
    #175 - Brainstorming Million Dollar Ideas with Elaine Zelby

    enApril 26, 2021
    What new feature on iTunes and Spotify was discussed?
    Who is Elaine Zelby and what is her role?
    What is the concept behind Therapunch?
    How does Synthesis achieve success without paid marketing?
    What educational opportunities exist on platforms like Roblox?

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Innovative Ideas and Latest TrendsDiscover new podcast features, follow favorite shows, and engage with the community by sharing on Twitter. Brainstormed innovative ideas like an adulting vault, SNOO sleep bed, Therapunch, and a SaaS bundle. Discussed SignalFire's data machine and its potential investments.

      The host, Sam Parr, is excited about a new feature on iTunes and Spotify that allows users to follow their favorite podcasts more easily. He encourages listeners to subscribe to their preferred podcasts and share a picture on Twitter to showcase this new feature. During the episode, they discussed various ideas, including an adulting vault, a SNOO sleep bed for adults, Therapunch, a subscription shoe company, and a SaaS bundle. One of the guests, Elaine Zelby, is a VC at SignalFire and an idea woman who shares her thoughts on these concepts. They also talked about SignalFire's data machine that identifies potential investments and discussed its authenticity. Additionally, they reminisced about past ideas, such as milk bombs and fantasy football for stocks. Overall, the episode focused on brainstorming innovative ideas and exploring the latest trends in various industries.

    • Learning from Successful Businesses in Different IndustriesCompanies can apply strategies from other industries to their own growth. Single source of truth for business operations is essential. Social investing platforms foster community and trust. SignalFire, a VC firm, focuses on engineering, data science, and platform building.

      Successful businesses can learn from the strategies used by other companies, even in different industries, and apply them to their own growth. The example given was how someone could take the knowledge gained from making Yahoo Fantasy Football popular and apply it to making a platform for investing in stocks like Amazon or Tesla, just as Webull did with their copyable portfolios feature. The importance of having a single source of truth for business operations was also emphasized, with HubSpot's customer platform being presented as a solution to the problem of having multiple software systems that don't seamlessly connect. Additionally, the discussion touched on the emergence of social investing platforms, such as Public and Doji, which allow users to follow and invest in each other's portfolios, creating a sense of community and trust. SignalFire, a venture capital firm, was mentioned as an innovative company that operates more like a technology company, with a focus on engineering, data science, and platform building, and a current investment fund of $500 million.

    • Raising a Billion-Dollar Valuation: Deal's Founders Share Their Journey and Competitive LandscapeDeal, a company streamlining international hiring and payroll, stands out with ease of use, crypto payments, and comprehensive compliance and tax solutions.

      Deal, a company that simplifies international hiring and payroll processes for businesses, has recently raised a billion-dollar valuation. The founders discuss their personal experiences with missed investment opportunities and the evolution of competitors in this space. Initially, some competitors focused solely on full-time employment internationally, while others, like Deal, started with contractors. However, the market has shifted, and now competitors offer solutions for various types of employees. Deal stands out with its ease of use, allowing users to pay in crypto and every currency, and handling compliance and tax issues. The founders highlight the importance of being adaptable in the market and providing a comprehensive solution for businesses hiring internationally.

    • Identifying pain points and building relationships lead to successful investmentsUnique value propositions and genuine connections can lead to successful investments. Use data to identify pain points and build relationships for potential opportunities.

      Having a unique value proposition and building genuine connections can lead to successful investments. The speaker, who invested in a remote hiring platform, was drawn to the founder's innovative solution to a real-world problem and was impressed by the product's user-friendly design. Although the speaker missed an opportunity for a larger return by not following up promptly, they were still excited about the investment and the potential for future returns. The speaker also shared their experience starting a rolling fund and emphasized the importance of authenticity in marketing. They acknowledged that venture capital is a commoditized industry, but differentiation through unique assets and relationships can make a significant impact. The speaker, Elaine, revealed that her firm uses data to source, diligence, pick, and win deals, but also does a lot of outbound work to follow up on potential opportunities. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of identifying pain points, building relationships, and leveraging unique assets to make successful investments.

    • Combining Multiple Data Sources for Holistic InsightsSignalFire uses unique data sources and a proprietary scoring system to identify promising investment opportunities before others

      SignalFire's unique value proposition lies in their ability to combine multiple data sources and create meaningful insights through their proprietary scoring system. While publicly available data sources like SimilarWeb or App Annie can provide some information, SignalFire goes beyond by accessing and combining various datasets, such as business filings, website data, app downloads, and credit card spending data. This holistic approach allows them to assess the potential of founders, companies, and markets more effectively, enabling them to identify promising investment opportunities before others. They do not sell access to their platform as a product but offer it exclusively to companies they invest in as part of their value-added services.

    • Data-driven analysis in VC investingData analysis helps VCs make informed decisions beyond personal connections, valuable for sourcing under-the-radar companies and supporting investments. Implementation and acceptance vary, with seed-stage investments relying more on human judgment.

      Data-driven analysis is increasingly becoming a crucial aspect of venture capital (VC) investing. Our founding partner, Chris Farmer, identified the need to leverage available data to make more informed decisions, moving beyond traditional methods of investing based on personal connections. While there's debate on the extent of its usefulness versus marketing, it's clear that data analysis can be particularly valuable in sourcing under-the-radar companies and supporting existing investments. The idea of "capital as a service," as pioneered by Chamath Palihapitiya, represents an extreme example of this trend, with investors using data to evaluate potential investments and compare companies against industry benchmarks. However, the implementation and acceptance of such data-driven approaches can vary, with some founders embracing it and others finding it intrusive or overhyped. Ultimately, the success of data-driven VC investing depends on the stage and category of investments, with seed-stage investments relying more on human judgment and the growth of a category.

    • Innovative solutions to education and financingCompanies use game-based learning for effective education and dynamic loans improve financing management for businesses

      Innovative approaches to traditional problems, such as education and financing, are being disrupted through the use of dynamic and interactive methods. In the case of education, companies like Synthesis, inspired by Elon Musk's Ad Astra school, are using game-based learning to engage students and teach them valuable skills in a more effective and enjoyable way. Similarly, in financing, dynamic loans for Amazon sellers allow businesses to manage their cash flow more effectively and efficiently. These examples demonstrate the power of innovation and the importance of adapting to new methods to solve age-old problems.

    • Creating Education Businesses with Innovative Approaches and Minimal Marketing BudgetsSuccessful education businesses can be built using innovative methods and without large marketing budgets. Examples include Synthesis, which achieved traction and revenue in six months with no paid marketing, and creators building educational games on platforms like Roblox to reach a larger audience.

      Successful education businesses can be created with innovative approaches and no need for significant marketing budgets. The example given is Synthesis, a company spun off from Elon Musk's school, which has achieved impressive traction and revenue in just six months with no paid marketing. The team, consisting of experienced education professionals, has found that their learning method works for all types of students, not just those from scientific backgrounds. Another potential avenue for education innovation is building educational games on platforms like Roblox, which already have the attention of children. By leveraging the existing infrastructure and user base, creators can focus on developing high-quality educational experiences. This approach has the potential to reach a larger audience and engage students in a more familiar and enjoyable way.

    • Simplifying software solutions for startupsOffer a bundle of essential business software for startups, saving them time and resources, and providing a cohesive user experience. Challenges include getting startups to switch and lack of incentives from current vendors. Key to success: user-friendly, out-of-the-box solution addressing core startup needs.

      There's an opportunity to create a bundle of essential business software for startups, offering them a simplified solution with core functionality and seamless integration, instead of dealing with multiple vendors, logins, and bills. This could potentially save startups time and resources while providing a more cohesive user experience. However, there are challenges to this business model, such as the difficulty of getting startups to switch from their existing software and the lack of referral fees or incentives from current software vendors. Despite these challenges, the potential market for this solution is significant due to the high volume of early-stage companies that could benefit from a simplified software bundle. The key to success would be to offer a user-friendly, out-of-the-box solution that addresses the core needs of early-stage startups and allows them to easily add additional features as their needs grow.

    • Partnering with VCs for growth and creating an 'adulting vault'Partnering with VCs can help startups access resources, advice, and a network to grow. Creating an 'adulting vault' can offer value to adults by managing various responsibilities and expenses in one place.

      Partnering with venture capitalists (VCs) can be an effective growth strategy for startups. By building relationships with VCs, founders can gain access to a large network of potential customers and receive valuable advice and resources. This approach can help startups get off the ground and begin to grow, especially when they are ready to adopt more advanced tools like CRMs and payroll systems. One specific area where a startup could differentiate itself is by creating an "adulting vault" - a one-stop shop for managing all the various responsibilities and expenses that come with being an adult. This could include things like rent, utilities, insurance, and financial products. By aggregating these disparate elements into a single platform and offering personalized recommendations and automation features, a startup could provide significant value to its users and monetize through referral and affiliate partnerships. To summarize, partnering with VCs can be a powerful way for startups to gain traction and grow, particularly when they are ready to adopt more advanced tools. Additionally, there is an opportunity to create a successful business by helping adults manage their various responsibilities and expenses through an "adulting vault" platform.

    • Creating an interactive quiz for adulting educationQuizzes are an effective way to engage customers and assess their knowledge and needs in various areas of adulting, providing personalized recommendations and resources to help them improve.

      Creating an interactive and educational quiz can be an effective way to engage customers and help them navigate the complexities of adulting. The speaker shared a personal experience of discovering hidden issues in a home purchase that could have been addressed earlier if they had access to a comprehensive house manual. They also discussed the success of quizzes in gaining a large following and collecting valuable data from users. The longer the quiz, the more likely users are to complete it and engage further with the platform. For instance, the speaker mentioned Michael Birch's experience with a quiz that helped him gain a million members in just 9 days. Applying this concept to adulting, a quiz could be used to assess users' knowledge and needs in various areas, such as life insurance, savings, and home insurance. The quiz results could then provide users with personalized recommendations and resources to help them address any gaps in their adulting knowledge.

    • The power of commitment and consistencyInvesting time and effort into a process increases the likelihood of completion and makes users more likely to value the end result.

      People are more likely to complete lengthy processes or questionnaires if they have already invested time and effort into them. This concept was illustrated in a story about Michael Birch, who added a red button to his site that led users through a series of steps, resulting in a 98% completion rate after the third step. This phenomenon, known as the "Commitment and Consistency Effect," is particularly effective for consumer-facing projects, as people enjoy sharing information about themselves and believe that the reward at the end will be personalized and valuable. At SignalFire, a venture capital firm, the partners invest in companies and also dedicate time to leading growth and go-to-market initiatives. They often provide resources and support to help portfolio companies succeed. One potential idea for a project could be adapting the SNOO smart bassinet, which is popular among parents, for the adult population to improve sleep quality. This concept could tap into the same psychological principle of investment and consistency, as users would be more likely to commit to using the product if they have already gone through the process of setting it up.

    • Investing in products that enhance quality of lifePeople value items that improve their well-being, even if they're luxury or convenience-based. Examples include temperature-controlled sleep environments and running shoe subscriptions. To succeed, make these products convenient and effortless to obtain.

      People are willing to invest in products and subscriptions that significantly improve their quality of life, even if it's a luxury or first world problem. The speaker expresses a desire for a temperature-controlled, behavior-sensing, light- and phone-free sleep environment, and believes such a product could be worth the investment due to the impact it would have on overall health and wellness. Another example given is a running shoe subscription service, where runners can automatically order new shoes based on usage, with the added benefit of discounts and partnerships with other companies. The speaker finds these ideas compelling and believes they represent untapped opportunities in the market. However, the challenge lies in making these products convenient and effortless to obtain, as the speaker expresses frustration with having to be proactive in reordering worn-out shoes.

    • Identifying unconventional consumer needs and offering solutionsCreating a business that simplifies processes or caters to unconventional consumer needs can be successful. Examples include a shoe ordering service and a rage room.

      There's potential in creating a business that simplifies processes and removes friction for consumers, even if it seems unconventional. In the case of the shoe ordering example, this could involve providing infrastructure for various shoe brands to offer the service. Another idea presented was Therapunch, a business concept that caters to consumers' need to release pent-up anger in a safe and controlled environment. The business model would consist of a padded room with punching bags, tearable stuffed animals, and a Spotify rage playlist, followed by a Zen zone for meditation and relaxation. This concept could tap into the demand for rage rooms, which currently have limitations due to safety concerns and cleanup requirements. While some may find the idea appealing for its cathartic benefits, others may prefer more immediate methods of releasing anger. Overall, these ideas demonstrate the importance of identifying consumer needs and offering solutions that cater to those needs, even if they seem unconventional or counterintuitive.

    • A gym membership for the brain: bundling alternative therapiesExplore the potential of offering a membership model for alternative therapies like sauna, steam, cryotherapy, and float tanks to provide instant relaxation and recovery for consumers, with low labor requirements and high demand making them potentially profitable businesses.

      There's a growing trend towards alternative therapies for mental and physical recovery, and there's an opportunity to create a membership model that bundles various therapies together, such as sauna, steam, cryotherapy, and float tanks, to offer a "gym membership for the brain." These therapies, which include cryotherapy and float tanks, have gained popularity due to their ability to provide instantaneous release and relaxation. While they may be niche and expensive currently, they could potentially attract more customers if offered as part of a bundled membership. The low labor requirements and high demand for these services make them potentially profitable businesses. For instance, cryotherapy and DEXA scan businesses have shown success with one employee and online booking systems. Overall, there's a growing market for wellness services that focus on mental and physical recovery, and bundling various therapies together could provide a convenient and cost-effective solution for consumers.

    • Partnering with gyms and trainers for referralsBodySpec's successful business model leverages partnerships with gyms and trainers, offering them referral fees for new customers. The non-invasive DEXA scans offer valuable progress tracking for fitness enthusiasts, keeping them coming back for more.

      BodySpec, a company offering DEXA scans for measuring body composition, has a successful business model that leverages partnerships with gyms and trainers, offering them a referral fee for each new customer. The scans provide valuable information for individuals seeking to track their progress towards fitness goals, and the simple, non-invasive procedure offers a novelty factor that keeps customers coming back every few months. The company's potential demographic includes fitness enthusiasts who are intrinsically motivated and competitive, and future partnerships with digital fitness subscription services could expand their reach to an even larger audience. Despite the expense, customers find the information and progress tracking valuable, making it a worthwhile investment for those dedicated to improving their health and fitness.

    • New high-intensity interval training weightlifting system with computer vision technologyTempo Fitness is a new HIIT weightlifting system with computer vision technology, offering personalized instruction and form correction for an addicting and effective workout experience. The high-priced equipment and monthly subscription fee are justifiable for some, but a barrier for others.

      Tempo Fitness is a new high-intensity interval training (HIIT) weightlifting system that uses computer vision technology to monitor form, count reps, and provide personalized instruction. It's similar to Peloton but for weightlifting, and the user experience is described as addicting and effective. The system includes a freestanding unit with a mirror, weights, and a subscription service for classes and instruction. The price point is high, with an initial investment of around $2,000 for the equipment and a monthly subscription fee of $50. Some users feel the cost is justifiable for the accountability and personalized instruction, while others believe it's too expensive. Overall, Tempo Fitness represents a new and innovative approach to home fitness, combining technology and personalized instruction to help users build strength and improve form.

    • Exploring unsexy industries for business opportunitiesUncover unique business opportunities by broadening your perspective and exploring seemingly random niches, even in unsexy industries

      There's a wealth of opportunity in unexpected and seemingly "unsexy" industries. The podcast "Unsexy" showcases this by featuring founders who are building successful businesses in seemingly random niches, such as chemical marketplaces and lab-grown meat growth media. These industries may not initially grab our attention, but they can be fascinating and profitable. When we open ourselves up to exploring these areas, we may discover our "people" and uncover unique business opportunities. The podcast is a reminder that diversity in business ideas is crucial and that every industry has the potential to make a significant impact.

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    Bootstrapping a +$1B Business + Selling To The Ultra Rich | Jesse Pujji

    Bootstrapping a +$1B Business + Selling To The Ultra Rich | Jesse Pujji
    Episode 622: Sam Parr ( https://x.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://x.com/ShaanVP ) talk to Jesse Pujji ( https://x.com/jspujji  ) about bootstrapping Ampush and the four levers of digital marketing.  — Show Notes:  (0:00) Unique insight + unfair advantage (3:05) How Jesse bootstrapped Ampush using GLG (14:00) Digital marketing in masterclass in 3 minutes (20:30) How to sell to the ultra rich (27:38) Red Ventures' Playbook (32:40) The Four Big Levers (41:00) Calling Zuck's cell (46:30) Noah Kagan's $100M mistake at facebook (58:45) What's the thing you can't not do? (1:01:00) Nelly performs at Jesse's birthday party — Links: • Gateway X - https://www.gateway.xyz/ • Aux Insights - https://www.auxinsights.com/ • Accordion - https://www.accordion.com/ • GrowthAssistant - https://growthassistant.com/ • GLG Insights - https://glginsights.com/ • Triple Whale - https://www.triplewhale.com/ • Ampush Lead Gen Overview - https://tinyurl.com/mw3f7cbk • Bootstrapped Giants Newsletter - https://tinyurl.com/3pyrnz27 — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enAugust 26, 2024

    Jack Smith On Biohacking, 2 Easy Business Ideas, PLUS Why Procrastination Is Good

    Jack Smith On Biohacking, 2 Easy Business Ideas, PLUS Why Procrastination Is Good
    Episode 621: Sam Parr ( https://x.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://x.com/ShaanVP ) talk to Jack Smith ( https://x.com/_jacksmith ) about his under-the-radar biohacking experiments plus 2 $1M dollar business ideas. — Show Notes: (0:00) Is reverse-aging a scam (3:23) The 1% of biohacking (12:28) Business idea: Mobile Dexa Scan (25:30) Business idea: Medical tourism brokers (32:06) Anti-beast mode (39:10) Why smart people have bad ideas (45:40) Hunt for the starving crowd (49:27) AppLovin origin story (54:20) Finding demand that feels like a landmine (56:03) Jack's book recommendation — Links: • Get our business idea database here https://clickhubspot.com/mfm • BodySpec - https://www.bodyspec.com/ • Prenuvo - https://www.prenuvo.com/ • Q Bio - https://www.q.bio/ • Aiwo - https://aiwo.com/ • “Why Smart People Have Bad Ideas” - https://paulgraham.com/bronze.html • Vungle - https://vungle.com/privacy/ • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - https://tinyurl.com/mwyf6spw • Jack on MFM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVwLEocqK0E — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enAugust 23, 2024

    How To Grow An Audience If You Have 0 Followers

    How To Grow An Audience If You Have 0 Followers
    Episode 620: Shaan Puri ( https://x.com/ShaanVP ) breaks down the 9 lessons he’s learned while building an audience.  — Show Notes:  (0:00) Intro (2:17) Forget the numbers (6:11) Find your inner nerd (9:57)Build a magnet (10:40) First, Last, Best, Worst, Weirdest (12:40) The thing I wish I knew earlier (15:53) No such thing as too long (16:18) A+ content with C- delivery (17:58) Create a binge bank (18:32) People don’t want information (19:55) Be so good they can’t ignore you — Get our business idea database here https://clickhubspot.com/mfm Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enAugust 21, 2024

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