
    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Knowing Your Costs and Emphasizing Competitive EdgeUnderstanding costs and prioritizing competitiveness are essential for business success, along with delivering what customers want and strategically acquiring complementary companies. Balancing corporate culture and competitiveness is vital for maintaining a competitive advantage.

      Winners in business play rough and prioritize winning over cooperation. George Stalk emphasizes that knowing your costs better than your competitors is crucial to gaining a competitive edge. Many companies don't truly understand their costs, resulting in lost opportunities. Being faster than competitors in delivering what customers want is another winning strategy that leads to faster growth and increased profitability. Acquisition of complementary companies is also a powerful strategy to strengthen competitive positions. Stalk challenges the notion of businesses being like families, instead advocating for a culture that fosters competitiveness and drives employees to constantly seek opportunities for improvement. While corporate culture is important, it is not the sole determinant of competitive advantage.

    • The Impact of Company Culture on Competitiveness and Customer ServiceCulture plays a vital role in a company's ability to compete and serve customers effectively. It should be aligned with desired outcomes and quantitatively proven to be better than competitors. Changing culture requires significant effort and alignment with strategy and operational decisions for success.

      Culture plays a crucial role in a company's ability to be competitive and serve its customers effectively. George Stalk shares his experience of how a company's culture can hinder its transformation process and prevent it from beating competitors. He emphasizes that culture should be considered from the beginning and aligned with the desired outcomes. Stalk also highlights the importance of quantitatively proving a company's ability to serve customers better than its competitors, and uses competitive comparisons as a wake-up call for a non-responsive culture. He further illustrates how changing a company's culture requires significant effort and may involve replacing key personnel. Ultimately, it is the alignment of culture, strategy, and operational decisions that leads to success and shareholder value.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Changing Company CultureTransforming a company's culture requires strong motivation from management and a willingness to embrace uncertainty, with private companies potentially having an advantage in long-term profitability.

      Changing a company culture is a difficult and sensitive task, especially when the company is facing certain doom. Many individuals within the organization may prefer remaining in familiar but unsustainable conditions rather than embracing the uncertainty of a new direction. Management must be willing to take on the challenge of transforming both the organization and its culture, but this requires a significant enough incentive or "prize" to motivate them. The culture of a company is often the most difficult aspect to change, but it is necessary to reap the benefits of a new strategy. Private companies tend to have a longer-term focus and can be more profitable due to their risk aversion compared to publicly traded companies. Public companies face the challenge of managing risk while maintaining a profile that satisfies shareholders and stakeholders.

    • Shift towards the private model of ownership and the advantages and challenges of family-owned businesses.Private companies, especially family-owned ones, prioritize long-term success over short-term gains and have a broader perspective on their future. However, maintaining continuous family ownership can be a challenge.

      The private model of ownership is becoming the predominant model, with the number of public companies decreasing significantly. Family ownership is characteristic not just in Canada and the US, but also in countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Japan. Private companies tend to outperform public companies during upswings because they are not focused on constantly increasing returns. They are more willing to trade short-term performance for long-term success in the face of adversity. Family companies also tend to have a broader range of possible futures in mind and are cautious about not getting too extended. However, a challenge for family businesses is maintaining continuous family ownership as the younger generations pursue different career paths. In the case of Caterpillar, they value family ownership as it represents a significant aspect of their relationship with customers.

    • Contrasting approaches of family-owned and public companiesFamily-owned businesses prioritize long-term success and customer satisfaction, while public companies focus on short-term financial gains and face CEO turnover. Private equity firms may align with longer time horizons.

      Family-owned businesses typically have longer time horizons and a focus on multi-generational success. They prioritize steady growth and customer satisfaction over short-term financial gains. Family involvement in management may vary, with some owners closely overseeing professional managers and others entrusting full control to non-family managers. In contrast, public companies with professional management often have shorter time horizons, typically around 3 years, due to CEO turnover and the need for quick returns on investments. Private equity firms today may have longer time horizons and are willing to stick with businesses for a longer period. The agency problem arises when public companies compete with private companies, as private companies can make long-term investments that public companies may not be able to due to financial constraints. Family ownership remains the predominant worldwide ownership model and is exemplified by companies like Toyota.

    • The Advantage of Family-run Companies in Long-term Decision MakingFamily-run companies prioritize long-term growth and profitability over immediate shareholder satisfaction, while public companies focus on short-term gains and meeting short-term performance expectations.

      Family-run companies, like Toyota, often have the advantage of taking a longer-term view compared to public companies. Family involvement allows for decision-making that prioritizes long-term growth and profitability over immediate shareholder satisfaction. In contrast, public companies face pressure to meet short-term performance expectations and satisfy shareholders who may trade stocks on short notice. This results in a focus on short-term gains rather than long-term investment and growth. Family companies have the ability to forego immediate profits and reinvest in the business to achieve greater future success. However, a challenge for family companies is ensuring that the business grows fast enough to accommodate the expanding family, as exponential family growth may outpace business growth.

    • Time Horizon and Positioning: Contrasting Family and Public CompaniesSuccessful companies prioritize long-term compensation and flexibility, learning from private companies to build up balance sheets and invest in understanding competition, while also focusing on time-based competition and customer satisfaction.

      There is a difference in time horizon and positioning between family companies and public companies. Family companies focus on long-term compensation through inheritance or the sale of the company, while public companies are more concerned with current performance. Having a lot of capital in the public market may be seen as a bloated balance sheet, but in the private market, it allows for flexibility and the ability to adapt to different futures. Successful companies in history always played offense, built up their balance sheets, and took advantage of downturns. Public companies should learn from private companies and invest in understanding how they compete. Having "dry powder" or resources available during disruptions is crucial for success. Time-based competition involves giving customers what they want faster than competitors, and managing time alongside cost can lead to lower capital requirements, higher productivity, and better quality.

    • The Importance of Time Management and Efficiency in OrganizationsEffective time management is crucial for organizations to stay competitive and productive. By eliminating wasteful time and optimizing operations, businesses can reduce costs and improve efficiency.

      Time plays a crucial role in competitiveness and productivity within organizations. Rework and dead time result in lost efficiency and hinder speed, making it essential for businesses to prioritize higher quality work in order to outpace competitors. Failure to recognize the importance of time management can lead to a staggering waste of resources, with only a small percentage of value being added during the production process. Batching tasks and managing cycles also contribute to decreased velocity, with a significant portion of time being devoted to scheduling and overseeing batches. By shrinking batch sizes and organizing operations accordingly, organizations can eliminate this management overhead and achieve significant cost reductions and improved working capital efficiency. Ultimately, becoming a time-based competitor requires not only eliminating wasteful time but also effectively utilizing time as a strategic advantage.

    • Discovering the Hidden OpportunitiesEmbracing anomalies in business can unlock untapped potential and drive growth. By analyzing and investigating these anomalies, companies can uncover valuable insights and make significant advancements in their operations.

      Anomalies in business can present great opportunities for growth and new ways of doing business. These anomalies are often dismissed or explained away by management teams, but if properly understood, they can lead to significant advancements. For example, in the case of Wausau, they discovered a fast satisfaction cycle through a merchant in Chicago, which they were able to scale across the entire company. Similarly, in the medical device business, a competitor's on-site service representative led to higher uptime and increased business share. Walmart's success story also highlights the importance of focusing on logistics and efficiency, rather than solely surface-level differences. Overall, recognizing and investigating anomalies can lead to valuable insights and improved performance.

    • The Importance of Focus and Tailored Experiences in Competition and Time ManagementFocusing on a specific target audience and providing personalized experiences can lead to increased efficiency, customer satisfaction, and a competitive advantage in the retail industry.

      Focus plays a crucial role in competition and time management. A more focused organization, with fewer product lines, is more easily able to increase its speed and efficiency compared to a less focused organization with multiple product lines. This is because the complex processes and distinct processing steps of a larger product line factory make it harder to achieve the same level of speed. In the retail industry, the heavy spender phenomenon emphasizes the importance of catering to a specific segment of customers who account for a significant portion of sales. These customers have unique needs and preferences that can be met through personalized experiences and a deeper understanding of the product. By specializing and providing a tailored shopping experience, retailers can attract and retain these heavy spenders, creating a competitive advantage.

    • Meeting the needs of heavy spenders and maximizing time and cost savings are key to business success.Understanding and meeting the specific demands of high-spending customers, managing time efficiently, and optimizing costs are essential for business growth and profitability.

      Understanding and catering to the needs and preferences of heavy spenders can greatly benefit a business. By identifying and servicing the specific demands of these customers, companies can increase sales and create a positive buying experience. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of time as a competitive advantage. Improving efficiency and reducing production time can lead to significant cost savings and increased productivity. By focusing on streamlining processes and eliminating unnecessary overhead, businesses can achieve both time and cost benefits. Furthermore, strategically utilizing the balance sheet can further enhance the time advantage by allocating resources effectively. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the significance of customer needs, time management, and cost optimization for business success.

    • Using the Balance Sheet to Improve Competitive PositionAnalyzing working capital productivity helps identify areas of delay, improving inventory management and payment strategies enhances competitive advantage, applicable to various industries.

      The balance sheet can be strategically used to improve a business's competitive position. By analyzing working capital productivity, organizations can identify areas where time-related delays are dragging down performance. This can include the availability of all parts of a product order, which leads to delayed shipments. By improving balance sheet performance through better inventory management and payment strategies, businesses can enhance their competitive advantage. For example, paying suppliers faster than competitors can drive better performance from suppliers. Additionally, in industries where volume is high, maintaining a larger variety of inventory on the balance sheet can be advantageous. These concepts can be applied not only to traditional manufacturing industries but also to software companies, where speeding up processes and reducing time-related issues can lead to improved performance.

    • Managing transitions and maintaining upward compatibility in the software and technology industry.Balancing the need for upgrades with customer satisfaction requires careful policy decisions that respect and value their preferences. Apple's trade-in policy is a successful example of this approach.

      Managing transitions and maintaining upward compatibility can be challenging, especially in the software and technology industry. While software allows for quicker feedback due to its instantaneous nature, releasing updates across various devices and configurations can be difficult. Upgrading to newer platforms often means offering older products alongside the new ones to cater to customers who are not ready to make the switch. This requires careful policy decisions to ensure customers feel valued and not taken advantage of. Apple's trade-in policy is an example of how companies can encourage customers to upgrade while making them feel respected and not abused. The conversation also highlights the complexities of managing transitions in other industries, such as medical devices, where offering a more attractive new platform while still providing value to customers on the old platform is crucial.

    • The Marketing Potential of Returns and the Importance of Customer ServiceBy implementing easy return processes and providing excellent customer service, retailers can increase customer confidence, minimize frustration, and enhance their overall marketing efforts.

      Returns can be a valuable marketing opportunity for retailers. Zappos, for example, uses returns as a way to make customers feel more comfortable with buying online. Their easy return process and pre-printed return labels reduce the risk for customers and increase their confidence in making purchases. In contrast, retailers like Walmart have complex return policies that can be time-consuming and frustrating for customers. The conversation also highlights the importance of customer service and the need for businesses to take ownership of problems and provide quick resolutions. Additionally, the discussion touches on the concept of lean manufacturing and just-in-time inventories, which involve small batch production and scheduling to minimize waste and increase efficiency.

    • Turning supply chain crises into strategic advantages.By proactively addressing and minimizing the impacts of a supply chain crisis, companies can enhance productivity, reduce stockouts, and improve customer satisfaction, leading to long-term benefits.

      In the face of a supply chain crisis, companies can turn it into a strategic advantage by finding ways to minimize its impact and create a competitive edge. By recognizing that the crisis is a system phenomenon, companies can proactively address the oscillations and disruptions caused by it. This includes taking actions such as ordering frequently, accepting containers that aren't full, paying premiums for faster shipping or transportation methods, and reducing supply chain time. Although these actions may seem costly on the surface, they can lead to higher productivity, lower stockouts, and improved customer satisfaction. By incorporating the costs of overstocks and understocks into profitability analysis, companies can justify the investment in optimizing their supply chains and reap the benefits in the long run.

    • Enhancing supply chain efficiency for increased profitability and competitiveness.Prioritizing supply chain optimization and considering the element of time can lead to higher profits, reduced stock issues, and a competitive advantage in the market.

      Optimizing the supply chain and considering the element of time can lead to higher profitability and performance. By reducing the time it takes for products to reach the market, companies can avoid stock outs and overstocks, resulting in increased profits. Additionally, shorter supply chains with lower variability can provide a competitive advantage over competitors, allowing for the introduction of more innovative and up-to-date products. While some may view strategic decisions related to the supply chain as costly in the short term, the long-term benefits outweigh the initial expenses. It is crucial for companies to prioritize system optimization and consider the entire supply chain when making decisions to achieve success in the market.

    • The Importance of Managing Supply Chain VariancesEffectively managing variances in the supply chain leads to faster recovery from disturbances and better overall performance, but many companies struggle to implement this approach.

      Managing variances in the supply chain is a crucial mindset that can be extremely challenging to achieve. The examples of the Toyota production system and Southwest Airlines demonstrate that effectively managing variances leads to faster recovery from disturbances and better overall performance. However, many companies struggle to implement this approach due to various reasons, such as a lack of understanding or reluctance to change. Only a few key players like Amazon, Walmart, and Toyota have made significant progress in managing variances, while others still have a long way to go. The next big wave in supply chain management is focusing on reducing variances, but it may take considerable time for widespread adoption.

    Recent Episodes from The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

    #197 Michaeleen Doucleff: TEAM Parenting

    #197 Michaeleen Doucleff: TEAM Parenting

    It's surprising how often we give our kids orders: "Do this!" "Don't do that!" But if we want to raise resilient and independent kids, is this the right approach? Michaeleen Doucleff argues there's a better way, and in this conversation, she explains why and shares practical strategies for solving the parenting "crisis" in the modern world.

    In this conversation, Doucleff reveals four parenting principles that will help foster resilience and independence in your kids while protecting and enhancing their emotional well-being. Shane and Doucleff discuss her observations on how different cultures approach parenting and how their practices can help alleviate the burdens we place on ourselves and our children. We also explore the role of technology and its impact on our parenting and our children's development and maturity.
    Michaeleen Doucleff is the author of Hunt, Gather, Parent. Her work has taken her all over the world to explore, observe, and learn from the parenting practices of various cultures. She is also a correspondent for NPR's Science Desk.

    (00:00) Intro

    (04:12) How (and why) we've lost our way as parents

    (08:02) The rise of the nuclear family

    (13:46) TEAM Parenting: T

    (17:20) TEAM Parenting: E

    (23:01) Why you don't need to praise your child

    (26:12) TEAM Parenting: A

    (36:42) TEAM Parenting: M

    (38:34) "Kids do not need to be entertained"

    (39:12) Technology, parenting, and transmitting values

    (1:02:59) Resources parents can use to educate kids about technology

    (1:04:50) How you can use the environment to give kids autonomy

    (1:09:56) Success and parenting

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠

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    #196 Brent Beshore: Business Brilliance and Happiness at Home

    #196 Brent Beshore: Business Brilliance and Happiness at Home

    Succeeding in both life and business is very difficult. The skills needed to scale a company often clash with those required to cultivate a thriving home life. Yet, Brent Beshore seems to have cracked the code—or at least he's actively working on it. In this conversation, he spills his secrets on excelling in both arenas.

    This episode is split into two parts: the first 45 minutes covers life and how to be a better person. Brent opens up about the evolution of his marriage, physical health, and inner life.

    The rest of the episode focuses on business. Shane and Beshore discuss private equity, how to hire (and when to fire) CEOs, incentives, why debt isn’t a good thing in an unpredictable world, stewardship versus ownership, and why personality tests are so important for a functional organization.
    After beginning his career as an entrepreneur, Brent Beshore founded Permanent Equity in 2007 and leads the firm as CEO. He works with investors and operators to evaluate new investment opportunities.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

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    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

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    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro

    (05:08) Why Brent examined his life

    (09:44) How Brent "fixed" his relationships

    (20:04) How helping hurts

    (32:13) How Brent was subtly controlling relationships

    (40:36) Why Brent stopped drinking (mostly)

    (50:29) How to run a business with love yet competitively

    (01:00:34) Win-win relationships

    (01:05:34) On debt

    (01:19:28) On incentives

    (01:29:08) How to hire and fire CEOs

    (01:34:18) What most people miss about hiring

    (01:44:19) Brent's playbook for taking over a company

    (01:51:20) On projections

    (01:55:52) Revisiting investments

    (01:58:44) How "hands-off" is Brent?

    (02:08:34) Where people go wrong in private equity

    (02:14:07) On success

    #195 Morgan Housel: Get Rich, Stay Rich

    #195 Morgan Housel: Get Rich, Stay Rich

    The skills it takes to get rich are drastically different from the skills it takes to stay rich. Few understand this phenomenon more than Morgan Housel. He's identified unique lessons about wealth, happiness, and money by studying the world's richest families and learning what they did to build their wealth and just how quickly they squandered it all.
    In this conversation, Shane and Housel discuss various aspects of risk-taking, wealth accumulation, and financial independence. Morgan explains the importance of understanding personal financial goals and the dangers of social comparison, lets everyone in on his personal financial “mistake” that instantly made him sleep better at night, and why the poorest people in the world disproportionately play the lottery—and why it makes sense that they do. They also touch on the influence of upbringing on financial behaviors, the difference between being rich and wealthy, and the critical role of compounding in financial success. Of course, we can’t have a writer as good as Morgan Housel on the podcast and not ask him about his process, so Housel concludes with insights into storytelling, his writing processes, and the importance of leading by example in teaching financial values to children.
    Morgan Housel is a partner at Collaborative Fund. Previously, he was an analyst at The Motley Fool. He is a two-time winner of the Best in Business Award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers and was selected by the Columbia Journalism Review for the Best Business Writing anthology. He's the author of two books: The Psychology of Money and Same as Ever.
    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - ⁠https://fs.blog/clear/⁠ 

    Follow me: ⁠https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish⁠

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    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. ⁠https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro

    (04:46) Risk and income

    (07:40) On luck and skill

    (10:10) Buffett's secret strategy

    (12:28) The one trait you need to build wealth

    (16:20) Housel's capital allocation strategy

    (16:48) Index funds, explained

    (20:59) Expectations and moving goalposts

    (22:17) Your house: asset or liability?

    (27:39) Money lies we believe

    (32:12) How to avoid status games

    (35:04) Money rules from parents

    (40:15) Rich vs. wealthy

    (41:46) Housel's influential role models

    (42:48) Why are rich people miserable?

    (45:59) How success sows the seeds of average performance

    (49:50) On risk

    (50:59) Making money, spending money, saving money

    (52:50) How the Vanderbilt's squandered their wealth

    (1:04:11) How to manage your expectations

    (01:06:26) How to talk to kids about money

    (01:09:52) The biggest risk to capitalism

    (01:13:56) The magic of compounding

    (01:16:18) How Morgan reads

    (01:22:42) How to tell the best story

    (01:24:42) How Morgan writes

    (01:35:42) Parting wisdom and thoughts on success

    #194 Abigail Shrier: The Parent-Therapy Trap

    #194 Abigail Shrier: The Parent-Therapy Trap
    Over the last decade, therapy has become the de facto solution to solve all sorts of problems for all sorts of people. Everyone has slowly accepted that therapy is normal and a net benefit to society.

    But instead of helping kids work through difficult circumstances, what if it's just making the problems worse? That's what Abigail Shrier thinks is happening, and in this conversation, she reveals some surprising reasons why.

    Shane and Shrier discuss the real reason therapy is "bad," how we got to this point of acceptance as a culture, and what you can do as a parent to get back to normalcy. Shrier also shares her experiences with lifelong therapy patients, who should actually be in therapy, and the one thing that makes someone a successful parent.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

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    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro
    (05:44) Inverse: How do we raise mentally unstable kids?
    (08:29) How we got to now
    (11:45) Bad therapy...or just social trends?
    (13:21) Being your kids' friend: good or bad?
    (15:55) The parenting type that raises the BEST kids
    (21:35) Is this all the parents' fault?
    (29:53) Is "Bad Therapy" a world-wide problem?
    (32:57) Talk to your kids' therapist about these things
    (42:09) The importance of facing adversity in childhood
    (47:06) Can we blame grad schools for all of this?
    (49:14) On technology and social media
    (51:03) Schools should "never" have gotten involved in mental health
    (54:43) Did COVID accelerate "bad therapy?"
    (56:07) How to return to normalcy
    (58:21) Why Shane shares negative YouTube comments with his kids
    (01:01:23) Shrier's experience being "cancelled"
    (01:04:13) On prestige media
    (01:07:47) Small steps parents can take to return to normal
    (01:11:02) Dealing with schools saying one thing and parents saying another
    (01:13:32) Why is the silent majority...silent?
    (01:16:32) If this continues, what happens?
    (01:18:19) What makes someone a successful parent?

    #193: Dr. Jim Loehr: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself

    #193: Dr. Jim Loehr: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself

    What if reaching the next level of success wasn't determined by another skill, degree, or course but by something that changed on the inside?

    That's what Dr. Jim Loehr believes, and in this episode, he reveals everything he knows about mental toughness and winning the mind game. Shane and Loehr discuss the radical importance of the stories you tell yourself—including how they can damage your kids—and how to change the negative stories you believe. Loehr also shares the best reflection questions to ask yourself to reveal personal blindspots, the importance of rituals for calming anxiety and performing under pressure, and how the best in the world use their recovery time effectively.

    Dr. Jim Loehr is a world-renowned performance psychologist and author of 16 books. From his more than 30 years of experience and applied research, Dr. Loehr believes the single most important factor in successful achievement, personal fulfillment, and life satisfaction is the strength of one’s character. Dr. Loehr possesses a masters and doctorate in psychology and is a full member of the American Psychological Association.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

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    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge


    (00:00) Intro

    (03:20) Parenting and storytelling

    (06:15) How to determine whether or not the stories are limiting or enabling you

    (08:41) What the stories world-class performers tell themselves

    (15:02) How to change the stories you tell yourself

    (23:26) Questions to journal about

    (26:16) Private voices vs. public voices (and how they impact your kids)

    (31:32) How to help your friends change their stories

    (37:30) How to better come alongside your kids to prevent destructive behavior

    (44:48) - (45:06) What Loehr knows about high performers that others miss

    (53:12) On time and energy

    (01:06:26) Conquering the "between point" ritual

    (01:11:50) On rituals vs. habits

    (01:15:54) How to increase your mental toughness

    (01:23:51) On success



    #192 David Segal: Yearly Planning, Daily Action

    #192 David Segal: Yearly Planning, Daily Action

    Working in a business and working on a business are two different things. Without the former, nothing gets done; without the latter, the wrong things get done. David Segal has a unique way of managing that tension, and this episode, he reveals all his business operating secrets and explains how he failed along the way.

    Shane and Segal discuss what entrepreneurship really is, where motivation comes from, and what Segal learned building a $200 million tea business. Shane and David also dive deep into the dark side of success and the radical depression that can strike when you get a big payday, life and business lessons they learned from Warren Buffett, and the value of time management.

    David Segal is the co-founder of Firebelly Tea. He’s also best known as “the David” of DAVIDsTEA. During his time at DAVIDsTEA, Segal grew the company from a single store to a $200 million retail giant. Segal left DAVIDsTEA in 2016 and started Mad Radish—a quick service restaurant concept. Mad Radish is all about providing healthy, gourmet fast foods. In 2021, Segal started Firebelly tea to create exceptional loose leaf teas tailored to modern living.

    Listeners of The Knowledge Project can receive a special 15 percent discount on Firebelly Tea products by heading to www.firebellytea.com and entering the code Shane15 at checkout.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane


    (00:00) Intro

    (04:59) What entrepreneurship really is

    (07:10) How to manage your psychology

    (10:40) Yearly planning, daily action

    (15:50) Avoiding "ivory-tower syndrome"

    (18:30) Segal's childhood and background

    (25:15) The history of DAVIDsTEA and Firebelly

    (36:40) The evolution of tea and business over the last twenty years

    (42:30) On failures

    (49:00) Dealing with depression

    (52:30) Lessons about money

    (56:55) Business and life lessons from Warren Buffett

    (1:00:00) On time management

    (1:04:50) What's missing in Segal's life

    (1:08:39) On success



    #191 Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Diet Essentials For Healthy Living

    #191 Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Diet Essentials For Healthy Living
    Shane Parrish sits down with the renowned biochemist Dr. Rhonda Patrick to explore the intricate world of nutrition and health. Dr. Patrick provides a deep dive into the role micronutrients play in our daily health, detailing how deficiencies and insufficiencies in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids can lead to serious health issues over time. Shane and Dr. Patrick also discuss the science behind deliberate heat exposure. She outlines the optimal sauna conditions—temperature, duration, and frequency—necessary to achieve these health benefits and explains the physiological mechanisms at play.
    Rhonda Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry/chemistry from the University of California, San Diego. She has done extensive research on aging, cancer, and nutrition.

    (00:00) Intro

    (04:40) A philosophy for nutrition

    (15:36) Micronutrients through supplements vs. food

    (25:43) Wild-caught vs. farm-raised fish

    (28:44) Organic vs. non-organic vegetables

    (36:14) On macronutrients

    (40:20) How protein levels differ in different foods

    (45:27) The best morning smoothie recipe

    (54:48) Dr. Patrick grades Shane's "GOAT" smoothie recipe

    (59:14) Grass-fed vs. non-grass fed

    (01:04:40) On vitamin D (Is sunscreen killing us more than the sun?)

    (01:19:48) Deliberate heat and cold exposure

    (01:44:27) Top three behavioral and diet interventions for life and health improvements

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

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    Eight Sleep: Sleep to power a whole new you. https://www.eightsleep.com/farnamstreet

    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

    #190 Brad Jacobs: Building a Business Empire

    #190 Brad Jacobs: Building a Business Empire
    Throughout his tenure, Brad Jacobs has built multiple billion-dollar companies. While there is no "playbook" for growing a business, he focuses on a few factors above all else in every company he operates, and in this conversation, he reveals them all.

    Shane and Jacobs discuss how to read anyone during an interview through a series of intentional questions, the exciting role of AI and technology in the future of business, and where money-making ideas hide in companies. Jacobs also shares how his training in math and music made him a better business operator, the one thing he focuses on to grow his businesses, how to spot big trends before everyone else, and the only thing a company should focus on for success.

    Brad Jacobs has started five companies from scratch and led each to become a billion-dollar or multibillion-dollar enterprise. These include three publicly traded companies: XPO Logistics, where he serves as Chairman and CEO, United Rentals, and United Waste Systems. Before starting XPO in 2011, Jacobs founded United Rentals in 1997 and led the company as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In 1989, he founded United Waste Systems.
    (00:00) Intro
    (04:44) The future of AI
    (07:21) How to think rationally
    (08:48) The major trend
    (10:57) The research process
    (13:29) On asking better questions
    (19:35) On rearranging your brain
    (22:23) On music, math, simplicity, and business
    (32:26) Leverage, debt, and optionality
    (35:11) What it takes to take contrarian bets
    (40:45) Confidence and parents
    (50:21) Why negative-only feedback is detrimental for employees
    (56:14) Money lessons
    (58:13) A deep dive on M&A (Jacobs' secret sauce to growing his companies)
    (01:07:51) Questions to immediately get to know anyone
    (01:11:14) On boards and board meetings
    (01:16:57) On decision-making
    (01:23:37) The role of capital markets
    (01:25:41) The type of person you don't want to hire
    (01:31:16) The best capital allocators
    (01:33:53) Biggest lesson Jacobs learned from the past year
    (01:37:20) On success

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Eight Sleep: Sleep to power a whole new you. https://www.eightsleep.com/farnamstreet

    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

    #189 Chris Davis: Three Generations of Wealth

    #189 Chris Davis: Three Generations of Wealth

    Most families who obtain immense wealth squander it by the third generation. But Chris Davis comes from a family whose grandfather and father all became independently wealthy of each other, and Davis has done the same. How does that keep happening? In this conversation, we find out.

    Shane and Chris discuss life and investment lessons he learned from his father and grandfather, why writing is more important to clarify one's thinking no matter who's reading it, and the surprising benefit of reading physical newspapers and wearing ties to work. Davis also shares his value-investing philosophy, what he learned from working with and meeting Charlie Munger, and what parents can do to raise kids who aren't entitled. Davis talks about his alcohol drink tracker and why it's important to him, why he never puts himself in situations where envy can grow, and Warren Buffett's letter about why investment managers underperform.

    Chris Davis has been a Director of The Coca-Cola Company since April 2018. Davis is Chairman of Davis Selected Advisers-NY, Inc., an independent investment management firm founded in 1969. Davis joined Davis Selected Advisers-NY, Inc. in 1989 as a financial analyst and in 1995, he became a portfolio manager of the firm’s flagship funds. Prior to joining Davis Selected Advisers-NY, Inc., he served as a research analyst at Tanaka Capital Management and as an accountant at State Street Bank and Trust Co.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - Each week I share timeless insights and ideas that you can use at work and home. Add it to your inbox: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My New Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Eight Sleep: Sleep to power a whole new you. https://www.eightsleep.com/farnamstreet


    (00:00) Intro

    (03:20) Life lessons Davis learned from his grandfather and father

    (26:24) The importance of writing things no one reads

    (36:55) Davis' experiences through financial crises

    (52:31) Why Davis loves managing a mutual fund

    (55:49) Why Berkshire Hathaway operates with margin

    (01:01:05) What is risk?

    (01:04:02) On low interest rates and their future impact

    (01:14:46) The mismatched timelines between CEOs, companies, investors, and policy

    (01:22:19) How Davis and Munger met

    (01:30:20) Lessons learned from Munger

    (01:41:29) Why avoiding weaknesses is the ultimate recipe for success

    (01:55:46) How to raise non-entitled kids and avoid lifestyle creep

    (01:16:10) On happiness

    (02:27:00) Good vs. bad board meetings

    (02:31:34) Three generations of wealth

    (02:37:15) On success

    #188: Bryan Johnson: Five Habits for Longer Living

    #188: Bryan Johnson: Five Habits for Longer Living
    What can you do (or avoid) tomorrow to guarantee you can live longer?

    In this episode, Bryan Johnson reveals the five simple disciplines you can start doing to live healthier and longer. Johnson shares what his daily routine looks like, the ins and outs of his experimentation process, and why he gave his father plasma.

    Johnson also opens up about the constant hate he receives from people online, how he deals with it all, and what he wishes he'd known when he sold his company.

    Bryan Johnson is the world's most measured human. Johnson sold his company to PayPal in 2013. Through Project Blueprint, Johnson has achieved metabolic health equal to the top 1.5% of 18 year olds, inflammation 66% lower than the average 10 year old, and reduced his speed of aging by the equivalent of 31 years.

    Johnson is also the founder of Kernel, creator of the world’s first mainstream non-invasive neuroimaging system; and OS Fund, where he invested in the predictable engineering of atoms, molecules, and organisms.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - Each week I share timeless insights and ideas that you can use at work and home. Add it to your inbox: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My New Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/

    Eight Sleep: Sleep to power a whole new you. https://www.eightsleep.com/farnamstreet



    (00:00:00) Intro

    (00:03:45) On biographies

    (00:08:03) On depression and coping mechanisms

    (00:14:18) Self-destructive behavior and how to pitch Blueprint to someone

    (00:26:50) What a day looks like on Blueprint (exercise and what to eat)

    (00:42:06) How to turn Blueprint protocols into habits

    (00:45:17) Embracing the hate

    (00:49:07) The downsides and lessons of making money

    (00:59:22) The five habits

    (01:05:09) Why does posture matter?

    (01:07:48) Relationship between biological health and sexual health

    (01:09:50) Hair-loss prevention

    (01:15:46) Sunscreen, plastics, and other miscellaneous impacts on aging

    (01:18:30) How will AI help us?

    (01:22:10) On success

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Get more resources for this episode here: AskJeremyJones.com/284

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