
    17. Social Media Mindfulness

    enOctober 26, 2023

    About this Episode

    What we put in front of our face and allow into our mind matters.

    It’s estimated that the average American spends  2 hours and 6 minutes each day on social media. Considering the estimated life span of 73.4 years, that translates into 6 years and 8 months of our life that we will spend on social media. SIX YEARS!!!!!! 

    My question to you is - what are you going to do with that time?

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Auditing your social media feed

    • Editing your social media feed

    • Curating a feed that is inspiring, motivational, and enjoyable to consume

    • How to be the example for our children


    Kellie's IG: @kelliesmithstudio


    Recent Episodes from A Meaningful Life

    17. Social Media Mindfulness

    17. Social Media Mindfulness

    What we put in front of our face and allow into our mind matters.

    It’s estimated that the average American spends  2 hours and 6 minutes each day on social media. Considering the estimated life span of 73.4 years, that translates into 6 years and 8 months of our life that we will spend on social media. SIX YEARS!!!!!! 

    My question to you is - what are you going to do with that time?

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Auditing your social media feed

    • Editing your social media feed

    • Curating a feed that is inspiring, motivational, and enjoyable to consume

    • How to be the example for our children


    Kellie's IG: @kelliesmithstudio


    A Meaningful Life
    enOctober 26, 2023

    16. Setting Intentions for a Meaningful Life

    16. Setting Intentions for a Meaningful Life

    What are intentions really? How are they different from goals? Why are they important? And how can we live them?

    In this solo episode, I am talking about INTENTIONS because I believe setting intentions is a powerful tool for living a purposeful and meaningful life. By gaining clarity, focus, and motivation, you can align your actions with your values and aspirations and get on track to living a life that feels good. 

    In this episode we discuss:

    • What intentions are

    • How they differ from goals

    • Why they are so important

    • How to set intentions

    • How to live them

    • And so much more…


    Kellie's IG: @kelliesmithstudio

    15. Creating A Restful, Simplified Home w/ Chelsea Dasinger

    15. Creating A Restful, Simplified Home w/ Chelsea Dasinger

    If you walk through the door to your home and feel overwhelmed with all of the clutter, stuff, kids toys, chores to do, etc. then this podcast is for you!

    Chelsea Dasinger, mom of two and creator of @keepinghouse_ on Instagram, has mastered the art of creating a restful and simplified home through decluttering and building intentional systems so her family can feel good in their home. In this episode, Chelsea shares her wisdom on creating a space where families can thrive in a way that feels manageable and nurturing. It's not about perfection but about creating a space that is "easy to tidy, not always tidy."

    Join us as we delve into the secrets of curating a space where peace and serenity reign, replacing overwhelm with a sense of calm and well-being. 

    In this episode we discuss:

    • The story behind her decluttering journey
    • The mindset shifts we can make in order to create a home that feels restful and peaceful
    • The systems we can put in place to make spaces more managable
    • Where to start decluttering your home
    • How to overcome the overwhelm, emotional attachment to things, and scarcity mindset
    • And so much more...

    Chelsea's insights are sure to inspire you to create a haven that truly feels good to live in.



    To Hell With The Hustle

    Chelsea’s Free Quick Start Decluttering Guide

    Simplify Your Life - Full Guide

    Habits of Home Daily Planner




    Chelsea’s Instagram: @keepinghouse_

    Kellie's Instagram: @kelliesmithstudio

    A Meaningful Life
    enOctober 03, 2023

    14. Subtle and Sass: It's So Much More Than A Dress w/ Renee Smith

    14. Subtle and Sass: It's So Much More Than A Dress w/ Renee Smith

    Tucked away in the charming little corner of Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, there's a remarkable woman who's redefining what it means to own a women's boutique and crafting an entirely unique shopping experience for women.

    Renee Smith is the founder of Subtle and Sass and her story is about so much more than fashion; it's about resilience, empowerment, and a relentless pursuit of her dreams.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • The story behind Subtle & Sass
    • How she build a business admist COVID, a divorce, and transitioning to life as a single mom
    • The top things that have made her business successful
    • How to step out of fear so you can chase your heart's whispers
    • Her own spiritual journey and how we can all connect deeper with ourselves
    • And so much more...

    Her story is one of triumph, beauty, and inspiration and I hope this conversation serves you as you navigate life and business.


    Subtle & Sass

    A New Earth with Eckhart Tolle

    Bliss Spiritual CoOp




    Renee's Instagram: @subtle_and_sass

    Kellie's Instagram: @kelliesmithstudio

    A Meaningful Life
    enSeptember 12, 2023

    13. Making Big, Important Decisions

    13. Making Big, Important Decisions

    Whether it's a career change, a major life transition, or a significant financial commitment, making big important decisions can be daunting and overwhelming. 

    We go back and forth in our minds and weigh all the pros and cons and we eventually come to the point where a decision has to be made. So how do we make these big important decisions that can affect the trajectory of our whole lives?

    In this episode, I am sharing some strategies and insights that have helped me make those decisions with confidence and clarity. 

    A Meaningful Life
    enAugust 24, 2023

    12. Love Never Dies w/ Chris McMurray

    12. Love Never Dies w/ Chris McMurray

    Grief. Death. Cancer. These are things no one likes to talk about. These are hard things. But I recently met a woman that made these things a little easier to talk about. In fact, her story is so profoundly inspiring and full of lessons I believe every person can benefit from. 

    It is my belief, the more we talk to eachother about these things the more we can support and offer eachother hope as we walk through grief, death, and cancer in our own lives.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • The life lessons learned from her son's cancer journey
    • What grief really looks like and how to move forward
    • How to stay connected to our loved ones that have passed
    • And so much more...

    I hope this conversation serves as a reminder of what really matters in life and has as much of a positive impact on your life as it did mine. 


    Book: Live Laugh Fly by Christina McMurray

    YouTube Channel: We're An Open Book w/ Chris & Gene McMurray

    A Meaningful Life
    enApril 20, 2023

    11. Ultimate Anxiety Tool Kit: 10 Life Changing Tools

    11. Ultimate Anxiety Tool Kit: 10 Life Changing Tools

    “What does anxiety feel like again?” Can you believe that that is the first thing that came to my mind when I sat down to think about what I wanted to say at an upcoming talk I was invited to give on overcoming anxiety!? 

    It’s INSANE how far I have come and proof that the tools I am sharing with you today work! It doesn’t matter what your struggle is in life, you MUST have a tool box full of things you can turn to help you get through it.

    I hope by sharing the tools that have changed my life, you will be able to make a positive change in yours as well!

    There is also a little surprise at the end of this podcast, where I take you through a wonderful relaxation exercise. The intention is to show you what is available to you at any time and demonstrate how just a few moments of stillness can have a positive impact on your day.

    A Meaningful Life
    enFebruary 08, 2023

    10. Ten Lessons I Learned In 2022

    10. Ten Lessons I Learned In 2022

    This is the first podcast I have produced in a WHILE but it is my goal to really put some focus on this show in the new year and because I love it so much and learn so much with you! Since it’s been so long since I recorded my last episode,I thought it would be great to share with you the "10 Things I Learned in 2022" as a way of catching up a bit and sharing with you the lessons I have learned while my mic has been off in hopes there is a piece in here that is meaningful or helpful to you.

    The topics we will discuss in this episode include:

    • How to say goodbye to a loved one in a meaningful way
    • What postpartum women REALLY need
    • The importance of sharing your art
    • How to handle a great unsettling in life
    • Why you shouldn't "wait for retirement"
    • How I jumpstarted my fitness routine
    • The hobby that proved to be too much
    • The kitchen product that changed my life
    • What life is like without gluten or alcohol
    • What has helped me build my relationship with God

    I hope you will take some time to reflect on the lessons you learned in 2022 and share them with me too!


    E2M: https://e2mfitness.com/

    Clemson Home & Garden Help Line: https://www.clemson.edu/extension/midlandslocalfood/support-programs/hgic.html#:~:text=Home%20and%20Garden%20Information%20Center&text=The%20Clemson%20Extension%20Home%20%26%20Garden,system%20and%20a%20web%20site

    A Meaningful Life
    enDecember 29, 2022

    9. Living Freely And Lightly w/ Emily Lex

    9. Living Freely And Lightly w/ Emily Lex

    How would you like your life to be lived freely and lightly? Doesn’t that just sound delightful?

    Emily Lex is an artist, author, and blogger and she is showing us how to do just that in her new book called Freely and Lightly: God’s Gracious Invitation to A Life Of Quiet Confidence. 

    In this episode we discuss:

    • What it means to live freely and lightly
    • How to stop looking to the world to find your value
    • How to make space in your life for meaningful things and deeper conversations with God
    • Her own spiritual journey and how we can all develop a trusting relationship with God
    • And so much more...

    So if you ever find yourself asking:  “Who Am I?” “Am I Enough?” “Am I Too Much?” “What Am I Here To Do?” This podcast may just help you find some answers.


    Freely And Lightly by Emily Lex

    Emily’s Watercolor Books

    Project 89 Journaling Exercise

    The Freedom Of Self Forgetfulness by Timothy Keller





    Archive Collection: heirloom quality journals to help you preserve the moments that matter most.

    A Meaningful Life
    enJuly 06, 2021

    8. Having The Audacity To Be Yourself w/ Jen Coken

    8. Having The Audacity To Be Yourself w/ Jen Coken

    Jen Coken is a keynote speaker, Imposter Syndrome expert, author, humorist, and international executive coach on a global mission to empower C-Suite-level executives and their teams to have the audacity to be themselves and to lead without limits.

    Jen has been leading women to personal and professional success for over two decades and in this episode we discuss: 

    • What it means to truly be present and listen to that quiet voice inside
    • Finding answers in the stillness
    • How to handle the 2x4’s that life throws at you - including her own cancer diagnosis
    • The importance of FEELING our feelings 
    • How SHE helps her executives step into their own greatness 
    • And SO...MUCH...MORE

    Whether you are a top-level executive or the CEO of your household, this episode is jam packed with advice to help you live an authentic and fulfilling life!

    A Meaningful Life
    enMarch 18, 2021