
    170: 170 - Eat The Rich; They're Keto Part 1

    en-usOctober 20, 2019
    What unique experiences did Timmy the trash can share?
    How did Timmy's past jobs influence his interests?
    What themes does the film 'Long Island Expressway' explore?
    Why is effective communication important in conversations?
    How does body positivity relate to dietary choices discussed?

    Podcast Summary

    • Timmy's Unique PerspectivesEveryone has unique experiences and passions, and effective communication is crucial to understanding different perspectives.

      Everyone has unique experiences and perspectives, even if they seem unrelated or inappropriate at times. Timmy, the talking trash can, shared his love for trash and reminisced about his past experiences, which included working at McDonald's and quitting due to his interest in kung fu movies and anime. During the conversation, the topic shifted to fall activities, and Timmy's descriptions of leaf peeping and pumpkin "fucking" were misunderstood, leading to an awkward exchange. However, despite the seemingly random and inappropriate topics, Timmy's story revealed his passion for new experiences and his desire to explore the world around him. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of effective communication and understanding different perspectives.

    • A blend of suburban and industrial areas on Long Island, New YorkLong Island, New York, is known for its unique mix of charming and less desirable locations, including a stretch with a funeral home, music academy, car wash, notorious bar, and challenges like drug use and fan invasions.

      Long Island, New York, is known for its unique blend of suburban and industrial areas, with a mix of charming and less desirable locations. A notable example is a stretch of road where a funeral home, a music academy, and a car wash are located. The funeral home was once run by the corrupt Nassau County executive, Ed Mangano, who was indicted for taking bribes. The music academy was once a run-down building, while the car wash is a popular local business. The area also includes a notorious bar, infamous for its unsavory patrons. Despite the varied establishments, the community remains resilient, with garage sales being a common occurrence. However, the area also faces challenges, such as drug use and fan invasions. Overall, Long Island's diversity and complexities make it an intriguing place to explore.

    • Growing up with Quirks and ChallengesThe speaker shares stories of their past, including encounters with bullies, hoarders, and mental institutions, and finds humor in unexpected situations, reflecting on their life and embracing their identity, while expressing a wish for a simpler, more conventional job.

      The speaker reminisces about their past experiences growing up in a community, sharing stories of encounters with bullies, hoarders, and mental institutions. Despite the hardships, they found humor in some situations, like a bully threatening to kill himself on their lawn. They also mention their experiences performing comedy shows at mental institutions as part of their rehabilitation. The speaker reflects on their life, acknowledging that they could have gone further if they were straight, but ultimately embraces who they are. They also express their wish to have had a more conventional job like plumbing, which they see as a good source of income and a simpler, more Lego-like process.

    • Long Island's Hidden StrugglesBeneath the surface of Long Island's pleasant exterior lies a complex web of challenges, including addiction, societal pressures, and even potential danger.

      Long Island, despite its pleasant exterior with bagel cafes, pizza and pasta restaurants, and safe buildings, also harbors its share of challenges. Urgent cares, methadone clinics, and even a pet hotel are signs of the underlying issues. A personal encounter with an ex-heroin addict named Jimmy, met at a laundromat, sheds light on the complex realities of the community. Jimmy, a seemingly nice guy, shared stories of his past drug use and the societal pressures he faced. Meanwhile, a seemingly innocent interaction between the speaker and a potential pedophile highlights the darker side of the town. The discussion underscores the intricate nature of Long Island, where the apparent safety and charm mask the presence of underlying struggles.

    • A dark film exploring pedophilia and corruption on Long IslandBrian Cox delivers a chilling performance as a smart pedophile in a film filled with corruption, fast food, and unexpected twists on Long Island

      The film "Long Island Expressway" explores dark themes, including pedophilia, and features an unexpected yet intriguing performance by Brian Cox. Cox's character, a pedophile, attempts to assert dominance over a young boy, leading to unease among viewers. The movie is set on Long Island, where fast food chains are abundant, and the story follows a boy whose father is a corrupt builder. The discussion also touched upon the high number of car accidents on Long Island and a possible connection to the transportation of high-profile detainees. The conversation revealed that Brian Cox's character in the film might have been smarter than typical pedophiles, using unconventional methods to assert power. The film's title, "There are lanes going east, there are lanes going west, and then there are lanes going straight to hell," sets the tone for the dark and unsettling narrative.

    • Skepticism towards military personnel's wartime actions and power figures' involvementSpeakers questioned the existence of lone perpetrators in military scandals and emphasized the importance of holding powerful figures accountable for their role in such incidents.

      The discussion touched upon allegations of military personnel committing heinous acts, including rape and torture, during wartime. The speakers expressed skepticism towards the existence of lone perpetrators and questioned the involvement of powerful figures in such scandals. The conversation also touched upon the dangerous roads in New York City, specifically the Belt Parkway, and Robert Moses' design philosophy. The speakers' overall tone conveyed a sense of cynicism and distrust towards authority figures and the media. They questioned the motives of those in power and emphasized the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions.

    • Robert Moses' impact on poorer communities, not just Black and LatinoDespite his discriminatory practices towards certain communities, Robert Moses also targeted poorer white families if given the chance. The conversation also touched upon the legality of podcasting while driving and personal anecdotes about family dynamics.

      Robert Moses, despite his name being associated with discriminatory practices towards poorer communities, it's essential to remember that not all those affected were Black or Latino. However, it's clear that he had preferences and may have prioritized removing poorer white families if given the chance. On a lighter note, the discussion touched upon the legality of podcasting while driving and the hilarious imagery of parents discovering their children's podcasting activities. Lastly, I shared a personal anecdote about my parents' reluctance to let me visit their home due to fleas on their cats, which brought up memories of my grandparents' similar behavior during holidays. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from racism to family dynamics and the quirks of podcasting.

    • Working in a morgue: Dealing with the realities of deathHandling the harsh realities of death requires a strong stomach and emotional resilience in a morgue setting.

      Working in a morgue involves dealing with the reality of death in various forms. The bodies that come in can be the result of accidents, diseases, or suicide, and the appearance of the deceased can be quite disturbing. Kathleen, a colleague, had to leave suddenly during a discussion about the appearance of a deceased person, and the speaker reflected on the various ways people die, including those who try to cross the southern state and don't make it. The speaker also shared that they have seen bodies with injuries from accidents, such as a head feeling like a bag of broken glass or gravel embedded in the skin. Despite the gruesome nature of the work, the speaker shared that they don't find lifeless bodies appealing and that they are curious about the appearance of the deceased, just like anyone else. The work also involves dealing with the unexpected, such as people who die in the toilet or those who have diseases that are not immediately apparent. Overall, working in a morgue requires a strong stomach and the ability to deal with the realities of death.

    • Quality of food matters for weight lossMaintaining a healthy weight involves both calorie intake and quality of food, with personal choices playing a significant role.

      While calories matter for weight loss, it's not just about the number of calories consumed or burned. The quality of food and personal choices play a significant role. The speaker shared an example of a day filled with various foods, some healthy and some not, and how he tries to maintain a certain weight despite indulging occasionally. He also mentioned the importance of self-acceptance and not being too hard on oneself. However, he acknowledged that not everyone can maintain the same level of dietary resolve as him. The conversation also touched on the topic of body positivity and the use of terms like "fat" or "heft" to describe oneself or others.

    • Comparing the US to a struggling businessThe US is facing economic challenges, impeachment, automation, and job loss, with some areas becoming 'sacrifice zones' while others adapt and thrive.

      The state of the country can be compared to a business going through different phases, and currently, we're in a state of decline. The impeachment process is just one aspect of the country's issues, which also include economic challenges, automation, and job loss. The country was built on industrial output, but now, many areas are struggling to adapt as industries change. Some places may hold on until climate change brings new opportunities, while others may become "sacrifice zones." Despite the challenges, there are pockets of resiliency and wealth in the country. It's important to remember that not everyone is equally affected, and some people are genuinely getting "fucked" by the situation. The real problems lie in demographic changes and the need for adaptation in a rapidly changing world.

    • Understanding motivations and context in real estate dealsConsider motivations, potential challenges, and overall situation when evaluating real estate deals. Adaptability and resilience are crucial in navigating unexpected experiences.

      Understanding the context and motivations behind real estate deals is crucial. Motivated sellers play a significant role, but affordable areas may not always offer the desired quality of life due to lack of services and infrastructure. Access to exclusive properties and powerful people can sometimes lead to unexpected experiences, even for those who may not seem to fit the mold. The value of a deal goes beyond just the price tag, and it's essential to consider the overall situation and potential challenges. Additionally, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of adaptability and resilience in navigating life's unexpected twists and turns.

    • Wealth and appearance shape friendships and perceptions of worthSociety values wealth and good looks over intelligence and personality, leading to exclusion and frustration for those who don't fit the ideal.

      Wealth and social status can significantly influence friendships and perceptions of worth. The speaker shares their experience of feeling excluded from wealthy circles despite having intelligence and good personality. They believe that people are more drawn to wealth and good looks than other qualities. The speaker also expresses frustration towards the societal acceptance of fat shaming and the high threshold for acceptance of people who are not conventionally attractive or wealthy. They criticize the emphasis on physical appearance and the lack of tolerance for those who do not fit the ideal. The conversation touches upon the complexities of social dynamics and the role of wealth and appearance in shaping relationships.

    • Societal norms dictate beauty standardsPeople's judgments based on appearance can be harmful, and it's crucial to remember everyone's worth goes beyond physical attributes.

      People's perceptions and judgments of others, particularly based on physical appearance, can be harsh and unforgiving. The speaker shares his personal experience of growing up with a dislike for overweight people and how societal norms can dictate what is considered attractive. He also mentions his observation of Jared Leto, who, despite being a successful actor, is often criticized for his appearance and lack of a distinct personality. The speaker's comments reveal the complexity of societal beauty standards and the impact they can have on individuals. It's important to remember that everyone has unique qualities and worth beyond their physical appearance.

    • Exploring the Elite Community of Sands Point, Long IslandSands Point, Long Island is a private, beautiful, and expensive community known for its mansions, privacy, and absence of commercial establishments.

      The discussion revolves around the exclusive and expensive community of Sands Point, Long Island. The speakers express their admiration for the area's beauty, wealth, and privacy. They also mention the absence of commercial establishments and the presence of mansions, some of which are worth millions. The community is described as a "maze of trees and mansion" and a "real residential living" experience. The speakers also share their personal connections to the area and make humorous comments about the wealthy residents. It's clear that the speakers view Sands Point as an elite and desirable place to live.

    • Observing the Wealthy from AfarAssumptions about the wealthy can lead to envy, conflict, and potential violence. History of gambling and risk-taking in America might influence such thoughts.

      The speakers in this conversation seem to be observing a wealthy community from a distance, making assumptions about the people living there and the potential for conflict or unexpected events. They discuss the idea of seizing assets from a random 10% of the wealthy population, referencing America's history of gambling and risk-taking. They also mix up facts from literature and real life, such as the locations of Gatsby's house and the Hearst Castle. The overall tone is lighthearted but also reveals a sense of envy and potential violence towards the wealthy. The speakers also seem to be on the lookout for a specific person named Wendy, who lives in the area. The conversation ends with the realization that they might be in danger and need to leave the area quickly.

    • The Speaker's Ambivalent Relationship with Wealthy CommunitiesDespite his skepticism and annoyance, the speaker is fascinated by the grandeur and exclusivity of wealthy communities, such as Sands Point on Long Island.

      The speaker in this conversation expresses a mix of fascination and frustration with the wealthy community on the North Shore, particularly in Sands Point, Long Island. He's impressed by the grand houses and views but also annoyed by the exclusivity and the difficulty of accessing the area. He's also intrigued by the rumors of a bomb and a potential mansion worth 12 million dollars. The speaker's tone is sarcastic and cynical, but he can't help but be drawn to the allure of wealth and luxury. He also notes the lack of cell phone service in the area, adding to the sense of isolation and exclusivity. Overall, the conversation reveals the speaker's complex relationship with wealth and the privileged class.

    • Our experiences, good and bad, have shaped usDespite challenges, our upbringing has prepared us for the world and taught us valuable life lessons

      Our upbringing, despite its challenges, has prepared us well for the world. We may have made mistakes, but understanding how the world works has been beneficial. For instance, we've learned to navigate various situations, from finding directions to dealing with difficult people. We've also adopted various lifestyle choices, such as following a keto diet. Although we may have had setbacks, like giving in to temptations, we've learned from them and continued moving forward. Additionally, we've gained valuable insights into the wealthy and their lifestyle, which has broadened our horizons. Overall, our experiences, both good and bad, have shaped us into the individuals we are today.

    • Envy, disdain, and curiosity towards the wealthy communitySpeakers express complex feelings towards wealthy community, assuming assumptions about their lives and fantasizing about intruding or causing mischief, while acknowledging the possibility of deeper complexities.

      The speakers in this conversation express a mix of envy, disdain, and curiosity towards the wealthy community they are passing by. They make assumptions about the residents based on their assumptions about wealth and privilege, and they fantasize about intruding into their lives or even causing mischief. However, they also acknowledge that there might be more to these people than meets the eye, and they express a certain fascination with the idea of living in a wealthy area. Despite their cynical and irreverent tone, they seem to be grappling with complex feelings about wealth, status, and the human condition.

    • Disappointment with the Superficial Wealthy CommunityDespite wealth and luxury, human connections and empathy remain valuable, revealing the complexities and imperfections of life beyond affluence.

      Wealth and luxury, while desirable for some, can come at a great cost. The speaker expresses disappointment with the superficiality of the wealthy community he encountered, contrasting it with the harsh realities of poverty and violence. He shares a story of a man working at a dairy barn who was tragically killed during a robbery. The speaker also reflects on a brief encounter with an older woman, acknowledging the complexities and imperfections of human connections. Despite his cynical tone, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of empathy and understanding the struggles that exist beyond the surface of affluence.

    • A night of surprises with an enigmatic womanAn unplanned night out led to an encounter with a mysterious woman who bought all the drinks and left without a trace, leaving the narrator with intriguing memories and unanswered questions.

      An unexpected night out led to a series of unusual events for an unnamed narrator. He met a woman at a bar, gave her his beer, and later discovered she had lost one of her shoes. Despite his efforts to find it, they continued their night at another bar, where she bought all the drinks. The woman seemed kind and had a nice house, and they eventually went back to the narrator's place. They danced to Van Morrison and got into bed, but the narrator couldn't remember what happened next. He woke up to her urging him to leave, and he did without exchanging contact information. The woman seemed to be a regular at the first bar they visited, and the people there knew her. The night was filled with unexpected twists and turns, leaving the narrator with a memorable, if confusing, experience.

    • Navigating the Unpredictability of City LivingCity life brings unexpected challenges and conflicts, requiring adaptability and a sense of humor.

      The speaker's daily life is filled with unexpected challenges and potential conflicts, from dealing with sensitive roommates and their preferences, to the shocking events of September 11th. He expresses frustration over the unpredictability of his living situation and the people in it, particularly when it comes to pet ownership. Despite this, he tries to maintain a sense of humor and adapt to the situation, even going so far as to anticipate potential conflicts and prepare for them. The speaker also appreciates the conveniences of city living, such as a refuse room and a gym, but finds the unexpected complications to be a source of stress and annoyance.

    • The 9/11 Memorial contrasts solemnity with consumerismDespite its historical significance, the 9/11 Memorial in New York City is surrounded by upscale shopping, leading some to question the official narrative and suspect deeper conspiracies.

      The 9/11 Memorial and Mall in New York City, built from repurposed parts of the Twin Towers, has become a symbol of affluence and consumerism, despite its historical significance. The speaker shares his experience of being there and noticing the contrast between the somber memorial and the upscale shopping. He also reflects on how the events of 9/11 and subsequent historical events have led many to question the official narrative and suspect deeper conspiracies. The speaker's conversation partner challenges his perspective, but the speaker stands firm in his belief that the day's events were shady and that many people, especially younger generations, share this view. The conversation also touches on the Iraq war and the leaps made in connecting Saddam Hussein to 9/11, which the speaker sees as unreasonable. Overall, the conversation reveals a sense of skepticism and a desire to question the official narrative of historical events.

    • Discover hidden gems and unique experiencesLook beyond initial perceptions to find unexpected savings, treats, and beauty in unexpected places, and pursue personal interests for unexpected rewards

      Despite the limitations and challenges, there are hidden gems and unique experiences to be found in unexpected places. For instance, the HOV lane on Long Island, though only active for a few hours during the week, can save commuters significant time. Similarly, a seemingly unremarkable cider mill offers delicious treats and nostalgic memories. Additionally, the Northern State Parkway, despite its history, offers scenic beauty. It's important to look beyond initial perceptions and explore new places, even if they come with restrictions or negative associations. Furthermore, pursuing personal interests, like learning a new language or exploring a new culture, can lead to unexpected rewards.

    • A Passionate View on the Keto DietThe speaker sees the keto diet as a flexible mindset, allowing indulgence while maintaining adherence, and shares past experiences in entertainment.

      The speaker in this conversation is passionate about the keto diet, viewing it as a mindset rather than a strict set of nutritional guidelines. He believes that being keto allows him to indulge in certain foods while still adhering to the diet. The conversation also touches on the speaker's past experiences with entertainment and his current pursuits in music production. Despite his commitment to the keto diet, he acknowledges the importance of entertaining his friends and audience, even if it means making jokes about the diet. The conversation also reveals that the speaker has a history of working in the entertainment industry and has had various interesting experiences.

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    The Tim Dillon Show
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJuly 27, 2024

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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJuly 20, 2024

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    American Royalty Tour
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJuly 15, 2024

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    Life on Fire (w/Kristin Dwan)

    Life on Fire (w/Kristin Dwan)

    Hey, sometimes you gotta burn it down to build it back up. Luckily, Brendan speaks with the amazing Kristin Dwan, to teach us how to do just that. Kristin is the founder of The Healing Woods, she's a hynotherapist (Brendan's hynotherapist), reiki master, author, and fearless leader of Bullsh*t Bonfires.  The two dive into: Kristin's near-death experience and what it's like coming back from the dead, the awesome power hynotherapy, and how Kristin has used it to lose 160 pounds, why the subconscious mind and inner child are actually running the show, and why just because you play with fire, doesn't make you a sh*tty magician.