the Wise Mind Nutrition App on all platforms: https://wisemindnutrition.com/download

    *Dr. David Wiss’ Website: wisemindnutrution.com

    *Follow Dr. David Wiss on Instagram: @wisemindnutrition

    *Candice Noss’ Website: candicenoss.com

    *Link to Body Love Weight Release Program: https://candicenoss.com/candices-courses/body-love-weight-release-program/

    *Contact Candice Noss directly at: nosscandice@gmail.com

    *Follow on FB: Candice Christiansen Noss

    *IG- Candice Noss

    *LinkedIn- Candice Noss

    *Sign up for Candice’s Thankful Thursday email here

    Recent Episodes from Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

    15. Using Nutrition to Land in Body Love with Dr. David Wiss

    15. Using Nutrition to Land in Body Love with Dr. David Wiss

    Dr. Wiss is an expert in all things nutrition and mental health. In this episode he shares his wealth of knowledge about the nuances of healthy weight release. We speak to food addiction, disordered eating, food plans, intuitive eating, intermittent fasting, how nutrition and mental health correlate, and so much more. Dr. Wiss is truly living into his greatness to shape the field of nutrition in order to help us all live healthier lives.

    *To download the Wise Mind Nutrition App on all platforms: https://wisemindnutrition.com/download

    *Dr. David Wiss’ Website: wisemindnutrution.com

    *Follow Dr. David Wiss on Instagram: @wisemindnutrition

    *Candice Noss’ Website: candicenoss.com

    *Link to Body Love Weight Release Program: https://candicenoss.com/candices-courses/body-love-weight-release-program/

    *Contact Candice Noss directly at: nosscandice@gmail.com

    *Follow on FB: Candice Christiansen Noss

    *IG- Candice Noss

    *LinkedIn- Candice Noss

    *Sign up for Candice’s Thankful Thursday email here

    14. David Muiru - Embodying “Service Above Self”, empowering greatness in Kenya

    14. David Muiru - Embodying “Service Above Self”, empowering greatness in Kenya

    David Muiru is a Kenyan businessman who has dedicated his life to service.  I worked with David for almost a year planning the humanitarian trip our Youthlinc team took this past summer. David’s passion for charity, and his sacrifice of so much of his time and resources to helping others, truly left an impression on me.  David has served for almost 40 years in the Rotary Club working on hundreds of projects.  He has given 22 years of service to the Youthlinc teams he’s coordinated with as a vital asset for so many phenomenal projects, and will continue in his position as in country coordinator for many years to come.  He currently is working with cardiac surgeons to give heart surgeries to babies in Nairobi.  He has organized for eye clinics, and countless other organizations coordinating meaningful projects.  For David, it all started as a young boy when he received a sponsorship from a generous soul from Sweden and then New Zealand, so he could get an education. This kindness extended to David empowered him.  He received an education and further dedicated his life to go on to help others. Oh, how powerful our little acts of kindness actually are.  They create ripples, which often turn into tidal waves of goodness spreading throughout the world.   In this episode David shares his witness of the power of charity and service.  That every act no matter how small will be returned to the giver 100 fold. 

     May we all strive to follow David’s motto, “Service above self”.  As he shows us in this episode, may we endeavor to give hope, and to cherish our families. I am so grateful for David, who is such a shining example of what it truly looks like to use our greatness to bless others.  Together we rise!!

    *Link to my free video “Self-Talk: Go from Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack”: https://candicenoss.com/crappy-to-happy/

    *Link to schedule a free game plan call: https://calendly.com/candicenoss/coaching-call-with-candice-noss?month=2023-08

    *Contact Candice Noss directly at: nosscandice@gmail.com

    *Follow on FB: Candice Christiansen Noss

    *IG- Candice Noss

    *LinkedIn- Candice Noss

    *Sign up for Candice’s Thankful Thursday email here

    *Link to humanitarian group: www.youthlinc.org

    *David’s business: www.gimcoltd.com

    13. Alice Wambui- Using her Greatness to End Ignorance and Abuse Around Menstruation

    13. Alice Wambui- Using her Greatness to End Ignorance and Abuse Around Menstruation

    Alice’s story of resilience and courage to overcome the patriarchal energy and barriers in her African culture, in order to make sure no other woman goes through what she experienced around menstruation is compelling!!  I met Alice in Nakuru, Kenya. My Youthlinc Humanitarian Team hired her through the “Days for Girls” program, to teach about feminine hygiene.  We provided the girls at the Muriundu school with feminine hygiene kits we purchased through Alice’s organization.  Alice and her story left a powerful impact on me and I can’t wait for you to be inspired by her.  Alice is on a quest to end period shaming and the  ignorance and abuse of women.   She is championing and empowering women and girls to become self-reliant and to embrace their femininity.  Alice is making a huge difference and the effects are rippling in so many incredible ways.  She is also teaching men and boys about menstruation- making them allies for stopping the abuse. Alice has now taught and helped over 82,000 girls and women.  She is absolutely phenomenal. What a shining example of  what it looks like to live into your divine power and purpose.  

    Friends— may we all strive to follow Alice’s example, using the light within us to help others rise.  May we, like Alice, own our divine greatness to serve and bless this world.

    *Link to donate to Alice’s organization in Kenya: https://donate.daysforgirls.org/smile-stard-enterprise

    *Link to the book Alice is featured in: The Power of Days: A Story of Resilience, Dignity, and the Fight for Women's Equity https://a.co/d/ixqM8JR

    *Link to humanitarian group: www.youthlinc.org

    *Link to my free video “Self-Talk: Go from Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack”: https://candicenoss.com/crappy-to-happy/

    12. Owning our “Signature Moves” and Living the Promise with Jason Hewlett

    12. Owning our “Signature Moves” and Living the Promise with Jason Hewlett

    Get inspired as Jason Hewlett, world-renowned entertainer and Hall of Fame Speaker, shares with us stories and insights into how to live “the Promise”-  which means owning our divine greatness and using it to serve others. 

    Jason’s website: www.jasonhewlett.com

    Link to Jason’s book, “The Promise to the One”: https://a.co/d/agwCaVb

    Link to my free video “Self-Talk: Go from Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack”:


    11. Owning Her Divine Greatness - Bronwen Oehlschlager

    11. Owning Her Divine Greatness - Bronwen Oehlschlager

    Join me as I dive into Bronwen Oehlschlager’s journey.  She is a tremendous example of a warrior woman owning her divine greatness and stepping up to her mission of helping others get their messages out into the world.  

    Link to Bronwen’s “Rejuvenate You” event:


    Link to Bronwen’s “Streamline Your Sales Process Checklist”:


    Link to my free video “Self-Talk: Go from Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack”:


    Escaping the Three Traps that Keep You from Getting Healthy Designed for Greatness 10

    Escaping the Three Traps that Keep You from Getting Healthy Designed for Greatness 10

    Have you tried getting healthy, but seem to always fall short of your goals?  Are you sick of feeling uncomfortable in social situations and long to feel good in your own skin? If you stay the course with your current habits, how will your body be in 5 years?  Friends- If you are ready to nail your health goals once and for all, you MUST understand the pitfalls that so often trip people up.  This episode is from a webinar I did, exposing the snares of our lower brain.  I give you tools to overcome 3 of these common ruts and empower you to take back your power over your brain.  Living with a mind firmly aligned is critical to growth and absolutely necessary for owning our divine greatness!!  Join me. :)

    Get your free pdf:  10 things to NEVER do to raise confident daughter with healthy self-image

    Supporting Our Kids Stepping Into Their Divine Greatness In Athletics with ShaNell Turner Designed for Greatness 9

    Supporting Our Kids Stepping Into Their Divine Greatness In Athletics with ShaNell Turner Designed for Greatness 9

    Click the link to get your free guide- “10 things to NEVER do if you want to raise a Confident Daughter with a Healthy Body Image”.

    Join me in this insightful conversation with ShaNell Turner. She truly has figured out how to live into her divine greatness as a mother by supporting her kids in their sports endeavors. It can be tricky navigating the high emotions and intense circumstances incumbent with comp and High School sports. As parents, it is up to us to figure out the best way to support our kids and help them get the most out of their sports experiences. ShaNell has some wisdom that is golden!!! In this episode she is able to provide some mentorship to parents and help us move in a positive direction as we strive to show up for our kids. Listen in for some great advice from a seasoned mother about how to help our kids get the most out of their sports experiences in a way that empowers them to truly step in to their divine greatness.

    Perfection or Connection… You decide. Designed for Greatness 8

    Perfection or Connection… You decide.  Designed for Greatness 8

    Do you ever overlook your successes and focus on your imperfections? 

    Do you ever expect the impossible of yourself and then beat yourself up for not being able to do it?  Does trying to be perfect and worrying about what others will think of you if you are not motivate you?  Perfectionism is rampant in our society and if you are engaging in a perfectionist mentality, it is totally understandable, but absolutely unnecessary!!  In this podcast I outline the components of a perfectionist mentality and give strategies and tools to annihilate it from your thought process once and for all.  As we practice connection and eliminate perfectionism, we are much more effective at owning our divine greatness!!  Join me. :)

    Get your free tutorial- 3 secrets you wish you knew 15 years ago.

    Sterling Mack - Designed for Greatness 7

    Sterling Mack - Designed for Greatness 7

    Join me in this powerful conversation with Coach Sterling Mack.  He truly has figured out how to live into his divine greatness and how to use his life experiences and gifts to step up to his purpose in serving this world.  Coach Mack went from being homeless, nameless, fatherless, with a mother he couldn't count on because of  drugs and alcohol, living with his grandma in a 3 bedroom home with 20 other people, and not being able to read until College… to where he is now!!  Happily married, 2 incredible boys with a precious baby girl on the way, arguably the most liked teacher at the middle school, MHS girls basketball head coach with 1 state title under His belt and more to come…  He: got out of the hood; broke the cycle of poverty, drugs, and addiction; and is now showing up every day influencing lives and touching hearts.  I am passionate about what he shared today, among other things: the importance of “just liking yourself”; of never quitting- “don’t stop”, just keep going; being ok not being perfect; and just being kind.  Love for God, self and others, that’s what it’s all about!!  I hope are inspired today, as I have been, to be like Coach Sterling Mack, and step in to your divine greatness!!


    Get your free video by clicking on the link: "3 Brain Traps That Will Keep You Stuck"

    It Takes as Long as it Takes - Designed for Greatness 6

    It Takes as Long as it Takes - Designed for Greatness 6

    Get your free video by clicking on the link: "3 Brain Traps That Will Keep You Stuck"

    Do you ever want to see results faster?

    Have you ever quit something because it took too long to work?

    Do you find yourself in a rush, wondering why it’s taking so much time?

    We set goals, we ask for blessings, we work towards desired results, and then— if you are like me, we go “ALL IN” … what do you do when it’s not happening fast enough?  It is so easy to be in a hurry and then wonder WHY the thing we’ve worked so hard for, isn’t happening.  How do we access the grit and perseverance necessary to stay committed to our goals, even when they are taking FOR-EV-ER?  How can we cultivate the virtue of patience gracefully without all the resistance, discouragement and frustration?  How can we consistently and persistently show up “ALL IN” as we pursue our ambitions… despite delayed or non-existent outcomes? The truth is, “It takes as long as it takes” AND  It truly IS possible to find Joy in the Journey, regardless of delays, detours, and speed bumps. Join me as I explore the law of gestation, the law of the harvest and the intricacies of this truth, “It takes as long as it takes”.

    I challenge you to turn finish lines into mile-markers and drop the frenetic pace that leads to burnout and quitting.  Take a breath and get really present- allowing yourself to celebrate wins and enjoy the journey. SEE, SAY and FEEL in high frequency.  Understand the law of the harvest and the law of gestation. Release every smidgen of: force energy, controlling timetables; and pushing agendas. Surrender to God’s divine and perfect timing. Realize this life isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.  We can generate how it will feel there, right now, while we are here.  We must cultivate self-belief first, before the evidence will follow. A rigid, results based, fixed mindset rushes.  A flexible, process driven, character focused mindset, founded in trust and love waits. 

    The question is, will we keep a good attitude when there is no progress?  Will we continue to show up in alignment and do the work required if the reaping is not forthcoming?  Have faith, cultivate patience, trust the process.  What is meant for us is coming to us. Have faith, God isn’t finished yet. He is setting the stage.  He is orchestrating all of the moving parts and His timing is perfect.  You are stepping IN to your divine greatness and… It takes as long as it takes.