
    2. Make Room for Peace

    enDecember 11, 2023
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    About this Episode

    We all want to forget the year 2020, especially those spring months when the COVID virus and the fear of the unknown began to move around the globe. However, in the midst of that pandemic we learned where people go to find peace. The Bible.

    During the hardest moments of 2020, Bible searches soared online and a record number of people turned to Scripture for passages addressing fear, healing, and justice. The YouVersion Bible app saw searches increase by 80%, totaling nearly 600 million worldwide. YouVersion found Bobby Gruenewald said,
    "Through every hardship, people continue to seek God and turn to the Bible for strength, peace, and hope. While 2020 is a year so many say they'd like to forget, we see it as a year to remember how God used the Bible app to help so many people who were searching for answers."

    Overall, the app tracked 43.6 billion chapters of the Bible read in 2020, with half a billion verses shared, its highest on record. So for many people, reading Scripture is a way that they find peace in their moments of stress and anxiety. What do you do to find peace?

    Finding peace is something that a lot of people, maybe even you, are trying to find. The unfortunate reality is we end up pursuing a lot of unhealthy comforts which in the end don't bring peace, and instead hook us into habits that hurt. This is one of the reason why Scripture admonishes us to practice discipline, and self control in our pursuit of finding the peace that only Jesus can give. This is why this Christmas season we are practicing some of the disciplines of advent.

    Advent challenges us to make space for Jesus in our lives by preparing for his coming through worship, prayer, fasting, Scripture reading and acts of generosity. On Sunday we will continue with part two of our advent sermon series by discovering how we can find true peace in our lives when we make room for Jesus in our chaotic lives. To join us on the journey give a listen to part two of Make Room.

    Recent Episodes from Iowa City Church Podcast

    9. The Most Important Thing

    9. The Most Important Thing

    The story is told of a man who was on a business trip and stayed in a hotel that had a bug problem. There were bugs all over his room. He complained about this to the management and later wrote a letter of complaint to the main office of the hotel chain. 

    Sometime later he received a letter signed by the President of the company. It said:

    We are humiliated that a man of your integrity, a man of your reputation, a man of your importance in the community should have had this experience in one of our hotels. We are deeply sorry.” 

    This made the man feel somewhat better about the situation until, as he was folding the letter to put it away, he noticed a little piece of paper at the bottom of the envelope, obviously not supposed to have been included. It was in the President’s handwriting and it read: “Send this guy the ‘bug letter.’”

    Unfortunately, this is the way we sometimes treat other people.  We send them the ”bug letter,” the form letter. We give them the tired, old cliches: We ask them:
    How are you?” when we don’t really care.
    We say “have a nice day," or "I'm so sorry,” when really we couldn’t care less.

    When Jesus was asked which of the commandments was the most important he replied with two.

    "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." ~ Mark 12:30-31
    According to Jesus the only way to truly love God requires us to love people as we love ourselves. Now, there is a lot going on in this text but the bottom line is simple: a disciple of Jesus loves God by loving people.

    That's easy enough to remember and say, yet actually loving someone is much harder to do. True love requires something of us...it requires us to truly care about others, even if they are our enemy.

    Each day we come into contact with people who will have one thing in common: they're struggling with something. They will tell us about loved ones who are sick, loved ones who have died, loved ones who have problems. They will share with us their sufferings, their heartaches, their fears. 

    Perhaps Mark Twain was right when he said, “You should never tell people your problems because 80 percent of them won’t care, and the other 20 percent will think you deserve them!” 

    Let us not send them the “bug letter.”  Let us listen carefully and mean it when we say we care. Jesus never sent anyone a “bug letter.”  We shouldn’t either. To better understand what this would look like in your life, check out part nine of our sermon series through the Gospel of Mark.

    8. Sometimes Things Are Not As They Appear

    8. Sometimes Things Are Not As They Appear

    I'm not very familiar with figs or fig trees. My only connection might be that I enjoy a Fig Newton every once in a while, that's about it. However, a fig tree becomes a central point of emphasis for what Jesus teaches in chapter 11 of Mark's gospel.

    Jesus and his disciples are heading into Jerusalem, and Jesus is hungry. Up ahead he sees a fig tree, mature and full of leaves. Even though it's a little early for the fig harvest he's hoping to score some figs. However, when he gets to the tree he discovers there is no sign of fruit, not even a little bud. Here is what he says:

    "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." ~ Mark 11:14

    Jesus then proceeds with his disciples up into the grand and majestic Temple, the place which represented the presence of God amongst his people, and what does Jesus find? He finds corruption, injustice, and in his own words "a den of robbers". He then cleans house and leaves the Temple.

    The next morning as Jesus and his disciples make their way back into the city here is what they saw:

    "they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. Peter remembered and said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!" ~ Mark 11:20-21

    What's the point Jesus is trying to make? Don't just appear to be faithful to God (the leaves of the fig tree/the beautiful Temple). True faithfulness to God produces fruit not corruption. As Jesus says: "Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them." ~ Matthew 7:20

    What does this teaching mean for those who are disciples of Jesus? You can look the part of a disciple with your "leaves": going to church, giving money, reading the Bible, having theological knowledge, and being a morally good person. However, if there is no "fruit" what good are you to the Kingdom of God?

    These are strong words by Jesus and ones we must wrestle with on our journey of following him. To learn more about what the "fruit" of a disciple is and how to develop it, check out episode eight of Come, Follow, Me.

    7. Jesus Lives In Your Neighborhood

    7. Jesus Lives In Your Neighborhood

    "Father Damien was a priest who became famous for his willingness to serve lepers. He moved to Kalawao—a village on the island of Molokai, in Hawaii, that had been quarantined to serve as a leper colony. For 16 years, he lived in their midst. He learned to speak their language. He bandaged their wounds, embraced the bodies no one else would touch, preached to hearts that would otherwise have been left alone. He organized schools, bands, and choirs. He built homes so that the lepers could have shelter. He built 2,000 coffins by hand so that, when they died, they could be buried with dignity. Slowly, it was said, Kalawao became a place to live rather than a place to die, for Father Damien offered hope.

    Father Damien was not careful about keeping his distance. He did nothing to separate himself from his people. He dipped his fingers in the poi bowl along with the patients. He shared his pipe. He did not always wash his hands after bandaging open sores. He got close. For this, the people loved him.

    Then one day he stood up and began his sermon with two words: "We lepers…."

    Now he wasn't just helping them. Now he was one of them. From this day forward, he wasn't just on their island; he was in their skin. First he had chosen to live as they lived; now he would die as they died. Now they were in it together.

    One day God came to Earth and began his message: "We lepers…." Now he wasn't just helping us. Now he was one of us. Now he was in our skin. Now we were in it together." ~ John Ortberg, God Is Closer Than You Think

    Why did Father Damian give his life in service to the people on the island of Kalawao? He did so because that was the example set for him...and all Christians by Jesus himself.

    "For even the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." ~ Mark 10:45

    More then any word Jesus spoke, it was his actions of serving that have most impacted each of us. It was Francis of Assisi who said, "Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." When each of us begins to model the actions of King Jesus in our neighborhoods, our lives and our neighborhoods, literally begin to change. 

    Also, there is one more biblical truth you need to be reminded of: Jesus lives in your neighborhood; he lives in the form of that person who needs to be helped by you, who needs to be served by you. Jesus is the lonely kid who just needs somebody to play catch with him. Jesus is the elderly widow who is dying of loneliness. Jesus is that young couple who would give anything for a person with a healthy marriage to come over and encourage them and say, "You know what? You can make it through this. It's okay. We'll help you."

    Jesus said:

    "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me." ~ Matthew 25:40

    Jesus Christ is in your neighborhood, and he's waiting for you to reach out and serve him. He's waiting for you to choose to be a servant, not to serve just when it's convenient, but to serve because you are his disciple. To learn more about what this looks like in your life, give a listen to part seven of Come, Follow, Me.

    6. The Cost of Following Jesus

    6. The Cost of Following Jesus

    In August of 2003, the Church of the Holy Cross in New York City was broken into twice. In the first break-in, thieves made away with a metal moneybox that had been resting next to a votive candle rack. Three weeks later, vandals escaped with something much more valuable: they unbolted a 4-foot long, 200-pound plaster Jesus from a meditation area, taking the statue of Christ, but leaving behind his wooden cross on the wall. The church caretaker, David St. James, confessed his bewilderment at this: "They just decided, 'We're going to leave the cross and take Jesus.' We don't know why they took just him. We figure if you want the crucifix, you take the whole crucifix." In other words, David St. James was saying, "If you want Jesus, you take his cross, too."

    It only makes sense if you want Jesus, the cross is a part of the deal; that's one of the many reasons why Jesus is so amazing! For the Christian, the cross of Christ represents love, grace and forgiveness. You take Jesus and his cross.

    But what about your cross? If you follow Jesus, you have a cross as well...at least that's what Jesus says.

    "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." ~ Mark 8:34

    There are a lot of people who are fans of Jesus; they agree with some of the things he says, they appreciate the love and forgiveness...they even wear a "Jesus Is My Homeboy" t-shirt! However being a disciple of Jesus isn't about agreement or fandom...it's about self denial, allegiance and loyalty. Here's why this matters according to Jesus:

    "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it." ~ Mark 8:35

    Intuitively we think that by preserving our lives we save them, yet according to Jesus by surrendering our lives, our passions and even our desires over to the cross (our own cross) we will find life. So the question we all have to wrestle with is this: Will I take Jesus, his cross and my cross too?

    To better understand what this looks like in your life, make sure and listen to part six of Come, Follow, Me.

    4. The Dirt Matters

    4. The Dirt Matters

    In a few months we will see tractors working the soil in the fields surrounding Iowa City. We will also observe countless people tilling the soil in their backyards, prepping the ground for the huge gardens they are about to plant. Here is what the farmer and the gardener both know well: the dirt matters.

    One doesn't just throw some seeds onto any type of soil. The ground needs to be a rich, dark, black...well aerated with enough moisture. Using rocky or weedy soil is not going to produce the crop anyone wants and if the ground is like concrete--well you can forget about it!

    Here's the thing, we all intuitively know this to be true however, we don't often realize that it applies to our lives as well. Our ability to follow and grow in Jesus is directly related to the kind of "soil" we are. This basic truth is the basis of Jesus' parable of the soils found in Mark 4:1-12.

    How does one prepare their "soil" to best grow the instructions Jesus wants to implant into our lives? Jesus actually gives us the key. It's found at the beginning of his parable of the soils.

    "He taught them many things by parables, and in his teaching said: "Listen!" ~ Mark 4:2-3

    Our ability to grow as disciples of Jesus lies in our ability to listen to Jesus. A lot of people heard the words of Jesus, but very few people actually listened to Jesus. Here's the question, do you hear Jesus or do you listen to him?

    Why does any of this even matter? It matters because what you become in the Kingdom of God is directly related to your ability to listen to Jesus. Simply put, your life could potentially take a completely different trajectory if you learn how to listen to Jesus!

    To learn more, give a listen to part four of Come, Follow, Me.

    3. Who Is Jesus?

    3. Who Is Jesus?

    Imagine the mystery and delight of not just hearing, but seeing the story of Jesus for the first time, almost as an eyewitness.

    That's what happened to a tribe in the jungles of East Asia when missionaries showed them the Jesus film. Not only had these people never heard of Jesus, they had never seen a motion picture. Then, on one unforgettable evening, they saw it all—the gospel in their own language, visible and real.

    Imagine again how it felt to see this good man, Jesus, who healed the sick and was adored by children, held without trial and beaten by jeering soldiers. As they watched this, the people came unglued. They stood up and began to shout at the cruel men on the screen, demanding that this outrage stop.

    When nothing happened, they attacked the missionary running the projector. Perhaps he was responsible for this injustice! He was forced to stop the film and explain that the story wasn't over yet; there was more. So they settled back onto the ground, holding their emotions in tenuous check.

    Then came the crucifixion. Again, the people could not hold back. They began to weep and wail with such loud grief that, once again, the film had to be stopped. The missionary again tried to calm them, explaining that the story still wasn't over; there was more. So they composed themselves and sat down to see what happened next.

    Then came the resurrection. Pandemonium broke out this time, but for a different reason. The gathering had spontaneously erupted into a party. The noise now was of jubilation, and it was deafening. The people were dancing and slapping each other on the back. Christ is risen, indeed!

    Again the missionary had to shut off the projector; this time he didn't tell them to calm down and wait for what was next. All that was supposed to happen—in the story and in their lives—was happening. (Source: Ben Patterson, "Resurrection and Pandemonium," Leadership Journal)

    Can you imagine experiencing Jesus for the very first time in such a unique and powerful way? This is Mark's goal as he writes his account of Jesus of Nazareth; he wants his readers to be introduced to Jesus in such a way that their lives are changed forever.

    This is one of the reasons Mark's Gospel is short, action-packed and focused on answering this one question: Who is Jesus? Mark knows that if his readers learn that Jesus is King, it will provide them with someone to lead them through life. Mark also know that if his readers understand that Jesus is God's Son, they will be able to find forgiveness and relationship with God. These are just two examples of how Mark strives to answer the question: Who is Jesus?

    Do you know Jesus? To see Jesus with fresh eyes, give a listen to part three of Come, Follow, Me.

    2. The Kingdom Mission

    2. The Kingdom Mission

    In the late 1600s and early 1700s a half-literate Italian craftsman named Antonio Stradivari designed and made a series of beautiful musical instruments. Today, those violins, named after the Latinized form of his name, Stradivarius, are considered priceless. In 2010, a Stradivarius was purchased for $3.6 million. It is believed there are only around five hundred of them still in existence, some of which have been submitted to the most intense scientific examination in an attempt to reproduce their extraordinary sound quality. But no one has been able to replicate Stradivari's craftsmanship.

    Today we do know that Stradivari used spruce for the top, willow for the internal blocks and linings, and maple for the back, ribs, and neck. He also treated the wood with several types of minerals, including potassium borate, sodium and potassium silicate, as well as a handmade varnish that appears to have been composed of gum arabic, honey, and egg white.

    But the genius craftsman never once recorded his technique for posterity. Instead, he passed on his knowledge to a number of his apprentices through what one scholar called "elbow learning." The apprentices of the great Stradivari didn't learn their craft from books or manuals but by sitting at his elbow and feeling the wood as he felt it to assess its length, its balance, and its timbre right there in their fingertips. All the learning happened at his elbow, and all the knowledge was contained in his fingers.

    As Jesus begins his ministry of announcing the good news about the Kingdom of God, the very first thing that he does is find some apprentices, you would know them as disciples. Here is how he invites one third of his disciples into their apprenticeship.

    "Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men." ~ Mark 1:17

    We learn a lot from Jesus' strategy for growing the Kingdom; it's more then just announcing good news. The Kingdom strategy for expansion is about finding apprentices/disciples and inviting them to engage in some "elbow learning".

    Who showed you how to be a Christian? Was it a parent or family member? A friend? Or was it a book you read, a class you took or a video you watched?

    What is clearly missing when it comes to living as a follower of Jesus is good, old fashioned, 
    Stradivarian, "elbow learning". To discover more about Jesus' strategy for making "elbow learning" disciples, check out the lastest sermon from, Come, Follow, Me.

    1. Looking For Some Good News?

    1. Looking For Some Good News?

    On June 23, 2018, 12 members of the Wild Boars youth soccer team and their coach entered caves in Northern Thailand. Things drastically changed when torrential rains caused flooding that trapped them all in the Than Luang Nang Non cave system.

    Hundreds of rescuers from around the world teamed up to save the boys and their coach. It took nine days for the divers to find the team and it took another eight days to rescue them all. In total, the boys and their coach were trapped for 17 days in a flooded cave with little food and water. There are a number of books, movies and television series depicting the dramatic events of the Tham Luang Cave Rescue

    Now imagine you are one of those boys, trapped with your teammates for nine days, in a flooded dark cave, not sure anyone even knows where you are...not sure if you will ever be found! When suddenly a diver bursts through the water with a flash light to let you know that they are going to rescue you. Good news? Absolutely!

    However, it's only good news if you need to be rescued. If you were to say those same words to the person pumping gas across from you and the gas station, they would think you were weird! Sometimes good news may not appear to be good news, especially if we don't think it's relevant to our circumstances. 

    In this sermon we begin a twelve week journey through the Gospel of Mark. Here's the opening line from Mark's book:

    "The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God" ~ Mark 1:1

    Good news? Well, I guess it depends. Do you need to be rescued? Do you need a King? Do you want God to personally intervene in your life through the person of Jesus? If the answer is "Yes" well, according to Mark you've come to the right place!

    However, if the answer is "No" you've still come to the right place. Mark is going to make a powerful case as to why Jesus is the King you have been looking for and the Savior your soul desperately needs. Maybe by taking an open minded look at who Jesus is, you will discover that he is the good news you have been looking for. To be a part of this journey, take a few minutes and listen to this sermon. Enjoy!

    New Year. New You?

    New Year. New You?

    Kintsukuroi (golden repair) is the Japanese art of repairing damaged pottery with gold or silver lacquer. If you take a few minutes and search the internet you will find countless examples of kintsukuroi. In fact, if you want to give it a try, simply drop your favorite coffee cup and then order a kintsukuroi kit. In no time your coffee stained mug will be turned into a piece of coffee drinking art!

    However, kintsukuroi is more then just an art form, it's also a way of thinking about life. 
    As a philosophy, kintsukuroi celebrates imperfection as an integral part of our story. The artists believe that when something has suffered damage and has a history, it becomes more beautiful.

    As we enter into a New Year, how are you feeling about a new you? We all have these broken pieces in our lives and every New Year just reminds us that nothing is really going to change. Others of you may currently be feeling like a shattered plate spread all across the dining room floor. The last thing on your mind is being made new, especially when you can't even pull yourself together? Does kintsukuroi even happen for people with broken lives?

    The apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth, a collection of Christians feeling this sense of brokenness, and he states this fact:

    "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

    Allegiance to Jesus puts us back together...makes us new! It's not our strength, discipline or hard work which puts us together, it's the power of God working in our lives. A few verses earlier the apostle writes:

    "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." ~ 2 Corinthians 4:7

    It appears God has his own form of kintsukuroi, where He takes the broken pieces of our lives and uses the power of Jesus to make us new again. If you would like to learn more about how this can happen in your life, give a listen to New Year. New You?


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