
    2/8/22: Dems Mask Shift, Facebook News, Rogan Drama, Portnoy Scoop, Les Wexner, CNN Implosion, Class Politics, & More!

    enFebruary 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • US Cellular, Undercover Tourist, Cambridge, Krystal and Sagar, Facebook, Rumble, Leslie Wexner, Democratic GovernorsUS Cellular promotes disconnecting, Undercover Tourist offers Walt Disney discounts, Cambridge introduces parity flex annuity, Krystal and Sagar's show seeks support, Facebook, Rumble, Leslie Wexner face updates, Democratic governors end mask mandates

      US Cellular encourages us to disconnect from our smartphones for five hours, while Undercover Tourist offers discounted adult theme park tickets at Walt Disney World. Meanwhile, Cambridge introduces the parity flex annuity for women's retirement needs. Krystal and Sagar's Breaking Points show is seeking support to challenge corporate media, and there are significant developments regarding Facebook, Rumble, and political donors like Leslie Wexner. Democratic governors in Delaware and New Jersey have announced the end of mask mandates, signaling a shift from pandemic to endemic status.

    • Mask mandates in schools and public places being lifted in some statesDespite ongoing debates, mask mandates are being lifted in certain states due to court challenges and public pressure, with concerns over child development and language development adding to the argument for lifting these mandates.

      The tide is turning against mask mandates in schools and other public places, as governors in various states, including Virginia, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Oregon, have announced their plans to lift these mandates. This comes after a number of court challenges to these mandates, with some parents arguing that the decision should be left to local districts. The Virginia Supreme Court recently rejected a challenge to the governor's executive order, but several school districts are continuing to litigate the issue. Despite public opinion being generally in favor of lifting mask mandates, there is strong opposition from those who believe masks are necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19, particularly in schools. It's worth noting that the US is an outlier in its approach to masking children, with European recommendations being no mask for those under 12. Additionally, there are detriments to wearing masks, including potential negative impacts on child development and language development. With the availability of vaccines and the progress of the pandemic, it seems that the right move is to move away from mask mandates, both from an evidence-based perspective and from a political one.

    • Political fights over COVID policies: Abrams' mask controversyPoliticians' inconsistency and hypocrisy on COVID policies, especially mask-wearing, can be exploited by opponents and damage their public image. Consistency and authenticity are crucial in politics.

      The photo of Stacey Abrams not wearing a mask during a school event, despite requiring everyone else to do so, became a symbol of the political fights over COVID policies. This incident was quickly exploited by her opponents, including Georgia gubernatorial candidates Brian Kemp and David Perdue, who criticized her for her hypocrisy. Abrams responded by playing the race card, stating that Republicans were using the Black History Month event to fuel a predictable critique. However, this defense was seen as outrageous by many, and it highlighted her inconsistency on mask-wearing. The photo also exposed the theater of signaling virtuousness and the hypocrisy of some politicians during the pandemic. As we head into the midterms, Democrats are shifting their positions on COVID policies, and the economy is expected to be the central issue in the election. Republicans will continue to use incidents like this to paint a caricaturish view of Democrats and their policies. Overall, the photo and the subsequent controversy underscore the importance of consistency and authenticity in politics.

    • Biden Administration Adjusts COVID-19 Hospitalization Numbers, Facebook Faces Revenue ChallengesThe Biden administration aims to improve public perception of COVID-19 progress by adjusting hospitalization numbers, while Facebook deals with a decline in daily active users and Apple's new privacy policies limiting data access, highlighting the tension between health and privacy concerns and corporate finances.

      The Biden administration is trying to recalculate COVID-19 hospitalization numbers to show progress and improve public perception, while the decline in daily active users on Facebook and Apple's new privacy policies are significant challenges for the social media giant's revenue. The administration's attempt to adjust COVID-19 hospitalization data comes as the Omicron variant's infectious nature leads to an increase in hospitalizations for other reasons. Meanwhile, Facebook faced its largest one-day stock drop ever due to a decline in daily active users for the first time in its history and Apple's privacy changes limiting the amount of user data Facebook can access. These developments highlight the ongoing tension between public health and privacy concerns and the financial implications for major corporations.

    • Facebook's Challenges: Declining User Base and Uncertain Future Business MovesFacebook faces significant challenges including declining daily active users, uncertain future business moves in the metaverse, and the loss of a key investor and board member.

      Facebook, once a cultural behemoth, is facing significant challenges as young people abandon the platform, daily active users decline, and demographics shift. The company's revenue model is under pressure, and its future business move, the metaverse, is uncertain and expensive. Moreover, Facebook's attempt to acquire the next big thing, as seen in the past with Instagram and WhatsApp, is complicated by the lack of a clear player to acquire in the metaverse. The company's core business is crumbling, yet it continues to invest heavily in the metaverse, spending billions with uncertain returns. Additionally, Facebook's board member and early investor, Peter Thiel, has left the company after 18 years to pursue his political agenda. These challenges underscore the uncertainty surrounding Facebook's future and its ability to remain relevant in the rapidly changing social media landscape.

    • Thiel's departure from Facebook's board signals a shift for the companyFacebook may lose its innovative edge, face policy shifts, and navigate a new chapter without Thiel's influence

      Mark Zuckerberg's departure from Facebook's board of directors marks a significant shift for the company. With Thiel's departure, Facebook may lose its original edge and innovative spirit, potentially leading to a future as a transactional platform rather than a cutting-edge social media giant. Additionally, Thiel's advocacy for free speech and anti-censorship may no longer have a strong voice within the company, potentially leading to policy shifts. Thiel's political views and business interests outside of Facebook, such as SpaceX and his criticism of big tech companies, may also influence his future actions and public rhetoric. Overall, this departure marks a new chapter for Facebook, and it remains to be seen how the company will navigate this change.

    • The Arizona Senate primary for Republicans is uncertain with Blake Masters, Doug Ducey, and potential Trump endorsementsThe Arizona Republican primary for the Senate seat is uncertain with Blake Masters, Doug Ducey, and potential Trump endorsements. Masters' past comments against Trump and election controversy may impact his chances, but neither he nor Ducey are guaranteed to win.

      The Republican primary in Arizona for the Senate seat against Mark Kelly is a complex and uncertain situation. Blake Masters, a potential candidate backed by Peter Thiel and JD Vance, is currently in fourth place but may gain Trump's favor, while Doug Ducey, the governor, is also considering entering the race. Masters' past anti-Trump commentary and the ongoing controversy over the 2020 election results may impact his chances. However, neither Masters nor Ducey are guaranteed to win the primary. Additionally, Joe Rogan's contract dispute with Spotify and Rumble's offer for him to exclusively stream on their platform for $100 million over four years is an interesting development, but it's unlikely to happen due to contractual obligations and financial reasons. Ultimately, the network effects and litigation within large social media companies make them the dominant players in the industry, making alternatives less appealing.

    • Competing with Established Tech Giants: Challenges for Alternative PlatformsAddressing competition and censorship in tech requires a multifaceted approach, combining private market solutions and government intervention. Success often lies in creating a new market rather than just competing in an existing one.

      The issue of competition and censorship in tech, particularly in social media and content platforms, is a complex problem that requires more than just private market solutions. The conversation highlighted the challenges faced by alternative platforms trying to compete with established ones and the limitations of a business model based on being an alternative. The success of Substack was attributed to its unique value proposition of creating a new market rather than just competing in an existing one. However, the conversation also acknowledged the importance of government intervention through antitrust, regulation, or even nationalization in addressing the root causes of market dominance and censorship issues. The resurfacing of past controversial content, as seen in the Rogen situation, underscores the need for a more nuanced approach to these issues, taking into account the vastness and complexity of the internet and the importance of network effects. Ultimately, solving these problems requires recognizing the unique challenges and phases of each situation and approaching them with a clear understanding of the market dynamics at play.

    • Live stream discussion on cancel culture and moral hypocrisyAccusations of cancel culture and moral hypocrisy were thrown during a live stream between Dave Portnoy and the Mesilias brothers, with allegations of past use of the n-word and using campaigns for personal gain.

      The use of cancel culture and moral hypocrisy was a topic of discussion during a live stream between Dave Portnoy and the Mesilias brothers, who are accused of being behind various cancellation campaigns. The brothers were called out for their involvement in campaigns against Barstool and Joe Rogan, and for using the n-word in the past. Portnoy accused them of being hypocrites for their public moral stance while allegedly engaging in similar behavior privately. The discussion also touched upon the idea that everyone makes mistakes and that forgiveness and reconciliation are important in society. The Mesilias brothers were also accused of using their campaigns as a way to generate donations. Leslie Wexner, a billionaire and founder of L Brands, was also mentioned in the discussion as a powerful figure in the 1980s.

    • Leslie Wexner's Controversial Connection to Jeffrey EpsteinDespite warnings about Epstein's inappropriate behavior, Wexner continued to associate with him, giving him power of attorney and a $56 million mansion. Wexner's recent political donation raises questions about potential liability and continued protection. Allegations of assault at Wexner's Ohio compound add to the controversy.

      Leslie Wexner, a once central figure in American commerce, has been linked to Jeffrey Epstein's immense wealth and connections. Wexner, now banished from polite society, recently resurfaced in the political world by making a $250,000 donation to the Republican Governors Association. However, their relationship spans from the 1980s to the 2000s, and it's widely believed that Epstein had something on Wexner. Wexner had given Epstein power of attorney over his finances in 1991 and gifted him a $56 million mansion in 2011. Despite warnings from senior executives about Epstein's inappropriate behavior, Wexner continued to associate with him and even provided him with the funds to enable his lifestyle and access to elite circles. The Republican Governors Association's acceptance of Wexner's donation raises questions about potential liability and continued protection. Additionally, one of Epstein's survivors alleged that Epstein assaulted her at Wexner's Ohio compound in 1996. It's clear that Wexner's relationship with Epstein was not as innocent as he portrays it to be.

    • Wexner's Close Relationship with Epstein and DeWine's Role in DonationsDespite Wexner's denial, Epstein allegedly carried out heinous acts at Wexner's estate. Ohio's AG DeWine may have facilitated donations from Wexner to local politicians.

      The close relationship between Les Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein allowed Epstein to allegedly carry out heinous acts at Wexner's estate, despite Wexner and his wife's denial of knowledge. Additionally, it appears that Ohio's Attorney General Mike DeWine may have played a role in facilitating donations from Wexner to Ohio-based political candidates. Regarding CNN, the hiring of Jonah Goldberg as a contributor raises questions given his past controversial statements and actions, including his support for the Iraq War and his recent criticism of Fox News while joining elite media outlets. Goldberg's history of self-proclaimed elitist positions on trade and foreign policy, combined with his criticism of Fox News, creates a complex dynamic. While he may criticize Fox News, he has found success in elite media and even co-founded The Dispatch. The forgiveness of certain sins in media circles, such as Goldberg and Stephen Hayes' past mistakes, is a topic of debate. Some argue that these individuals should be held accountable for their past actions, while others view their expertise and analysis as valuable contributions.

    • Media Controversies and Power DynamicsThe media landscape is complex and influenced by personal biases, power dynamics, and public opinion. Controversies surrounding individual hirings and media cancellation culture raise questions about accountability and the role of media figures as watchdogs or defenders.

      The media landscape is complex and influenced by various factors, including personal biases, power dynamics, and public opinion. The discussion between the speakers highlights the controversy surrounding the hiring of a certain individual by CNN, raising questions about the role of individuals in shaping media organizations and the potential consequences of favoritism and loyalty. The speakers also criticize the double standards in media cancellation culture and the lack of accountability for those who have led to significant issues, such as wars and economic instability. The speakers also discuss the challenges faced by CNN and the role of figures like Brian Stelter, who are supposed to be media watchdogs but instead act as defenders and loyalists to those in power. Overall, the conversation sheds light on the intricacies of media dynamics and the importance of holding those in positions of power accountable for their actions.

    • Jeff Zucker Scandal Exposes CNN's Corruption and HypocrisyThe Jeff Zucker scandal at CNN revealed deep-rooted corruption and political favoritism, but CNN's defense and focus on Zucker's departure ignored their own unethical practices, and the cable news industry's business model perpetuates corruption.

      The Jeff Zucker scandal at CNN revealed a deep-rooted culture of corruption and political favoritism within the organization. Brian Stelter's defense of Zucker and attack on Fox News hypocritically ignored CNN's own unethical practices. The sudden departure of Zucker left CNN's so-called journalists in shock and mourning, more concerned about losing their benefactor than addressing the corruption. Despite the revelations, it is unlikely that CNN will change its business model and commit to journalistic integrity. The cable news industry, built on access journalism, tribal partisanship, and an aging audience, is riddled with corruption. The scandal was a masterstroke by Zucker, as it distracted from the real issue: the core business model of CNN.

    • Media Hypocrisy and FavoritismThe media's culture of favoritism, political correctness, and hypocrisy can damage authenticity and create a disconnected public, leading to support for figures like Trump.

      The culture of favoritism, political correctness, and hypocrisy in media, as exemplified by the CNN-Brian Stelter-The Rock-Joe Rogan controversy, can undermine authenticity and create a system with no bottom in public life. The Rock's quick denunciation of Rogan after being called out for his past use of a racial slur, despite their long friendship, showcases this issue. This hypocrisy can lead people to feel disconnected from the political establishment and vote for figures like Donald Trump, who embodies a rejection of this mindset. The Rock's authentic brand was damaged by his denouncement, and the situation highlights the importance of consistency and authenticity in public figures. Additionally, the double standard in media and society regarding who gets called out for past offensive comments can be detrimental and counterproductive.

    • The ongoing culture war and its destructive outcomesThe culture war's focus on attitudes over institutional causes hinders progress and fuels reactionary backlash.

      The current cultural and political climate is driving more people towards extreme positions, as seen in the growing appeal of figures like Donald Trump. The more the liberal establishment engages in public "witch hunts," the more they encourage millions of people to reject them and assert their power through the ballot box. This dynamic, as professor Adolph Reed Jr. explained in his book "The South, Jim Crow and its After Lives," is a consequence of the ongoing culture war and the shift from recognizing institutional causes of racial inequality to viewing it as solely rooted in attitudes. This mindset not only hinders progress but also reinforces reactionary backlash. Until we move beyond this cultural stalemate, we'll continue to see divisive politics and potentially destructive outcomes.

    • Neoliberal Antiracism Shift and Class PerspectiveThe neoliberal antiracism period (2015-2016) led to conceptual and ideological problems in projects like 1619. The speaker's work reflects his class-conscious upbringing, recognizing societal dynamics and the importance of position within the social structure.

      The high period of neoliberal antiracism, which emerged around 2015-2016, marked a significant shift in American politics, leading to the conceptual and ideological problems seen in projects like 1619. The speaker's perspective on class and its role in American life was influenced by his upbringing and family history. He grew up recognizing the class and political economic dynamics that shaped society, and this understanding is reflected in his work. The speaker emphasizes that life under Jim Crow was not a permanent state of fear but rather a mundane existence where people formed aspirations and tried to pursue them within the context of the hegemonic order. The speaker also notes the importance of position within the social structure, which influenced one's ability to engage with the system and insulate oneself. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the recent monuments controversies, emphasizing that understanding the historical context is crucial for recognizing the complexities of the past.

    • Ignoring the past doesn't solve present-day inequalitiesFocusing solely on removing symbols of the past as a solution to present-day inequalities is not enough. Expand our focus beyond the past to address the root causes of inequality in the present.

      Focusing solely on removing symbols of the past, such as monuments, as a solution to present-day inequalities is not enough. The speaker shares his personal experience of growing up unaware of the controversial history behind a monument in New Orleans, which was a commemoration of an armed insurrection against Reconstruction government. He argues that this sensibility, which feeds into the current discourse of trauma as a basis for new political claims, can be harmful and distract from addressing the root causes of inequality in the present. The speaker also expresses concern about the growing anti-racist neoliberal movement and its focus on understanding present injustice in terms drawn from the past. He believes that it is important to expand our focus beyond the past and address the systems and structures that perpetuate inequality in the present.

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