
    About this Episode

    It’s the last month of 2020, and I have some yearly reminders and lessons learned for you and the community. These reminders help us gain perspective as we close out one challenging year and move forward onto the next year with an optimistic and realistic perspective. Your action step today and message me on Instagram with your lessons learned and what you’re grateful for. The comments with be shared on the Dec 23rd episode.

     Instagram: @feelingseen.beingheard

    Recent Episodes from Feeling Seen & Being Heard with Maddie Ofina

    Learning to find your voice, overcoming fear and overthinking.

    Learning to find your voice, overcoming fear and overthinking.

    In this episode of Feeling Seen and Being Heard, we discuss how to get out of the planning stage and into the action stage of our lives. We talk about stepping up and stepping into our power. We discuss the blocks in our process and normalize how we all can get in our way.

    Love, bell hooks, and Mental Wellness.

    Love, bell hooks, and Mental Wellness.

    n this episode, we define love and the parts of love. We discuss how love and abuse cannot coexist and how we don't inherently know what love is if healthy love is not modeled to us.

    Lastly, Madeline discusses the new book groups launching in February and March. Including the banned books and children's group starting in February.

    Embracing Our Intuition and Spiritual Path

    Embracing Our Intuition and Spiritual Path

    In this episode of Feeling Seen and Being Heard, we discuss connecting with our intuition, understanding fear, and embracing change. Madeline discussed the phases of a spiritual awakening, intuition's role, and how to discern fear from intuition. Your action step is to look within and begin to hone your intuition.

    Listening to the Experience of the people with Cristina Garcia

    Listening to the Experience of the people with Cristina Garcia

    Our guest on the show is Cristina Garcia. Cristina is a liberation-focused educator, activist, mentor, and consultant. She helps People of the Global Majority heal from internalized oppression, racial trauma, and identity loss so that they can reclaim their voice and fully affirm their power.

    Analysis paralysis and ways to overcome it.

    Analysis paralysis and ways to overcome it.

    When in a transition period, making the first move can feel daunting. We can get stuck in overthinking or waiting for the "perfect" move that we fail to make any movement at all.  In this episode, we discuss ways to move past analysis paralysis and into a forward direction.