
    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered

    enMay 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Lighthearted podcast with strong opinions and no accountabilityHosts discuss TikTok shopping and the reliability of product reviews, express disappointment in paid reviews, and share an embarrassing story while maintaining a humorous tone

      The hosts of the podcast, Zane and Heath, have a lighthearted and unfiltered approach to their content, with strong opinions but no accountability. They joked about their podcast description, which labels them as "YouTube sensations with strong opinions and nothing to back it up," and admitted that they didn't write it themselves. They also discussed their experiences with TikTok shopping and the reliability of product reviews on the platform. The hosts expressed their disappointment in the shift towards paid reviews and their preference for Amazon purchases instead. During the conversation, they also shared their thoughts on a recent incident where one of them accidentally entered their father-in-law's room while he was staying with them and got into bed naked, unaware of his presence. Despite the embarrassing situation, they maintained a humorous and relaxed tone throughout the discussion.

    • Misunderstandings and embarrassing mistakes can happen under the influence of alcoholAddress misunderstandings openly and honestly, considering personalities and histories involved. Remember, accidents happen, and communication and honesty are key to resolving them and maintaining healthy relationships.

      Misunderstandings and accidents can happen, especially when under the influence of alcohol. The story shared involves a husband who mistakenly climbed into bed with his father-in-law instead of his wife. The situation was confusing and embarrassing for all parties involved. While some believe it's a harmless mistake, others think it could be a sign of disloyalty or aggression depending on the individuals involved. To handle such a situation, it's essential to address it openly and honestly. Laughing it off and joking about it can help ease tension, but it's crucial to consider the personalities and histories of those involved. If the person involved has a history of disloyalty or aggressive behavior, the situation may be more serious and require more effort to resolve. It's also essential to remember that accidents happen, and it's essential to approach the situation with a lighthearted attitude to prevent it from escalating into something more significant. Ultimately, communication and honesty are key to resolving any misunderstandings and maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Misunderstandings in RelationshipsEffective communication and understanding are crucial in relationships. Keeping secrets or misunderstanding each other's actions can lead to tension and insecurity.

      Effective communication and understanding are key in maintaining a healthy relationship. In the first story, the speaker's actions and responses during an interaction with an unwanted suitor led to misunderstandings and tension with their partner. In the second story, a woman's decision to keep her partner in the dark about such interactions, based on past experiences, caused him to feel left out and insecure. Both instances highlight the importance of open and honest communication between partners, as well as the need to consider each other's feelings and insecurities. Additionally, the stories demonstrate the complexity and nuance of relationships, as individuals navigate the challenges of maintaining intimacy, trust, and respect.

    • Asserting Boundaries in Unwanted AdvancesSetting and enforcing personal boundaries is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. Unwanted advances can be frustrating and exhausting, leading some to assert their boundaries in unexpected ways.

      Persistent unwanted advances can lead someone to respond in unexpected ways, even if it seems extreme. In the discussed situation, a woman's repeated rejections towards a man's advances led her to behave in a way that was intended to make him leave her alone. This behavior, which included raising the price for her autograph and using strong language, was not meant to be flirtatious but rather a way to assert her boundaries and end the unwanted attention. It's important to remember that everyone has the right to set and enforce their own personal boundaries, and persistent unwanted advances can be frustrating and exhausting. Effective communication and respect for each other's boundaries are essential in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Using relationship status to reject unwanted advancesEffectively communicate availability by using relationship status as a signal, but remember that a simple 'no' should be sufficient

      Using one's relationship status as a way to reject unwanted advances can be an effective strategy, especially when wearing visible signs of commitment like an engagement ring. The speaker in this discussion acknowledges the potential discomfort and frustration of constantly having to explain her relationship status, but also sees the advantage of using it to quickly and clearly communicate her availability. She emphasizes that a simple "no" should be enough, but acknowledges that some people might respect the significance of a relationship status more. The speaker also shares a personal story about a friend who almost missed an opportunity because she was wearing a ring that misled a potential suitor. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexity of navigating social interactions and the role that relationship status can play in these situations.

    • Understanding comfort levels with labels and social situationsRespect individual preferences, communicate openly, and empathize with each other's experiences to foster understanding and inclusivity.

      People have different preferences and comfort levels when it comes to labels and social situations. In the first part of the discussion, a person expressed their feelings about being engaged versus married, and how they sometimes find it embarrassing or braggy. They emphasized that they're not trying to show off but appreciate the significance of the labels. In the second part, a woman shared her experience of feeling out of place during a friends' weekend trip due to the dominant conversation topics of engagements, weddings, and babies. She felt that her friends didn't show interest in her life unless she talked about her dating experiences. This led her to decline the invitation to the trip and sparked a conversation about being truthful and respecting each other's choices. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding and respecting individual preferences and comfort levels, as well as open communication and empathy towards each other's experiences.

    • Prioritizing personal wants over societal pressureLearn to say no and advocate for single friends' independence and achievements, while balancing give and take in social situations.

      It's important to prioritize personal wants and needs over societal pressure to please others. The discussion revolved around the financial and emotional strain felt by single friends when constantly expected to travel and spend on their friends' life events. It's crucial to learn to say no and advocate for celebrating the independence and achievements of single friends. The conversation also touched upon the topic of breastfeeding and alcohol consumption, highlighting the importance of relatable conversations and avoiding topics that may not be relevant or relatable to everyone in a group. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of balance, give and take, and valuing the unique experiences and milestones of individuals.

    • Communication and Balance in FriendshipsEffective communication and finding balance are key to maintaining healthy friendships. Express feelings without judgment and consider everyone's needs to avoid misunderstandings and exhaustion.

      It's essential for individuals to prioritize their own needs and feelings when they feel overwhelmed and underappreciated in relationships, especially when it comes to social engagements. However, it's crucial to consider the other person's perspective as well. In the discussion, it became clear that one person felt exhausted from constantly supporting her friends, who seemed to only focus on their own lives and not reciprocate. She wanted to attend a trip with her friends but felt annoyed by the kid-centered nature of their previous outings. The friends, on the other hand, didn't realize how their focus on their own lives was affecting their friend. They saw their friend's absence as a lack of interest or engagement. The solution seemed to be open communication and finding a balance that worked for everyone. It's essential to create an environment where individuals can express their feelings without fear of judgment or conflict, and where everyone's needs are considered. It's also crucial to surround ourselves with people who share similar interests and values, making social engagements more enjoyable for everyone involved.

    • Pressure to attend multiple events leading up to a weddingIndividuals may feel overwhelmed by the financial burden and time commitment of attending multiple events before a wedding, and may desire more affordable and streamlined celebrations. Communication and consideration are key to ensuring everyone feels valued and included.

      The expectation and pressure to attend multiple events leading up to a wedding can be overwhelming for some individuals, especially when they feel that their own interests and experiences are not being reciprocated. The financial burden of attending these events, coupled with the time commitment, can lead to frustration and a desire for couples to consider more affordable and streamlined wedding celebrations. Additionally, the age and lifestyle of the individual can play a role in their perspective on attending these events. It's important for friends to communicate openly and considerately about their feelings and expectations to ensure that everyone feels valued and included.

    • The importance of open communication in relationshipsAddressing issues directly can lead to understanding, empathy, and a stronger bond between partners.

      Honest communication is key in maintaining a healthy relationship. The discussion revolved around the concept of anonymous Reddit posts where one partner shares their grievances about their significant other, only for the other party to find out. The couples' reactions varied from laughter to resolution, highlighting the importance of open dialogue. In another context, a woman shared her love for Hero Bread, a brand that offers delicious, low-carb alternatives to traditional bread. However, the most intriguing part of the conversation was when a woman revealed her long-standing issue with her boyfriend's hygiene during intimate moments. She had tried to communicate her concerns gently but effectively, yet he remained oblivious. The situation escalated when she finally told him about her past experiences, which led to an awkward but necessary conversation. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of addressing issues head-on, rather than keeping them bottled up. Effective communication can lead to understanding, empathy, and ultimately, a stronger bond between partners.

    • Partner's body odor could be a sign of underlying medical conditionConsider visiting a doctor for underlying cause, maintain proper hygiene, and communicate openly to prevent relationship strain.

      The partner's persistent body odor issue may be a sign of an underlying medical condition, possibly related to hygiene or diet. The couple should consider visiting a doctor to identify and address the root cause. The partner's reluctance to discuss the issue openly and her discomfort during intimacy are signs of growing dissatisfaction and potential relationship strain. The presence of smegma, a thick secretion around the genitals, could be a contributing factor, especially if the partner is not circumcised or not washing properly. Additionally, diet and frequent handling of contaminated surfaces could also be contributing factors. Proper hygiene, including regular washing and maintaining a balanced diet, can help alleviate the issue. Ultimately, open communication and seeking professional help are essential to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Accidental exposure to mace, Tabasco sauce, and bear spray can cause pain and harmBe cautious when handling mace, Tabasco sauce, and bear spray to avoid accidental exposure. Consider alternatives like scented lubes or coconut oil for personal use, and consult a doctor for any health concerns.

      Macing oneself accidentally is a painful and intense experience that should be avoided. The speaker has experienced this multiple times with both mace and Tabasco sauce in the eyes. They also mentioned that bear spray, which can be carried for self-defense, is also susceptible to being carried away by the wind and causing harm. The speaker suggests that this is a medical issue that needs evaluation and recommends trying scented lubes or coconut oil as alternatives. The discussion also touched upon using coconut oil for oil pulling, which can whiten teeth and improve gum health. However, the speaker expresses concerns about the potential impact on the pH balance and suggests consulting a doctor for any health concerns. The top comment suggests that the persistent smell after washing could be a sign of a yeast infection, which is a condition that affects both men and women, and being overweight is one of the risk factors.

    • Communication and respect crucial in relationshipsEffective communication and respect for autonomy are essential for maintaining a healthy and functioning relationship, even when personal choices differ.

      Communication and respect are key components in any relationship. In the discussed situation, a woman's desire for a glass of wine with dinner led to a heated argument with her boyfriend, who disapproved based on his family history with alcoholism. However, the woman felt that it was her personal choice and that her boyfriend had no right to dictate her actions. The lack of open dialogue and understanding ultimately resulted in a ruined dinner and the boyfriend leaving. It's essential to remember that everyone's experiences and backgrounds are different, and assumptions should not be made without proper communication. Furthermore, respecting each other's autonomy and trusting one another's decisions are crucial for a healthy and functioning relationship.

    • Approaches Matter: Controlling vs. SupportiveSupportive approaches lead to positive change, while controlling attitudes can create tension and resentment. Tailor your approach to the individual's unique experiences and motivations.

      Approaches matter when it comes to addressing behavior that may be concerning to others. A controlling or policing attitude can create tension and resentment, whereas a caring and supportive approach can lead to positive change. The speaker in the conversation shared her experience of quitting smoking when her partner approached her with genuine concern and love, leading her to see the benefits of quitting for her health and relationship. Similarly, in the context of alcohol consumption, the speaker's father's approach was seen as controlling and unwelcome, leading her to distance herself from the situation. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences and motivations are unique, and an approach that works for one person may not work for another. Ultimately, it's about creating a supportive and understanding environment that encourages growth and change.

    • Understanding Relationships: Mutual Respect and EqualityCommunicate openly, avoid controlling behavior, consider past experiences, approach relationships with empathy, and prioritize health.

      Relationships require mutual respect and understanding. In the discussed situation, a partner's controlling behavior, such as dictating what another partner can or cannot do, is a red flag. This behavior can escalate and potentially lead to abuse. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly about concerns and expectations in a relationship. If a partner cannot treat you as an equal, it may be time to reconsider the relationship. Furthermore, past experiences and backgrounds can influence individuals' behaviors and decisions in relationships. However, it's crucial not to make assumptions based on stereotypes or movies. Every situation is unique, and it's essential to approach relationships with empathy and understanding. Regarding the mentioned experience with an escort, it's important to remember that everyone's situation is different. Developing feelings for someone doesn't necessarily mean a relationship is possible or healthy. It's essential to consider the potential risks and consequences before pursuing a relationship with someone who has a different profession or background. Lastly, prioritizing one's health is crucial. Using a service like Zocdoc can help individuals find and book appointments with highly-rated healthcare providers, ensuring they receive the best possible care.

    • Navigating unexpected feelings in provider relationshipsBe clear about intentions and motivations before pursuing deeper connections in provider relationships. Open communication is essential, especially when age differences and financial dynamics add complexity.

      Love can come from unexpected places, even in provider relationships. However, it's important to be clear about intentions and motivations before pursuing a deeper connection. In the discussed situation, the age difference and financial dynamics add complexity to the situation, making open communication essential. The provider, who has developed feelings for her client, is considering asking her out on a date to understand her true intentions. Yet, she currently depends on him for a significant portion of her income, making the conversation around finances and potential relationship dynamics a delicate one. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach such situations with honesty, understanding, and a willingness to navigate the complexities together.

    • Suspicions about relationship feelings based on session durationTrust your instincts and communicate openly in relationships, as session length doesn't always reflect genuine feelings.

      The length of time spent together during a session or an event does not necessarily indicate genuine feelings. The speaker in the conversation shares her suspicions about a woman's feelings towards her partner based on their session duration. However, it is later revealed that the woman might be staying longer than the agreed hour, but the man is not paying extra for it. The speaker advises going with your gut and trusting your instincts, even if it's hard to accept. She also shares a past experience of facilitating couples therapy during live shows. The conversation then shifts to discussing various ethical dilemmas, including one about giving a fake engagement ring to an ex-fiance. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of trust and communication in relationships and the complexity of making judgments based on limited information.

    • Importance of Communication in RelationshipsHonesty and clear communication are crucial in resolving conflicts and maintaining trust in a relationship. Keeping secrets or hiding the truth, even with good intentions, can cause more harm than good.

      Communication is key in any relationship. In the discussed situation, the man made a fake wedding ring for his partner to wear at a concert to prevent her from losing the real one. However, when she lost the fake one and acted defensively, the man failed to communicate openly about the situation, leading to a blow-up argument and eventual break-up. The incident highlights the importance of honesty and clear communication in resolving conflicts and maintaining trust in a relationship. The man's attempt to protect his partner ended up causing more harm than good due to the lack of transparency. It's essential to address issues as they arise and avoid keeping secrets or hiding the truth, no matter how well-intentioned the motive may be.

    • A man's proposal with a fake ring sparks debate on RedditUsers on Reddit debate whether a man's use of a fake ring for a proposal is acceptable or deceitful, depending on the context of the relationship and the woman's clumsiness.

      A man proposed to his partner with a fake ring, intending to replace it with the real one once she lost it. This conversation revolves around a Reddit thread where users discuss the situation, sharing their opinions on the man's actions. Some users believe he did nothing wrong, as his partner was known to be clumsy and had lost a valuable ring before. Others think he tricked her and took advantage of her clumsiness. The man himself later clarified that he had the real ring at home and had intended to give it to her eventually. The conversation also touches on the topic of moissanite rings, which are an affordable alternative to real diamonds. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexity of relationships and the varying perspectives on deception in romantic situations.

    • Discussing the Preference for Horses over DiamondsSome people prefer the commitment and long-term benefits of owning a horse over the high cost of a real diamond. Horses offer companionship and potential growth opportunities, making them a valuable investment.

      While the cost of a real diamond can be astronomical, some people prefer more budget-friendly alternatives like moissanite or even a horse. The speakers on the podcast shared their experiences and preferences, with one stating that they would rather buy a horse than spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a diamond ring. They also discussed the commitment and potential long-term benefits of owning a horse, comparing it to growing up with a childhood pet. Additionally, they mentioned their two podcast shows, "Basically Unfiltered" and "Zane and Heath Unfiltered," which can be found on YouTube. The speakers had a lively and entertaining conversation, and the podcast offers a good time and a fresh perspective on life's priorities.

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    enJune 27, 2024

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?
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    Two Hot Takes
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    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..

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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Michaela Okland! This week's episode has us responding to stories where someone is a bit peeved, upset, or triggered by the situations they're in. Whether it's a stepdaughter who won't stop singing, finding out your friends lied about your boyfriend, or your boyfriend's dad hitting on you.. these are all "triggering". Can't wait to hear your thoughts!!

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    Two Hot Takes
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin! This week's episode has us reviewing red flags! Could a guy sleeping in another girls bed not be a red flag? Are the couple you're being a surrogate for entitled to contribute to the birth plan or is that a giant red flag? Are pranks ever funny or do they always give red flag? We're going to need your input on these ones.. especially, what's worse than a red flag?!

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    Two Hot Takes
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    Two Hot Takes
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-hosts Lauren and Justin! This week's episode is all about determining if certain scenarios are a big deal or not. Putting family in a middle row at your wedding, using your shirt as your sauce tray, and getting waxed by your parents.. we really question it all. Can't wait to hear your thoughts and checkout YouTube for some polls!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 23, 2024

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guests Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar from Zane and Heath: Unfiltered! This episodes stories have people that seem to just want to have a good time.. but things are not going according to plan. Cue the YTA and NTA debates! We're going to need your help on these ones :)

    Checkout Zane and Heath!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 19, 2024

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo
    WE'RE ON TOUR !!! : https://linktr.ee/twohottakestour
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host ConcreteCrotchKiss aka LyssieLooLoo aka Alyssa Collins and Juni!! When you hear about people having drama do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall to witness it all for yourself?! Well that's what these stories made me wish.. From someone's boyfriend cashing out his 401k to your cousin marrying an ex-fiance.. this is a wild ride.

    Checkout Alyssa's content!!

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    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre

    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

    Checkout Charlotte's content:

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    Two Hot Takes. 5042 Wilshire BLVD. #470. Los Angeles, CA 90036
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    Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoHotTakes

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    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

    Checkout Richa! https://www.instagram.com/richaanand/?hl=en

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    I can't wait to see you all in these, especially at our live shows!!
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    Two Hot Takes. 5042 Wilshire BLVD. #470. Los Angeles, CA 90036
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    Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoHotTakes

    : Skims.com/tht