
    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    enJune 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • New athletic competition modelDoctors D'Souza and Angamayo propose a new athletic competition model focusing on individual human performance, making PEDs legal and regulated to create a more level playing field and reduce political tensions.

      Doctors Aaron D'Souza and Christian Angamayo, the founders of Enhanced Games, are proposing a new approach to athletic competitions based on their belief that the current Olympic model is flawed. They argue that 44% of Olympians have used performance-enhancing drugs, while athletes earn very little from the massive revenue generated by the Olympics. Instead of trying to reform the system, they aim to create a new, more honest and equitable competition. They believe that focusing on individual human performance, rather than national representation, can lead to a more level playing field. They also plan to address the issue of performance-enhancing substances by making them legal and regulated, rather than banned. The doctors argue that this approach would inspire belief in the future of science and technology, and could potentially reduce the political tensions that can arise in international competitions.

    • Health testing in sportsFocusing on health testing and regular screenings for biomarkers could be a more effective and fair solution for ensuring the well-being of athletes in sports, rather than solely relying on drug testing.

      The current approach to drug testing in sports may not be effective in ensuring the health and safety of athletes, and a shift towards health testing could be a more fair and transparent solution. IVs, which are beneficial for athletes, are currently banned due to the fear of masking performance-enhancing drugs. Instead of focusing solely on drug testing, it's essential to prioritize the health and safety of athletes through regular health screenings and testing for biomarkers. The Olympics' drug testing apparatus is primarily focused on fairness and competition, but it's crucial to consider the health and well-being of athletes as well. The future of sports could involve both natural and enhanced competitions, and it's essential to ensure that athletes are making informed decisions about their bodies and have a fair chance to compete. The economic aspect also plays a role, as elite athletes could be offered significant incentives to participate in enhanced games. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a level playing field where athletes can compete at their best, whether naturally or enhanced, while ensuring their health and safety.

    • Enhanced Games controversyDespite controversy, over 1,000 athletes applied for the Enhanced Games, believing it to be a drug-free platform to showcase abilities and push human limits, with support from various sources including heads of state.

      The Enhanced Games, a proposed competition for enhanced athletes, is seen as an appealing proposition for many, with over 1,000 professional athletes applying for the documentary and the games. The athletes believe it will showcase their abilities without suspicion of performance-enhancing drugs, as many have used them throughout sports history. The games aim to push human limits, much like the Apollo mission did with space exploration. The competition will feature five key sports: track, swimming, combat, gymnastics, and strength. Combat sports, including boxing and MMA, are also included. The MMA community is moving towards drug-free sport, making it easier for high-level fighters to participate. The Enhanced Games are seen as a chance for older athletes to regain their physical prowess and compete at a high level again. Despite some controversy, the games have garnered support from various sources, including heads of state. The structure of international sports and the lack of external accountability for organizations like the International Olympic Committee is a significant issue.

    • Performance enhancement in sportsPerformance-enhancing substances can significantly improve athlete's performance and recovery, but lack of scientific oversight and regulation can lead to ethical dilemmas and health risks. The Enhanced Games aims to address these concerns by ensuring high-quality data and clinical supervision for athletes.

      The use of performance-enhancing substances in sports, while controversial, can significantly improve an athlete's performance and recovery, especially for older athletes. Vitor Belfort served as a prime example of this, showcasing a dramatic transformation in his physique and fighting abilities when he began using testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). However, the lack of scientific oversight and regulation in the use of these substances can lead to ethical dilemmas and health risks. The Enhanced Games aims to address these concerns by establishing a rigorous scientific and medical process to ensure high-quality data and clinical supervision for athletes. The inclusion of sports like boxing and wrestling in the Enhanced Games raises ethical questions regarding the potential for increased harm, but there are also arguments for increased safety and fairness for the athletes involved. Ultimately, the decision to allow performance enhancement in sports requires a nuanced and ongoing discussion.

    • Body autonomy and enhancementsOlder people could greatly benefit from enhancements, but societal stigma and legal restrictions limit their access, despite potential health benefits. For example, Modafinil, a safe cognitive enhancer, faces these challenges.

      Society's perception of body autonomy and the use of enhancements, including anabolic steroids and cognitive-enhancing drugs like Modafinil, is often clouded by negative associations. Older people, in particular, could greatly benefit from these enhancements to improve their quality of life, but the stigma surrounding their use prevents many from accessing them. The legal definition of medicine as being solely for the treatment and cure of disease limits the availability of these enhancements to those who are sick, despite their potential benefits for healthy individuals. The example of Modafinil, a widely studied and safe cognitive enhancer, highlights this issue. By rethinking our attitudes towards body autonomy and the role of enhancements in improving overall health and wellbeing, we can open up new possibilities for societal change. Additionally, it's important to note that substances like alcohol, which are widely used and socially accepted, can pose greater risks than some enhancements, such as psychedelics, which are often stigmatized.

    • Impact of Psychedelics on Mental HealthPsychedelics, particularly psychedelic trips, have a profound impact on mental health and could help cure issues like depression, anxiety, and addiction. Classification as Schedule 1 drugs in the 1970s was a mistake, and rigorous clinical data production is key to their medical acceptance.

      Psychedelics, specifically psychedelic trips, have had a profound impact on the speaker's life and perspective, leading him to advocate for their medical availability. He believes that the government's decision to classify psychedelics as Schedule 1 drugs in the 1970s was a significant mistake, as these substances have the potential to help cure mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and addiction. Despite facing opposition from some regulatory bodies, the speaker remains optimistic about the future of psychedelics in medicine and believes that the production of rigorous clinical data will help move them back into the medical world. He also emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between psychedelics and other substances, such as marijuana, and using them in appropriate, controlled settings.

    • Psychedelics risksPsychedelics, such as psilocybin and LSD, have potential risks including interaction with other substances, unpredictable heart effects, and limited scientific evidence for microdosing benefits. Use with caution and in a controlled environment.

      Psychedelics, such as psilocybin and LSD, have a rich history of use for enlightenment and personal growth, but they should be approached with caution and in a controlled environment. While microdosing can be effective, it's important to note that scientific evidence supporting its benefits is limited. Psychedelics can also interact dangerously with other substances, like alcohol and cannabis. Additionally, psychedelics can have unpredictable effects on the heart, especially with microdosing, and more research is needed to understand these risks. It's also crucial to address issues of adulteration and dosage in the context of drug use. Overall, the use of psychedelics should be approached with respect for their power and potential risks.

    • Psychedelics and Performance EnhancementsPsychedelics have potential benefits for mood and cognitive function, but require scientific evidence and rigor, while performance enhancements like creatine were once stigmatized but are now accepted with proper data and research.

      Psychedelics, when used safely and with high-quality products, have the potential to improve mood and cognitive function. However, it's crucial to approach these substances with scientific rigor and proof, just as we do with other treatments or performance enhancers. The debate around psychedelics, such as LSD and MDMA, often involves moralizing and misunderstandings, but with proper data and evidence, we can change perceptions and convince skeptics. For instance, creatine, once considered a cheating substance, is now widely used by athletes. The Enhanced Games, a proposed event that focuses on performance enhancements and fair compensation for athletes, aims to reduce waste and operate profitably, with the support of major brands. The first Enhanced Games are planned for the end of 2025 and will not require infrastructure in one city due to the power of television and social media.

    • Enhanced GamesThe Enhanced Games, an innovative concept in sports, could revolutionize athletic performance, broadcast rights, and commercial partnerships, potentially normalizing the use of performance-enhancing drugs and leading to a zeitgeist shift in the focus on health and wellness.

      The enhanced games, an innovative concept in the world of sports, is expected to revolutionize the way athletes perform and broadcast rights are sold. With record-breaking performances potentially on the horizon, the public's curiosity and interest are sure to peak. The financial implications for pharmaceutical companies and broadcasters are significant, as the potential for new commercial partnerships and a more compelling television package emerge. The use of performance-enhancing drugs, which have long been stigmatized, could become more accepted and normalized, leading to a shift in the way the industry approaches health and wellness. The enhanced games represent a potential zeitgeist shift, where the focus is on keeping people healthy and enhancing their abilities, rather than just treating illnesses. The potential for aging to be recognized as a disease and treated as such is also an intriguing possibility, as the line between human and machine continues to blur. Ultimately, the enhanced games could change the way we view athletic performance and human potential, opening up new opportunities and possibilities for both individuals and industries.

    • Performance enhancers in sportsPerformance enhancements can lead to 5% improvement, but their use is complex due to potential bans, economic factors, and impact on health. Simple improvements like better accommodations can also make a difference.

      Performance enhancements in sports can lead to significant improvements, estimated to be around 5%, but the use of such enhancements is a complex issue. Many world records may already be enhanced, and economic factors play a role in an athlete's ability to focus on training. Additionally, living conditions at the Olympics can impact performance, and simple improvements like better accommodations can make a difference. However, the use of certain performance enhancers, like beta blockers, is banned, and their use can have serious consequences. The discussion also touched on the paradox of athletes using substances like sugar and processed food, which are addictive and damaging, being major Olympic sponsors. The Olympic movement and corporations like McDonald's and Coca-Cola have built their brands on sports marketing, but the most damaging substances to children, alcohol and sugar, are often readily available at public events.

    • Substance PerceptionsNew data and information challenge outdated perceptions of substance risks, emphasizing the importance of conversations and education for a more informed public, and the need to evaluate overall harm instead of just drug-specific mortality.

      The current perception of various substances and their risks, especially regarding drugs, is in need of reevaluation due to new data and information. Conversations and education are key to changing these perceptions. The era of information distribution through podcasts and social media has opened up discussions that were once taboo, allowing for a more informed public. The harm caused by substances should be evaluated in terms of overall harm to both the user and others, and not just drug-specific mortality. It's important to note that the desire for safety in society often doesn't align with reality, and taking calculated risks can lead to progress and improvement. The study published in The Lancet provides valuable data on the overall harm of various substances, emphasizing the need for informed decision-making and personal autonomy.

    • Diet, Exercise, and Health InformationAccurate and accessible information is vital for making informed decisions about diet, exercise, and overall health. However, challenges such as sugar prevalence and misinformation make it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Trustworthy sources like podcasting can provide valuable insights, while fairness in sports remains a contentious issue.

      The accessibility and accuracy of information are crucial in making informed decisions about diet, exercise, and overall health. The speaker highlights the issue of sugar prevalence in American food and the importance of accurate disclosure. They also discuss the challenges of combating misinformation in a capitalist society and the power of podcasting as a more trustworthy source of information. In the context of sports, the speaker raises questions about the fairness of allowing transgender athletes to compete against biological females, especially when both parties are allowed to use performance-enhancing drugs. The speaker suggests a scientific approach to assigning athletes based on chromosomal status as a potential solution. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of accurate information and fairness in various aspects of life.

    • Transgender athletes in sportsTransgender women face ethical dilemmas in sports due to biological differences and potential use of performance-enhancing substances, raising questions about fairness and identity.

      The discussion revolves around the complexities and ethical considerations surrounding transgender athletes competing in sports, specifically at the Olympic level. The argument is that allowing transgender women to use performance-enhancing substances, while they may have transitioned and are taking hormones, still gives them an unfair advantage due to biological differences between males and females. The conversation also touches on the potential future implications of human enhancement through technology, such as gene editing and brain implants, and how the Olympics may need to adapt to these changes. The historical context of the ancient Olympics and the use of performance enhancements is also mentioned. Ultimately, the discussion raises questions about fairness, identity, and the role of sports in society as it evolves.

    • Gender and Performance-Enhancing Drugs in SportsStrict drug testing policies, including for anabolic agents, peptides, and therapeutic use exemptions (TUEs), are necessary to ensure a level playing field and the health and safety of all athletes, while societal standards, individual choices, and economic implications raise complex questions.

      In the enhanced games discussed, all female athletes would be required to transition into men to compete, raising questions about societal standards, individual choices, and economic implications. The athletes would need FDA-approved medications, a publicly identified doctor, and undergo regular health checks to ensure safety. However, taking excessive amounts of performance-enhancing drugs can lead to damaging side effects and disqualification. The CrossFit Games have strict drug testing policies, including for anabolic agents, peptides, and therapeutic use exemptions (TUEs), which are often abused. Asthma is one condition where athletes may falsely claim to have it to use prohibited inhalers. The hiring of top cardiologists and stricter testing procedures is a step towards combating such cheating. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure a level playing field and the health and safety of all athletes.

    • Olympic system critique, Enhanced GamesThe Enhanced Games platform aims to challenge the current Olympic system's focus on fame and fortune for athletes and IOC/NBC, and instead promote a fairer system for athletes through a new conversation about performance-enhancing substances.

      The current Olympic system is criticized for being a money grab where athletes dedicate their lives to the hope of fame and fortune, while the IOC and NBC reap the vast financial benefits. A potential solution, as discussed, is the Enhanced Games platform, which aims to change the conversation about performance-enhancing substances and provide a fairer system for athletes. The speaker expresses excitement and support for this initiative and encourages listeners to follow Enhanced Games on social media for updates. The speaker, Christian Angemeyer, and Aaron Ping D'Souza share their social media handles for those interested in learning more. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for a more equitable system in sports and the potential of Enhanced Games to address this issue.

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