
    #172 - Claude and Gemini updates, Gemma 2, GPT-4 Critic

    enJuly 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • AI user experience raceAnthropic's focus on safety and alignment, OpenAI and ChatGPT's new tools, and Google's Gemini side panels are advancing the AI industry's user experience, with the winner being determined by both scaling and user experience, safety, and alignment features.

      The AI industry is advancing at an unprecedented pace, with companies like Anthropic, OpenAI, and ChatGPT releasing new tools and features to enhance user experience and differentiate themselves. Anthropic, in particular, is focusing on safety and alignment, releasing constitutional AI and user-friendly projects functionality to collaborate and upload large contexts. Google is also joining the race with the rollout of Gemini side panels for Gmail and other workspace apps. The user experience fine-tuning is a crucial dimension of the AI race, as it can significantly leverage the capabilities of underlying models. The winner in this race will not only be determined by scaling but also by the best user experience, safety, and alignment features.

    • AI integration in appsTech companies like Google, OpenAI, and Microsoft are integrating AI into their apps and tools to enhance user experience, offering features like summarizing emails, drafting emails, creating tables and formulas, and voice mode for chats.

      Tech companies, including Google and OpenAI, are increasingly integrating AI into various apps and tools to augment user experience. Google's AI functionality, known as Gemini, is now available in Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Sheets, offering features like summarizing email threads, drafting emails, and creating tables and formulas. OpenAI, on the other hand, is facing delays in rolling out its voice mode for ChatGPT due to the need for more refinement and testing for safety. OpenAI has also made ChatGPT available to all Mac users, deepening its integration with Apple. Microsoft's Co-pilot is another example of this trend, offering a single AI that spans across all apps. Apple, meanwhile, has taken a features-over-models approach, integrating AI throughout iOS in various ways. Waymo's removal of the waitlist for its robotaxi service in San Francisco is another sign of the growing prevalence of AI in everyday life.

    • AI integration across industriesCompanies like Waymo, Figma, and MIT SOHU are making significant strides in AI technology, with Waymo preparing for robo-taxi era, Figma introducing generative tools, and MIT SOHU unveiling a transformer-specialized chip. Transformers are believed to be the future, but concerns remain about scalability and on-chip memory footprint.

      We're witnessing significant advancements in technology across various industries, with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI) integration. Waymo, a self-driving tech company, is preparing for increased scrutiny as they graduate from testing to the robo-taxi era. Figma, a popular design software, has introduced a major redesign and AI capabilities, including generative text and image tools. In the tech hardware sector, MIT SOHU has unveiled the world's first transformer-specialized chip ASIC, which is claimed to be 20 times faster and cheaper than the latest GPUs. These developments underscore the growing importance of AI and its integration into various applications and industries. Companies are making bold bets on AI, with MIT SOHU specifically believing that transformers will be the way forward. However, questions remain regarding scalability and the on-chip memory footprint of these advanced technologies.

    • AI chips and architectureNVIDIA's custom chips and transformer architecture lead to high utilization rates and success in partnership with TSMC. China invests in onshoring chip manufacturing and collaborating with Broadcom to develop advanced chips compliant with export control restrictions, while Chinese firms migrate to alternative APIs.

      The race for advanced chips and AI technology continues to heat up, with major companies and nations investing heavily to stay competitive. In the case of NVIDIA, they're making a significant bet on custom chips and transformer architecture for AI training, achieving high utilization rates and seeing success with their partnership with TSMC. Meanwhile, China is making moves to onshore its chip manufacturing supply chain and collaborate with companies like Broadcom to develop advanced chips compliant with current export control restrictions. Chinese firms are also responding to API restrictions by migrating to alternative offerings. These developments underscore the importance of innovation and technological advancement in the global AI market, as well as the geopolitical implications of the chip industry.

    • Chinese AI competitionChinese tech companies are incentivizing businesses to leave OpenAI for domestic chatbot alternatives amidst controversy and competition, while Meta releases a language model for compiler optimization.

      Several Chinese tech companies, including Alibaba Cloud, Jipu AI, and GPUAI, are offering support and incentives for companies to migrate from OpenAI's chatbot models to their domestic alternatives, following OpenAI's withdrawal from the Chinese market. OpenAI has also faced controversy regarding its stock sales policies and non-disparagement agreements. Meta, on the other hand, has announced the release of a large language model for compiler optimization, aimed at improving the performance and efficiency of compiled code. Jipu AI, a Chinese company, has gained attention for its open source models and unique licensing requirements. The complex set of events highlights the ongoing competition and shifting landscape in the AI industry, particularly in the context of geopolitical positioning and open source technologies.

    • AI optimization of programming languagesResearchers use AI for just-in-time compilation, creating more efficient code without multiple compilations. Google's Gemma 2 simulates biological evolution to generate new proteins using a 100 billion parameter model, demonstrating AI's potential in diverse fields.

      Researchers are using artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize programming languages and create more efficient code. This process, known as just-in-time compilation with AI, allows for the optimization of code without the need for multiple compilations. Google is also advancing language models with the launch of Gemma 2, which simulates biological evolution to generate new proteins. This team, formerly from Meta, has raised $142 million in seed funding and is using a transformer model to predict protein structure and function based on sequence information. The most compute ever applied to training a biological model was used in this research, resulting in a 100 billion parameter model. This new version of green fluorescent protein, designed using AI, has a sequence that is only 58% similar to the closest known fluorescent protein. This demonstrates the potential of AI to advance various fields, from programming languages to biology. The team behind this research is a public benefit company, with a mission focused on social good rather than just the bottom line. This is a significant step forward in the integration of AI into various industries and scientific research.

    • AI model evaluationDespite a plateau in AI model performance, advancements in biology and new benchmarks continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the industry.

      The field of AI model development has reached a plateau in terms of performance on various benchmarks, with no clear leader surpassing the GPD4 level. This has led to skepticism towards new model announcements, especially from China, due to the difficulty of making accurate comparisons between models trained on different datasets and languages. The Hugging Face leaderboard, a significant resource for evaluating models, has undergone an update to address this issue by using new, harder benchmarks and changing the scoring criteria. In biology, a recent paper on the structural mechanism of bridge RNA-guided recombination represents a significant step forward in the field, made possible by AI tools like AlphaFold 2 and CollabFold. Despite the technical jargon, this discovery has the potential to revolutionize the way we solve problems in genomics and insert genetic information into sequences. Overall, the AI industry is facing challenges in scaling and evaluating new models, but advancements in various fields continue to push the boundaries of what's possible.

    • Biology and AI intersection, deep safety alignmentGoogle DeepMind's research in genetic engineering and language models' deep safety alignment are crucial advancements in their respective fields. Refusal tokens in language models can improve safety against attacks, but opposition to safety testing exists in the policy realm.

      The intersection of biology and AI technology is leading to significant advancements, particularly in the field of genetic engineering. Google DeepMind's research in this area has been instrumental in unlocking new possibilities. Another key finding from the research community is the importance of deep safety alignment in language models, which goes beyond just the first few output tokens. This can help improve robustness against common exploits, such as adversarial suffix attacks and pre-filling attacks. The researchers found that language models often start responses with refusal tokens, and by training models with both the question and a dangerous response followed by refusal tokens, they were able to reduce attack success rates. In the policy realm, there has been opposition from startups to California's AI safety bill (Senate Bill 1047), which would require certain models to undergo safety testing. This bill has sparked debate about the balance between safety and innovation in the rapidly evolving field of AI. Overall, these findings highlight the importance of continued research and innovation in the areas of biology and AI, as well as the need for thoughtful policy approaches to ensure safety and ethical use of these technologies.

    • AI regulationExpertise and understanding are crucial in AI regulation debates, as shown by Y Combinator's concerns and the need for addressing AI misuse cases.

      The debate surrounding AI regulation, specifically California's B1047 bill, highlights the need for expertise and understanding in this complex field. Y Combinator, a renowned startup accelerator, has voiced concerns about the potential impact of the bill on innovation and investment in AI research. However, critics argue that the organization lacks the necessary national security and AI control expertise to fully evaluate the risks at stake. Meanwhile, there have been reported cases of AI misuse, such as pro-government supporters using AI tools for mass messaging campaigns. These incidents underscore the importance of having mechanisms in place for reporting and addressing dual use capabilities of advanced AI systems. It's crucial that all stakeholders, including organizations like Y Combinator, engage in open and informed discussions with experts to ensure that regulations are effective and balanced.

    • AI policy, weaponization and dual useAn 'AI observatory' or 'information clearing house' is proposed to monitor dual use capabilities and a liaison in Congress is suggested to oversee its implementation. A new technique called 'SkeletonKey' can bypass AI safety measures, and the music industry is suing AI music generators for copyright infringement.

      The document discussed is a well-thought-out piece focusing on AI policy, specifically addressing the weaponization and dual use of AI systems. The authors advocate for the establishment of an "AI observatory" or "information clearing house" to collect evidence of dual use capabilities and assign a liaison in Congress to oversee its implementation. This could involve setting up reporting requirements and incident response plans, among other practical steps. Additionally, a new jailbreak technique called "SkeletonKey" was introduced, which allows users to bypass AI safety measures by providing a warning before asking for harmful instructions. Microsoft researchers demonstrated that this technique works on various AI models, including GPT-4, but noted that it only works when included in the system prompt rather than the user input. Lastly, the music industry is suing AI music generators for copyright infringement, raising questions about the legality of using copyrighted material for training AI models. Overall, the document provides valuable insights into the importance of AI policy and the challenges and potential solutions in this rapidly evolving field.

    • AI legal and ethical issuesCompanies seek permission to use existing content for AI training while artists' control and compensation are unclear. AI's limitations constrain creative choices and legal uncertainty makes it a financial risk for new companies.

      The use of generative AI, whether it be in text or music, raises significant legal and ethical questions. Companies like YouTube are seeking permission to use existing content for training their AI models, while others are creating new content using existing AI models. However, the question of how much control artists have over the use of their content and the compensation they receive remains unanswered. Additionally, the limitations of current AI models, such as Sora being video-only, can constrain creative choices. As AI continues to evolve, these issues will become even more complex and important to address. Another key point is that the use of generative AI is a big bet for new companies, given the legal uncertainty and the potential financial cost of licensing existing content. Overall, the use of generative AI in various industries is an exciting development, but it also comes with significant challenges that need to be addressed.

    Recent Episodes from Last Week in AI

    #172 - Claude and Gemini updates, Gemma 2, GPT-4 Critic

    #172 - Claude and Gemini updates, Gemma 2, GPT-4 Critic

    Our 172nd episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    With hosts Andrey Kurenkov (https://twitter.com/andrey_kurenkov) and Jeremie Harris (https://twitter.com/jeremiecharris)

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    Feel free to leave us feedback here.

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    And a special one-time interview with Andrey in the latter part of the podcast.

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Note: apology for this one coming out a few days late, got delayed in editing it -Andrey

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Timestamps + links:

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