
    170. Andy & DJ CTI: Pfizer Criminals, Boys In Girls Restrooms & Falling Dominos

    enNovember 10, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the Importance of Sharing Valuable Content and Organic GrowthSharing valuable content and questioning information are crucial for organic growth. Pfizer CEO's labeling of misinformation spreaders as 'criminals' is an attempt to silence critics and may reveal panic.

      During this episode of Andy and DJ's show, they discussed the importance of sharing valuable content and the organic growth of their daily current events podcast. They also critiqued Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla's labeling of vaccine misinformation spreaders as "criminals," pointing out Pfizer's own criminal history and the small group of individuals responsible for spreading misinformation. The hosts expressed their belief that Bourla's statement was an attempt to silence critics and a sign of panic. They emphasized the importance of questioning information and sharing it with others if it is deemed valuable. The show continues to grow in popularity due to its daily format and the hosts' candid perspectives.

    • Frustration and Resentment Towards COVID-19 Restrictions18 months into pandemic, frustration and resentment towards restrictions and mandates are common, leading to debates over personal freedoms and vaccine mandates. Some individuals may view public figures as enemies or scapegoats for their frustrations.

      18 months into various COVID-19 restrictions and mandates, many individuals are expressing frustration and resentment towards the situation. People have lost jobs, wealth, freedom, and personal sovereignty, leading to a sense of panic and anger. Some individuals have become deeply attached to their beliefs and refuse to admit they've been manipulated, even when presented with facts. The ongoing debate over vaccine mandates and the potential loss of personal freedoms continues to be a source of contention. Despite the social narrative that most people support these measures, many are tired of the restrictions and feel that their lives have been significantly impacted. The speaker expresses his concern that some individuals may view certain public figures as enemies or scapegoats for their frustrations. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex emotions and challenges surrounding the ongoing pandemic and its impact on individuals' lives.

    • Manipulation and control by powerful individualsPowerful individuals manipulate systems, ignore concerns, and disregard wellbeing, leading to potential loss of freedom and equality, as seen in healthcare and education, with examples like Pfizer's vaccine pricing and school bathroom policies.

      A small group of powerful individuals are manipulating systems and hiding behind laws to control various aspects of society, including healthcare and education, often disregarding the concerns and wellbeing of the general population. This manipulation could lead to significant loss of freedom and equality, resulting in poverty for many. It's crucial for individuals to understand and stand up against these operations, which are being implemented on a global scale and may involve communist ideologies. For instance, Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine production and distribution, with its exorbitant pricing, is a prime example of such manipulation. Similarly, the Round Rock Independent School District in Texas allowing students who identify as female to use female restrooms is an example of disregard for concerns and potential harm to privacy. It's essential to stay informed and take action to protect individual rights and freedoms.

    • School restroom policies raise safety concerns for female studentsUnclear or ambiguous restroom policies in schools can create safety risks for girls and allow harmful situations to go unchecked, prioritizing inclusivity over student safety may have serious consequences, and clear, enforceable policies are necessary to ensure the safety and privacy of all students.

      School policies regarding restroom use are creating safety concerns for female students, particularly in areas where these policies are not clearly defined or communicated. The speaker expresses frustration with school administrators who prioritize inclusivity over student safety, allowing potentially harmful situations to go unchecked. The speaker also criticizes the lack of transparency and accountability in these situations, as well as the potential for predators to take advantage of ambiguous policies. The speaker advocates for clear, enforceable policies to ensure the safety and privacy of all students. The situation in Loudoun County, Virginia, serves as a cautionary tale of the consequences of prioritizing feelings over safety.

    • Denial of reality and moral values in societySpeakers call for proactive measures to prioritize safety and values, emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing potential risks and consequences of progressive ideologies, particularly for children.

      The current societal climate, as discussed, is perceived as a denial of reality and a demoralization of moral values. This situation, which has been allowed to persist for decades, is believed to be a result of policies and leadership that fail to protect children and uphold natural facts of society. The speakers express strong disagreement with the current state of affairs and call for proactive measures to ensure safety and values are prioritized. They believe that the passive acceptance of these issues is complicit and dangerous, and that it's crucial for individuals to take a stand and advocate for what they believe is right. The speakers also emphasize the importance of understanding and addressing the potential risks and consequences of progressive ideologies, particularly when it comes to the safety of children.

    • Engage in your community to protect personal values and promote safetyStay involved in school boards and local issues to ensure policies align with personal values, respect gender identities, and preserve privacy and comfort for all.

      It's essential for individuals to take an active role in their communities, particularly in school boards, to ensure policies align with personal values and promote safety and privacy for all. The speaker emphasized the importance of respecting gender identities while maintaining separate bathroom facilities for biological sexes to preserve privacy and comfort for everyone. The speaker's personal experience at a co-ed bathroom highlighted the discomfort and unease that can arise from these policies in real life. They encouraged everyone to engage in their communities and resist policies that may infringe on personal freedoms and safety. The obligation to serve and protect the interests of the community should not be forgotten, and it's important to stay involved and engaged in local issues all the time.

    • National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan named in Michael Sussman indictmentAn ongoing investigation led by John Durham implicates high-ranking Democrats and the entire liberal media in allegedly framing a person for treason. Michael Sussman, a former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer, is indicted for lying to the FBI and is expected to cooperate, potentially implicating others.

      Jake Sullivan, President Biden's National Security Advisor, was named in the indictment of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman as a foreign policy advisor. Sullivan is not a target of the investigation, but he received information from Sussman. The Steel Dossier, which formed the basis of the allegations against Trump, implicates many high-ranking Democrats and the entire liberal media. Michael Sussman is indicted for allegedly lying to the FBI and is expected to cooperate with the investigation, potentially implicating others. The investigation led by John Durham is ongoing, and more information is expected to be released. The FBI briefed Joe Biden and Obama about the allegations in 2016. The entire Democratic Party and liberal media are implicated in the framing of a person for treason, and people should pay attention to the developments in this case.

    • Belief in significant manipulation and division in countrySpeaker believes corruption exists, high-level individuals may be involved, and consequences could be serious

      The speaker believes there has been significant manipulation and division in the country, with high-level individuals potentially involved. They believe that the truth about these matters is starting to come to light, and those involved may be panicking as a result. The speaker also expresses frustration with the way supporters of certain political figures have been treated and criticized, and feels that more could have been done to unify people. They mention the role of technology and paid influencers in driving division, and express concern about potential COVID deaths and high-level arrests. Overall, the speaker is expressing a belief that significant corruption exists and that it is now being addressed, with potentially serious consequences for those involved.

    • Manipulation and Control in PoliticsPoliticians use biased narratives to maintain control and infringe on individual autonomy. Stay informed and engaged to protect freedoms.

      Those in power are using their influence to maintain control by painting outsiders as villains and enacting policies that infringe on individual autonomy. The recent political discourse surrounding a specific figure serves as an example of this manipulation, with those opposed to him being influenced by biased narratives rather than objective truth. The ongoing investigation into this matter holds promise for change, but it's essential for individuals to get involved in their local governments and support candidates who represent the majority's interests. The failure to do so risks allowing destructive forces to take control. Ultimately, it's crucial to stay informed and engaged in the political process to ensure the protection of individual freedoms.

    • No middle ground in times of conflictDuring conflict, individuals must choose a side and stand firm. In the absence of laws and consequences, community justice may be necessary to teach and deter disorder and disobedience.

      During times of conflict, there is no middle ground. People must choose a side and stand firm. The speaker expresses his frustration with those who remain undecided, believing they will be harmed by both sides. He uses the example of a disabled man being robbed and the community taking justice into their own hands to illustrate his point. The speaker argues that in the absence of enforced laws and consequences, individuals must take matters into their own hands to deliver community justice. He believes this is the only way some people learn and the only way to combat the disorder and disobedience in society.

    • Focusing on funding and attracting quality individuals to the police forceTo address current issues, we should fund and attract high-quality individuals to the police force, rather than defunding it. This includes better pay and making the career more prestigious.

      The speaker believes that defunding the police is not the solution to the current issues and instead, we should focus on funding and attracting quality individuals to the police force. He argues that we need to pay police officers better and make the career more prestigious to attract those who truly want to serve and protect. The speaker also believes that criminals are being emboldened and that we need to put police officers in a position to win. He expresses his support for the actions of the police officer in the video and believes that vigilante justice may become more common if the police are defunded.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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    Theme composed by Matt Harvey.

    Additional Themes produced for [By The Mummers] performances composed by Jason Purdy.

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    We are launching an extra content feed for the supports of this show. “Grimerica’s Black Budget Support Feed”. This is still value for value and nothing will be changing with the traditional Grimerica podcast. Donate any one time amount and/or sign up to any monthly amount and you will have access to our extra content. We are looking for ways to help grow the show and cover expenses and we think this will help while also showing thanks to those who support us financially. 
    We already have approx. 7 episodes in the extra feed. The old Enter the Mushroom ep, the Cabin Ep, 4 ep’s recorded for another platform that didnt pan out (black budget, cyber Sunday, George Soros take down, and MSM round up). And our recent appearance on End of Days Radio with Daniel will be here as well. Daniel asks us a bunch of questions, many personal…. and we chat about all kinds of stuff. 
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