
    174 - The War On Disinformation ft. Habitual Linecrosser & Ryan McBeth | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 174

    enAugust 26, 2024
    What role does Siemens play in technology and sustainability?
    How does the conversation reflect the hosts' unique perspectives?
    What concerns were raised about cyber warfare and manipulation?
    Can you give examples of new military technology mentioned?
    Why is it important to stay informed in the digital world?

    Podcast Summary

    • Siemens innovationSiemens is a pioneering company utilizing AI and engineering to drive innovation and change, showcasing camaraderie and dynamic nature of the team

      Siemens is a forward-thinking company that uses AI and engineering solutions to drive innovation and change, leading in technology and building a sustainable future. The conversation between the podcast hosts veered off topic, touching on various subjects including humor, military experiences, and personal anecdotes. Despite some rough patches, they remained engaged and expressed their unique perspectives. Ultimately, the conversation showcased the camaraderie and dynamic nature of the group. If you're looking to make an impact and be part of something extraordinary, consider joining Siemens and transforming the everyday.

    • Saggers, military attacksThe French and Indians had a tactical advantage during sunrise and sunset attacks, leading to the term 'saggers'. Personal experiences shared included potential hazards during stand-to duties and the Taliban's night vision capabilities. Unexpectedly, a duel experience and online privacy were also discussed, promoting ExpressVPN.

      The term "saggers" originated from the tactical advantage the French and Indians had during attacks at sunrise and sunset. The speaker shared personal experiences of stand-to duties in the military and the potential hazards, such as accidental ashing on comrades during breaks. The discussion also touched upon the Taliban's strategy of attacking during these hours due to their superior night vision capabilities. Additionally, the speaker shared an unexpected duel experience with a larger comrade and the importance of protecting personal information online, leading to a brief promotion of ExpressVPN.

    • Communication and historical contextMisunderstandings can arise when dealing with content restrictions or historical context. Clear communication and understanding of historical context is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

      Communication is key when dealing with content restrictions or misunderstandings, especially when it comes to historical context. During a conference call, a misunderstanding arose regarding the use of a term in a YouTube video. The term, which was considered offensive in the current context, was used in a historical context and was not intended to be offensive. The team tried to explain this to their representative, but there was a misunderstanding. It was only after further clarification that the issue was resolved. Another topic discussed was the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that led to the start of World War II. Vladimir Putin had made it illegal to speak against this pact, leading to arrests and international intervention. The importance of clear communication and historical context was emphasized throughout the discussion.

    • Disinformation and propagandaDisinformation and propaganda have significantly influenced international narratives throughout history, with Russian bots on Twitter being an example of manipulative activities detected years before major conflicts.

      The history of geopolitical conflicts and technological advancements, as discussed in the podcast and the video, show how disinformation and propaganda have played significant roles in shaping international narratives. The speaker's background in computer science and cybersecurity led him to investigate Russian bots on Twitter, and he found evidence of their manipulative activities years before major conflicts. Additionally, the use of technology in warfare has evolved, with the development of advanced missile systems and the employment of three-letter agencies in covert operations. The speaker also shared personal stories of his family's experiences with espionage and the fear of potential encounters with American forces. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being aware of disinformation campaigns and the ongoing role of technology in international relations.

    • Technology's Impact on SocietyFrom online humiliation services to advanced military technology, technology's reach and capabilities are expanding, impacting individuals and nations in unexpected ways.

      Technology and innovation continue to shape the world in unexpected ways. From online humiliation services to advanced military technology, the capabilities and reach of individuals and nations are expanding. The story of a man threatening an online dominatrix with a $350,000 bill and the US Navy's development of a quicksink bomb are examples of this trend. The dominatrix uses the internet to make a living by humiliating men, while the Navy uses advanced technology to destroy enemy boats from the stratosphere. Both demonstrate the power and influence of technology in modern society. Additionally, the Navy's SM3 missile, which can track and destroy targets outside the atmosphere, showcases the impressive advancements in military technology. Overall, these examples highlight the importance of staying informed and adaptable in a world where technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace.

    • Military Technology, ManscapingMilitary uses advanced technology for fleet-wide coordination and rapid response, while Manscaped's performance package 5.0 Ultra ensures a well-groomed appearance for summer

      Technology has advanced significantly in military applications, enabling fleet-wide coordination and rapid response to threats. Manscaping, on the other hand, offers a more lighthearted topic, with the latest technology ensuring a well-groomed appearance for summer confidence. The discussion also touched on the idea that the military acts as a reflection of the past, and unexpected friendships can form in unusual circumstances. The episode showcased a mix of serious and humorous topics, making for an engaging listen. Manscaped's performance package 5.0 Ultra, with its updated earring nose trimmer and waterproof groin and body hair trimmer, can help you look and feel good this summer, while the military's advanced technology ensures readiness and adaptability.

    • Friends' Confusion over a WomanTwo ex-boyfriends became friends and shared an interest in a woman, leading to confusion about their relationships with her, while also discussing a powerful and quiet gun cartridge called 8.6 blackout, which can penetrate thick materials without breaking the sound barrier but can also cause significant damage if it keyholes through multiple walls or a house.

      Two ex-boyfriends became friends and shared a common interest in a woman. They discussed her and even tried to obtain her number, leading to confusion about their relationships with her. Meanwhile, they also talked about a unique gun cartridge called 8.6 blackout, which is a heavy-hitting subsonic round developed by Kevin Brittingham. This cartridge is able to penetrate thick materials like walls and fridges without breaking the sound barrier, making it a powerful and quiet alternative to traditional cartridges. Despite its power, the speakers also shared stories of the cartridge keyholing through multiple walls and even a house, causing significant damage. The conversation then shifted back to the woman and the speakers' continued attempts to obtain her number.

    • Mismatch in twist rates causing ammunition issuesDuring weapons testing, a mismatch in twist rates between ammunition and platform led to issues such as keyholing and tumbling, particularly at close ranges.

      During a weapons testing, it was discovered that the ammunition used with a specific platform was causing issues, such as keyholing or tumbling, due to a mismatch in twist rates. This problem was particularly noticeable when shooting at close ranges. The discussion also touched upon historical military contexts where soldiers had to shoot through brush or deal with ricocheting bullets, which could contribute to similar issues. Additionally, there was a lighthearted segment about a superhero group where each member had a power and an offset. The speaker, Eli, revealed his power was to find the clitoris and his offset was to pick the group's offset. The conversation ended with sharing stories from military experiences.

    • Intimacy, comfortFriendships can involve discussions on personal experiences and topics, including intimacy and comfort, leading to humorous and dynamic conversations.

      During a conversation between friends, they discussed various topics including personal experiences and conspiracy theories. One friend shared an experience of having to put a thermometer in someone's rectum during military service, which led to a conversation about intimacy and comfort. The friends also joked about various topics, including their preferences and experiences with different types of relationships and sexuality. The conversation eventually turned to discussing Ghostbed mattresses and their benefits, leading to a potential advertisement. Overall, the conversation showcases the dynamic and sometimes humorous nature of friendships and the various topics that can come up during casual conversations.

    • Perseverance in AdversityEven in the face of severe challenges and setbacks, determination and resilience can help individuals overcome adversity and achieve their goals.

      Determination and resilience can help overcome even the most challenging situations. The speaker shared his experience of basic training in the military, where he faced a severe consequence for an accident, resulting in the amputation of his arm. Despite the pain and hardships, he didn't give up and eventually graduated from basic training and became an instructor. His drill sergeant's words of encouragement, "never give up," stayed with him and helped him push through. Later in life, he faced another challenge when he was involved in a bicycle accident that led to the loss of his arm. Again, he persevered and walked to get help. The speaker's story highlights the importance of not giving up, even when faced with adversity.

    • Soldier's resilience and resourcefulnessSoldiers relied on their resilience and resourcefulness to effectively use weapons in combat situations, adapting to unexpected obstacles and maintaining them through proper care.

      Despite the challenges and issues with specific weapons like the M249 SAW or the M240B, soldiers relied on their resilience and resourcefulness to make them work effectively in combat situations. From encountering unexpected obstacles, such as going to the wrong aid station or encountering enemy fire, to maintaining the weapons through proper care and lubrication, soldiers adapted and overcame adversity to complete their missions. The respect and admiration for their comrades and their shared experiences created a bond that transcended the difficulties they faced with their equipment.

    • Afghanistan terrain and cultureUnexpected dangers in Afghanistan included mines marked with red rocks, unique methods for settling disputes, and the presence of nomads carrying ball bearings. Soldiers encountered locals involved in mine digging and witnessed a goat dispute escalating into gunfire. Scout sniper Carlos Hathcock used a 50-caliber gun for long-range shooting during Overwatch duty.

      The Afghanistan terrain held unexpected dangers, and the locals had unique ways of marking mines or settling disputes. The speaker shared stories of encountering mines marked with red rocks, meeting Afghans involved in mine digging or conflicts, and even witnessing a video of a Lebanese man firing a PKM into a neighboring village over a goat dispute. The nomads, known as Kuchis, lived in tents and carried ball bearings, which the soldiers found in a tent during a breach and clear operation. Another memorable figure was Carlos Hathcock, a scout sniper with 93 confirmed kills, who had a unique standard for confirmed kills and used a 50-caliber gun with a mounted scope for long-range shooting during Overwatch duty on Hill 55. The stories illustrate the unpredictability and complexity of the Afghanistan terrain and the culture, with locals using creative solutions for everyday challenges and soldiers adapting to the environment.

    • Long-range shooting accuracy and luckSkills, patience, and luck are crucial for long-range shooting success, even with advanced weapons and equipment. Confirmation of hits may take significant time due to the distance and potential impact factors.

      Accuracy and luck play significant roles in long-range shooting, even with advanced weapons and equipment. A story was shared about a sniper named Carlos who successfully hit a Viet Cong scout from a distance of 2,500 yards. He had to rely on his skills and patience to aim at a specific rock he used for zeroing, but the bullet's impact was ultimately influenced by the scout's actions. The shooter had to wait for confirmation of the hit due to the significant time delay between pulling the trigger and hearing the bullet's impact. The use of powerful weapons like a 50-caliber rifle comes with challenges, such as wind effects and the need for precise aiming. Additionally, the discussion touched on the issue of online misinformation and potential consequences for those spreading it.

    • Online deceit investigationInvestigating online deceit involves analyzing inconsistencies, developing patterns, and using tools to uncover hidden information, ultimately requiring a keen eye for detail, a strong understanding of patterns, and the ability to use various tools to piece together the truth.

      Identifying and proving online deceit involves recognizing inconsistencies, developing patterns of behavior, and using various tools to uncover hidden information. This process can be compared to targeting a suspect, with the goal being to gather enough evidence to expose the truth. This can include analyzing social media activity, email records, and even cell phone data. For instance, by studying a person's routine and online behavior, it's possible to determine their location and potentially even their room in a house. Additionally, inaccuracies in stories or claims, such as those related to geographical locations or specific events, can be uncovered through careful investigation. Ultimately, this process requires a keen eye for detail, a strong understanding of patterns, and the ability to use a variety of tools to piece together the truth.

    • Politics and Propaganda in Social MediaSocial media has given non-military groups like Hamas an edge in influencing politics and propaganda, while changing US political sentiment towards Russia and communism. Trump's decision to send lethal aid to Ukraine helped turn the tide against Russia. Not all social media sympathies and beliefs represent larger groups.

      The power of social media has significantly influenced modern politics and propaganda, with groups like Hamas outperforming military forces like the IDF in this domain. Another key point is the shift in political sentiment in the US, particularly regarding Russia and communism, which has been influenced by social media and the changing political landscape. The speaker also discussed President Trump's decision to send lethal aid to Ukraine, which helped turn the tide in their favor against Russia. While there are differences between political parties and individuals on social media, it's important to remember that not all sympathies and beliefs are representative of the larger groups they belong to. Additionally, the expiration and disposal of military equipment can lead to the transfer of old weapons to other countries, sometimes at a lower cost than producing new ones.

    • Impact of AI on human communicationThe increasing use of bots and misinformation on the internet is blurring the line between human communication and AI, potentially leading to inaccurate information in real-world situations, and some propose targeting disinformation actors as a solution

      The line between human communication and artificial intelligence on the internet is becoming increasingly blurred, with some arguing that bots and misinformation are drowning out genuine human interaction. This raises concerns about the impact on real-world situations, such as war and politics, where accurate information is crucial. Some suggest that disinformation actors should be targeted and neutralized, just as physical infrastructure can be destroyed or cyber attacks can be launched. The debate continues on the extent of this issue and the potential solutions.

    • Targeting state-funded disinformation actorsThe debate centered around the idea of targeting state-funded disinformation actors who use speech as a weapon, with some arguing for kinetic action against their buildings or data centers, while others questioned the definition of a weapons system and the ethical implications of targeting individuals for their speech.

      The discussion revolved around the idea of targeting state-funded disinformation actors who use weapons systems, including speech, against the United States. The speaker argued that if the US is at war, these actors should be kinetically targeted, either by targeting their buildings or data centers, or even individually. The debate centered around the definition of a weapons system and whether speech could be considered one. The speaker also touched upon the military industrial complex and its relationship with defense contractors, suggesting that they hold significant power and influence. The conversation also touched upon the ethical implications of targeting individuals for their speech, and the potential repercussions for international diplomacy. Ultimately, the speaker's stance was that if these actors are inciting harmful behavior, they should be held accountable, regardless of the form their weapons system takes.

    • Cyber warfare lawsCurrent laws on cyber warfare and information manipulation are outdated and inadequate, with foreign agents using social media to manipulate Americans and potential for information warfare campaigns during geopolitical conflicts. There's a need for more robust and nuanced laws and greater awareness of online actions' consequences.

      The current legal frameworks regarding cyber warfare and information manipulation have not kept pace with the evolving threats in the digital age. The speaker expresses concerns about foreign agents using social media to manipulate Americans, and the potential for an information warfare campaign during geopolitical conflicts. He also discusses the rise of new political movements and the potential for corruption within them. It's clear that there is a need for more robust and nuanced laws to address these issues, as well as a greater awareness of the potential consequences of online actions. The speaker's comments also touch on the complexities of communist ideologies and their implementation in different contexts. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying informed and engaged in the digital world, and the need for continued dialogue and debate on these complex issues.

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    THE BOYS ARE BACK!! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW & BTS ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! PURIDY DEBT Get a free debt analysis right now at https://PDSDebt.com/unsub SHOPIFY https://shopify.com/unsubpod ------------------------------ FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub!
 0:59 Sho Brought Us Gifts From Ireland
 7:21 The Boys Went To Florida
 9:07 Eli Went To Disneyland
 18:06 AD
 19:41 Chuck E Cheese 26:48 Toy Story 5
 27:57 Deadpool & Wolverine 36:14 Eli & Sav Went To Tampa
 40:43 UK Police
 45:25 AD
 46:40 Brandon Got A Cybertruck
 50:34 SDI, Degrees & The Real Recipe To Success
 1:16:45 The Olympics 1:24:20 Why Nic Doesn’t Like MacCarthur
 1:35:32 Nic Rants
 1:37:22 The Molotov Cocktail
 1:42:09 Carlos Hathcock
 1:46:10 Muhammad Ali
 1:50:38 Big George Foreman & Movie Talk
 2:06:00 The CIA Heart Attack Gun 2:09:06 Nic’s Richard Bong Video
 2:26:06 Eli Discusses PTSD
 2:27:11 Rob O Neill Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    THE KIWIS ARE HERE!! (They made us try Vegemite) Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW & BTS ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FOLLOW OUR GUESTS! https://www.youtube.com/c/YourNewZealandFamily https://www.instagram.com/yournewzealandfamily https://www.patreon.com/yournewzealandfamily ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code –UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or go to https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe FUM For a limited time, use code UNSUB to get a free gift with your Journey Pack! Head to https://tryfum.com and use code UNSUB ------------------------------ FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub! 2:33 Driving In America 4:21 NZ Fam’s US Trip 9:57 Eli Wants To Be A Hobbit 12:17 Seeing A Bear For The First Time 16:37 Jump School 20:03 AD 21:12 Cody Tells A Joke 21:53 New Zealand Raptors 27:44 New Zealanders Explain Vegemite 36:34 The Pacific War Museum 40:08 AD 41:21 The Gang Tries Vegemite 48:06 New Zealand Vs US Food 52:02 Gun Laws In NZ 1:02:08 AD 1:03:14 Nadine’s Trump Oopsie 1:06:07 Mr Inbetween 1:07:11 The Pacific War Museum Reenactment 1:10:07 Censoring Laws In NZ 1:11:55 Covid In NZ 1:18:30 The Offenders 1:25:27 US People Vs NZ People 1:27:08 The New Zealanders Love America 1:32:16 What New Zealand Does Better 1:34:28 Accents 1:37:25 Military Culture In NZ 1:42:14 New Zealand & The UK Monarchy 1:47:40 The Price Of Living In NZ Vs America 1:54:43 Australia/NZ Military History 1:56:24 Trout’s Weird Tradition 1:58:09 US Fanmail & Kentucky Colonels Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enAugust 12, 2024

    171 - WW2 Veterans On The Battle Of Iwo Jima ft. Don Graves & Al Chatwin | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 171

    171 - WW2 Veterans On The Battle Of Iwo Jima ft. Don Graves & Al Chatwin | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 171
    It is a huge honor for us to be able to bring you all this episode. Listening to these stories from these heroes is truly a privilege. Huge thanks to Don & Al for coming on! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW & BTS ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ADAM AND EVE Go to https://www.adamandeve.com and use code UNSUB for 50% off + Free shipping + Rush Processing! FUM For a limited time, use code UNSUB to get a free gift with your Journey Pack! Head to https://tryfum.com and use code UNSUB. ------------------------------ FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enAugust 05, 2024

    170 - Father Of The Year Gary Plauche's Son Speaks Out ft. Jody Plauche | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 170

    170 - Father Of The Year Gary Plauche's Son Speaks Out ft. Jody Plauche | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 170
    We have a very special guest this week! After Brandon's Father's Day video on Father Of The Year Gary Plauche, his son Jody reached out and wanted to come on and tell his story. We are so thankful to Jody for coming on and we admire his ability to be able to make light of a very dark topic! Trigger warning for s*xual content in this one. We appreciate y'all! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast Donate to Jody's chosen charities: https://www.victimservicescenter.org/ https://www.lafasa.org/ BUY JODY'S BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Why-Gary-Jody-Plauch%C3%A9-Story/dp/B0BL1ZY35X/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=6HDALZT2CT16&keywords=why+gary+why+jody+plauche&qid=1675889377&sprefix=why+gary%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-1 SHOP JODY'S SHIRTS: https://linktr.ee/imaginationink2024 FOLLOW JODY https://www.instagram.com/jodyplauche/?hl=en https://twitter.com/jplauche ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com RAYCON Go to https://BUYRAYCON.com/unsub TODAY to get 15% off your Raycon order, plus free shipping! SHOPIFY Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/unsubpod TUSHY Stop wiping until you bleed. Join the 2 million butts who have already made the switch to TUSHY! For a limited time, Unsub viewers get 10% off your entire order when you use code UNSUB at checkout. That’s 10% off your order at https://hellotushy.com with promo code UNSUB ------------------------------ FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Trigger Warning 1:07 Welcome To Unsub! 4:27 Jody’s Story 8:25 Jody’s Sense Of Humor 10:02 The Jim Norton Story 12:19 Gallows Humor 13:50 Jody’s Kidnapping 15:10 Cody’s Sister 16:48 Jody’s Work With Victims 20:53 AD 22:09 Jody’s Sister & Stormy Daniels 24:42 Jody’s Book & Brandon’s Video 29:00 The Shooting 34:15 A Dirty Jody 37:51 Grooming 39:15 Helping Other Victims 46:32 Jody’s Not Gay 49:07 AD 50:41 Kick Predator Hunters 54:16 The Shooting Video 55:01 Jody’s Feelings After The Shooting 56:50 Jeff Was Gary’s Friend 58:11 Jeff’s Childhood 1:01:31 HI EVERYONE & Unsub Live 1:05:36 The Offenders 1:10:21 AD 1:11:28 Coercive Control 1:13:54 Jody’s Book 1:17:34 Warning Signs 1:20:08 Getting Over Trauma 1:21:27 Dark Humor 1:26:50 Cody’s New Knife 1:32:09 AD 1:33:15 Cody’s Truck 1:39:42 Pew Pews 1:40:42 Brandon’s Father’s Day Video & Gun Safety 1:44:59 Details In The Book 1:49:54 WHY, GARY WHY?! 1:51:41 Gary Plauche As A Dad 1:56:20 9/11 1:59:52 The 27 Club Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enJuly 29, 2024

    169 - Tiny Guns 3 & The War On The VFW ft. Garand Thumb & Micah Mayfield | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 169

    169 - Tiny Guns 3 & The War On The VFW ft. Garand Thumb & Micah Mayfield | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 169
    THE BOYS ARE BACK!! Welcome to the chaotic Tiny Guns 3 episode! The boys sit down after a long day of filming with their fellow Tiny Guns 3 actors Garand Thumb & Micah Mayfield. Oh and Zach's here too to sh*t on the VFW. Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ JOIN THE PATREON! (no aftershow this week) https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or go to https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe PURIDY DEBT Get a free debt analysis right now at https://PDSDebt.com/unsub MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE BOYS! Garand Thumb: https://www.youtube.com/@GarandThumb https://www.instagram.com/garand_thumb https://x.com/garandthumb1 Micah: https://www.youtube.com/@micahmayfield https://www.instagram.com/micahmayfield https://x.com/mayfield_micah Zach: https://www.youtube.com/@VeteranWithASign https://www.instagram.com/veteranwithasign BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub! 2:03 Nic’s Ankle 2:53 Mike Hates Gophers 5:18 TINY GUNS 9:59 Mike Is Autistic? 12:00 The Halo & Fallout Shows 17:04 AD 18:17 Twitter/X & Moany Tony 19:51 Mike Loves What? 25:00 Micah’s Car Story 29:33 Poop Stories 33:20 Chuck Liddell 41:48 AD 43:02 Bullying Cody 44:19 Cody’s Locket 46:11 Mike’s Neighbor 49:10 Tiny Guns Filming 52:24 Mike’s Content 53:59 AD 55:04 Mike’s Content & Pew Pews 1:02:44 VFW War 1:25:08 Charlie’s Stolen Valor 1:28:56 Reddit & Getting Cancelled 1:30:32 Brandon Herrera - Veteran 1:36:00 Chaos Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enJuly 23, 2024

    168 - History Of President Assassination Attempts ft. Jack Mandaville (BONUS EP) | Unsubscribe Podcast 168

    168 - History Of President Assassination Attempts ft. Jack Mandaville (BONUS EP) | Unsubscribe Podcast 168
    SURPRISE BONUS UNSUB EPISODE!!! Jack is back to talk US president assassination attempts after the Trump incident last weekend, and Marty Skovlund Jr tells us about his new book! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ JOIN THE PATREON! (no aftershow this week) https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ NO SPONSORS THIS EPISODE SO THANK YOU TO OUR WONDERFUL PATREON & PEPPERBOX MEMBERS!! BUY MARTY'S BOOK! https://a.co/d/cT7vkau FOLLOW JACK & MARTY https://www.instagram.com/jackmandaville https://twitter.com/jackmandaville https://www.instagram.com/martyskovlundjr https://twitter.com/martyskovlundjr BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub! 6:54 Trump Assassination Attempt 11:47 Tiny Guns 3 19:45 Demolition Ranch 30:07 YouTubers Running For Office 37:40 Attempted Assassinations Throughout US History 48:13 RIP Taco 50:10 Attempted Assassinations Throughout US History 54:38 Donut’s Thoughts On The Trump Shooting 1:04:35 Attempted Assassinations Throughout US History 1:19:22 Meet Marty 1:19:50 Marty’s Military Experiences 1:41:29 Skydiving & Normandy 1:53:13 Marty’s New Book Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enJuly 22, 2024

    167 - Superman Vs Homelander ft. Dean Cain | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 167

    167 - Superman Vs Homelander ft. Dean Cain | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 167
    The legendary Dean Cain is here to talk playing Superman, acting with Denzel and fatherhood! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag/credit us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! RAYCON Go to https://BUYRAYCON.COM/unsub TODAY to get 15% off your Raycon order, plus free shipping! FUM For a limited time, use code UNSUB to get a free gift with your Journey Pack! Head to https://tryfum.com and use code UNSUB. MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com SHOPIFY Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/unsubpod ------------------------------ FOLLOW DEAN! https://twitter.com/RealDeanCain https://www.instagram.com/deuces1966 BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome To Unsub! 7:26 Meet Our Guest! 16:56 Dean’s Harvey Weinstein Story 19:22 Alex Jones 20:43 Dean Interviewed Fauci 21:37 AD 22:45 Lois & Clark 27:05 Cats Will Eat You 28:36 Dark Humor Is Important 31:18 Donald Trump 34:13 Politicians Are The Worst 39:44 Princeton 40:15 Billionaires 42:20 American Politics & Brandon’s Campaign 49:24 AD 50:29 The Offenders 52:36 Homelander Vs Superman 59:28 Christopher Walken 1:03:47 Trailer Parks 1:08:08 AD 1:09:42 North Korea 1:13:13 The Offenders 1:17:49 Mad Max & Furiosa 1:18:51 Tom Hardy & Jiu Jitsu 1:26:43 AD 1:27:58 Lois & Clark & Writing Scripts 1:33:24 John’s Book & Dean’s Son 1:38:03 ComicCon 1:42:20 Crazy Fans 1:43:34 Fatherhood 1:56:35 Denzel Washington Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enJuly 15, 2024