
    #2191 - Russell Crowe

    enAugust 20, 2024
    What does Russell Crow think about meeting idols?
    How did the speaker's experiences affect his mother?
    What challenges come with regenerating cartilage using stem cells?
    What personal journey did the speaker share regarding his career?
    How has stem cell therapy impacted the speaker's health?

    Podcast Summary

    • Encounters with idolsMeeting idols can be surreal and unexpected, emphasizing their legendary status and inspiring us to pursue our dreams and avoid complacency.

      Meeting idols or influential figures in person can be a surreal experience, even for those who have worked in the same industry. Russell Crow shares his encounters with Daniel Day Lewis and Dennis Quaid, emphasizing their legendary status and the unexpected nature of these meetings. Crow also reflects on his own journey, from working at an insurance company to pursuing a career in entertainment, and the importance of avoiding complacency and striving for self-expression. He encourages embracing the unexpected and cherishing the opportunities that come our way.

    • Unexpected opportunitiesUnexpected opportunities can lead to personal growth and the pursuit of passions. Knowing why you're in a situation can provide motivation and help you bring out the best in yourself and others.

      Unexpected opportunities can lead to significant personal growth and the pursuit of passions. The speaker's encounter with an old acquaintance during a TV audition reignited her imagination and led her to a career in entertainment, despite her initial plans to pursue music. Facing her fear of public speaking through DJing, she learned to bring out the best in others and eventually became a successful producer, bringing top performers on stage. The importance of knowing why one is in a particular role or situation was emphasized, as it provides motivation and passion to overcome challenges.

    • Live performance experiencePerforming live offers a visceral experience and rare connection with others, showcasing the unpredictable nature and excitement of the entertainment industry.

      Performing in front of a live audience, whether it's through music or acting, provides a unique and visceral experience that cannot be replicated in a sterile environment like a film set. For some, like the speaker, it's a reset place that fills them up and gives them a rare sense of connection with others. The story of the speaker's encounter with Bernardo Bertolucci and the making of the film "Miss Shumway Waves a Wand" showcases the unpredictable and disorganized nature of the film industry, but also the excitement and adventure that comes with it. The experience of performing in front of a live audience, whether it's on a rock and roll stage or in a film, is a precious gift that not everyone gets to experience.

    • Film industry risksUnexpected risks and discomforts can still occur in seemingly safe filming conditions, emphasizing the importance of being aware and adaptable.

      Even in seemingly safe filming conditions, there can be unexpected discomforts and risks involved. The actor in this story thought he was safe when filming a scene with a tarantula, as they had milked it of its venom. However, he ended up being covered in tarantula venom and experienced a rash all over his body. Despite this, he continued to film the scene multiple times, only to find out later that the tarantulas could still leave hairs on the skin that cause irritation. This experience highlights the importance of being aware of potential risks, even when precautions are taken, and the need for adaptability and resilience in the film industry.

    • Massive rain effects in NoahRussell Crowe endured intense conditions to film massive rain scenes for Noah, facing long hours, injured hamstrings, and thousands of extras, despite criticism for the movie's environmental focus.

      Creating a scene with massive rain effects for the movie "Noah" was an intense experience for Russell Crowe. He had to endure running with injured hamstrings amidst thousands of extras and giant rain towers. The scene required long hours and no room for injury claims. The rain towers were constructed using cranes and hose pipes, creating a large area for rainfall. The movie, which tells the story of Noah's Ark and the great flood, faced criticism for being an environmental story rather than a religious one. However, the flood story is a common theme in various religious and cultural narratives, suggesting a historical basis. Some theories propose that a cataclysmic event, such as an asteroid impact, caused the end of the Ice Age and the great flooding. Russell Crowe found the experience exciting to be part of such a significant and controversial story.

    • Russell Crowe's intense filming yearRussell Crowe faced intense filming schedule with 'Broken City,' 'Noah,' and Aronofsky's direction, but valued camaraderie and learning experiences. Wished for more research time, particularly with Jewish scholars, and emphasized importance of objective research on environmental issues and ethical treatment of animals.

      Russell Crowe's year of filming in 2012 was incredibly intense, with back-to-back projects like "Broken City," "Noah," and dealing with the physical demands of Darren Aronofsky's direction. Despite the challenges, Crowe valued the camaraderie and learning experiences. However, he wished for more time for research, particularly with Jewish scholars regarding the biblical story of Noah. The film faced controversy due to its environmental themes, which Crowe believes is an important issue that requires objective research rather than ideological divisions. Additionally, Crowe shared his personal experience with sustainable farming and the impact of factory farming on the environment. He emphasized the importance of treating animals humanely for both ethical and taste reasons.

    • Farmer's compassionate approach to farmingA compassionate farmer prioritizes the wellbeing and happiness of his livestock, even if it means deviating from organic farming practices, and sells his meat locally to trusted sources prioritizing affordability and accessibility.

      The farmer prioritizes the wellbeing and happiness of his cattle above all else, even if it means deviating from organic farming practices to ensure their health. He shares a personal story of how he was inspired to start a regenerative farm to provide a better life for his family and livestock. Despite the challenges, he found joy in caring for his animals and ensuring they have access to the best possible living conditions. The farmer also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between organic pasture and topical treatments to keep the cattle healthy and free from pests. He sells his meat locally to trusted sources and neighbors, prioritizing affordability and accessibility over profit. The farmer's approach to farming is rooted in compassion and a desire to provide the best possible life for his animals, even if it means going against conventional farming practices.

    • Grass-fed meat benefitsGrass-fed meat contains better nutrients, supports healthier animal welfare practices, and offers a protein-rich food source with a natural 7-10% fat ratio.

      Consuming grass-fed meat, particularly from animals raised on pasture and finished with a little grain, provides better nutritional value and supports healthier animal welfare practices. Grass-fed meat contains a natural seven to 10% fat ratio, making it a protein-rich food source. The balance of an animal's life on grass enhances the nutritional benefits, while the addition of grain before slaughter ensures the animal is fit for consumption. Consumers often lack awareness and connection to the food they eat, especially meat, which can lead to disregard for the animal's life and the farming practices involved. By choosing grass-fed meat, consumers can make a small yet significant difference in their health and the welfare of the animals they consume.

    • MMA fighters' complexitiesDespite their brutal nature, MMA fighters are complex individuals with personal motivations and morality, as shown in an upcoming film featuring Daniel McPherson's portrayal of a boxer named Braddock.

      Despite the intense and often brutal nature of mixed martial arts, the fighters involved are complex individuals with their own motivations and morality. The script for an upcoming MMA film, featuring Australian actor Daniel McPherson, now has a "beating heart" due to this understanding. McPherson, who has played various characters from negative to iconic, including Herman Goering, found a personal connection to Braddock, a boxer whose story was once dismissed as a "Cinderella story" for men. The training for the film was rigorous, involving boxing sessions, weights, and yoga, all under the guidance of the experienced Angelo Dundee. The film's most memorable moment is when Braddock, after winning the championship, kisses Angelo in the ring, introducing him as "number 16." The real-life Angelo Dundee, who trained champions like Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Robinson, was known for his positive attitude and minimal grudges. The film's training regime was a blend of old and new methods, with yoga being a surprising addition. McPherson spent six months working with Dundee, a testament to the impact the legendary trainer had on his life. The most memorable fight in the film, against Troy, is a real one with no choreography, resulting in the hardest hit McPherson has ever received. The respect for real characters and the dedication to their stories is essential when portraying them on screen.

    • Perseverance and adaptabilityStaying focused and adaptable helps overcome challenges, as shown by the speaker's experience working with Braddock and pushing through an injury to finish filming.

      Perseverance and adaptability are key to overcoming challenges. The speaker shared his experience working with legendary boxer Braddock, learning to mimic his unique footwork despite it feeling unnatural. He also shared his experience injuring his shoulder during filming and pushing through to finish the movie despite the odds. These experiences highlight the importance of staying focused and adaptable in the face of adversity. Additionally, the speaker reflected on the changes in Austin over the years, noting its growth but also acknowledging the challenges that come with it.

    • Actor's immersion in scriptReading a powerful script can deeply immerse an actor, transforming their experience and compelling them to take on a role. Respecting the creative process and collaborating with others involved in filmmaking is essential.

      The experience of reading a powerful script and connecting deeply with a character can be transformative for an actor. Russell Crowe shares his personal experience of reading the script for "A Beautiful Mind," which left him feeling completely immersed and compelled to take on the role. He also emphasizes the importance of respecting the creative process and the people involved in bringing a film to life, viewing it as a collaborative effort with the "film gods." Crowe's passion for his craft and commitment to bringing authenticity to his performances have led him to some of the most iconic roles in cinema.

    • Unexpected experiences, coincidencesUnexpected experiences and coincidences can bring profound emotions and a sense of connection to loved ones, even in the most extraordinary places. The power of the mind and imagination can create change and touch the inexplicable.

      Unexpected experiences and coincidences can bring profound emotions and a sense of connection to loved ones, even in the most extraordinary places like the Vatican. The speaker shares how a series of seemingly coincidental events, including turning on the Pope's lights in the Sistine Chapel and hearing "Danny Boy" played by the Swiss guards band, brought his mother close to feeling the presence of her late husband. This experience reinforced the speaker's belief in the power of the mind and imagination to create change and touch the inexplicable. Ultimately, these moments served as a reminder that life's unexpected twists and turns can lead to miraculous experiences.

    • Russell Crowe's dedication to actingRussell Crowe's extensive preparation, including physical transformation and emotional investment, brought authenticity to complex film roles

      The actor Russell Crowe underwent extensive physical and emotional preparation to portray complex characters in films like "Gladiator" and "The Insider." He shared gyms with gladiators on set and even went on a ten-day motorcycle ride to lose weight for a role. Crowe also meticulously studied his characters, including Jeffrey Wigand, whom he made cry during an intense interview. Despite the challenges and negativity involved in the filmmaking process, Crowe remained dedicated to telling these stories authentically. He even shaved his head and wore a wig for a role due to difficulties in recreating an older man's hair. Overall, Crowe's commitment to his craft and transformative performances demonstrate the power of dedication and preparation in bringing compelling characters to life on screen.

    • External adviceUnexpected advice can challenge our goals and lead to new perspectives, ultimately helping us understand our true motivations and path to success.

      Sometimes, even when we have a clear goal and the means to achieve it, external advice or experiences can help us reevaluate our path. In the story shared, a man's dream of attending drama school was challenged by a friend who believed he had already learned what he needed to become a successful actor. This unexpected advice led him to question his goals and ultimately understand that he was already embodying the skills required for his craft. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity in acting and the impact of responsibility when portraying complex characters. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the addictive nature of nicotine and the challenges of quitting, emphasizing the immediate release and craving satisfaction it provides. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of self-reflection, authenticity, and understanding the true nature of our desires and motivations.

    • Cyclical approach to filming boxing scenesThe cyclical approach to filming boxing scenes in 'Raging Bull' allowed the actor to stay in shape, improve, and deliver an authentic and impressive performance, while also enabling flexible scheduling and adjustments.

      The cyclical approach to filming boxing scenes in the movie "Raging Bull" allowed the actor to stay in shape and improve throughout the shoot, resulting in a more authentic and impressive performance. The use of Velcro gloves enabled the actor to take breaks for cigarettes without disrupting the schedule, and the scheduling allowed for rest and preparation between boxing days. This approach also allowed the filmmakers to make adjustments and add new elements to the story based on the actor's progress. Additionally, the actor's background in martial arts and dance contributed to the sharpness and rhythm of his fight sequences. The story of Vasili Lomachenko, a boxer known for his incredible footwork, highlights the importance of unconventional training methods and the role of dedication and discipline in mastering a sport.

    • Boxing retirementsBoxing retirements are emotionally and physically challenging for fighters, involving identity crises, injuries, and the end of their careers.

      Boxing takes a heavy toll on fighters, both physically and mentally. Ricky Hatton's experience of fighting through injuries and recognizing when it was time to retire is a common theme in the sport. Fighters face the challenge of defining their identity outside of the ring and grappling with the end of their careers. The intensity and belief required to be a top contender also make retirement a difficult transition. Additionally, the discussion touched on the talent and evolution of younger fighters like Jake Paul, who face underestimation due to their backgrounds, and the impressive comeback of Mike Tyson, who continues to defy expectations despite his age. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and intrigue of the boxing world.

    • Stem cell therapy for cartilage damageStem cell therapy shows promise in healing cartilage damage, with personal success stories and advancements in IGF-1 signaling pathways, but regenerating cartilage remains a challenge

      Stem cell therapy has shown promising results in healing various injuries and conditions, including rotator cuff tears and cartilage damage. The speaker shared his personal experience of recovering from a torn rotator cuff with the help of stem cell therapy, which led to the complete disappearance of the tear, although he is now dealing with arthritis in the same shoulder. The potential for regenerating cartilage through IGF-1 signaling pathways and recent advancements in this field were also discussed. While stem cells have been effective in treating soft tissue injuries and neurological disorders, the next stage involves regenerating cartilage, which is currently a challenge. The speaker encouraged patience and emphasized that significant progress is being made in this area. Additionally, the speaker shared his own health challenges and the impact of weight gain on his career and friendships.

    • Personal health decisionsMaking clear decisions for personal health can lead to significant improvements, whether through intense physical activity like tennis or alternative treatments like peptides. Personal reasons and determination are key.

      Making a clear decision for personal health and wellbeing, whether it's through diet, exercise, or other methods, can lead to significant improvements. The speaker shares his experience of overcoming physical challenges by playing tennis, which provided short bursts of intense activity followed by rest, allowing his body to heal without further damage. He also discusses the importance of making decisions for personal reasons, rather than adhering to strict schedules or external pressures. Additionally, he touches on the challenges of accessing certain treatments, like peptides, due to regulations and cost. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding effective methods for healing and maintaining health, and the power of personal determination.

    • Love and motivationLove and motivation are essential for personal growth and success. Finding joy in activities despite challenges and experiencing the satisfaction of achieving goals can boost motivation and enthusiasm.

      Love and motivation play significant roles in personal growth and success. The speaker shares his experience of finding joy in cycling again despite physical pain, and the satisfaction of a hard-earned victory in tennis. He emphasizes the importance of motivation and enthusiasm in achieving goals. Furthermore, becoming a father has been a transformative experience for him, expanding his capacity for love and changing his perspective on people. He reflects on the challenges of raising children and helping them navigate the complexities of the world. The speaker also touches on the issue of politics and the need to focus on the present and the potential of individuals rather than getting bogged down in old stories or party affiliations.

    • Political Polarization and TechnologyPolitical polarization amplified by technology leads to negative campaigning, manipulation of information, and censorship, discouraging productive dialogue and promoting a toxic atmosphere.

      The current political climate in many countries, including the United States, has reached a highly polarized state where individuals view those on the opposing side as idiots, leading to a tribal mentality. This polarization has resulted in excessive negative campaigning, manipulation of information, and stifling of free speech. The use of technology, particularly social media, has amplified this issue, with bots and algorithms enhancing negativity and misinformation. The consequences include the loss of reputations, censorship, and a general toxic atmosphere that discourages productive dialogue. It's essential to recognize the importance of open and respectful discourse to address these challenges and promote a healthier political landscape.

    • Social media connectionSocial media provides a global platform for human connection and learning, but requires navigating challenges like fake experiences and ideological arguments, while cherishing real-life relationships

      Social media, despite its negatives and the harsh exchanges it sometimes fosters, offers a unique form of human connection and understanding on a global scale. The speaker shares his personal experiences of learning, entertainment, and engagement through platforms like Twitter and memes. However, he acknowledges the challenges, such as fake experiences and ideological arguments, and expresses optimism for the future as we navigate these complexities. The speaker also reflects on the importance of cherishing real-life connections and experiences, like the time he spent with his parents before they passed away. Overall, social media, with all its imperfections, is seen as a tool for human interaction and learning in an increasingly interconnected world.

    • Open-minded conversationsEmbracing diverse opinions and avoiding pushing agendas are crucial for open-minded and respectful conversations, which foster personal growth and a healthy society.

      Open-minded and respectful conversations are essential for personal growth and fostering a healthy society. The speaker expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to engage in such a conversation, acknowledging the positive impact it had on his son's curiosity and perspective. The importance of embracing diverse opinions and avoiding pushing particular agendas was emphasized as a crucial aspect of creating an inclusive and intellectually stimulating environment. By engaging in meaningful dialogue, we can help expand our own minds and contribute to a future where everyone's well-being is prioritized.

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