
    #18 Make the Most of Working from Home

    enApril 08, 2020

    About this Episode

    Working from home isn't as simple as transplanting your office day to your home office! In this episode, I share insights on what I found most important when transitioning from working in the office to working from home.

    You can find more information on similar topics at www.wisewomensworkplace.com!

    Recent Episodes from Wise Women’s Workplace

    #21 Chasing that dream job?

    #21 Chasing that dream job?

    Is there such a thing as a dream job? During this episode, I share why it is very important for your career to really consider what your dream job would be.

    Career transition is like a journey
    People think that career transition is just about updating their resume, trying to get an interview, and being able to change their job. But there are lots of different things that need to take place. And the better prepared you are, the easier your transition is going to be.
    Stay on top of things to make it easier
    Even though a career transition process has many moving parts it does not have to be overwhelming. By regularly updating your resume, building your network and having the confidence to be visible, a lot of the work is already done.
    Is there such a thing as a dream job?
    This is the elephant in the room. The important question is, what is behind the dream job? What is your dream job showing you about what you really want? Because one of the most important things in a career transition journey is being able to know what you want. You can't make a plan if you don't know where you want to end up.
    Ask the “why” 
    Don't just ask 'what do I want?' but ask yourself 'why do I want what I want?'. And it's about conditioning, the idea that beliefs that you have will lead to thoughts, which will lead to feelings, which will lead to taking certain actions which will lead to certain results.
    The beliefs you have shape the actions you take
    If you were brought up in a family who has taught you 'money doesn't grow on trees', once you're older you will have a different attitude to money compared to someone you have been brought up with the belief 'money is a really useful resource to have'.
    How much money do you need?
    One of the most common aspects that people need to look at to be able to understand what's behind what they want is finances. Ask yourself 'how much money do I really need?'. And don't just think about existence, shelter, food, a car. Think about what role money actually plays in your happiness. Some people don't need much money to feel happy, while others need more. They may need freedom or reassurance, for instance.
    How much money do you really want?
    The next question is 'how much money do you really want?'. This is different to what you need and this question often opens up a lot of resistance for people.
    The freedom of not thinking about money
    Having a certain level of wealth can bring you psychological freedom. You can stop living in fear of not having enough. But some people can't stop worrying about money even when they have reached a comfortable level.
    How do you feel about your job?
    After financial goals you need to think about how you really feel about your job in the professional context.
    Why do you do what you do?
    Are you in your current job because you are passionate about it or is it because this is what you've trained for and what you've always done?
    Aligning your personal growth and your professional satisfaction
    Really understanding what drives you professionally is key to developing a career plan that will bring you happiness so that you can align it with what you want to be doing between your career and your personal life. And the first step to really getting there is figuring out what you really want.
    Reach out to Anita
    Connect with Anita on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/anitabelitz/   
    For more resources, check out https://empoweredexecutive.com/getstarted/     
    © Anita Belitz Krasniqi Music under license from Hook Sounds.

    #20 Dealing With Uncertainty At Work

    #20 Dealing With Uncertainty At Work

    Uncertainty at work can be difficult! Once you know the source of the uncertainty (listen to episode 19 to know more), there are some different ways you can deal with the uncertainty to change the situation.

    And if you want to hear more about how to use this time to plan, find, and land your dream job, go to www.dreamjobconference.com. I look forward to "seeing" you there! 

    Wise Women’s Workplace
    enAugust 24, 2020

    #19 Pinpoint Professional Uncertainty

    #19 Pinpoint Professional Uncertainty

    Feeling uncertain at work is a big source of anxiety and stress. In order to take steps towards making the situation better, it's important to first determine what the core cause of uncertainty really is. In this episode, I share how I tackle pinpointing what the causes of uncertainty are so that it is possible to start taking steps forward. 

    If you like the episode and want to hear more episodes like this one, please make sure to rate and subscribe to the podcast. And if you would like to be informed as episodes become available, make sure to sign up at www.anitabelitz.com/contact. 

    Wise Women’s Workplace
    enAugust 19, 2020

    #15 Are You Being TOO Nice At Work?

    #15 Are You Being TOO Nice At Work?

    Are you the one who everyone asks for help at the office and you have a hard time saying no? This episode will help you get clear on why you are behaving that way, when it may or may not be a good idea to help out, and some tips on how to take steps to start changing your behavior.

    For more information or to submit comments or suggestions, visit www.wisewomensworkplace.com. Thank you for listening!  

    #14 Want to Leave Your Job? Hurry Up and Stay Put

    #14 Want to Leave Your Job? Hurry Up and Stay Put

    When you know you want to leave your job, it is so tempting to leave as quickly as possible. Before you do so, make sure you are well prepared.

    In this episode, I address a few things you can do in the pre-job-search period which will help you be well prepared for your job search and have a solid foundation set for when you want to move on. 

    For more information on this and similar topics, visit www.wisewomensworkplace.com and if you find the episode helpful, please take the time to rate and review the podcast.