
    21-Positivity vs. Optimism

    en-usJuly 01, 2023

    About this Episode

    Does positivity mean good? Does negativity mean bad? Not in the science world. Positive and negative are just charges. Think about a magnet. The positive end attracts the negative end. Does that mean good attracts bad? Not at all! So what is the difference and how does this impace manifesting and the vibration we're putting out into the universe? Take a listen for my take on the subject.

    Recent Episodes from Sparkle and Grow

    3.6 Love-Part 2

    3.6 Love-Part 2

    In part 2, I introduce Dr. John Gottman and his Four Horsemen, which are predictors of relationship demise (gottman.com). I also go in-depth with some personal experiences and relate them to these. 

    I talk about past trauma and why it is so necessary to heal our wounds. I also relate to Gottman's theory and break things down a bit further. 

    What do you think? Share your thoughts in the Facebook group or email me! sparkleew@yahoo.com


    3.5 The Love Episode Pt. 1

    3.5 The Love Episode Pt. 1

    As promised, here is part 1 of the Love episode! Trigger warning: I mention polyamory and "throuples" and non-heteronormative relationships

    This episode covers Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love (simplypsychology.org) as well as Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages (5lovelanguages.com). It's a little messy, but I explain the triangle and the points Sternberg makes. There are many types of love extending beyond romantic love. This is research from 1986 so it's nothing new. But many people have never heard of this. Looking at the triangle, we can make several deductions about how we experience love with other people. 

    Chapman's research focuses more on romantic love. Though it was based on heteronormative relationships, this can be applied to any romantic relationship dynamic. 

    What are your thoughts? Head over to the Facebook to discuss or send me an email sparkleew@yahoo.com

    How I Started My Business with Nothing and How YOU Can, Too

    How I Started My Business with Nothing and How YOU Can, Too

    In this episode, I share exactly why I was motivated to start my business and how I got started with no money at all. I share the exact things I did to get it up and going. It is my sincere hope that you find so much inspiration in my story that you are able to pursue YOUR dreams and passions, too. Remember, you are already worthy and deserving. Do as Jen Sincero says and "feed fear a suck-it sandwich" and go out and make it happen!!!

    3.3 Drifting-Moving Away from Our Life's Purpose

    3.3 Drifting-Moving Away from Our Life's Purpose

    Here are my notes for this episode, taken mostly from Napoleon Hill's "Outwitting the Devil: the Secrets to Freedom and Success." Go get a copy STAT! It's so good. Also, at the end, find my reference in regards to the American School System.

    Drifting-as defined by Napoleon Hill

    -occurs when one stops thinking for themselves and they begin to simply “go with the flow”

                    -they have no destination in mind, no goal, or ultimate idea of what their purpose might be or how to pursue it

                    -equates to laziness

                    -hereditary, passed down from parents

    -the devil uses poverty as a means of control and a way to start drifting from a very young age

    -starts in the schools*…

                                    -if one grows up in poverty, they are likely to continue the cycle…

    “I have always understood that money was the root of all evil, that the poor and the meek would inherit heaven, while the wealthy would pass into [the devil’s] hands.”

                    “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” 1Timothy 6:10

    Money itself is not evil and does not lead to evil. It’s how it’s viewed and used. Money is simply a resource, like water or air or electricity

    Habits are powerful! Developing “good” habits defeats drifting

    *ed.gov Horace Mann-1830-Common Schools; John D. Rockefeller-1903-“modern” school system setup

    3.2 The Anatomy of a Goal

    3.2 The Anatomy of a Goal

    Here is the outline for the show:

    The “will” and the “way”-Mel Robbins

                    When the will and way are present, your brain will work behind the scenes to help you.

    ·         Why we set goals

    o   Have something to look forward to

    o   Give us a roadmap to follow

    ·         What makes a good goal

    o   Make is specific and measurable

    o   SMART

    ·         How to begin achieving goals

    o   Write it down!

    o   Starting to work toward the goal

    o   Breaking it down into manageable chunks

    ·         Reflecting on your goals

    o   Look at them daily, weekly, monthly

    §  Write them everywhere! Post-It notes, etc

    o   Track your progress!

    3.1-Happy New Year!

    3.1-Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year, all! In this episode I share where I have been for the last few months and talk about 2023. Many lessons were learned last year and I discuss a few of those. I also give an update on what to expect moving forward. 

    As usual, I LOVE hearing from you all! Connect and feel free to ask questions, provide suggestions for future episodes, bring up new ideas, and even consider being on an episode!

    sparkleew@yahoo.com, "Podcast" in the subject line so I don't miss your message. @SparkleEW on Instagram, use the QR code to join the Facebook group!

    2.3-Overcoming Fear with Napoleon Hill

    2.3-Overcoming Fear with Napoleon Hill

    In this episode, I share my thoughts on the book "Outwitting the Devil," by Napoleon Hill. Hill begins his journey by being in a state of discomfort, feeling stuck in his daily life, despite having enjoyed many lucrative careers. He tells us that good-paying jobs don't always bring a sense of fulfillment-which I found to be very true. I discuss the various themes and topics he addresses in this book and how they relate to modern life. I highly recommend anyone and everyone to get this book. This is one I will be re-reading many times over and hope you feel compelled to do the same.

    2.2 Transitions

    2.2 Transitions

    Throughout our lives, we all experience several transitions. In this episode, I share about my personal transition into a new phase of life. We're selling our home and developing new plans for the future. Do you find yourself in a transition period or a period of change? How are you preparing? What are you doing during this time? Let's connect! Join the Facebook group or message me. I love having open discussions with everyone. 

    2.1 The Climate of Work Post Pandemic

    2.1 The Climate of Work Post Pandemic

    Season 2 is here! And we're getting right into things that are hindering our growth and how we're going to overcome these things. This season is all about taking what we know and putting it into practice to move us into living our best lives, despite what is going on in the world around us.

    In this episode, I talk about the new climate of work and how it's changed over the years. The pandemic created a strange environment and we are seeing 2 things happening: either everyone is hiring and struggling to keep help or no one is actually hiring and job seekers of skilled positions are facing a job drought. It's a strange dicotomy and navigating this new world of work is difficult. 

    What are your thoughts? Do you have any experience with job hunting since the pandemic? Send me a message or join the Facebook group to chat about it!

    22-Progress vs. Perfection

    22-Progress vs. Perfection

    Today's episode discusses how perfectionism keeps us stuck and prevents us from moving forward in life. It is far better to progress than to strive for perfection, which is truly unattainable in the first place! Our ideas of perfection vary from person to person. What I view as being perfect someone else may view very differently. And so often I have found times when I have been fixated on a particular thing, worrying about what others would think, only to that have thing either overlooked entirely or dismissed. Rather than striving for perfection, let's focus on progressing into the next phase.