
    180: Jude Charles: Breaking the Silence: Overcoming Burnout and Embracing Wellness

    enSeptember 22, 2023

    About this Episode

    Today With Jude Charles:

    Today on Sass Says I am joined by Jude Charles, a storyteller, filmmaker, and brand strategist working with purpose-driven entrepreneurs. Jude is an expert in his field and works his magic by pulling back the curtain to tell the story for businesses and personal brands. 
    But Jude is also a regular guy. Today he’s pulling back the curtain on himself and sharing his personal story about living with burnout. We discuss the importance of diagnosis, the ongoing stigma around mental health, creative entrepreneurship, vulnerability, and the importance of showing up as who you are—not just what you do.

    Pick It Apart

    [1:50] Jude talks about his first speaking engagement and how pulling back the curtain on his own life has not been easy but has been one of the most important things he’s done in his life.

    [6:12] Christie asks Jude what he does when creating a video docu-series to get people to open up naturally on camera.

    [12:09] Jude shares a crazy story from when he was in the height of his burnout.

    [20:20] Jude opens up about going through burnout and why he is vocal about burnout.

    [34:30] Christie and Jude discuss the stigma around getting help via therapy in the Black community.

    [40:13] Jude and Christie talk about the importance of continuing this conversation in our communities, and showing up as who you are, not just what you do. 

    [47:25] Jude gives a preview of what he’ll be talking about at LuAnn Live in November 2023.

    Christie Rocha's and Jude Charles's Ah-Ha Moments

    “[My first speech] wasn't easy at all. But I realized how much people were impacted by what I had to say.” – Jude Charles

    “we were our biggest critics and we pay attention to the things that some other people don't even notice.” – Jude Charles

    “You are so much more than your work.” – Jude Charles

    “If you end up being burned out, it's not the end of the world if you need to take a break. It's necessary. We live in a society that has four seasons, but for some reason, we don't believe in taking time off the four seasons, meaning that a tree the leaves will die, but then it'll grow back the next season. That tree is taking a moment to rest and recuperate, to rejuvenate. And we should do that as well as human beings in order to be better to grow like a tree grows to be more stable.” – Jude Charles
    “There is strength in vulnerability.” – Jude Charles
    “There are moments where I find my own satisfaction in just sharing. I get something out of it. Whether it's like a healing or therapeutic to kind of just say something out loud. But it definitely helps to have someone go, ‘Oh, I see you in that. And I see myself in that’.” – Christie Rocha

    More About Jude Charles

    As a kid, I can remember my dad loved watching shows like NYPD Blue and Nash Bridges. 

    And because I wanted to spend time with my dad, I would stay up late watching TV with him.

    Years later in life, I realized the lessons I learned by watching these shows. Lessons that taught me so much about the craft of storytelling.

    It taught me how to search for clues that uncover the truth. How to be relentless in solving the puzzle. How to look beneath the surface of what people wanted you to see.

    It taught me how powerful the right kind of evidence can be. I use these lessons to help you grow your personal brand.

    Connect with Jude Charles




    Connect with Christie!


    Join us at LuAnn Live 2023!

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    Other Shows Mentioned:

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