
    About this Episode

    Muscle Gain 101

    Welcome back to another episode of Muscles and Mindset with obesity medicine expert, Ali Novitsky MD! In this week's episode, we're going to dive into the fundamentals of muscle gain and discuss simple strategies to optimize our muscle mass. But before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me share a little story with you.

    When we were brainstorming the name for this podcast, we wanted something that truly reflected our mission of helping women get strong. We wanted to challenge the limiting beliefs around women and muscle gain, and empower them to embrace their bodies and strive for optimal muscle mass. And that's how we came up with the name Muscles and Mindset.

    Now, let's talk about the mindset behind muscle gain. Many women have the misconception that lifting weights will make them bulky. I used to believe the same thing about myself. But the truth is, gaining muscle mass as a woman is not as easy as it may seem. It requires a calorie surplus and a specific training stimulus. So, if you're worried about bulking up, rest assured that it's not the norm.

    To understand muscle gain, we need to consider our body types. There are three main body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Most of us are a combination of two body types, with the mesoendomorph being the most common. Understanding our body type can help us tailor our approach to muscle gain.

    For naturally thin individuals, gaining muscle mass may require eating in a calorie surplus and focusing on both protein and carbohydrates. It's important to find the right balance of exercise and nutrition to stimulate muscle growth without overwhelming our metabolism.

    On the other hand, mesomorphs have an easier time maintaining and gaining muscle mass. They can focus on strength training and may not need to be in a significant calorie surplus to see results. Endomorphs can go either way, depending on their individual response to training and nutrition.

    Now, let's talk about how we actually build muscle. Strength training is key. By challenging our muscles and creating micro tears, we stimulate them to grow stronger. But it's not just about exercise. Rest and nutrition are equally important. Our muscles need time to recover and proper nutrition to rebuild and grow.

    When it comes to nutrition, protein is essential for muscle maintenance and growth. I recommend at least 90 grams of protein per day for women, and more for men or those engaging in intense strength training. It's also important to have a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates and fats.

    If your goal is muscle maintenance and fat loss, you need to prioritize protein intake and engage in regular strength training. If you want to gain muscle mass while maintaining body fat, you'll need to be in a calorie surplus and focus on both nutrition and exercise. It's important to set realistic expectations and understand that muscle gain takes time and consistency.

    Maintaining muscle mass is crucial, especially during weight loss. Losing muscle mass can lower our basal metabolic rate and make it harder to maintain weight loss in the long run. So, it's important to prioritize muscle maintenance and ensure adequate protein intake during weight loss journeys.

    In conclusion, muscle gain is not something to be afraid of. It's a powerful and healthy process that can enhance our overall well-being. By incorporating strength training and proper nutrition, we can optimize our muscle mass and achieve our fitness goals. So let's embrace the journey and have fun with it!

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Muscles and Mindset. Stay strong and chat with you next week!



    • Muscle gain is achievable for women and does not necessarily lead to a bulky appearance.
    • Different body types have varying abilities to gain muscle mass.
    • Strength training is essential for building muscle, and rest and nutrition are crucial for muscle growth.
    • Maintaining muscle mass during weight loss is important for overall health and metabolic rate.
    • Consistency and a balanced approach to nutrition and exercise are key for successful muscle gain.


    Timestamp Chapters:

    00:00:02 - Introduction and the importance of muscle gain

    00:05:30 - Different body types and their ability to gain muscle

    00:10:45 - How to build muscle through strength training and nutrition

    00:17:20 - Setting goals for muscle maintenance and fat loss

    00:21:45 - The relationship between muscle gain and weight loss

    00:26:10 - The importance of maintaining muscle mass during weight loss

    00:30:15 - The impact of GLP-1 agonists on muscle mass

    00:34:00 - The benefits of having more muscle mass for overall health

    00:38:30 - Simple strategies for muscle gain: strength training and protein intake

    00:43:15 - Encouragement to embrace muscle gain and have fun with it

    *** this is not medical advice ***


    Recent Episodes from Life Coaching for Women Physicians

    203: Science of Exercise Recovery: Top 10 Keys to Recharging Your Body & Mind

    203: Science of Exercise Recovery: Top 10 Keys to Recharging Your Body & Mind


    Welcome to the latest episode of the Muscles & Mindset Podcast with Ali Novitsky MD! In this episode, Ali delves into the topic of optimal recovery from exercise, presenting 10 valuable tips and strategies to aid in effective recovery and maintenance of physical health.!

    Dr. Ali covers a diverse range of topics including the significance of self-compassion during illness or recovery, dispelling the myth of soreness as an indicator of a good workout, the importance of warm-ups and cool-downs, the influence of hormones on recovery, the role of hydration, essential amino acids, meal timing, and the benefits of supplements like magnesium and collagen. Additionally, she emphasizes the crucial aspect of listening to one's body and ensuring adequate sleep for optimal recovery.

    Listeners are invited to join Ali as she shares personal experiences, insights, and expert advice on effective recovery from exercise and prioritizing overall well-being. This episode provides invaluable information on optimizing recovery and reaching fitness goals.

    To access more episodes and stay informed on the latest health and wellness tips, listeners are encouraged to subscribe to the Muscles & Mindset Podcast. The podcast also offers insights into Ali's programs, such as the 31 Days of Fit, Fit Woman Collective, Transform 8.0 program, and an upcoming retreat at Miraval Berkshires. Personalized one-on-one coaching is available to assist individuals on their journey to optimal health.

    Stay engaged with Ali Novitsky MD and the Muscles & Mindset community for empowering content and resources aimed at enhancing physical and mental well-being. Embark on your path to optimal health today!



    • Soreness is not necessary to prove that exercise is effective; challenging yourself is more important.
    • Warming up and cooling down properly can enhance recovery and reduce muscle soreness.
    • Setting realistic expectations for exercise is crucial for effective recovery.
    • Hormonal changes, such as declining estrogen levels, can affect muscle soreness and recovery.
    • Staying hydrated throughout the day is essential for optimal recovery.
    • Incorporating movement throughout the day, such as taking a 10-minute walk, can aid in recovery.
    • Essential amino acids are more beneficial for muscle recovery than branched chain amino acids.
    • Proper meal timing, including consuming protein and carbohydrates before and after workouts, can enhance recovery.
    • Listening to your body and honoring its need for rest and recovery is important.
    • Getting enough sleep is crucial for effective exercise recovery.


    Timestamp Chapters

    00:00:01 - Introduction to Muscles & Mindset Podcast

    00:00:20 - Excitement for the Episode Topic

    00:00:31 - Listener Feedback on Recovery from Exercise

    00:00:52 - Importance of Self-Compassion in Recovery

    00:01:23 - Significance of Listening to Your Body

    00:02:49 - Personal Weekend Reflection

    00:04:02 - Myth Debunked: Soreness as Indicator of Workout Effectiveness

    00:05:30 - Tip 1: Warm Up Well to Recover Well

    00:06:43 - Tip 2: Setting Realistic Exercise Expectations

    00:08:30 - Tip 3: Hormonal Impact on Exercise Recovery

    00:10:47 - Tip 4: Importance of Hydration for Recovery

    00:13:07 - Tip 5: Incorporating Movement Throughout the Day

    00:14:11 - Tip 6: Essential Amino Acids vs. Branched Chain Amino Acids

    00:16:00 - Tip 7: Meal Timing for Optimal Recovery

    00:17:22 - Tip 8: Supplementing with Magnesium and Other Nutrients

    00:20:11 - Tip 9: Listening to Your Body for Recovery

    00:21:14 - Tip 10: Prioritizing Sleep for Recovery

    00:22:49 - Recap of Programs and Services Offered



    Resources Mentioned

    Find Ali Novitsky MD Online

    Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

    Subscribe to Muscles & Mindset on Apple Podcasts


    *** Ali Novitsky MD, this podcast, and podcast write-up are NOT providing medical advice ***

    202: Building Self-Trust: How Doing It Anyway Can Transform Your Life

    202: Building Self-Trust: How Doing It Anyway Can Transform Your Life


    In this episode of the Muscles & Mindset Podcast, Ali Novitsky MD delves deep into the concept of doing it anyway. Emphasizing the importance of taking ownership of goals and the path to achieving them, Dr. Ali highlights the significance of consistency and the role of self-boundaries in attaining success. Through personal anecdotes and practical strategies, listeners are guided on navigating resistance and overcoming anticipatory anxiety by setting boundaries with oneself and others.

    Dr. Ali explores the dynamics of the wizard brain versus the lizard brain in decision-making and action-taking, advocating for embracing discomfort to foster self-trust and align actions with core desires. Sharing personal experiences like her journey in setting boundaries with food and social scenarios, Dr. Ali illustrates the transformative power of doing it anyway. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on priorities, embrace discomfort for growth, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment in living a more fulfilling life.

    Packed with motivational insights and actionable tips, this episode inspires listeners to step beyond their comfort zones, honor their core desires, and embrace growth. Dr. Ali's guidance on setting boundaries, leveraging the wizard brain, and building self-trust offers a roadmap to living authentically and reaching one's full potential. Tune in to the Muscles & Mindset Podcast for a transformative exploration into self-discovery and empowerment.



    • Setting goals and being consistent are key to achieving success.
    • Establishing self-boundaries is important for setting boundaries with others.
    • Overcoming anticipatory anxiety and mental barriers is crucial for taking action.
    • Doing things anyway builds self-trust and strengthens relationships.


    Timestamp Chapters

    00:00 Introduction and Setting Goals
    01:29 Establishing Self-Boundaries
    02:27 Overcoming Resistance to Establishing Habits
    03:22 Anticipatory Anxiety and Overcoming Mental Barriers
    04:21 Wizard Brain vs Lizard Brain
    05:20 Shifting Focus to Core Desires
    06:39 Choosing the Wizard Line of Thinking
    07:26 Acknowledging and Overcoming Lizard Brain Thoughts
    08:53 Applying the 'Do It Anyway' Mindset to Social Scenarios
    09:47 Shifting from Fitting In to Connection
    11:41 Personal Story: Shifting Priorities and Finding Enjoyment
    16:03 Building Trust with Self and Others
    18:45 Leaning In and Doing It Anyway
    19:16 Personal Story: Leaning In and Overcoming Discomfort
    20:36 Reflection and Taking Action

    Resources Mentioned

    Find Ali Novitsky MD Online

    Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

    Subscribe to Muscles & Mindset on Apple Podcasts


    *** Ali Novitsky MD, this podcast, and podcast write-up are NOT providing medical advice ***

    201: Lean Into Discomfort

    201: Lean Into Discomfort


    In this episode of "Muscles and Mindset" with Ali Novitsky MD, she delves into the significance of permitting oneself to experience negative emotions without acting upon them. Dr. Ali shares insights on leaning into discomfort as a means of emotional healing, advocating for sitting with discomfort rather than impulsively escaping it. She provides practical guidance on recognizing early stress signals, understanding emotional qualities, and linking actions to specific feelings.

    By fostering self-awareness and regulating emotional responses, listeners can deepen self-understanding and boost emotional well-being. Dr. Ali emphasizes how embracing discomfort fosters resilience, self-awareness, and personal growth, empowering individuals to navigate life's obstacles. Join Dr. Ali on this transformative journey of self-discovery and emotional empowerment to explore the potential of leaning into feelings amidst challenges.

    Stay tuned for more fascinating episodes of "Muscles and Mindset" for valuable insights on mental, emotional, and physical well-being.


    • Leaning in to emotions means acknowledging and allowing the emotion to be present without reacting or resisting it.
    • Being aware of stress symptoms at an early stage allows for easier emotional regulation.
    • Studying the qualities of emotions, such as where they are felt in the body and their characteristics, can make them more tangible and easier to work with.
    • Noticing the typical actions taken in response to emotions can help in recognizing when to lean in and choose a different response.
    Timestamp Chapters

    00:00 Introduction and Women Physician Wellness Conference
    00:47 Exploring the Concept of Leaning In
    03:05 Story of Missing a Flight
    04:58 Reacting vs Leaning Into Emotions
    05:18 Techniques for Leaning Into Emotions
    07:35 Awareness of Stress Symptoms
    08:46 Studying the Qualities of Emotions
    09:35 Noticing Typical Actions of Emotions
    12:27 Leaning In as a Form of Healing
    19:42 The Power of Leaning In to Emotions
    20:53 Programs and Opportunities

    Resources Mentioned

    Find Ali Novitsky MD Online

    Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

    Subscribe to Muscles & Mindset on Apple Podcasts


    *** Ali Novitsky MD, this podcast, and podcast write-up are NOT providing medical advice ***

    200: Leptin and Obesity

    200: Leptin and Obesity


    Obesity Medicine Expert. Dr. Ali Novitsky, explores the fascinating science behind the hormone Leptin and its crucial role in suppressing the hunger cue in this episode of the "Muscles and Mindset" podcast. She delves into the concept of Leptin resistance, shedding light on why some individuals struggle to lose weight despite being in a calorie deficit. Dr. Ali explains how Leptin resistance can lead to a decrease in energy expenditure and an increase in hunger, making sustainable weight loss challenging for individuals with obesity. 

    She emphasizes the importance of recognizing obesity as a disease and advocates for a comprehensive approach to its treatment, going beyond solely focusing on calories in versus calories out. Dr. Ali highlights the potential benefits of GLP-1 agonists, medications that can help manage Leptin resistance and improve satiety. Alongside proper nutrition and exercise, these medications can support individuals with obesity in achieving sustainable weight loss. Dr. Ali also underscores the significance of early recognition and treatment of obesity to prevent the development of chronic illnesses.

    In conclusion, she encourages listeners to approach obesity and its treatment with an open mind, considering its multifaceted nature. Dr. Ali expresses gratitude for healthcare professionals who are dedicated to serving patients and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a growth mindset. Don't miss this insightful episode that provides valuable insights into the role of Leptin in obesity and the potential benefits of GLP-1 agonists in managing Leptin resistance



    • Obesity is a disease, and leptin resistance is a factor that can cause obesity.
    • Leptin is a hormone produced in fat cells and signals to the brain about the body's fat stores.
    • In leptin resistance, the brain does not recognize high leptin levels, leading to a decrease in energy expenditure and an increase in hunger.
    • GLP-1 agonists can help manage leptin resistance and improve satiety.


    Timestamp Chapters:

    00:00:00 - Introduction to the Muscles & Mindset Podcast

    00:00:19 - Recap of a family vacation

    00:01:34 - Introduction to the topic of Leptin and Obesity

    00:02:16 - Leptin as one of the favorite hormones to talk about

    00:03:08 - Recognizing obesity as a disease

    00:03:44 - Discovery of leptin in 1994

    00:04:17 - Misconceptions about leptin resistance

    00:05:00 - The debate between calories in, calories out and hormonal factors

    00:05:42 - Normal metabolic state and the role of leptin

    00:08:13 - Misunderstanding of high leptin levels in obesity

    00:09:06 - Explanation of leptin resistance and its effects on energy expenditure and hunger

    00:10:21 - Different levels of leptin resistance and the difficulty of achieving a calorie deficit

    00:12:20 - The role of GLP-1 agonists in managing leptin resistance

    00:14:04 - GLP-1 agonists improving satiety and appetite control

    00:15:28 - Diagnosis of leptin resistance and the need for further research

    00:17:48 - Hope for early recognition and treatment of leptin resistance

    00:19:13 - Importance of open-mindedness and collaboration in healthcare

    00:20:28 - Finding a balance between calories in, calories out and hormonal factors

    00:21:11 - Announcement of upcoming program on muscle mass maintenance during weight loss


    Resources Mentioned

    Find Ali Novitsky MD Online

    Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

    Subscribe to Muscles & Mindset on Apple Podcasts


    *** Ali Novitsky MD, this podcast, and podcast write-up are NOT providing medical advice ***

    199: Hunger Hacks

    199: Hunger Hacks


    In this episode of "Muscles and Mindset", Dr. Ali Novitsky, Obesity Medicine expert shares useful advice and effective tactics to empower listeners to make informed decisions regarding their nutrition and lifestyle.

    She explores the impact of exercise on hunger, highlighting that its effects can vary from person to person. While some individuals may experience an increase in hunger after exercise, others may find that their appetite decreases. Dr. Ali emphasized the significance of listening to our bodies and fueling them appropriately based on individual needs.

    Adequate sleep was identified as another crucial factor in managing hunger. Insufficient sleep can elevate ghrelin levels, leading to increased feelings of hunger. Prioritizing rest and sleep can help regulate these hormone levels and alleviate hunger.

    The emotional aspect of food was also discussed, acknowledging both its benefits and challenges. Dr. Ali recommended finding a balance between emotional eating and addressing emotions directly, rather than relying solely on food as a coping mechanism.

    The role of protein in managing hunger was highlighted as a helpful hack. Protein intake can help regulate ghrelin levels and enhance satiety when incorporated into well-balanced meals alongside carbohydrates, fats, and fiber-rich foods.

    The impact of weight loss on hunger hormones, particularly leptin, was explored. As weight decreases, leptin levels decrease as well, resulting in increased hunger. Dr. Ali suggested strategies such as eating slower and starting meals with a protein-rich appetizer to promote satiety and manage hunger.

    Furthermore, the role of insulin and cortisol in hunger was addressed. Dr. Ali recommended maintaining a balanced nutrition plan, limiting added sugar, and increasing fiber intake to regulate insulin levels and prevent drastic fluctuations in blood sugar that can trigger rebound hunger. Managing stress and implementing grounding techniques were also suggested to reduce cortisol levels and control hunger.

    Overall, this episode of "Muscles and Mindset" provided practical tips and strategies to help listeners establish a healthy relationship with hunger while making informed decisions about their nutrition and lifestyle.


    • Developing a good relationship with hunger is important for understanding and managing it effectively.
    • Hunger hormones, such as ghrelin and leptin, play a significant role in appetite regulation.
    • Exercise can affect hunger levels differently for individuals, and it is important to fuel the body properly before and after workouts.
    • Balanced nutrition, including adequate protein, carbohydrates, and fat, can help manage hunger and stabilize blood sugar levels.
    • Getting enough sleep and managing stress are crucial for appetite control and hormone regulation.
    • Eating slowly and incorporating protein appetizers can help increase satiety and manage hunger.
    • Bigger meals occasionally can help boost leptin levels and improve satiety.
    • Managing stress and cortisol levels is important for appetite control and overall health.
    Timestamp Chapters
    00:00 Introduction
    01:00 Understanding Hunger and Emotional Eating
    02:56 Hunger Hormones: Ghrelin
    03:26 Exercise and Hunger
    05:48 Managing Hunger with Nutrition
    08:12 The Importance of Sleep
    09:38 Stress Management and Hunger
    10:37 Eating Slowly and Protein Appetizers
    13:21 Hunger Hormones: Leptin
    17:10 Balanced Nutrition and Insulin
    18:56 Stress and Cortisol
    20:43 Bigger Meals for Leptin Levels
    21:13 Conclusion and Program Offers

    Resources Mentioned

    Find Ali Novitsky MD Online

    Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

    Subscribe to Muscles & Mindset on Apple Podcasts


    *** Ali Novitsky MD, this podcast, and podcast write-up are NOT providing medical advice ***

    198: The Science of Hunger

    198: The Science of Hunger


    In this episode of the "Muscles and Mindset" podcast, Ali Novitsky MD dives deep into the fascinating science of hunger. She starts by sharing her personal experience with having a big appetite and how it led her to explore the genetics of hunger. Dr. Ali explains that hunger actually has a genetic component, specifically related to the MC4R gene, which affects our satiety levels. She reveals that she has a variant in this gene, which explains her larger-than-average appetite.

    Moving on, Dr. Ali discusses the different hormones involved in hunger. She explores ghrelin, known as the "ghrelin gremlin," which is the hunger hormone that increases in situations of stress, sleep deprivation, and weight loss. On the other hand, she explains that leptin is the satiety hormone produced in our fat cells. Dr. Ali also highlights the concept of leptin resistance, where the brain doesn't sense enough body fat despite high levels of leptin, believed to contribute to obesity.

    Dr. Ali further touches on insulin, which is responsible for lowering blood glucose levels and driving nutrients into cells. She explains how high insulin responses to unopposed carbohydrates can lead to rebound hunger. Lastly, she mentions cortisol, the stress hormone, which can increase blood sugar levels and inhibit insulin release, potentially causing insulin resistance.

    Throughout the episode, Dr. Ali emphasizes the importance of understanding these hunger hormones and their impact on our appetite. She mentions that in the next episode, she will discuss strategies to optimize hunger and regulate appetite naturally, including dietary and exercise approaches. Dr. Ali also highlights some of the programs and services available to listeners, such as a muscle maintenance and weight loss program, a 31-day fitness program, and a six-month coaching program specifically designed for women physicians.

    Overall, this episode of "Muscles and Mindset" provides listeners with a better understanding of the science behind hunger and how they can work with their hunger to achieve their health and weight loss goals.



    • Hunger has a genetic component, with the MC4R gene affecting satiety.
    • There is no 'normal' appetite, and each person's appetite is unique.
    • Hunger is a sensation, not a feeling, and can be accompanied by different emotions.
    • Hormones such as ghrelin, leptin, insulin, and cortisol play a role in hunger regulation.



    00:00 Introduction to the Science of Hunger
    01:29 Genetics of Hunger
    04:43 Defining Normal Appetite
    05:12 Understanding Hunger
    08:02 Hormones Involved in Hunger: Ghrelin
    09:30 Hormones Involved in Hunger: Leptin
    10:29 Hormones Involved in Hunger: Insulin
    17:19 Hormones Involved in Hunger: Cortisol
    19:41 Strategies for Managing Hunger

    Resources Mentioned

    Find Ali Novitsky MD Online

    Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

    Subscribe to Muscles & Mindset on Apple Podcasts


    *** Ali Novitsky MD, this podcast, and podcast write-up are NOT providing medical advice ***

    197: Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Muscles!

    197: Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Muscles!


    Dr. Ali Novitsky, an obesity medicine expert, explores the topic of GLP-1 weight loss medications and how to avoid muscle loss that are commonly associated with these medications.

    She starts with the utilization of GLP-1 agonists, specifically Ozempic and Mounjaro, in the realm of obesity medicine.  Dr. Novitsky sheds light on the need for a comprehensive approach to weight management, incorporating nutrition, exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, and the benefits of GLP-1 agonist medications.

    Addressing misconceptions and stigma surrounding medication use for weight management, Dr. Novitsky sheds light on the complex nature of obesity as a disease. The podcast delves into the four pillars of obesity medicine and highlights the importance of mindset work in achieving sustainable lifestyle changes.

    While medication, including GLP-1 agonists, can be a valuable tool, it is emphasized that it is not a standalone solution. The episode addresses concerns about muscle loss and emphasizes the potential for muscle maintenance and growth through a well-rounded approach, encompassing strength training, proper nutrition, and mindset work.

    Dr. Novitsky underscores the significance of finding a harmonious balance among the pillars of weight management, as each individual's journey is unique. The episode concludes by promoting the upcoming program "Muscle Maintenance During Weight Loss," designed to support individuals on GLP-1 agonists with their strength training and mindset work. Listeners are encouraged to join the waitlist for the program.

    Subscribe to "Muscles & Mindset" for this captivating episode and stay connected for more engaging topics in future episodes.



    • Muscle Loss on GLP-1 agonists is NOT inevitable! 
    • GLP-1 agonists are medications that have shown great promise in the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes but have been blamed for muscle loss.
    • Muscle maintenance and gain can be achieved while on GLP-1 medications through adequate protein consumption and strength training.
    • Individualized approaches are necessary in obesity treatment to address specific needs and goals.
    • Obesity treatment follows the four pillar approach, which includes nutrition, exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, and when clinically indicated, medication.


    Timestamp Chapters:

    00:00 Introduction and a Snowy Update

    01:53 Introduction to GLP-1 Agonists

    02:23 The Four Pillars of Obesity Medicine

    03:49 Importance of Nutrition Management

    04:14 The Role of Exercise

    04:42 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindset Work

    05:40 Understanding Medication in Obesity Treatment

    07:33 Addressing Concerns about Muscle Loss with GLP-1 Agonists

    08:23 The Role of Strength Training and Nutrition in Muscle Maintenance

    09:19 Monitoring Body Composition with In-Body Scans

    10:08 Results of Strength Training and Nutrition Programs

    12:01 The Importance of Individualized Approaches

    13:26 Understanding the Impact of GLP-1 Agonists on Appetite and Protein Intake

    14:53 The Role of Medication in Leveling the Playing Field

    16:46 The Limitations of Relying on a Single Pillar

    18:41 Finding the Personalized Approach to Optimal Health

    20:06 Upcoming Program for Muscle Maintenance During Weight Loss

    21:31 Closing Remarks and Hint of Upcoming Program


    Resources Mentioned

    Find Ali Novitsky MD Online

    Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

    Subscribe to Muscles & Mindset on Apple Podcasts


    Related Episodes 

    194. Muscle Gain 101

    196. Fat Loss 101


    *** Ali Novitsky MD, this podcast, and podcast write-up are NOT providing medical advice ***

    196: Fat Loss 101

    196: Fat Loss 101

    Fat Loss 101: Building Muscle and Mindset




    In this episode, Dr. Ali Novitsky, obesity medicine expert, dives into the topic of fat loss and how to achieve optimal weight loss by maintaining muscle mass and losing body fat. She starts by sharing her experience of starting a TikTok account to engage with her audience and address their confusion about weight loss and the old rules of the diet industry.

    Dr. Novitsky emphasizes the importance of focusing on both muscles and mindset when it comes to weight loss. She explains that traditional weight loss methods, such as "eat less and move more," are ineffective and can lead to muscle loss. Instead, she advocates for a more holistic approach that includes proper nutrition, strength training, and a small calorie deficit.

    She breaks down the concept of total daily energy expenditure, which includes basal metabolic rate, exercise, and digestion of food. Dr. Novitsky stresses the significance of maintaining muscle mass, as it contributes to a higher metabolism and overall fat loss. She also discusses the importance of protein intake and how it supports muscle growth and maintenance.

    Next, Dr. Novitsky addresses the question of whether it's better to lose weight first and then gain muscle or vice versa. She explains that the answer depends on individual circumstances and goals. For those with low muscle mass, it may be beneficial to focus on building muscle first to increase metabolism and allow for a more sustainable fat loss journey. However, for individuals with adequate muscle mass, the priority should be maintaining muscle while losing body fat.

    She discusses different approaches to tracking nutrition, including macro counting, mindful macros, mindful eating, and intuitive eating. Dr. Novitsky emphasizes the importance of finding a method that works best for each individual and promotes a healthy relationship with food.

    Throughout the episode, she stresses the importance of embracing the journey and focusing on non-scale victories, such as increased strength and confidence. Dr. Novitsky also highlights the various programs and resources available, including the Transform program, Fit Woman Collective, and the 31 Days of Fit program.

    In conclusion, achieving optimal fat loss requires a balanced approach that prioritizes muscle maintenance, proper nutrition, and a small calorie deficit. By focusing on building muscle and adopting a positive mindset, individuals can achieve their desired body composition and overall health goals.



    • Maintaining muscle mass is crucial for optimal weight loss and body composition.
    • The traditional 'eat less, move more' approach to weight loss is flawed and unsustainable.
    • Protein and macronutrients play a key role in supporting muscle growth and fat loss.
    • The order of losing weight and gaining muscle depends on individual goals and body composition.
    • Marrying the journey and focusing on overall health and well-being is essential for long-term success.


    Timestamp Chapters:

    00:00:02 - Introduction and Starting a TikTok Account

    00:01:18 - Importance of Fat Loss 101

    00:04:07 - Problems with the "Eat Less, Move More" Approach

    00:08:02 - Understanding Weight Loss and Optimal Weight Loss

    00:09:06 - Total Daily Energy Expenditure and the Role of Basal Metabolic Rate

    00:13:00 - Creating a Calorie Deficit for Fat Loss

    00:14:14 - The Complexity of Balancing Deficit, Nutrition, and Exercise

    00:17:03 - The Importance of Protein Intake and Strength Training

    00:19:01 - Different Approaches to Tracking Nutrition: Macros, Protein, Mindful Eating, and Intuitive Eating

    00:22:00 - The Strategy of Losing Weight and Gaining Muscle

    00:23:58 - The Personalized Approach to Losing Weight and Gaining Muscle

    00:26:06 - The Challenges of Gaining Muscle and Losing Fat Simultaneously

    00:29:05 - The Importance of Marrying the Journey and Focusing on Non-Numerical Results

    00:30:20 - Information about Programs and Services Offered by the Podcast Host


    Resources Mentioned

    Find Ali Novitsky MD Online

    Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

    Subscribe to Muscles & Mindset on Apple Podcasts


    Related Episodes 

     195. Muscle Gain 101


    *** Ali Novitsky MD, this podcast, and podcast write-up are NOT providing medical advice ***

    195: Muscles Gain 101

    195: Muscles Gain 101

    Muscle Gain 101

    Welcome back to another episode of Muscles and Mindset with obesity medicine expert, Ali Novitsky MD! In this week's episode, we're going to dive into the fundamentals of muscle gain and discuss simple strategies to optimize our muscle mass. But before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me share a little story with you.

    When we were brainstorming the name for this podcast, we wanted something that truly reflected our mission of helping women get strong. We wanted to challenge the limiting beliefs around women and muscle gain, and empower them to embrace their bodies and strive for optimal muscle mass. And that's how we came up with the name Muscles and Mindset.

    Now, let's talk about the mindset behind muscle gain. Many women have the misconception that lifting weights will make them bulky. I used to believe the same thing about myself. But the truth is, gaining muscle mass as a woman is not as easy as it may seem. It requires a calorie surplus and a specific training stimulus. So, if you're worried about bulking up, rest assured that it's not the norm.

    To understand muscle gain, we need to consider our body types. There are three main body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Most of us are a combination of two body types, with the mesoendomorph being the most common. Understanding our body type can help us tailor our approach to muscle gain.

    For naturally thin individuals, gaining muscle mass may require eating in a calorie surplus and focusing on both protein and carbohydrates. It's important to find the right balance of exercise and nutrition to stimulate muscle growth without overwhelming our metabolism.

    On the other hand, mesomorphs have an easier time maintaining and gaining muscle mass. They can focus on strength training and may not need to be in a significant calorie surplus to see results. Endomorphs can go either way, depending on their individual response to training and nutrition.

    Now, let's talk about how we actually build muscle. Strength training is key. By challenging our muscles and creating micro tears, we stimulate them to grow stronger. But it's not just about exercise. Rest and nutrition are equally important. Our muscles need time to recover and proper nutrition to rebuild and grow.

    When it comes to nutrition, protein is essential for muscle maintenance and growth. I recommend at least 90 grams of protein per day for women, and more for men or those engaging in intense strength training. It's also important to have a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates and fats.

    If your goal is muscle maintenance and fat loss, you need to prioritize protein intake and engage in regular strength training. If you want to gain muscle mass while maintaining body fat, you'll need to be in a calorie surplus and focus on both nutrition and exercise. It's important to set realistic expectations and understand that muscle gain takes time and consistency.

    Maintaining muscle mass is crucial, especially during weight loss. Losing muscle mass can lower our basal metabolic rate and make it harder to maintain weight loss in the long run. So, it's important to prioritize muscle maintenance and ensure adequate protein intake during weight loss journeys.

    In conclusion, muscle gain is not something to be afraid of. It's a powerful and healthy process that can enhance our overall well-being. By incorporating strength training and proper nutrition, we can optimize our muscle mass and achieve our fitness goals. So let's embrace the journey and have fun with it!

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Muscles and Mindset. Stay strong and chat with you next week!



    • Muscle gain is achievable for women and does not necessarily lead to a bulky appearance.
    • Different body types have varying abilities to gain muscle mass.
    • Strength training is essential for building muscle, and rest and nutrition are crucial for muscle growth.
    • Maintaining muscle mass during weight loss is important for overall health and metabolic rate.
    • Consistency and a balanced approach to nutrition and exercise are key for successful muscle gain.


    Timestamp Chapters:

    00:00:02 - Introduction and the importance of muscle gain

    00:05:30 - Different body types and their ability to gain muscle

    00:10:45 - How to build muscle through strength training and nutrition

    00:17:20 - Setting goals for muscle maintenance and fat loss

    00:21:45 - The relationship between muscle gain and weight loss

    00:26:10 - The importance of maintaining muscle mass during weight loss

    00:30:15 - The impact of GLP-1 agonists on muscle mass

    00:34:00 - The benefits of having more muscle mass for overall health

    00:38:30 - Simple strategies for muscle gain: strength training and protein intake

    00:43:15 - Encouragement to embrace muscle gain and have fun with it

    *** this is not medical advice ***


    194: Dr. Matthea Rentea Podcast Takeover

    194: Dr. Matthea Rentea Podcast Takeover
    For the first podcast of 2024, Dr. Matthea Rentea takes over the mic and asks Dr. Ali Novitsky all of the questions you've been wanting to know.  She elicits Dr. Ali's personal journey to optimal health and how the secret to helping people love exercise.  She discusses her approach to nutrition and fitness, emphasizing the importance of individualized programming. Ali also challenges the conventional notions of body size and weight loss, highlighting the advantages of different body types. She shares surprising aspects of her programs and discusses her future directions, including supporting obesity medicine practices and helping young girls develop a healthy relationship with their bodies. Ali concludes with advice on embracing the journey and asking for help.
    • Individualized programs are key to sustainable results in nutrition and fitness.
    • Body size and weight loss should not be the sole focus; embracing and loving one's body is more important.
    • Different body types have unique advantages and should be celebrated.
    • Ali's programs provide a safe community and support system for women physicians.
    • Future directions include supporting obesity medicine practices and helping young girls develop a healthy relationship with their bodies.
    00:00 Introducing Dr. Matthea Rentea
    02:15 Dr. Ali's Journey to Optimal Health
    06:22 Helping People Love Exercise
    08:25 A Unique Approach to Nutrition and Fitness
    12:12 The Intersection of Body Size and Weight Loss
    14:48 Embracing Different Body Types
    19:38 Shifting Focus from Weight Loss to Body Love
    22:48 Surprising Aspects of Ali's Programs
    27:01 Future Directions: Supporting Obesity Medicine Practices and Helping Girls
    37:01  Final Thoughts and Advice

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