
    2/1/24: Bibi Govt In Tatters Over Hostage Deal, US Court Rules Plausible Biden Complicity In Genocide, Biden Abandons Michigan Arab Americans, House Moves To Impeach Over Border, Senators Humiliated In Tech Hearing, Rightwing Taylor Swift Conspiracies Explode, CNN Catches IDF Lie On Cemetery Atrocity

    enFebruary 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Kroger, Purdue Global, and Cox Internet provide solutions for different needsKroger guarantees customer satisfaction with affordable high-quality products, Purdue Global empowers adults to earn degrees, and Cox Internet delivers powerful connectivity for remote experiences. Tensions persist over international conflicts and domestic policies.

      Kroger offers high-quality products at affordable prices, ensuring customer satisfaction with a money-back guarantee. Elsewhere, Purdue Global empowers adults to earn degrees and advance their careers. Cox Internet delivers powerful connectivity for seamless remote experiences. In the news, the Iran-backed militia in Iraq, Qatab Hezbollah, has announced a suspension of military operations against US forces, following a drone attack that killed three American service members. This potential outcome raises questions about the cost-benefit of maintaining a military presence in the region. Meanwhile, political tensions continue to escalate over various issues, including the Biden administration's handling of international conflicts and domestic policies.

    • U.S. involvement in Israel-Palestine conflict leads to deaths and uncertaintyThe Biden administration's unclear and inconsistent policy towards Israel-Palestine conflict has resulted in the deaths of U.S. service members and civilians, and raised questions about the morality and effectiveness of U.S. involvement.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, which has led to the deaths of U.S. service members and civilians, is a result of the Biden administration's unclear and inconsistent policy towards the region. The administration's unwillingness to push for a ceasefire and its unconditional support for Israel has led to a broader conflict that goes beyond Gaza. The administration's attempts to please both sides and maintain bipartisan support have left many questioning the effectiveness and morality of U.S. involvement. The personal stakes are high, with families of fallen service members expressing their grief and frustration. The administration's actions directly contribute to the ongoing violence and have resulted in the deaths of innocent people. The lack of a clear policy and the continued support for Israel despite its opposition to a two-state solution raises questions about the U.S. role in the region and its commitment to promoting peace.

    • Israeli and Palestinian goals for the region cause policy discrepancies and complicate diplomatic effortsThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict's deep-rooted disagreement over two-state vs one-state solutions complicates diplomatic efforts and hinders progress towards peace

      The current tension between Israeli and Palestinian officials over the war in Gaza is deeply rooted in their differing goals for the region, with some advocating for a two-state solution and others pushing for a one-state solution. This fundamental disagreement is causing policy discrepancies and complicating diplomatic efforts. Furthermore, the Biden administration's reported consideration of recognizing a Palestinian state as part of a post-war strategy is being met with skepticism, as there is a lack of trust in the administration's ability to follow through on its promises due to past inaction. The political dynamics surrounding this issue are complex and contentious, making it challenging for the US to effectively navigate the situation and bring about meaningful progress towards peace.

    • Political Turmoil for Netanyahu and Biden over Gaza ConflictCentrist Democrats criticize Biden for potential Palestine recognition after terrorism. Netanyahu faces pressure from far-right ministers to reject hostage deal. Military approach to securing hostages failed in past. Hostages criticize lack of precision in Israeli strikes. Finding a peaceful solution remains elusive.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas over hostages and attacks in Gaza is causing significant political turmoil for both Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and U.S. President Biden. Centrist Democrats are criticizing Biden for considering recognition of Palestine after an act of terrorism, while Netanyahu faces pressure from far-right ministers to reject a potential hostage release deal and risk losing coalition members. The military approach to securing hostages has failed in the past, and the only successful release occurred during a temporary ceasefire. Hostages themselves have criticized the lack of precision in Israeli strikes, adding to Netanyahu's challenges. With Netanyahu's coalition on the brink and Biden facing opposition within his own party, finding a peaceful solution to the conflict remains elusive.

    • Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Complex political situations for Netanyahu and BidenPolitical pressures on Netanyahu from coalition partners complicate Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. U.S. influence is limited, and hostage situations and genocide accusations add complexity.

      The political situations of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and U.S. President Biden are creating an impossible situation regarding the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza. Netanyahu's coalition partners, Smotch and Ben Gavir, have more influence over him due to their willingness to use leverage and threaten to leave the coalition if certain actions are taken. This contrasts with the U.S.'s limited ability to influence the situation through diplomatic means. The ongoing hostage situation and potential release of hostages is another complex issue, with questions remaining about the terms and timing of any deal. Additionally, a federal judge's recent ruling accused the Biden administration of supporting a genocide in the Gaza Strip, although the case must be dismissed due to the political question doctrine. These complex and interconnected issues create a volatile and uncertain situation.

    • Judge acknowledges genocide allegations against Israel but is bound by precedentJudge's inability to intervene in Gaza conflict highlights the need for a more consistent approach to international law by the US and other nations

      The ongoing conflict in Gaza is a complex issue with legal implications that extend beyond the jurisdiction of a single court. In this case, a US judge acknowledged the plausibility of genocide allegations against Israel but was bound by precedent and unable to intervene. Meanwhile, the US faces criticism for its inconsistent approach to international law, as it supports the ICJ's ruling in one case involving Russia and Ukraine but refuses to comply with a separate ruling regarding Israel and Gaza. The inconsistency and hypocrisy in applying international law fuel animosity towards the US, highlighting the need for a more nuanced and consistent approach to global conflicts.

    • Selective commitment to rules-based orderThe international community's inconsistent application of rules and principles in different conflicts raises doubts about their genuine commitment to upholding them.

      The international community's commitment to upholding the rules-based order appears selective and hypocritical, as evidenced by the contrasting responses to conflicts in different regions like Ukraine and Gaza. The discussion highlighted the destruction caused by the recent conflict in Gaza, with an unprecedented bombing campaign resulting in massive civilian infrastructure damage, displacement of the population, and a humanitarian crisis, including food shortages and the lack of access to basic necessities. The inconsistent application of international rules and principles raises questions about their genuine commitment to upholding them, and instead, their use as a tool to advance their interests.

    • Desperate situation in Gaza amidst ongoing conflict and instabilityThe humanitarian crisis in Gaza, marked by food insecurity, destroyed infrastructure, and Hamas activity, worsens due to military operations and aid funding cuts, causing dissonance within the Democratic base and requiring urgent attention and a peaceful solution

      The situation in Gaza is desperate and complex, with longstanding issues of food insecurity, destroyed civic infrastructure, and a return of Hamas activity, all amidst ongoing conflict. The recent military operation aimed at eradicating Hamas has not been successful, and the cutting of aid funding from the US and other countries only worsens the humanitarian crisis. Additionally, the Biden administration's policy towards Israel is causing dissonance within the Democratic base, with a majority of voters, including Biden supporters, calling for a ceasefire and labeling the situation as genocide. The situation in Gaza is a humanitarian crisis that requires urgent attention and a peaceful solution.

    • Political Tensions Impacting 2024 Presidential ElectionPolitical tensions, particularly regarding immigration, economy, and Middle East foreign policy, could sway college-educated voters in swing states and impact the 2024 presidential election's outcome. The administration's handling of these matters and small voter percentages could determine the election.

      The ongoing political tensions, particularly regarding immigration, the economy, and foreign policy in the Middle East, could significantly impact the 2024 presidential election. These issues, especially for college-educated voters in swing states, could sway their decisions and potentially change the election's outcome. The administration's handling of these matters, such as the situation in Gaza and the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, could be major points of contention. The narrow margins in national elections mean that even a small percentage of voters could make a significant difference. Trump's non-incumbency could also work to his advantage, allowing voters to forget the daily chaos of his previous administration or compare it to the current administration. Ultimately, the election will likely come down to razor-thin margins, and these issues could be deciding factors for various voter groups.

    • The political landscape is shifting with concerns over foreign policy and stability impacting President Biden's imageVoters are worried about foreign policy instability, domestic issues, and potential legal consequences for former presidents, making the political climate complex for both parties

      The political landscape is shifting, and the issues of foreign policy and stability are becoming major concerns for voters. The discussion highlighted how the ongoing wars and instability in the Middle East, as well as domestic issues like inflation and student loan debt relief, have dented President Biden's image as a decent and empathetic leader. Additionally, the potential legal consequences for former President Trump could also impact the election, with many voters expressing reluctance to support him if he is found guilty of a federal crime and faces a prison sentence. Overall, the political climate is complex, and both parties are facing challenges in winning over swing voters.

    • 2024 Presidential Election: Trump vs. Biden - Uncertain OutcomeDespite Trump's indictments and Biden's perceived struggles with certain voter groups, the outcome of the 2024 presidential election remains uncertain due to both candidates' strengths and weaknesses.

      Despite Trump's indictments and Biden's perceived struggles with certain voter groups, both candidates have their strengths and weaknesses, making the outcome of the 2024 presidential election uncertain. Trump's match-up polls with Biden show he's still competitive, while Biden faces disenchantment from some Arab American voters. The White House maintains that Israel has a right to defend itself, but this message may not resonate well with all voters. The Biden campaign is reportedly scrambling to find alternative paths to victory in Michigan due to his perceived lack of support from the Arab American community. Ultimately, the election outcome depends on various factors, including voter sentiment, campaign strategies, and external events.

    • Biden campaign's inaction on key issues may alienate important voting blocsThe Biden campaign's perceived lack of action on issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and handling of protests could damage their image, discourage support from key voting blocs, and impact their chances of winning crucial swing states.

      The Biden campaign may be alienating important voting blocs, such as Arab Americans in Michigan, due to their perceived inaction on policy issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This disengagement could have significant consequences, as Michigan is a crucial swing state in the upcoming election. Additionally, the campaign's handling of protests and perceived exclusion of certain groups at events has led to negative publicity and backlash on social media, further damaging their image and potentially discouraging support from younger, urban voters. Ultimately, the campaign's failure to address these issues and engage with affected communities could jeopardize their chances of winning key states and the presidency.

    • Online Education, Politics, and Health UpdatesPurdue Global offers online education opportunities for personal growth and career advancement. Politics sees the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas, debated over immigration laws and resources. Planned Parenthood offers telehealth for sexual health care, and Lared Superfood provides plant-based products with real ingredients.

      Individuals have the opportunity to take charge of their personal growth and advance their careers with Purdue Global's online education programs. Meanwhile, in politics, the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas marks an unusual event, with some arguing it's a response to previous impeachments of former President Trump. The debate centers around Mayorkas' compliance with immigration laws and his requests for more resources to address border issues. Democrats argue that limitations are caused by a lack of support, while Republicans accuse him of violating his oath of office and obstructing oversight. Ultimately, the House will decide whether to impeach Mayorkas. In health, Planned Parenthood offers telehealth services for sexual and reproductive health care, making expert care accessible from anywhere. Lared Superfood, founded by Big Wave surfer Laird Hamilton, provides plant-based products with real ingredients.

    • Impeachment Proceedings Against Mayorkas: Symbolic or Substantial?The ongoing debate over immigration and border control in the US focuses on operational control and asylum claims, leading to a significant backlog. Impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas may be symbolic rather than legally substantial, but the root issue is the need for more resources to efficiently process asylum claims.

      The ongoing debate around immigration and border control in the United States extends beyond the current administration and the Secretary of Homeland Security, Mayorkas. The discussion revolves around the definition of operational control and the handling of asylum claims, which has resulted in a massive backlog. The impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas, according to some, may be symbolic rather than legally substantial. Historically, the last cabinet secretary to be impeached was William Belknap in 1876, who was impeached for personal conduct and allegations of corruption. The root issue lies in the asylum backlog, which calls for a significant increase in resources to adjudicate claims efficiently.

    • Political Tool or Meaningful Action?Politicians from both parties use immigration as a political tool, neglecting the human element and necessary resources to address the crisis effectively.

      Both Democrats and Republicans use the issue of immigration as a political tool rather than addressing it with meaningful action and resources. Mayorkas cannot magically solve the immigration crisis without Congressional support, but establishment Republicans, such as Mitch McConnell, use the border as a political issue without taking any real action. The human element of the crisis often gets lost in the political debates, and the current situation is not beneficial for either party. Democrats risk losing their base by focusing on harsher immigration policies, while Republicans may not win over immigration hardliners with their stance. Ultimately, the immigration issue is being used as a symbolic political stunt rather than a priority for meaningful change.

    • Senate Hearing on Tech Safety and Civil LibertiesDuring a Senate hearing, tech safety concerns were discussed, but potential infringement on civil liberties was also a concern.

      Politics often centers around personal gain and fundraising, even in situations where moral high ground seems clear, such as the impeachment situation or the safety of tech platforms. During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, tech executives were grilled about the safety of their platforms, and some were even subpoenaed to testify. While there are valid concerns about the safety and potential harm caused by these platforms, some proposed legislation could infringe on civil rights. It's important to critically evaluate the motivations behind political actions and consider the potential consequences for civil liberties. Meanwhile, Purdue Global offers a chance for individuals to take control of their education and career, and Planned Parenthood telehealth provides essential sexual and reproductive health services from the comfort of home.

    • Social media monopolies prioritize user engagement over privacy and mental healthFacebook and Instagram, as social media monopolies, prioritize keeping users engaged for longer periods, often at the expense of privacy and mental health, particularly for young people. Regulation is needed to address these issues, but it requires a fundamental reevaluation of the business models that drive these companies' behavior.

      Despite Mark Zuckerberg's apology during a Congressional hearing, the real issue with social media companies like Facebook and Instagram goes beyond censorship and emotional issues. These tech giants are monopolies that profit from the attention economy and prioritize keeping users engaged for longer periods, often at the expense of privacy and mental health, particularly for young people. For instance, while Instagram has restricted access to certain content for teens aged 13-15, it has not done the same for older teens. This inconsistency highlights the industry's lack of accountability and the need for more substantial regulation. Furthermore, politicians from both sides of the aisle have used emotional issues to push for censorship, often ignoring the underlying problems with the business models of these tech companies. Ultimately, addressing these issues requires more than just regulatory band-aids and censorship; it necessitates a fundamental reevaluation of the business models that drive these companies' behavior.

    • TikTok and young people's geopolitical perspectives not directly linkedOlder generations' concerns about TikTok's impact on young people's views on global issues lack factual basis, driven by a loss of control and moral panic.

      The concerns about TikTok and its connection to China being a major factor in young people's perspectives on geopolitical issues like the Israel-Palestine conflict is not supported by the data. Instead, it is driven by a loss of control and a moral panic from older generations who are unfamiliar with the platform. The panic is fueled by a belief that TikTok is being used to manipulate public opinion and spread propaganda, but this is not borne out by the facts. The TikTok CEO, Shou Zi Chew, was grilled by politicians like Lindsey Graham and Tom Cotton about his citizenship and ties to China, but these questions were misguided as Singapore, where Chew is from, is a completely different country from China. The concern over TikTok's impact on young people's perspectives is a reflection of a larger issue of older generations struggling to understand and come to terms with the authentic sentiments of younger generations.

    • Concerns over TikTok's national security risks are overblownDespite Senator Tom Cotton's concerns, the data TikTok collects is publicly available and the platform's popularity among young people doesn't make it a threat. Regulation and education are better alternatives to a ban or censorship.

      The concerns over TikTok, a Chinese-owned social media platform, being a threat to national security and spreading propaganda, are being exaggerated and used as a moral panic. The data collected by TikTok is already publicly available, and the platform is popular among users, especially young people. Tom Cotton, a US Senator, has been leading the charge against TikTok, but his concerns lack a clear explanation of what makes the platform different from other tech companies or foreign governments' propaganda. The argument against TikTok seems to be selectively applied to countries the US has issues with, and there's a need for openness to hear what foreign governments are saying. Instead of a ban or censorship, there should be regulation and education for users to navigate potential risks. Additionally, it's important to consider the potential negative consequences of such actions, such as limiting access to information and freedom of speech.

    • Conspiracy theories surrounding Taylor Swift's Super Bowl performance and potential Biden endorsementConspiracy theories suggest Taylor Swift's Super Bowl performance and potential Biden endorsement are part of a larger, orchestrated plan to boost her fame.

      Laird Superfood offers unique, real-ingredient products, including prebiotic daily greens with added mushrooms and instant latte varieties. Meanwhile, in the world of celebrity news, there have been conspiracy theories surrounding Taylor Swift's relationship with a football player and potential Super Bowl endorsement of Joe Biden. These theories suggest the Super Bowl will be rigged to benefit Swift and lead to a Biden endorsement due to her celebrity status. Critics argue this is an example of "bread and circuses" and a way to accelerate their fame. Some even claim Swift's shift to political activism and recent relationships are part of a larger, orchestrated plan. These theories have gained traction online, with various commentators adding their perspectives. Despite the speculation, Laird Superfood remains committed to providing real, whole food options.

    • Taylor Swift's rumored engagement and potential Biden endorsement sparks backlash from conservative circlesSome conservatives are reacting strongly to Taylor Swift's rumored engagement to Joe Alwyn and potential endorsement of Joe Biden, labeling her a 'sell out' or 'sign up' for supporting a liberal candidate. However, her endorsement is believed to have minimal impact on the election outcome.

      The media and political attention surrounding Taylor Swift's rumored engagement to Joe Alwyn and her potential endorsement of Joe Biden in the upcoming election has sparked a significant reaction from certain conservative circles. The perceived betrayal of a once-beloved figure who was seen as one of them has led to a genuine freak out, with some even labeling Swift as a "sell out" or a "sign up" for endorsing a liberal candidate. The panic over Swift's endorsement is seen as misplaced, as it is believed to hold little sway in the election outcome. Additionally, the idea that Swift's involvement in professional sports or youth sports is a negative message is viewed as out of touch with regular Americans. Overall, the reaction highlights the polarized nature of American politics and the intensity of emotions surrounding celebrity endorsements.

    • Taylor Swift's Impact on PoliticsSwift's popularity and success stem from capitalism and marketing strategies, not a political conspiracy. Focus on credible voices and empathy for global issues.

      Taylor Swift's influence on politics, particularly her ability to drive voter registrations, is a significant factor that should not be underestimated or dismissed through conspiracy theories. Her popularity and success are a result of capitalism and marketing strategies, not a grand scheme to tip the election for Joe Biden. It's essential for the conservative message to be shaped by credible voices and not let "very online people" control the discourse. Meanwhile, in other news, the global community faces ongoing atrocities, such as attacks on hospitals, which require our attention and empathy, rather than turning a blind eye.

    • Destruction of Palestinian Cemeteries in GazaThe Israeli military's destruction of Palestinian cemeteries goes beyond physical damage, symbolizing their goal to erase Palestinian life and identity.

      During the recent conflict in Gaza, the Israeli military acknowledged destroying or desecrating at least 16 cemeteries. Each pixel of red on the map represents a destroyed building, including homes, schools, and hospitals. But the destruction of cemeteries, where Palestinians buried their loved ones, goes beyond the physical destruction. It's a symbol of the Israeli military's goal to annihilate Palestinian life, as Hamas and the resistance movement continue to exist and regroup. The Israeli military's justifications for desecrating the cemeteries, such as searching for hostages or Hamas tunnels, have been called into question. CNN's investigation found that the tunnel entrances were outside the cemeteries, and the military failed to provide evidence for the tunnel underneath one cemetery. The desecration of cemeteries is a stark reminder of the human cost of war and the indignities that even the dead cannot escape.

    • Israeli officials' genocidal philosophy towards PalestiniansSome Israeli officials advocate for the annihilation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, explaining the Israeli military's actions against civilians and aid agencies in Gaza

      The Israeli military's actions in Gaza, including the destruction of civilian infrastructure and attacks on aid agencies, can be better understood through the context of a genocidal philosophy advocated by some Israeli officials. This philosophy, which was openly expressed at a recent resettlement conference, calls for the annihilation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The attack on UNRWA, the UN agency devoted to Palestinian aid, serves to impose suffering and pressure on the population to flee, and also challenges the idea of Palestinians as a people with any right to self-determination. This goal is inconsistent with the Israeli military's official narrative, but it explains the rationale behind the destruction of civilian life in Gaza.

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    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

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    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

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    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

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    Related Episodes

    10/31/23: Bibi Rejects Ceasefire, New Hostages Video, Leaked Doc Reveals Empty Gaza Strip Plan, Speaker Wants IRS Cuts For Israel Aid, Ukraine Admits Stealing, Surveillance On College Campuses, Iowans Sour On Vivek, PBD Confronts DeSantis Heels, And MORE!

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    Tech Stocks Slammed; New Bloomberg Presidential Poll

    Tech Stocks Slammed; New Bloomberg Presidential Poll

    On today's podcast:

    1)  Microsoft Corp., Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. — three companies working harder than nearly anyone to weave artificial intelligence into their products — are finding that investor expectations for the technology are hard to meet. 

    2)  Six in 10 swing-state voters say President Joe Biden bears responsibility for a surge in migrants at the US-Mexico border, a downbeat signal for his reelection prospects as Republicans largely avoid blame on the issue, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll found. 

    3)  Elon Musk’s $55 billion pay package at Tesla Inc. was struck down by a Delaware judge after a shareholder challenged it as excessive, a ruling that would take a giant bite out of Musk’s wealth and put the fate of his companies in question. 

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    The Hospital at the Center of Israel’s War on Hamas

    The Hospital at the Center of Israel’s War on Hamas
    On Monday, Israeli troops reached Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa where Israel says Hamas conceals a major command center. WSJ’s Chao Deng and Margherita Stancati discuss what's happening at the hospital, where thousands of people, including patients and doctors, are trapped because of the fighting.  Further Listening: - For Palestinians Trapped in Gaza, There’s No Way Out  - The War Between Israel and Hamas  Further Reading: - Israeli Forces Reach Gate of Gaza’s Largest Hospital  - Israel Pushing for Hamas to Surrender Stricken Al-Shifa Hospital  - Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital Goes Dark at Center of Israel-Hamas Battle Zone  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices