
    22 Buzz Words Explained — Mutations, Pure Functions , Serverless, Hoisting, MVC + More

    enNovember 01, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Tech Buzzwords: Serverless, Microservices, Containerization, Blockchain, and Agile DevelopmentIn this episode, Scott and Wes clarify common tech buzzwords, including serverless computing, microservices, containerization, blockchain, and agile development. They explain how these concepts work and debunk any misconceptions. Listeners will leave with a clearer understanding of these industry terms and feel more confident in their tech knowledge.

      The podcast hosts, Scott and Wes, discussed their podcast introduction and shared their thoughts on over-the-top intros. They also apologized for missing an episode due to illness and announced they would be talking about dev jargon and buzzwords in the episode. Scott mentioned launching a new React course, and they planned to explain the meanings of various tech terms in the discussion. One of the first buzzwords they tackled was "serverless." Scott explained that serverless computing is a model where the cloud provider manages the infrastructure, and developers focus on writing code. This allows for faster deployment, increased scalability, and reduced operational overhead. The hosts also noted that serverless doesn't mean there's no server involved, but rather that the responsibility for managing servers is shifted to the cloud provider. Throughout the episode, they discussed other buzzwords like "microservices," "containerization," "blockchain," and "agile development." They acknowledged that some terms might be misunderstood or misused, and they encouraged listeners to ask questions and seek clarification when needed. By the end of the episode, they hoped to provide a better understanding of these common tech terms and help listeners feel more confident in their ability to navigate the tech industry's jargon.

    • Serverless computing and composition in modern software developmentServerless computing offers infinite scalability, cost savings, and improved fault tolerance, while composition helps build complex functions by combining simpler ones for better code organization and reusability.

      Serverless computing is a model for building and deploying applications where the cloud provider manages the infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on writing code without worrying about server management. Serverless doesn't mean there's no server involved, but rather that the servers are managed by the cloud provider. This model offers benefits such as infinite scalability, cost savings, and improved fault tolerance. Composition, on the other hand, is a design principle where complex functions are built by combining simpler functions. This approach is commonly used in React and other programming frameworks, allowing for better organization and reusability of code. By breaking down complex functions into smaller, manageable parts, developers can create more maintainable and efficient code. In summary, serverless computing and composition are important concepts in modern software development, offering benefits such as improved scalability, cost savings, and better code organization.

    • Function composition, progressive enhancement, and singletons in software developmentDevelopers use function composition, progressive enhancement, and singletons to create efficient, scalable, and maintainable software, catering to a wider audience and handling complex requirements.

      In software development, particularly in React, there are various techniques used to create more functional and efficient code. One such technique is function composition, where functions are nested and returned to create new functions with added functionality. This process allows for the creation of complex components from simpler ones, each adding value along the way. Another important concept is progressive enhancement, which ensures that websites and applications remain functional for users with older browsers or limited features, while providing enhanced experiences for those with the latest technology. This approach allows developers to cater to a wider audience without compromising the advanced features for those who can use them. A less common technique, but still useful, is the use of singletons, such as Mongoose, to interface with databases. Singletons are objects that are created only once in the application and provide a centralized access point, making it easier to manage resources and maintain a consistent state. These techniques, along with others, help developers create more efficient, scalable, and maintainable software, allowing them to provide better user experiences and handle complex requirements.

    • Singleton and APIs/SDKsSingleton ensures only one instance of a class, useful for configuring packages, while APIs/SDKs are tools for interfacing with other applications, allowing access to data or functionality.

      A singleton is a design pattern used to ensure that a class has only one instance in an entire application. It is particularly useful when dealing with packages that require configuration, such as connecting to a database or setting up a router. The idea is that you configure the package in one place, and then any other part of the application that requires it will automatically use the already configured instance. This pattern is not suitable for situations where multiple instances are needed. APIs and SDKs, on the other hand, are tools used to interface with other applications. An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules that defines how one software application can interact with another, while an SDK (Software Development Kit) is a collection of tools and libraries that developers can use to build applications. APIs allow developers to access data or functionality from another application, and they can be used for various purposes, such as retrieving data or updating information. APIs can be thought of as endpoints that developers can interact with to access the functionality of another application. Understanding these concepts is crucial for building complex applications that interact with other systems.

    • Tools for Interacting with Software and Building ApplicationsAPIs and SDKs enable developers to communicate with software and build applications, while pure functions ensure predictable code through consistent output.

      APIs and Software Development Kits (SDKs) are essential tools for interacting with software and building applications. APIs define how we communicate with software, whether it's a database or a specific software component, and can refer to data APIs or interfacing with a computer. SDKs, on the other hand, are a collection of tools and resources that help developers build software. They can include programming languages, libraries, text editors, IDEs, and utilities. A pure function, a concept in programming, is a function that always returns the same output given the same input. It does not modify external data or have side effects. A side effect, however, occurs when a function modifies external data or has unintended consequences. Pure functions are easier to test and understand since their output is predictable, making them a valuable tool in programming. APIs, SDKs, and pure functions are all crucial components in software development, enabling developers to communicate with software, build applications, and write predictable code. Understanding these concepts and their relationships is essential for anyone looking to develop software.

    • Understanding Pure Functions and Their ImportancePure functions ensure predictable and reliable code by always returning the same output for the same input, making testing easier and preventing unintended bugs. They cannot produce side effects or work with mutable data, so use libraries to simplify date handling.

      Pure functions are crucial for predictable and reliable code. They always return the same output given the same input, making testing easier and more effective. The downside is that they cannot produce side effects, such as changing external state or working with mutable data like dates. Instead, pass in the necessary data and use libraries like date-fns to avoid unintended consequences and simplify date handling. Pure functions also help prevent bugs caused by unintended mutations. For instance, FreshBooks, a cloud accounting software, can help manage invoices and expenses effectively, allowing small businesses and freelancers to maintain financial records accurately. Immutable and mutable, on the other hand, are terms that might seem confusing at first, but they simply refer to data that cannot be changed (immutable) and data that can be changed (mutable). While these terms are accurate, they might not be the most intuitive or beginner-friendly. However, understanding the concepts of pure functions, immutability, and mutability is essential for writing efficient, reliable, and maintainable code.

    • Mutable vs Immutable Strings and ArraysUse immutable methods to avoid unintended consequences and maintain predictable code, especially when dealing with arrays in React or using Immutable.js.

      In programming, variables can be either mutable or immutable. Mutable variables can be changed, while immutable variables cannot. This concept applies to strings as well. For instance, assigning a new value to an existing variable, like changing "Scott" to "Wes," mutates the string. Immutable variables, on the other hand, remain constant. When dealing with arrays, methods like "slice" and "splice" are essential. "Slice" returns a new array without changing the original, while "splice" modifies the original array. In most cases, it's preferable to use immutable methods to avoid unintended consequences. In React, the state is managed similarly, with a copy being made, modifications made, and then the updated state being set. Facebook has taken this concept further with Immutable.js, which allows for modifying data without altering the original. The primary reason for using immutable data structures is to prevent bugs caused by unintentionally modifying data. By creating new variables or arrays instead of modifying existing ones, developers can ensure that their code remains predictable and consistent.

    • Leverage Array Functions and Write Universal JavaScriptMaster map, filter, and reduce for efficient array manipulation. Write universal JavaScript by avoiding window-specific functions and using server-side alternatives.

      Mastering JavaScript array functions like map, filter, and reduce can significantly enhance your JavaScript development skills. These functions allow you to create new arrays without modifying the original one, making your code more efficient and powerful. This transformation was a game-changer for the speaker when they started using React, which heavily relies on these functions. Additionally, writing universal or isomorphic JavaScript, meaning code that works on both client and server, is becoming increasingly important. This can be achieved by avoiding window-specific functions and using server-side alternatives. Tools like Meteor's isClient method can help manage components and routes, ensuring they're only rendered on the client side when necessary. The future of web development is exciting, with the potential for client-side applications to generate HTML, as seen in WordPress sites using Node, React, and similar technologies. While there may be challenges, the benefits of having a seamless client and server side connection make it a worthwhile endeavor.

    • Microservices and Closures: Two Different ConceptsMicroservices are small, decoupled services for independent scaling, while closures are programming concepts for variable access and function efficiency

      Microservices are small, decoupled services that handle specific functions, providing benefits such as independent scaling and potential cost savings. However, they require more management and can make data sharing between services challenging. Microservices are not limited to serverless architectures and can exist in any software pattern. Closure, on the other hand, refers to the availability of variables and functions in programming, with closures allowing a function to access and modify variables defined in its outer function, creating a more contained and efficient solution.

    • Closures and scoping: Functions with their own variables and scopeClosures allow functions to have unique variables and closure, while MVC separates concerns in apps by handling data, UI, and logic.

      Closures and scoping are essential concepts in programming that allow functions to have their own internal variables and scope. By returning a function from another function, you create a closure, which enables each instance of the returned function to have its own unique variables and closure. This concept is often compared to a box within a box, where the smaller box (function) and its variables (extra stuff) are contained within the larger box (higher level function). Another important concept is Model-View-Controller (MVC), which has been used since the 1970s to separate concerns in applications. MVC is a design pattern that separates data (model), user interface (view), and application logic (controller). This separation allows for easier development, maintenance, and testing. In summary, closures and scoping enable functions to have their own variables and scope, while MVC is a design pattern that separates concerns in applications by handling data, user interface, and application logic. Understanding these concepts can lead to more efficient, maintainable, and scalable code.

    • Focusing on the essentials: bike shedding and tree shakingAvoid bike shedding by focusing on significant issues and practicing tree shaking to remove unused code, making processes more efficient and effective.

      It's essential to focus on the essentials and avoid getting bogged down in trivial matters. The discussion touched upon two concepts: bike shedding and tree shaking. Bike shedding refers to the tendency to argue about insignificant details while overlooking more substantial issues. For instance, debating about the color of a bike shed instead of focusing on its size, materials, or design. Tree shaking, on the other hand, is the process of removing unused code from a JavaScript application, making it lighter and faster. These concepts can be applied to various aspects of life and work, including software development and team collaboration. By being aware of bike shedding and practicing tree shaking, we can make more efficient use of our time and resources, ultimately leading to better outcomes. It's crucial to keep the bigger picture in mind and prioritize the essentials over the insignificant.

    • JavaScript Hoisting: Declaring before UsingJavaScript hoists variable and function declarations to the top of the current scope, allowing their use before declaration. However, it only hoists declarations, not initializations, and can lead to potential issues. Best practice is to define variables and functions at the beginning of the code.

      Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism that moves variable and function declarations to the top of the current scope during the compilation phase. This allows you to use variables or call functions before they are declared in the code. However, it only hoists the declaration, not the initialization, which means that if you try to use an undefined variable or call an undefined function, you will get an error. With the introduction of let and const in ES6, variables are no longer hoisted, and using them before declaration will result in a ReferenceError. The best practice is to define your variables and functions at the beginning of your code to avoid any potential issues. An exception to this rule is when using styled components in React, where you can use them before they are declared, as they are being used within the class definition. Hoisting can be useful in specific cases, but it's generally recommended to avoid relying on it and follow the best practices for variable and function declarations. Additionally, ES Next is the latest version of ECMAScript, which brings new features to JavaScript, and it's important for developers to stay updated with the latest version to take advantage of these new capabilities.

    • Understanding Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming in JavaScriptJavaScript's asynchronous nature allows for non-blocking code and improved performance, while understanding the differences between synchronous and asynchronous programming is crucial for effective development.

      JavaScript is constantly evolving, with new features being proposed and confirmed for each annual release of ECMAScript. These upcoming features can be thought of as ES next. Asynchronous and synchronous are two concepts that can be confusing in JavaScript, as they mean the opposite of what one might expect. Synchronous means that things happen one after another, while asynchronous means that things can fire off and run concurrently. In JavaScript, it's important to use asynchronous programming to avoid freezing the browser, and tools like async/await have made this more accessible and readable. The ability to use sync await has been a game-changer for many developers, allowing for more linear and readable code. However, it's important to note that when teaching or learning JavaScript, one should be aware of the differences between synchronous and asynchronous programming, as they can be quite different from what one might expect based on their real-life definitions. Overall, the constant evolution of JavaScript and the addition of new features and tools have made it a powerful and versatile language for building dynamic and interactive web applications.

    • Exploring resources beyond programming textsRead 'Ghost in the Wires' for hacking insights and try Apollo app for improved Reddit experience

      There are valuable resources outside of traditional programming texts that can deepen a programmer's understanding and provide entertainment. The speaker recommended the book "Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as a World's Most Wanted Computer Hacker" by Kevin Mitnick. This book, though not directly related to programming, offers insights into hacking methods and social engineering, which are applicable to programming. The speaker also mentioned a new Reddit app called Apollo, which provides a better user experience for accessing Reddit's wealth of information and communities, especially for those new to web development. Overall, these recommendations highlight the importance of seeking diverse sources of knowledge and tools to enhance one's programming skills and experience.

    • Exploring new technologies and tools in web developmentStay updated by reading blogs, attending conferences, and engaging in online communities to discover new technologies and tools in web development, such as Graphcool and Apollo GraphQL Data Library.

      Staying updated in web development requires constant learning and exploration. The speaker shared his experience of discovering a blog post about state machines from a React conference, which he found through reading online communities. He also mentioned his upcoming React 16 course and his work on an advanced React course, as well as a free CSS Grid course. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying informed about new technologies and tools in the field, such as Graphcool and Apollo GraphQL Data Library, which have recently undergone significant updates. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying curious and engaged in the web development community to continue growing and improving as a developer.

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    #36 Mikroserwisy – Na co uważać?
    Podczas ostatniego odcinka podcastu rozmawialiśmy o tym kiedy warto rozważać architekturę opartą o mikroserwisy. Tym razem skupiliśmy się jednak na problemach i błędach z którymi mieliśmy styczność podczas pracy z mirkoserwisami. Niestety ale często swoje nawyki wynikające z tworzenia większych, monolitowych projektów przenosimy, taka nasza natura – wykorzystujemy znane nam rozwiązania.

    Staramy się wypunktować najpowszechniejsze problemy, a dokładniej – problemy występujące w zespołach, które po raz pierwszy starają się stworzyć oprogramowanie oparte o mikroserwisy.

    W jaki sposób podchodzić do komunikacji pomiędzy mikroserwisami?
    To tylko jeden z przykładów poruszanych podczas rozmowy. Elementów wartych uwagi i przemyślenia natomiast jest znacznie więcej i dokładnie o nich rozmawiamy w tym odcinku.

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