
    2/27/24: Big Tech Freakout Over SCOTUS Case, Biden Popularity Plummets, Ukraine Says Navalny Death Natural, NATO Floats Troops In Ukraine, Seth Meyers Laps Up Biden Gaslighting, Pelosi Freezes On Basic Israel Facts, Vice Shuts Down, Rogan Fights Kid Rock Over Israel, NYT Writer Outed As Propagandist

    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Opportunities for Adults to Advance Careers with Purdue Global and Cox InternetAdults can earn college credits for work experiences with Purdue Global, potentially completing up to 75% of their undergraduate degree. Cox Internet provides powerful and fast connections for remote experiences.

      There are opportunities for adults to advance their careers with Purdue Global and earn college credits for their work experiences, potentially completing up to 75% of their undergraduate degree. Meanwhile, Cox Internet offers powerful and fast connections for seamless remote experiences. At Kroger, customers can trust the quality and affordability of their brand products. In the news, a significant First Amendment case is underway at the Supreme Court regarding social media platforms' classification as common carriers or editorial platforms. These stories and more are covered on Breaking Points, with exclusive content available for premium subscribers.

    • Who is responsible for content moderation on social media?The Supreme Court is debating whether tech companies or states have the primary responsibility for content moderation on social media platforms, with arguments focusing on free speech rights and platform autonomy.

      The ongoing Supreme Court case revolves around the question of who is responsible for content moderation on social media platforms – the states or the tech companies. The tech companies argue they have the right to enforce their own terms of service and are not subject to free speech laws, while states like Florida and Texas contend that social media platforms are modern public squares and the state has an interest in protecting free speech rights. Justice Alito raised questions about the role of algorithms in content moderation, and the lawyers for the tech companies argued that the platforms themselves are speaking when they use algorithms for editorial discretion. The crux of the issue is whether the state's interest in protecting free speech rights is superior to the tech companies' arguments for platform autonomy. The tech companies want to have it both ways, arguing they are common carriers when it comes to liability for bad content, but publishers when they want editorial control.

    • Social Media and the State: Balancing Free Speech, Editorial Control, and RegulationSocial media companies as editorial organizations face complex questions regarding free speech, editorial judgment, and liability under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Florida's new law prohibiting deplatforming of political candidates raises concerns about a level playing field and potential collusion.

      The relationship between social media companies and the state raises complex questions regarding free speech, editorial judgment, and liability. Social media companies, as editorial organizations, make editorial judgments but are protected from defamation lawsuits under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. However, this protection can be seen as an effective monopoly, and the line between the state's ability to regulate and the company's editorial control is a tricky one. The recent Florida law, which prohibits social media companies from deplatforming political candidates, can have significant implications, allowing anyone to register as a candidate and potentially change editorial policies. This raises concerns about a level playing field for all candidates and the potential for effective collusion between companies in deplatforming individuals. Ultimately, the balance between free speech, editorial control, and regulation is a complex issue that requires careful consideration.

    • The tension between social media companies' profit motive and citizens' rights to free speech and understanding political candidatesProposed laws aim to establish common carrier status for social media platforms, ensuring transparency and an even playing field, while companies prioritize profits over the greater good, raising questions about citizens' rights to free speech and understanding political candidates.

      The ongoing debate around social media platforms and their responsibilities revolves around the tension between the companies' profit motive and citizens' interest in free speech and understanding political candidates. The companies, which are massive entities with significant profits, make decisions based on what maximizes profit, not necessarily the greater good. The question is whether citizens' rights to free speech and understanding political candidates outweigh the companies' prerogative to run their platforms as they see fit. The proposed laws, such as those in Florida and Texas, aim to establish common carrier status for these platforms, ensuring transparency and an even playing field. This would require platforms to disclose how they promote and suppress content, giving citizens insight into the inner workings of these companies. With the scale of profits at stake, this tension is not only relevant in the US but globally, where platforms like YouTube have become a primary source of media consumption in many countries.

    • Competing ideological strands in Supreme Court caseThe Supreme Court case on tech companies and government regulation raises complex questions about free speech and business regulations, with uncertain outcomes and potential impacts on businesses and the 2024 election.

      The ongoing Supreme Court case regarding tech companies and government regulation raises complex questions about free speech and business regulations. While some argue that private companies should be free from government interference, others point out that businesses are already subject to various regulations such as workers' comp, health insurance, and minimum wage laws. The outcome of the case is uncertain, as it touches on competing ideological strands within the conservative justices. The decision could have significant impacts, particularly if it comes before the 2024 election. In the meantime, these laws are on hold, and businesses continue to operate under the existing regulatory framework.

    • Three theories for Trump's underperformance in primariesUndecided voters might have swayed results, pollsters may miss Democratic voters, and hidden Biden votes could impact general election polling

      While Donald Trump is currently favored to win the general election against Joe Biden, his primary results have underperformed expectations in the first three contests. Nate Cohen of the New York Times offers three theories for this phenomenon. First, undecided voters may have broken for Nikki Haley. Second, pollsters may be getting the electorate wrong by not accounting for Democratic voters in Republican primaries. Lastly, there could be a hidden Biden vote, with anti-Trump voters being less likely to take surveys. This could impact general election polling, as Biden has shown to perform better among likely voters. The theories are intriguing, but their validity remains to be seen. It's important to remember that primary results may not directly translate to the general election, and unexpected factors can always come into play.

    • Social issues impact election outcomesCollege-educated voters turned out in midterms due to social issues, but their impact may vary in general elections. Republican stance on controversial issues hurts performance, particularly with college-educated suburban voters, and Biden's approval rating on certain issues is low, posing a challenge for reelection.

      Social issues can significantly impact election outcomes, even surpassing the importance of the economy. The 2022 midterm elections saw a strong turnout from high propensity voters, particularly college-educated individuals, due to abortion rights and other social issues. This trend may not continue in the same way during a general election, as lower propensity voters who support Trump but are less concerned about specific candidates may also come out to vote. However, the Republican Party's stance on controversial issues like abortion and Israel has put them at odds with a large portion of the electorate, particularly college-educated suburban voters. This has led to poor performance in special elections. Despite Biden's low approval ratings, particularly on issues like immigration and Israel, it is unclear whether this trend will continue in the 2024 presidential election. The data suggests that undecided voters may be breaking towards Nikki Haley, and Democrats are making up a larger percentage of the electorate in primaries than anticipated. Additionally, Biden's approval rating on Ukraine and Israel is particularly low, creating a significant challenge for him in the face of reelection.

    • Navalny's death: Unclear cause, potential political implicationsNavalny's death underscores the unacceptable conditions for political prisoners and the human rights violation of taking their lives, regardless of the circumstances or potential political implications.

      The cause of Alexei Navalny's death is still unclear, with some speculating it was due to natural causes while others believe it was an intentional murder orchestrated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Navalny's team has suggested Putin may have ordered his death to remove him as a potential bargaining chip in a prisoner swap. Additionally, a Ukrainian report has suggested Putin was happy after Navalny's death, and the Ukrainians disliked him due to his political stance. Regardless of the cause, Navalny's death highlights the unacceptable conditions political prisoners face and the unjustifiable taking of their lives. The potential prisoner swap between Germany and Russia, which could have involved Navalny, is now reportedly facing decreased support from Germany. Ultimately, the death of a political prisoner, regardless of the circumstances, is a human rights violation and a stain on any government involved.

    • Tensions in Ukraine and Business InnovationsMacron proposes Western troops, met with opposition; Navalny remains imprisoned. Firms adopt cloud-based financial systems for cost savings, Purdue Global offers degrees to working adults, and West Monroe discusses tech's impact on business strategies.

      The situation in Ukraine continues to be tense, with French President Emmanuel Macron suggesting the possibility of Western troops on the ground, which was met with strong opposition from NATO allies and the Kremlin. This comes as Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny remains in prison, nearing a year in captivity. Elsewhere, businesses are focusing on reducing costs and improving efficiency by graduating to cloud-based financial systems like NetSuite by Oracle. In education, Purdue Global offers working adults the opportunity to earn degrees and take charge of their careers. Additionally, West Monroe shares insights on how technology impacts business decisions and strategies.

    • Ukraine's Conflict: A Pawn in Geopolitical Games and Economic InterestsDespite the dire situation in Ukraine, major powers in NATO are cautious about sending significant military aid due to strategic concerns and lack of trust in Ukraine's ability to effectively use it. The conflict is fueled by geopolitical interests and economic gains for defense contractors, with ethical implications often overlooked.

      The situation in Ukraine is dire, and the Ukrainian government is out of ideas for changing it without significant military intervention from NATO and the US. Despite this, major powers in NATO, like Germany, are cautious about sending significant military aid due to strategic concerns and a lack of belief in Ukraine's ability to effectively use it. The war in Ukraine has become a pawn in larger geopolitical conflicts, and the economic interests of defense contractors play a significant role in fueling the conflict. The hypocrisy of supporting democracy and human rights while disregarding international rules and supporting Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories has made it difficult for Western powers to justify their involvement in the conflict. Ultimately, the war in Ukraine is seen as good for the economy due to the profits made by defense contractors, but the human cost and ethical implications are often overlooked.

    • NATO Expansion and Russia: Implications and ConcernsNATO's expansion into Finland and Sweden raises concerns about increased tensions with Russia, potential conflicts, and the strategic value of defending these countries, with historical neutrality and long borders adding significant implications.

      The expansion of NATO, as seen in Finland and Sweden's potential membership, raises concerns about increased tensions with Russia and potential vectors of conflict. The historical neutrality of Sweden and the long border between Finland and Russia add significant implications to NATO's defense strategy. While some argue that the expansion is necessary to defend NATO, critics question the strategic value and potential consequences of such expansion. The debate around the implications for American people to defend these countries is rarely discussed in the US press. Ultimately, the decision to expand NATO's border and the potential response from Russia could lead to more US entrenchment on the European continent, potentially escalating tensions further.

    • The importance of considering consequences and alternatives before taking actionFailing to critically evaluate situations can lead to harmful conflicts and unnecessary costs. Adopting cloud-based systems like NetSuite can save businesses significant costs and improve performance.

      The lack of consideration for potential consequences and alternative narratives can lead to harmful and costly situations, such as the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. This dynamic, fueled by a simplified and one-sided perspective, can result in unnecessary involvement and hardships for all parties involved. It's crucial to critically evaluate situations and weigh the potential costs and benefits before taking action. Additionally, businesses can improve their financial situation by adopting cloud-based systems like NetSuite. This unified platform reduces IT costs, eliminates the need for multiple systems, and increases efficiency. The result is significant cost savings and improved overall business performance. Lastly, President Biden's seemingly casual approach to addressing the Israel-Palestine conflict during a late-night interview with Seth Meyers raised concerns about the seriousness and competence of his handling of the situation. It's essential for leaders to approach sensitive international matters with the gravity they deserve.

    • Seth Meyers discusses Israel-Palestine conflict and calls for hostage release and ceasefireSeth Meyers urged for peace between Israel and Palestine, criticized Israeli actions, and questioned the notion that Israel's existence is the only guarantee of Jewish safety

      Seth Meyers discussed the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, emphasizing the importance of releasing hostages and achieving a ceasefire. He mentioned the potential for peace with Arab countries, but criticized Israel's actions and the language used by some Israeli officials. Meyers also addressed the idea that Israel's existence is necessary for Jewish safety, but argued that Israel's actions could be fueling anti-Semitism. Despite Israel's strong international support, Meyers warned that continued conflict could lead to a loss of global backing. He also pointed out the significant Jewish population in the United States and questioned the notion that Israel's existence is the only guarantee of Jewish safety.

    • The conflation of Judaism with Israeli sovereignty and anti-Zionism being equated with anti-Semitism is a complex issue for American JewsThe Israeli government and some domestic Jews try to conflate religious and national identities, leading to confusion and uncommitted voters, particularly young ones, in the Michigan primary. The Biden campaign emphasizes peace and bridge-building, but more is needed to address this issue.

      The conflation of Judaism with Israeli sovereignty and the accusation of anti-Zionism being equated with anti-Semitism is a complex issue. Jews have deep ties to American history and should be allowed to decide their political stance, but it's problematic when leaders, like the Israeli government and some domestic Jews, try to have it both ways. This conflation has led to a significant number of uncommitted voters in the Michigan primary, particularly among young voters. The Biden campaign is trying to address this issue by emphasizing their interest in peace and building bridges between communities, but it may not be enough to change the current sentiment. Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a popular Michigan politician, was sent to cable news shows to encourage people to vote for Biden, acknowledging the pain and sympathy for Arab American communities while fully supporting him. The uncertainty surrounding the Michigan primary's outcome highlights the importance of addressing this issue and finding a way to separate the religious and national identities from political stances.

    • Tension between Israel and Palestine, Pelosi's lack of knowledge, and international criticismDespite international criticism, Israel and the U.S. have their leaders defending them, but uncommitted voters in the U.S. may consider protest votes against President Biden, and Israel's government faces potential action from the International Court of Justice over allegations of genocide and illegal occupation.

      The ongoing tension between Israel and Palestine, as well as the international community's response, continues to be a significant issue. During a recent interview, Nancy Pelosi was pressed on the topic and revealed her lack of knowledge about past presidents' actions regarding Israeli settlements. Meanwhile, uncommitted voters in the U.S. are showing interest in protest votes against President Biden, which his team is reportedly concerned about. Additionally, Israel's government, under Netanyahu, is facing international criticism and potential action from the International Court of Justice over allegations of genocide and illegal occupation. Despite this, both Israel and the U.S. have their political leaders defending them, but the pressure from the international community is a cause for concern for both parties.

    • ICJ rules against Israel for potential genocide, but aid continues to be blockedThe ICJ ruled Israel may be committing genocide, but reports suggest little change in aid access, and high-level officials are reportedly inciting harm to civilians, leading to starvation and undermining peace efforts

      The situation in Israel and Palestine, particularly in the Gaza Strip, continues to deteriorate despite international court rulings and calls for action. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel may be committing genocide and ordered it to comply with certain injunctions, including allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza. However, reports suggest that Israel has not significantly increased the amount of aid entering the strip and has even struck a food convoy. The ICJ does not have an enforcement mechanism, but its rulings and the attention they bring can have economic and diplomatic consequences. The situation is further complicated by the fact that some of the actions leading to the ICJ's conclusion, such as incitement to harm civilians, have reportedly come from high-level Israeli officials. The situation is dire, with confirmed reports of civilians, including babies, dying from starvation. The lack of action and the continued blocking of aid are causing harm and undermining efforts to bring peace and stability to the region.

    • Protests Amplified by Technology, Contrast with 2006 WarTechnology amplifies protests, saves costs with cloud-based systems, and serves as a cautionary tale about solid business plans.

      The power of technology and transparency in today's world holds those in positions of authority accountable for their actions. Protests against inequalities, such as the one against BB, are amplified through social media and video sharing platforms. In contrast, during the 2006 war, the lack of technology and digital trends meant that information was controlled and limited. Another key takeaway is the importance of streamlining business operations and reducing costs through cloud-based systems like NetSuite. This not only saves on IT costs but also improves efficiency and reduces manual tasks and errors. Lastly, the demise of Vice Media serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of having a solid business plan and not relying on inflated valuations and external investment. The failure of digital media business models is leading to massive layoffs in the industry.

    • Traditional ad-supported business model failing for digital mediaDigital media companies like Vice and BuzzFeed are struggling due to shifting audience preferences and financial realities, requiring transition to reader/viewer-supported models for survival.

      The traditional ad-supported business model for digital media companies, as exemplified by Vice and BuzzFeed, no longer pencils out due to a shift in audience preferences and the financial realities of the industry. These companies, once considered trailblazers, have seen their valuations plummet and their workforces decimated by layoffs. The failure of these companies is a result of both ideological missteps and bad business decisions. To survive, media organizations must adapt by transitioning to reader or viewer-supported models, providing meaningful content that resonates with audiences and inspires investment. Even with this approach, success will be challenging. The media landscape is constantly evolving, and companies must be agile and innovative to thrive.

    • Media industry's shift from civic commitment to profit-makingUnderstanding historical context and implications of military force is crucial in modern conflicts. Misrepresenting facts can have severe consequences.

      The media industry is undergoing a significant transition, with the focus shifting from civic commitment and prestige to profit-making. This shift in business models and ethos has led to an unprecedented size and overhead for media organizations, leaving it unclear if the end result will be better or worse. During a conversation between Joe Rogan and Kid Rock, they discussed the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Kid Rock expressed the belief that Israel should use brute force to end the conflict, drawing parallels to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, the historical context of these bombings was misrepresented. The primary goal was not to target civilians but to destroy industrial production centers. The use of such extreme force did not work as intended, and the potential consequences of employing such tactics in modern conflicts are significant. It is essential to recognize the historical context and understand the implications of using military force, especially against civilian populations. The media industry's transition and the complexities of global conflicts require a nuanced and informed perspective.

    • Discussing the moral implications of using excessive force in conflict resolutionExcessive force is not a viable or moral solution for conflict resolution in today's world, leading to war crimes, radicalization, and long-term conflict. Prioritize diplomacy and protection of civilians instead.

      The use of excessive force, such as indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, may have seemed effective in certain historical contexts, but it is not a viable or moral solution in today's world. This was discussed in relation to the atomic bombings during World War II and the potential consequences of using such tactics against modern adversaries. The speakers emphasized that such actions are war crimes and can lead to radicalization and long-term conflict. They also highlighted historical precedents, such as the Mongols, that show that attempting to compel people through force for an extended period is not a winning solution. The speakers encouraged a more nuanced approach to conflict resolution that prioritizes diplomacy and protection of civilians.

    • Vulnerable Civilians in Wartime and Ethical ReportingHistorically, civilians have suffered in wars, and ethical journalism is crucial for factual reporting.

      The ordinary people during wartime, especially in historical events like the Tokyo campaign, Dresden, and Hamas conflict, were often the most vulnerable and defenseless victims. These events involved not just soldiers but farmers, children, and civilians who suffered greatly. The New York Times scandal involving a journalist's past with IDF intelligence and controversial social media posts highlights the importance of factual reporting and ethical journalism. In business, smart companies are graduating to cloud financial systems like NetSuite by Oracle to reduce costs and improve efficiency. The takeaway for individuals is to learn from history, strive for ethical reporting, and make informed decisions for their businesses. For education, Purdue Global offers a chance to earn a degree and take charge of one's career.

    • New York Times Report on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Raises Concerns over Credibility and IntegrityThe New York Times' report on alleged sexual assaults during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict contained inaccuracies, questionable sources, and concerns over potential bias or conflicts of interest for the reporters involved, leading to significant questions about the credibility and integrity of the reporting.

      The New York Times' report on alleged sexual assaults during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict contained serious inaccuracies and questionable sources. Multiple family members accused of being the sources for the story denied its validity, and some of the witnesses provided inconsistent statements to different news outlets. The Times itself appeared to lose confidence in the reporting, but instead of correcting or retracting the piece, they shelved a planned podcast episode about it. Additionally, one of the reporters involved, Anand Schwartz, had posted genocidal content on social media prior to joining the Times, which would have been a major scandal if reversed. Schwartz also had no prior journalism experience but was a former IDF soldier and filmmaker, raising concerns about potential bias or conflicts of interest. The Times' handling of the situation and the background of the second reporter involved have led to significant questions about the credibility and integrity of the reporting.

    • Bias in news reporting on Israel and PalestineMajor news outlets have faced criticism for biased coverage, with Israeli deaths sensationalized and Palestinian deaths downplayed or ignored. It's essential for media to maintain journalistic integrity and provide unbiased reporting.

      There are significant concerns regarding bias and potential propaganda in news coverage, specifically when it comes to reporting on Israel and Palestine. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal have come under scrutiny for publishing articles without sufficient evidence, with authors who have pro-Israel biases. These incidents highlight a systemic issue of bias in major news outlets, where Israeli deaths are often sensationalized while Palestinian deaths are downplayed or ignored. Despite this, public support for a ceasefire remains strong. It's crucial for media outlets to maintain journalistic integrity and provide accurate, unbiased reporting to keep the public informed. Additionally, listeners are encouraged to explore Season 3 of "This Is Digital" and the "South Dakota Stories" for insightful perspectives on various topics.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    RFK JR EXCLUSIVE: Biden Unfit To Serve, Dem Party Nomination, New Vanity Fair Allegations

    Saagar is joined by RFK JR to discuss Biden's debate collapse, if he is fit to serve, would he accept the Dem nomination, new allegations from Vanity Fair, and MORE!


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    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

    Saagar discusses MAGA lawyer vs Liberal on Trump immunity, SCOTUS guts government agencies, Biden polling collapse after debate, key Dems knives out for Biden, Dem elites shutdown Biden replacement talk.


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    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    Libertarian comedian Dave Smith and politics streamer Vaush join Counterpoints Fridays for a debate on the Ukraine war.

    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    The Bid to BAN Censorship on Big Tech Social Media

    The Bid to BAN Censorship on Big Tech Social Media

    Big tech now control the narrative. There has been a bid for a proposed bill that would BAN censorship across social media and Rob thinks this is an incredible idea that needs to be driven forward. Listen in to find out why he thinks the current state of big tech control is dangerous and why banning censorship would be good for us all.


    • Big Tech can impact politics in a big way, they can decide what is shown and what is censored giving them ultimate control on the narrative. This is scaring governments and should scare you too.
    • Free speech has to be for all otherwise it isn’t free speech.
    • It is the governments job to step in when monopolies and control becomes too big, this is what they are doing and it will serve us all if the bid goes through.


    “Many people think that was fundamentally really wrong and ultimately governments are now threatened”

    “If I want free speech then I want free speech for all”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    Ye Playing? Elon Musk, Twitter, FTX CEO Interview & More! | The Olga S. Pérez Show Live | Episode 60

    Ye Playing? Elon Musk, Twitter, FTX CEO Interview & More! | The Olga S. Pérez Show Live | Episode 60

    Ye Playing? Elon Musk, Twitter, FTX CEO Interview & More! | The Olga S. Pérez Show Live | Episode 60. I "React" to viral video content from politics, to music and more. Thank you for listening! ❥  Follow me here! :) Livestream video link https://youtu.be/it3cS21EDZI
    00:00 Start
    11:20 Ye Playing?
    51:45 Shrinkfaltion
    1:02 Live Chat Commentary
    1:18:48 FTX Interview Highlights
    Ye - Hitler Uncensored ReeeeEEEEstream here https://perezpatriots.locals.com/post...

    About the host:

    Olga is a Life Strategist and CEO of O.S. Communications, LLC. Founder of The Charge Station™Networking Events. Olga shares her insights and unique views about life topics, current events, and cultural trends.

    Olga is passionate about happiness and empowering the next generation of leaders by sharing thought-provoking perspectives on life and disrupting the traditional approach to happiness. https://www.olgasperez.com

    Business inquiries: info@olgasperez.com

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    The Truth Finally Comes Out (Ep 1675)

    The Truth Finally Comes Out (Ep 1675)
    The free speech war is getting ugly. In this episode, I address the latest move by this big tech giant to silence free speech. I also address the truth finally coming out about COVID.  News Picks: Twitter suspends Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Grabien. Why? Because twitter is a communist site. AOC proves, yet again, what a total clown she is. New York City is now engaging in overt racism to distribute life saving COVID treatments. Democrats lose their minds over Ron DeSantis. Fauci wants to change the rules again!  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    An Insurrection On The Fly

    An Insurrection On The Fly
    An action-packed episode and one of our best yet. A robust conversation about the "insurrection" of the Capitol building in Washington D.C. We ask whether Trump incited it, what they hoped to achieve and what they actually achieved. Also, big tech censorship and freedom of speech with DonalD Trump banned from social media! And the Parler app being banned from the Google and Apple app stores and being kicked off Amazon's web servers.