
    2023: A Year Reviewed

    enDecember 30, 2023

    About this Episode

    In this episode, Mark looks back at 2023 as a great year for the goals and prospects of the Mises Institute moving forward, but a very bad year for the State.

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues.

    Get your free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State at Mises.org/IssuesFree.

    Recent Episodes from Financial Markets

    Anti-Wild Cards

    Anti-Wild Cards

    In this week's episode, Mark looks at the type information that investors need, but do not have. These anti-wild cards are going to appear in the economy, but no one really knows what, where, or when. Mark looks back at some historical examples.

    See also Surprised Again! The Covid Crisis and the New Market Bubble by Alex Pollock and Howard Adler: Mises.org/MI_59A

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues.

    Get your free copy of Dr. Guido Hülsmann's How Inflation Destroys Civilization at Mises.org/IssuesFree.

    The Fed vs. the Real Economy

    The Fed vs. the Real Economy

    In the old days, the Federal Reserve operated in obscurity "behind the curtain". Today, they are front-and-center for the stock market. Total credit card debt in the US is now over $1.1 Trillion. In this episode, Mark looks at the disconnect between the Fed, the stock market (featured in the last episode), and the Real Economy.

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues.

    Get your free copy of Dr. Guido Hülsmann's How Inflation Destroys Civilization at Mises.org/IssuesFree.

    Murphy Gives Post-Game Analysis of ZeroHedge Dollar Debate

    Murphy Gives Post-Game Analysis of ZeroHedge Dollar Debate

    On February 13, 2024, Bob participated (with Jim Rickards, Brent Johnson, and Michael Every) in a ZeroHedge debate on the fate of the USD. In this episode of the Human Action podcast, Bob highlights some of the key issues and explains why he thinks his side won.

    The ZeroHedge Debate: Mises.org/HAP435a

    Brent Johnson's Milkshake Theory: Mises.org/HAP435b

    Egert's Article on the Public Debt Threshold: Mises.org/HAP435c

    Bob's Article on the Latest CBO Federal Debt Report: Mises.org/HAP435d

    Human Action Podcast listeners can get a free copy of Dr. Guido Hülsmann's How Inflation Destroys Civilization: Mises.org/HAPodFree

    Fed Wisdom and the Magnificent Seven

    Fed Wisdom and the Magnificent Seven

    In this week's episode, Mark takes a quick look back at Fed wisdom in the year 2000, and then surveys today's stock market—and, in particular, the Magnificent Seven stocks, which represent very narrow leadership of the overall stock market.

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues.

    Get your free copy of Dr. Guido Hülsmann's How Inflation Destroys Civilization at Mises.org/IssuesFree.

    Tightwads at the Fed

    Tightwads at the Fed

    Mark talks about the Fed's Reverse Repo Operations, which explain the conundrum of the Fed's "tight" monetary policy and new record highs in the stock market. It turns out that the Fed is not a bunch of "tightwads" after all, but has served up a nearly $2 trillion monetary injection since the bond market cratered last year.

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues.

    Get your free copy of Dr. Guido Hülsmann's How Inflation Destroys Civilization at Mises.org/IssuesFree.

    Peter St. Onge On Who's Taking Your Money

    Peter St. Onge On Who's Taking Your Money

    Economist Peter St. Onge summarizes some of the major financial and government news stories of the day.

    Bob's Mises University Talk 'Price Inflation: Corona vs. QE': Mises.org/HAP432a   Join Tom DiLorenzo, Joe Salerno, and Patrick Newman in Tampa on February 17: Mises.org/Tampa2024Use code "Action24" for 15% off admission.  

    Human Action Podcast listeners can get a free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State: Mises.org/HAPodFree

    Are Capital Gains Income? The Connection with Mises’s Calculation Problem

    Are Capital Gains Income? The Connection with Mises’s Calculation Problem

    Bob goes solo to discuss a recent Twitter controversy, in which opponents of a proposed tax argued that unrealized capital gains couldn't possibly be a form of income. Bob cites both Austrian theory and corporate accounting practice to respond that all capital gains are income, which is not to say that they ought to be taxed. The dispute is important because understanding the definition of "income" sheds light on the role of market prices in guiding entrepreneurial action.

    Bob Talks to David Schizer on the Moore Ruling: Mises.org/HAP431a Bob's Econlib Article on Capital and Income: Mises.org/HAP431b   Join Tom DiLorenzo, Joe Salerno, and Patrick Newman in Tampa on February 17: Mises.org/Tampa2024Use code "Action24" for 15% off admission.  

    Human Action Podcast listeners can get a free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State: Mises.org/HAPodFree