
    2/7/22: Breakdown of the Rogan Controversy, Gofundme Power, Foreign Policy, CNN Drama, Big Pharma, & More!

    enFebruary 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering Nostalgia and News with New PodcastsMagical Rewind revisits childhood TV movies with stars, Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless service, Breaking Points provides independent news analysis, and Undercover Tourist saves on Walt Disney World tickets.

      Two new podcasts, Magical Rewind and Breaking Points, offer unique content and experiences for listeners. Magical Rewind, hosted by Wilfordel and Sabrina Brian, invites viewers to revisit childhood TV movies and chat with stars and crew. Listeners can save money on Walt Disney World tickets through Undercover Tourist. Breaking Points, hosted by Crystal and Sagar, provides independent news analysis and invites listeners to support their mission against corporate media. Meanwhile, Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless service with the same reliable coverage as leading carriers. Lastly, Joe Rogan faced controversy over misinformation and past use of a racial slur, leading to apologies and labeling of his podcasts.

    • Joe Rogan's Past Episodes with Offensive Language Cause ControversyJoe Rogan apologized for past use of offensive language, several episodes were removed from Spotify, and Spotify's CEO acknowledged the situation, expressing regret and commitment to balancing creative expression with user safety.

      Podcast host Joe Rogan faced controversy and backlash due to the resurfacing of past episodes containing racially insensitive language. Several episodes featuring guests like Alex Jones, Kyle Kalinski, and Michael Malice were removed from Spotify. Under pressure, Rogan issued a public apology for his past use of offensive language. Spotify's CEO, Daniel Ek, addressed the situation with his employees, expressing regret and acknowledging conversations with Rogan and his team about the content. Ek also stated that canceling Rogan was not the solution and expressed a commitment to balancing creative expression with user safety. Rogan has been a friend and supporter of the media company, but the company's stance on free speech issues remains consistent, as evidenced by their recent defense of Whoopi Goldberg and Dan Bongino.

    • The debate over Joe Rogan's podcast on Spotify: Free speech vs user safetyThe controversy surrounding Joe Rogan's podcast raises complex issues, including the importance of free speech and user safety, as well as the potential motivations and hypocrisy involved.

      The situation surrounding Joe Rogan and his podcast on Spotify raises complex issues of free speech, user safety, and corporate interests. Some argue that Rogan's past controversial statements, including the use of racial slurs and spreading misinformation, warrant consequences, while others believe in the importance of preserving his freedom to express himself. The debate is further complicated by the significant economic value Rogan brings to the platform, as well as the potential motivations of those calling for his cancellation. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider the context of the statements in question and the potential consequences of various actions. The conversation also touched upon the hypocrisy of some individuals and organizations who have themselves engaged in similar behaviors but are now criticizing Rogan. The discussion underscored the need for nuanced and thoughtful engagement with these issues.

    • Impact of Creator-Platform Relationship on Content RegulationMaintaining creator independence is crucial in the digital age to prevent potential censorship and ulterior motives.

      The relationship between content creators and platforms can significantly impact the way content is regulated and perceived. In the case of Joe Rogan and Spotify, Rogan's independent stance and refusal to be controlled by the platform led to pressure from various sources, including employees and external groups. This pressure resulted in the application of labels on his podcast and a coordinated attack against him. The controversy surrounding Rogan's podcast was not about offensive language, but rather his discussions on controversial topics such as Saudi Arabia and Epstein. The timing of the controversy and the subsequent removal of the podcast from certain markets raised questions about potential ulterior motives. The incident highlights the importance of maintaining the independence of content creators and the potential consequences of censorship in the digital age.

    • Media's hypocritical approach to Joe Rogan's use of racial slurThe media's focus on policing language rather than addressing systemic issues undermines meaningful discussions about race and race relations, and harms our ability to have a functional democracy.

      The controversy surrounding Joe Rogan's use of a racial slur on his podcast is not just about the word itself, but rather about power and control in media and society. The media establishment feels threatened by Rogan's success, which they had no hand in creating, and seeks to assert their authority by censoring and condemning him. This hypocritical approach to the issue ignores the context and nuance of Rogan's use of the word and undermines meaningful discussions about race and race relations. Furthermore, the focus on policing language rather than addressing systemic issues harms our ability to have a functional democracy. The real harm to black people in this country comes from policies and actions by individuals like Joe Biden, yet the conversation remains fixated on Rogan's use of a word from over a decade ago. It is essential to trust the American public to engage in mature and nuanced discussions and to channel activist impulses towards real collective change.

    • Free speech vs collective responsibility: The tension between individual rights and the greater goodThe debate around Joe Rogan's podcast and the Canadian trucker convoy highlights the tension between individual rights and collective responsibility, with ongoing dialogue necessary to balance these competing interests.

      The issues of free speech, power, control, and censorship continue to be significant topics of debate in our society. The discussion around Joe Rogan's podcast and the Canadian trucker convoy both highlight the tension between individual rights and collective responsibility. In the case of Rogan, it's about the right to express controversial opinions versus the potential harm to marginalized communities. With the trucker convoy, it's about the right to peaceful protest and fundraising versus the government's authority to maintain order. GoFundMe's decision to withhold funds for the convoy sets a dangerous precedent, as it allows those in power to decide what causes are worthy of support. These issues underscore the importance of ongoing dialogue and the need to balance individual freedoms with the greater good.

    • Protests in Ottawa: Debate on Vaccine Mandates and Freedom of SpeechProtests against COVID-19 restrictions spark debate on vaccine mandates and freedom of speech. GoFundMe's involvement in limiting funding raises concerns about tech oligarchs' control and censorship. Implications for individual rights and freedom of speech are significant.

      The ongoing protests in Ottawa, Canada, over vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions have sparked intense debate and raised concerns about freedom of speech and censorship. While some view the actions of a few extremist elements as unhelpful to the cause, the root of the protest is a legitimate line of debate about vaccine requirements, lockdowns, and mask mandates. The involvement of GoFundMe, an American company, in limiting funding for the protest has raised alarm about the power of tech oligarchs to control society and limit access to platforms and resources. The potential for law enforcement to influence tech companies to take down content or limit access is a slippery slope, and the implications for freedom of speech and individual rights are significant. It's important to remember that these issues are complex and multifaceted, and require thoughtful consideration and nuanced discussion.

    • Censorship concerns with GoFundMe's global expansionGoFundMe's expansion into various countries raises concerns about freedom of speech and potential misinformation. Critics argue that laws in certain countries could lead to censorship, but supporting democratic values is crucial.

      The expanding reach of crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe into various countries raises concerns about freedom of speech and potential misinformation. The discussion touched upon the challenges in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, and even Germany. Critics argue that these countries' laws could lead to censorship, which is problematic for an American tech company. A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation podcast episode highlighted this issue, using alarmist language about foreign influence and nefarious cabals. Despite concerns, it's essential to support democratic values, including the right to protest and express opinions, even when uncomfortable or messy. In another example, journalist Matt Lee's exchange with a US government official revealed a lack of evidence for claims about Russian plans for false flag attacks. Overall, these discussions underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in the face of potential misinformation and censorship.

    • U.S. Accuses Russia of Planning False Flag Operation in UkraineThe U.S. alleges Russia intends to conduct a false flag operation in Ukraine, but lacks tangible evidence, leading to skepticism. Europe is attempting diplomacy, raising questions about the U.S.'s confrontational approach.

      During a recent press briefing, Ned Price, the U.S. State Department Spokesperson, discussed intelligence reports suggesting Russia's plans to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine. Price emphasized that this is an action Russia has already taken, but he did not provide any declassified evidence to support this claim, leading to skepticism from the press. The lack of tangible evidence and the comparison of these allegations to conspiracy theories sparked criticism from the press, with some questioning the credibility of the U.S. Government's claims. The ongoing dispute between Ukraine and Russia, as well as European involvement, adds complexity to the situation. Macron, the French President, is currently engaged in shuttle diplomacy between Europe and Russia to negotiate a diplomatic agreement. The contrasting rhetoric and actions between the U.S. and Europe raises questions about the effectiveness and necessity of the U.S.'s more confrontational approach.

    • Concerns about assertions without evidence in geopolitical issuesThe trend of unsubstantiated claims, particularly in geopolitical matters, highlights the importance of fact-checking and media accountability to ensure accurate information is shared with the public.

      During the discussion, it became clear that there is a concerning trend of assertions being made without evidence, particularly regarding geopolitical issues. This was exemplified through the ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the reported US raid in Syria. The Russian government has made bold claims about the situation, and these claims have been largely accepted and repeated by the media without question. This raises concerns about the role of the press in holding those in power accountable and ensuring accurate information is being disseminated to the public. The situation was further complicated by the discrepancies in reported civilian casualties from the Syria raid, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and transparency from those in positions of authority.

    • Raising Questions About the Accuracy of Official Narratives in WarfareThe death of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a U.S. drone strike sparked debate over the accuracy of official narratives and the importance of transparency in warfare. Journalists questioned the reported civilian casualties and lack of evidence, highlighting past incidents of cover-ups and the use of military operations as political tools.

      The reporting around the death of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a U.S. drone strike raises questions about the accuracy of official narratives and the importance of transparency in warfare. The discrepancy in reported civilian casualties and lack of concrete evidence provided by authorities is a rare instance of a journalist demanding accountability. The historical context of past incidents of civilian casualties and cover-ups adds to the skepticism. The use of the drone strike as a political tool to boost popularity also raises ethical concerns. The timing of the operation under Biden's administration, amidst various domestic pressures, further adds to the debate. Ultimately, the incident underscores the need for more scrutiny and transparency in military operations, especially when it comes to civilian casualties.

    • Media landscape in turmoil: Chris Cuomo's exit and military operations in AfricaConcerns about transparency and accountability in media reporting, with examples of questionable narratives and potential cover-ups in military operations, and accusations of hush money negotiations and power struggles in the media industry.

      The media landscape is in a state of turmoil, with questions being raised about the credibility and motives of major news organizations. The discussion revolved around two main topics: the controversial departure of Chris Cuomo from CNN and the military operations in Africa. Regarding the latter, concerns were expressed about the lack of transparency and accountability in reporting on military missions, with examples given of questionable narratives and potential cover-ups. With regards to Chris Cuomo's exit from CNN, there were accusations of hush money negotiations and a power struggle between the involved parties. The staff at CNN is reportedly worried about the implications of these events for their jobs and the future of the network. The situation highlights the importance of scrutinizing the media and demanding transparency in reporting.

    • CNN's Prioritization of Ratings Over Journalistic IntegrityDespite blurred personal and professional lines, CNN talent defended Zucker, highlighting the importance of maintaining journalistic standards and avoiding conflicts of interest.

      During Zucker's tenure at CNN, he fostered a culture that prioritized ratings and loyalty from his talent over journalistic integrity. This was evident in CNN's coverage of Trump's campaign and presidency, where they became known for their opposition to Trump and received high ratings and book deals. However, when Zucker's personal conduct came under scrutiny, with allegations of his relationship with a subordinate and coordination with Andrew Cuomo, there seemed to be no ethical qualms from the talent. Despite this, they continue to defend Zucker and view him as the best person in media. The recent shakeup at CNN, with Zucker's departure, highlights the uncomfortable situation that arose when personal and professional lines were blurred. Overall, the events at CNN underscore the importance of maintaining journalistic standards and avoiding conflicts of interest.

    • Jeff Zucker's departure from CNN leaves staffers uneasyCNN's future is uncertain with new leadership and financial questions about high-profile hires, but potential Trump return could boost ratings

      Jeff Zucker, the former president of CNN, was a beloved boss to many of his employees who felt protected and defended by him. However, his departure from CNN has left some staffers feeling uneasy, especially with the ongoing scandal involving Alison Gollust and Chris Cuomo. The new leadership at Discovery, who reportedly have disagreements with the journalistic direction of CNN under Zucker, could lead to significant changes at the network. Additionally, the financial viability of some of the high-profile hires for streaming shows, such as Chris Wallace and Don Lemon, is questionable. The potential return of Donald Trump to the political scene could save CNN, as his presence has historically boosted ratings for networks. Overall, the future of CNN is uncertain, and the events unfolding behind the scenes are expected to be intriguing.

    • Controversy around Joe Rogan's podcast involves more than just vaccine misinformationThe Joe Rogan controversy goes beyond vaccine misinformation, with accusations of racism, transphobia, and misogyny, possible market manipulation, and involvement of larger entities like Amazon and political figures.

      The recent controversy surrounding Joe Rogan and his podcast on Spotify appears to be more complex than it seems on the surface. The controversy, which started with allegations of vaccine misinformation, escalated to accusations of racism, transphobia, and misogyny. This coincided with Spotify's earnings season, leading some to speculate that certain entities, possibly hedge funds or short sellers, were using the controversy to manipulate the stock market. The controversy also benefited Amazon, as Neil Young and Joni Mitchell left Spotify to join Amazon Music, and Amazon promoted their music on its homepage. The Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, even published an article on how to quit Spotify and transfer music to Amazon Music. The group Patriot Takes, which disseminated a controversial clip of Rogan using a racial slur, is funded by a Super PAC backed by Reid Hoffman and Bette Midler. These connections suggest that larger forces may be at play in the controversy, and it's important to consider the potential motivations and interests of those involved.

    • Obsessing over personal morality in politics distracts from real issuesFocusing on personal character debates instead of addressing systemic problems is a form of 'anti-politics' that maintains the status quo and prevents collective action.

      The current focus on censorship and personal moral purity in politics, as seen in the case of Joe Rogan and the Midas Touch Group, is a distraction from real issues like poverty, war, climate collapse, and economic inequality. This obsession with personal character debates instead of addressing systemic problems is a form of "anti-politics" that serves to maintain the status quo and prevent collective action. The public's attention is continually diverted from important issues, and elites are left free to make decisions that affect our lives. It's important to recognize this tactic and refocus our energy on fighting for genuine democratic change.

    • The Poisoning of American Ideals: The Debate over Joe Rogan and CensorshipThe ongoing debate over Joe Rogan's podcast highlights the dangers of labeling and distrusting those with opposing political views, which undermines democracy and hinders progress towards real change. Instead, we should focus on building a real democracy where all voices are heard and engaged with.

      The current state of political discourse in America, as exemplified by the ongoing debate over Joe Rogan and censorship, is undermining the very foundation of democracy. Instead of trusting and engaging with fellow Americans who may hold different views, there's a growing trend towards labeling and distrusting those with opposing political perspectives as dangerous or evil. This distrust leads to moral purity debates that hinder collective struggle for change and serve as a distraction from the real issues, such as a system rigged by plutocrats. It's essential to remember that democracy requires dealing with people who have different views, even if they can be frustrating at times. The two paths forward are towards an authoritarian police state or a real democracy. The less we trust our fellow adults to handle information, the more likely we are to willingly hand over our democratic rights in exchange for censorship. The ongoing debate over Rogan is a symptom of this poisoning of the American ideal and, if allowed to metastasize, will destroy whatever good is left. Instead, we should focus on building a real democracy where all voices are heard and engaged with.

    • The commercialization of medical knowledge affects US healthcare rankingDespite high spending, US healthcare ranks low due to commercialized medical research, with drug companies controlling studies, data, and peer reviews, and hiding information, raising concerns about transparency and trust.

      The American healthcare system is underperforming, with the US ranking 68th in healthy life expectancy, despite spending an extra $1.5 trillion a year. This issue, according to investigative journalist and author, Sagar Enjeti, can be attributed to the commercialization of medical knowledge. Drug companies control the research agenda, studies, data, and even peer review processes, shaping doctors' decisions and public perception. The lack of transparency and oversight in this system is concerning, especially when considering the history of drug companies rigging trials and hiding data. For instance, Pfizer's fight with the FDA to keep COVID-19 vaccine trial data hidden for 75 years raises questions about transparency and trust. While real-world data shows that unvaccinated individuals have a 20 times higher risk of dying from COVID-19, the need for access to comprehensive data is crucial for making informed decisions. The process of developing a drug, getting it approved by the FDA, and ultimately prescribing it to patients is complex and can be corrupted. Enjeti's work highlights the importance of transparency and oversight to ensure that medical knowledge is not influenced by commercial interests alone.

    • Pharmaceutical industry's control over clinical research and medical knowledge disseminationDoctors make decisions based on biased and potentially inaccurate info due to pharma's control over clinical trials, peer review, and research funding. Independent peer review, an assessment agency, and controlling drug prices can improve system's accuracy and fairness.

      The pharmaceutical industry's significant control over clinical research and medical knowledge dissemination in the United States has led to a system where doctors make decisions based on biased and potentially inaccurate information. Drug companies fund the majority of clinical trials, hire contract research organizations to conduct the research, and exert influence over academic medical centers for the 26% of research they don't control. The peer review process, which doctors rely on to make informed decisions, often fails to thoroughly vet the data. Additionally, cost effectiveness studies and health technology assessments, which could help determine the most effective treatments for patients, are not allowed to be funded by federal money or included in government-sponsored recommendations. To address these issues, real peer review with access to raw data, an independent health technology assessment agency, and controlling the price of drugs are necessary steps to improve the accuracy and fairness of the healthcare system.

    • The pharmaceutical industry's influence on American healthcareTransparency and fairness are crucial in healthcare, with measures like health tech assessments, cost effectiveness research, and releasing drug data helping to bring US standards closer to other wealthy nations. Penalties for drug companies should match the severity of wrongdoing, and media should ensure access to accurate vaccine info without censorship.

      The influence of the pharmaceutical industry in American healthcare is a significant issue that contributes to distorted priorities and a lack of transparency. This influence extends to lobbying, hiring key opinion leaders, and controlling the price of drugs. Simple measures such as health technology assessments, cost effectiveness research, and releasing drug data can help bring American healthcare closer to the standards of other wealthy countries. Additionally, penalties for drug companies found guilty of wrongdoing should be commensurate with the crime. Regarding vaccine hesitancy, the media's focus on personal responsibility can fuel mistrust when important data is not made available. It's crucial for the public to have access to accurate information and for guardrails to be put in place to ensure the quality of information without censorship. Joe Rogan, who has been a platform for various perspectives on healthcare, deserves fair treatment in media discourse. The complexities of information dissemination in the digital age require ongoing discussion and solutions.

    • Premium Subscriptions and Social Media ExpansionCreators value their subscribers for funding their work and expanding their reach on social media platforms. They encourage following them on various platforms and announce partnerships, while emphasizing community support and mental health care.

      The premium subscriptions from the audience are crucial for the content creators to continue producing authentic and independent content, while also expanding their reach to various social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. The creators expressed their gratitude towards their subscribers for funding their work and enabling them to bring in collaborators like Matt Stoller and Abramson, while maintaining their genuine stance. Additionally, the creators encouraged their audience to follow them on various social media platforms and announced partnerships with companies like Undercover Tourist and 20th Century Studios. The episode also featured sponsorships from Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and BetterHelp, emphasizing the importance of community support and mental health care.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

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    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


    Merch Store: https://shop.breakingpoints.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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