
    175 McCall Dulkys: Living Abroad, Building Home: A Mother’s Story to Finding Belonging, Identity, and Community

    enSeptember 06, 2023

    About this Episode

    McCall Dulkys is a mom of three and an interior designer living in Sacramento, California. McCall shares her experience as a mother and living overseas for ten years while her husband played basketball. She discusses the challenges of motherhood, including postpartum depression and anxiety, and the pressure to appear perfect on social media. McCall also talks about building a community while living abroad and the difficulties she faced in forming friendships. She reflects on her journey of putting herself out there and making connections, as well as the misconceptions of being a basketball wife. The conversation also touches on balancing responsibilities in a modern parenting relationship and the importance of self-care and mental health.

    “Letting go of comparing myself to other women has been a game changer for me, both in my professional and my personal life with motherhood.” - McCall Dulkys


    Christie’s Website

    Christie’s Instagram: @sasssays

    McCall’s Website

    McCall’s Instagram: @interiorsbymccall

    McCall’s Episode on A Well-Designed Business Podcast

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