
    2/28/24: 100k Michigan Uncommitted Votes, Trump Skyrockets With Youth And Hispanics, Starbucks Caves To Union, Dems Force IVF Vote, Biden Ceasefire Collapses, Students Troll Lockheed Exec, Jon Stewart Torches Biden Russia Israel Hypocrisy, Schumer Demands Ukraine Border Protection, Assange Brother Reveals Dire Stakes

    enFebruary 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Opportunities for growth, savings, and changeIndividuals can improve their lives through education, save money with Kroger, witness political developments in 2024, and experience potential union changes at Starbucks

      Individuals can make a comeback and take charge of their lives through education, as offered by Purdue Global. Meanwhile, consumers can save money and feel victorious with Kroger brand products. In the political sphere, 2024 is shaping up to be an intriguing election year, with potential shutdowns and ongoing negotiations. Starbucks, too, is making headlines with its union negotiations, which may lead to a more organized and fair process for union formation in the company. Overall, there are opportunities for personal growth, financial savings, and political change.

    • Unionization efforts in various industries and Michigan primary election resultsUnionization is on the rise in multiple industries, with Starbucks workers in the US and UAW members at Mercedes leading the charge. Meanwhile, in the Michigan primary, a large number of voters remained uncommitted, which could be a concerning sign for the Democratic party and their turnout in the upcoming elections.

      The unionization movement is gaining significant momentum in various industries, with Starbucks workers in the US and UAW members at Mercedes in the US and Germany leading the charge. This comes as the auto industry faces threats from Chinese EV manufacturers. Meanwhile, in the Michigan primary election, a large number of voters chose to remain uncommitted, which could be a concerning sign for the Democratic party, particularly in a state like Michigan that Joe Biden barely won in 2020. The low turnout of Democratic voters compared to Republicans in the primary is also a cause for concern, as it could indicate a lack of enthusiasm or opposition to Biden's campaign. The outcome of these unionization efforts and the Michigan primary results could have significant implications for the upcoming elections.

    • Assumptions about voter behavior in Michigan primaries were incorrectPeople from diverse demographics and age groups voted uncommitted in Michigan primaries as a democratic expression of opposition to genocide in Palestine, not just a protest against the current administration.

      The assumption that only Arab and Muslim voters care about the genocide in Palestine and would vote uncommitted in the Michigan primaries was proven flawed. The data showed that people from various demographics and age groups expressed their opposition to the genocide by voting uncommitted. This was not just a protest against the current administration but a democratic expression of will. The frustration and energy were channeled towards voting uncommitted, with significant numbers in areas with low Arab American population. The 2012 primaries saw similar trends with high uncommitted votes, but the context and numbers are different this time around. The focus should be on centering the communities closest to the pain, such as the Arab American and Palestinian communities, in the conversation about peace.

    • Civilian suffering in Israel and Gaza ignored amidst election horse racePoliticians advocating for a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza have faced criticism, but the ongoing conflict causes immense suffering for civilians and requires a permanent solution.

      The ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza is causing immense suffering for civilians on both sides, and calls for a permanent ceasefire have been ignored. Politicians like Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush were criticized for advocating for a ceasefire early on, but the situation has only worsened since then. The uncommitted votes in the Michigan primary are a reflection of this frustration, with many young people and communities wanting their concerns heard. Moderate and centrist voices, like that of Debbie Dingell, have also called for a ceasefire, but the issue has been largely overlooked in favor of the horse race aspect of the election. The pain and suffering of civilians must not be ignored, and a permanent ceasefire is necessary to prevent further loss of life.

    • Opposition to Biden's Israel support grows within DemsSignificant opposition to Biden's Israel stance within Dems, resonating in states like Michigan and Minnesota. Uncommitted movement gaining momentum, with Marianne Williamson rejoining the fray. Nikki Haley's Republican primary performance highlights importance of addressing voter concerns on key issues.

      The opposition to Joe Biden's unconditional support for Israel's war efforts is growing significantly within the Democratic Party. Debbie Dingell's comments on the issue have resonated, and this translates beyond Michigan to other states like Minnesota. The uncommitted movement is gaining momentum, and Marianne Williamson recently unsuspended her campaign to join this effort. Across the Democratic coalition, there is significant double-digit opposition to Biden's stance, and voters are looking for ways to express this opposition. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley's performance in the Republican primary has shown that a sizable chunk of Republican voters may never fully support Donald Trump, despite his strong showing in many states. These developments underscore the importance of addressing the concerns of voters on key issues, especially those with strong convictions.

    • Shifts in Political Landscape and Business TrendsDonald Trump gains ground among certain voter demographics, causing concern for Biden administration. Businesses adopt integrated business management systems for cost savings and efficiency.

      The political landscape continues to shift, with significant gains being made by Donald Trump among certain voter demographics, including black voters, young voters, and those making over $100,000. These shifts should be a cause for concern for the Biden administration. Meanwhile, businesses are also looking to reduce costs and streamline operations, leading to an increase in the adoption of integrated business management systems like NetSuite by Oracle. The net result is improved efficiency and reduced expenses for companies. This trend is expected to continue, with over 37,000 companies already making the switch. Additionally, young voters, a key demographic for Biden in the 2020 election, are expressing dissatisfaction with his stance on issues like Israel, which could impact his support going forward.

    • Republican Party Gains Support from Young Voters and HispanicsThe Republican Party, led by former President Trump, is making gains with young voters and Hispanics in critical battleground states, challenging the Democratic coalition and posing a threat for future elections if concerns of working-class and progressive voters are not addressed.

      The Republican Party, specifically former President Donald Trump, is making significant gains with young voters and Hispanic voters, as shown in a 45% jump in support from February 2021 to the present. This trend is particularly notable in critical battleground states like Michigan and the Rio Grande Valley. The potential Democratic coalition that aimed to unite young people, college graduates, people of color, and progressive policies has been dismantled due to the party's handling of issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the unwavering support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The GOP's success in appealing to these groups could pose a significant challenge for Democrats in future elections if they fail to address their concerns and offer policies that benefit working-class and progressive voters. The discomfort and unease of establishment Republicans in Washington towards Trump's political instincts and influence continue to persist, but the party has yet to effectively translate these instincts to other candidates.

    • Businesses save costs and streamline operations with NetSuiteNetSuite consolidates business processes, reducing IT costs, eliminating multiple systems, and improving overall efficiency for over 37,000 companies.

      Smart businesses are turning to NetSuite by Oracle to reduce costs and streamline operations by consolidating various business processes into one platform. This results in significant savings on IT costs, eliminating the need for multiple systems, and improving overall efficiency. NetSuite, being the number one cloud financial system, offers a unified business management suite with accounting, financial management, inventory, and HR in one place. Over 37,000 companies have already made the switch, and NetSuite is currently offering a flexible financing program. Meanwhile, in politics, the IVF issue has emerged as a contentious topic, with the Alabama Supreme Court's decision declaring embryos produced through IVF as children causing chaos and uncertainty for families who have invested heavily in the process. The issue is particularly significant for the Republican Party, as it could potentially alienate young voters and those who consider themselves liberal. The Democrats, led by Senator Tammy Duckworth, are pushing for federal protection of IVF, highlighting the struggles of one in four married women who have difficulty getting pregnant and the emotional and financial toll of the treatments. The moral and ethical implications of leaving embryos indefinitely in freezers is also a concern, leaving the issue with complex and far-reaching implications.

    • Republicans and Democrats Debate IVF ProtectionsBoth parties argue for IVF protections, but concerns over federal rights and state protections complicate the issue. The public is demanding action.

      The debate surrounding reproductive rights, specifically IVF treatments, has become a contentious issue for both Democrats and Republicans. While some Republicans have expressed support for protecting IVF, there are concerns that such legislation could establish a federal right to IVF and potentially infringe on state protections or impact other abortion-related legislation. Democrats, on the other hand, are urging Republicans to put their commitment to family values and protecting IVF into action by supporting relevant legislation. The Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on IVF has brought these issues to the forefront, and the political implications are significant. The public is growing increasingly skeptical of empty promises and is demanding action from politicians. The debate also highlights the complexities of balancing individual rights and state protections in the context of reproductive health.

    • The Complexity of IVF and Reproductive RightsMinimizing embryo creation to avoid legal issues, addressing cost and accessibility, considering ethical implications of genetic testing, and addressing emotional and physical toll on women are crucial aspects of the IVF and reproductive rights debate.

      The current state of IVF and reproductive rights is a complex issue with ethical, moral, and practical concerns. The discussion highlighted the importance of minimizing the number of embryos created to avoid unnecessary decisions and potential legal issues. The cost and accessibility of IVF were also raised as significant challenges. The debate around genetic testing and potential ethical complications was also touched upon. The emotional and physical toll on women undergoing these procedures was emphasized, with the uncertainty and financial burden adding to the struggle. The political implications for Republicans on this issue were also discussed, with the current situation in Alabama serving as a stark reminder of the urgency for clearer guidelines and solutions.

    • Opportunities for Individuals and Businesses with Purdue Global and NetSuitePurdue Global empowers individuals to earn respected degrees and control their career, while NetSuite streamlines business processes and reduces costs.

      Both Purdue Global and NetSuite offer opportunities for individuals and businesses to make significant improvements. For individuals, Purdue Global provides a chance to earn a respected degree and take control of their career and life. For businesses, NetSuite's cloud financial system brings multiple business processes into one platform, reducing costs, IT expenses, and manual tasks. Regarding the Middle East ceasefire negotiations, there seems to be a disconnect between the optimistic statements from the White House and the actual progress made in negotiations. The President's unexpected announcement of a ceasefire timeline surprised key parties involved, and subsequent statements from administration officials have been vague about the current state of negotiations. Despite this, the administration maintains that progress is being made.

    • Concerns over Biden's handling of Israeli-Palestinian conflictAllegations of Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians and questions about Biden's understanding of the conflict raise tensions, with the U.S. continuing military aid and giving Israel a deadline to comply with international law

      There are concerns about President Biden's involvement and understanding of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with some suggesting he may not be fully up to speed due to a lack of lucidity or ideological rigidity. Meanwhile, allegations of human rights violations against Palestinians by Israeli forces, including reports of sexual violence and theft of personal belongings, have raised questions about the U.S. government's response and its continued military aid to Israel. Despite calls for accountability, the U.S. has given Israel until mid-March to sign a document pledging to abide by international law in order to continue receiving American weapons, highlighting the ongoing tension and complexity of the situation.

    • Underestimating Israeli-Palestinian conflict impact on US politicsThe Biden team underestimated the Israeli-Palestinian conflict's significance in US politics, leading to protests and potential voter shift. Ignoring key issues can impact public perception and company culture.

      The Biden administration's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its impact on domestic politics was underestimated by the campaign team. The Reuters report reveals that the Biden team believed this issue would fade as a concern once the contest was between Biden and Trump. However, the protests against Biden in Michigan and other areas showed that this was not the case, and it could translate into how people vote. The blind spot about the issue's significance is shocking, especially given the importance of winning over voters beyond the Democratic base. The binary choice between Democrats and Republicans is not enough, and advancing an agenda is crucial to retain support. The White House might want to take note of the students' activism against companies like Lockheed Martin, as such actions could impact public perception and company culture.

    • Modern business complexities blur lines of complicityCompanies and individuals can unintentionally support human rights violations through business dealings and partnerships. Ethical considerations and accountability are crucial in business and diplomacy.

      The complexities of modern business and geopolitics can make individuals and companies complicit in actions they may not fully support. The protest against supporting companies involved in human rights violations, such as the murder of Palestinian children, serves as a reminder of this issue. Furthermore, many industries, including entertainment and education, receive significant support from the military and governments, further blurring the lines of complicity. John Stewart's call for accountability for war crimes and civilian harm, including in Israel, highlights the need for ethical considerations in business and diplomacy. Additionally, smart businesses are turning to NetSuite to reduce costs and improve efficiency by consolidating business processes into one platform.

    • U.S. support for Israel hinders peace talksThe U.S. unconditional support for Israel prevents meaningful negotiations and perpetuates conflict, but its influence can also be used to promote peace.

      The U.S. unconditional support for Israel in the ongoing conflict with Palestinians is enabling Israel's unwillingness to compromise and leading to more conflict. Maz Hussein argued that if the U.S. withdrew its support, Israel would be forced to negotiate fairly with its neighbors. However, during a debate between Maz and Yair Rosenberg on The Daily Show, John Stewart seemed to dismiss this argument, focusing instead on making light of the idea that the U.S. could influence world affairs. This contradiction between Stewart's monologue and his debate performance was disappointing, as it missed an opportunity to have a serious conversation about the issue. Additionally, Netanyahu's use of a controversial poll to claim U.S. public support for the war effort highlights the importance of U.S. influence in the conflict. Overall, the discussion underscores the complex nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role the U.S. plays in shaping its outcome.

    • John Stuart's debates: Speakers given ample time to express viewsDespite potential government shutdown, some Republicans push for it based on constituent demands, outcome uncertain

      The format of debates hosted by John Stuart, despite some criticisms about the quality of questions, is fundamentally a good thing. The speakers are given ample time to express their views, unlike in traditional media where answers are limited to brief soundbites. However, the government is facing a potential shutdown, and it does not seem that a deal will be reached before the deadline. Mitch McConnell, who has previously expressed his disdain for government shutdowns, is once again facing the possibility of one. Despite the risks, some members of the Republican party, particularly those on the House side, are pushing for a shutdown based on the demands of their constituents. The outcome of this standoff remains uncertain.

    • Urgent support for Ukraine vs. government shutdownDemocrats and Republicans debated Ukraine support amidst government shutdown, with Democrats criticized for seemingly prioritizing the shutdown over Ukraine. The shutdown would impact VA and HUD, while immigration and border security remained a contentious issue.

      The discussion at the meeting centered around the urgency of supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression, with leaders from both parties expressing passion and intensity. However, the government shutdown became a point of contention, with Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, criticized for appearing tone-deaf by mentioning the Ukrainian border in the context of the shutdown. The shutdown would affect several key agencies, including Veterans Affairs and HUD, causing significant hardship for those relying on their services. The Israel-Ukraine funding bill, which included defense spending, was also a point of contention, with McConnell urging Mike Johnson to bring it up separately to avoid a shutdown. Immigration was identified as the most pressing issue in a recent Gallup poll, and both Trump and Biden were scheduled to visit the border, making it a key talking point for Republicans. Ultimately, House Republicans refused to vote on the Ukraine-Israel spending bill without border security, and a shutdown seemed imminent.

    • Republican infighting threatens Speaker Mike Johnson during government shutdownA disgruntled Republican member could force a vote to oust Speaker Johnson, potentially allowing the shutdown to continue and damaging GOP image, with Democrats and media unlikely to support them.

      The ongoing government shutdown is causing a difficult situation for Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, as one disgruntled Republican member has the power to force a vote to vacate the chair. Democrats may use this to their advantage, potentially allowing the shutdown to continue and portraying Republicans as incompetent. The media is also unlikely to be sympathetic to the Republican cause, making it challenging for them to win public support. Ultimately, the lack of a clear solution and the potential political fallout may prevent a shutdown from occurring, but the situation highlights the challenges of governing in a polarized political climate.

    • Political stalemate in Washington D.C. and its consequencesThe US political system's reliance on consensus is fraying, leading to potential global financial crisis and government services halt. Adaptation may require significant pain and suffering.

      The current political stalemate in Washington D.C., such as the ongoing government shutdown and debt ceiling negotiations, highlights the fragility of the consensus-based political system in the United States. The system's reliance on consensus is fraying, and the lack of a deal could lead to significant consequences, including a potential global financial crisis and government services coming to a halt. The system may need to adapt and create redundancies to prevent such crises, but it may take significant pain and suffering before this happens. The hearing for Julian Assange's extradition case in Australia showed judges engaging more deeply with the arguments, possibly due to the high-stakes nature of the situation.

    • Julian Assange Case: Implications for Press Freedom and Journalistic SourcesThe Assange case raises concerns for press freedom and journalistic sources, as the prosecution's arguments could set a dangerous precedent for journalists. Democrats focus on exposing state criminality, while Republicans emphasize First Amendment rights. Global support and potential health risks add to the argument against the prosecution.

      The Julian Assange case is not just about Assange himself, but also about the potential implications for press freedom and journalistic sources. The prosecution's arguments have raised concerns that if Assange can be extradited for publishing classified information, any journalist could be at risk. The case resonates with different political perspectives, with Democrats focusing on press freedom and exposing state criminality, while Republicans emphasize First Amendment rights. The resolution 934 in the Judiciary Committee aims to gather support from lawmakers to drop the charges against Assange. The 2016 reporting has caused a grudge among Democrats, but reframing the argument to the potential threat to democratic media in the future can help persuade them. The global support for Assange, particularly from allies like Australia, also adds weight to the argument against the prosecution. The potential health risks to Assange and the impact on the US's international standing are also significant concerns. The possibility of a second Trump administration with figures like Mike Pompeo in power is a worrying prospect for Assange and press freedom advocates.

    • US pursuit of Assange raises concerns for press freedomThe US pursuit of Assange, an Australian journalist, for publishing classified information raises concerns for press freedom and could result in his potential extradition and death penalty under the Espionage Act.

      The ongoing prosecution of Julian Assange by the United States, which began when Pompeo pursued WikiLeaks aggressively, is politically motivated and poses significant concerns for journalists and press freedom. Despite hope for a diplomatic resolution between the US and Australia, the US seems determined to extradite Assange, who is an Australian citizen. If extradited, Assange could face potential death penalty under the Espionage Act, which has raised alarm among human rights organizations. If the appeal against extradition is rejected, Assange could apply to the European Court of Human Rights for an emergency stop on the extradition, but success is not guaranteed. The potential consequences of such a move could be embarrassing for the US and the Department of Justice.

    • Hearing Focuses on Political Nature of Assange Charges, Potential Expanded Charges and Death Penalty SentencingThe recent hearing focused on the political nature of the charges against Julian Assange, potential expanded charges, and the possibility of death penalty sentencing. The defense has until March 3rd to provide more information, and individuals can help by contacting their representatives to support resolution 934.

      During a recent hearing in the United States, the focus was on the political nature of the charges against Julian Assange, with the potential for expanded charges and death penalty sentencing being major concerns. The court did not delve deeply into the potential prison conditions Assange might face if extradited to the US. Some believe the judges were being more open and reasonable to appease external pressure, while others think they were simply performing to appear thorough. The defense has until March 3rd to provide more information, and average people can help by contacting their representatives to sign on to resolution 934 and joining the Assange Defense mailing list. The resolution urges the Biden administration to do the right thing regarding Assange's extradition.

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    This episode: White House correspondents Asma Khalid & Deepa Shivaram, voting reporter Elena Moore, and congressional correspondent Deirdre Walsh.

    Our producers are Casey Morell & Kelli Wessinger. Our editor is Erica Morrison. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

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    Guest: Rosemary Westwood, reproductive health reporter

    The U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade — a nearly 50-year-old constitutional right for a woman to end a pregnancy — will lead to bans on abortion in more than half of U.S states. That means abortion clinics will be forced to close in large swathes of the country. According to Planned Parenthood, more than 36 million people could lose abortion access. Rosemary Westwood, reproductive health reporter and host of the podcast “Banned,” explains how one Mississippi case led to the end of the protected right to legal abortions and what this new reality in the U.S. means.

    UPDATE: A Louisiana court has temporarily blocked the state’s trigger laws on abortion. The blocking is temporary and a hearing on the matter has been set for July 8. Abortions can resume in Louisiana in the meantime.

    Audio sources: Reuters, New York Times, PBS, CNBC

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    Week in Review: December 23, 2021

    Crystal is joined by Doug Trumm, Executive Director of The Urbanist, for today’s jam-packed show that covers successful tactics used in the Sawant recall election, Durkan veto of the Council vote to end the hazard pay they enacted, the Starbucks unionization movement coming to Seattle, a City Hall Park land swap without park preservation guarantees, new leadership ahead for SDOT in the Harrell administration, the Legislature suing Inslee over vetoes, and the potential for a white Christmas posing risks to those left out in the cold.

    As always, a full text transcript of the show is available below and at officialhacksandwonks.com.

    Find the host, Crystal Fincher on Twitter at @finchfrii and find today’s co-host, Doug Trumm, at @dmtrumm. More info is available at officialhacksandwonks.com.


    “What Sawant’s Close 310-Vote Recall Victory Means for Seattle Politics” by Doug Trumm from The Urbanist: https://www.theurbanist.org/2021/12/18/what-sawants-close-310-vote-recall-victory-means-for-seattle-politics/

    “Sawant’s Recall Maps Show Familiar Path to Victory Through Capitol Hill and Central District” by Doug Trumm from The Urbanist: https://www.theurbanist.org/2021/12/22/sawants-recall-maps-show-familiar-path-to-victory-through-capitol-hill-and-central-district/

    “City Council Votes to End Hazard Pay. Grocery Workers Say They Feel ‘Abandoned’” by Hannah Krieg from The Strangerhttps://www.thestranger.com/slog/2021/12/15/63863317/city-council-votes-to-end-hazard-pay-grocery-workers-say-they-feel-abandoned

    “Mayor Jenny Durkan will use veto to keep hazard pay in place for Seattle grocery workers” by David Gutman from The Seattle Times: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/mayor-jenny-durkan-will-use-veto-to-keep-hazard-pay-in-place-for-seattle-grocery-workers/

    City of Seattle - Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda Statement in Support of Continuing Grocery Store Worker Hazard Pay: https://council.seattle.gov/2021/12/22/councilmember-teresa-mosqueda-statement-in-support-of-continuing-grocery-store-worker-hazard-pay/

    “Starbucks Workers United says Broadway shop wants to unionize” from Capitol Hill Seattle Blog: https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2021/12/starbucks-workers-united-says-broadway-shop-wants-to-unionize/

    “Controversial City Hall Park Land Swap Moves Ahead” by Natalie Bicknell Argerious from The Urbanist: https://www.theurbanist.org/2021/12/21/controversial-city-hall-park-land-swap-moves-ahead/

    “SDOT Director Zimbabwe is Out, What Does This Mean for Seattle Transportation?” by Natalie Bicknell Argerious from The Urbanist: https://www.theurbanist.org/2021/12/17/sdot-director-zimbabwe-is-out-what-does-this-mean-for-seattle-transportation/

    “Washington Legislature sues Inslee over vetoes, setting up another clash over powers” by Joseph O’Sullivan from The Seattle Times: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/washington-legislature-sues-inslee-over-vetoes-setting-up-another-clash-over-powers/

    “Seattle area to see some snow Christmas weekend” by Christine Clarridge from The Seattle Times: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/weather/seattle-area-in-for-a-cold-snowy-weekend/

    King County Regional Homelessness Authority - Cold Weather Shelter Dec. 25-29: https://kcrha.org/2021/12/22/cold-weather-shelter-dec-25-29/

    City of Seattle - Severe Weather Flyer: https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/HumanServices/Severe-Weather-Flyer_2021-12-22.pdf

    “Warming shelters to open during cold weather” from KIRO7: https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/warming-shelters-open-during-cold-weather/AJGQT4FRZRANTAGCWY5GS2K3BI/



    Transcript will be uploaded as soon as possible.