
    #22 Walking Away From An Ethically Challenged Career To Live Your Passion with Sonia Osborne

    en-gbMay 03, 2021

    About this Episode

    In this episode join me for a fascinating conversation with Sonia Osborne, an expert Nutritionist based in Singapore. What an incredible story of moving from the ‘dark side’ of food marketing to healing gut health and nutrition. Sonia felt that her ethical values were being challenged so she walked away to follow her true passion. It is so inspiring to hear how she is now supporting children and adults to heal themselves through nutrition. As a mum of teenage twins it was also great to hear how she is motivating them to live with gut health in mind and how her husband has felt the positive results of Sonia’s knowledge and love for good food. Let’s hope for a Sonia to write a cookbook in the future! Enjoy listening!
    Find out more about Sonia's services here: https://soniaosborne.com.au 

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    Recent Episodes from A Cup of Tea with Mary B

    #38 The Science of Finding Happiness with Sha-En Yeo

    #38 The Science of Finding Happiness with Sha-En Yeo

    We delve into the incredible journey of Sha-En Yeo, a former lonely and bullied child who defied the odds to become a 2-time TEDx speaker, a Positive Psychology expert, LinkedIn Asia's Top Mental Health Advocate and Singapore’s 1st Happiness Scientist.

    We explore the pivotal moment that changed Sha-En's life, when her teacher encouraged her with simple but empowering words, which led to her embarking on a journey to discover her true purpose.

    Prepare to be inspired as Sha-En shares her insights and lessons in this captivating podcast episode. Discover how you too can embrace happiness, harness the power of positive psychology, and unlock your full potential in both life and business. Remember, you always have a choice.

    Books mentioned in this episode:
    Learned Optimism by Dr Martin Seligman
    The Power of Regret by Daniel Pink

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    #37 When Things Go 'Wrong' In Life: Lessons From My Auntie Nellie

    #37 When Things Go 'Wrong' In Life: Lessons From My Auntie Nellie

    In this episode I want to share with you a story about my Auntie Nellie. Her life’s path may have been chosen for her but she lived it with positivity and sunshine.

    I want to tell you about how she went from being a Convent Nun to driving a pimped up Ford Escort!

    She certainly sowed the seeds of greatness for me, and even today her legacy lives on in the younger generations of our family.

    You’ll soon hear how having trust in the universe/faith/belief can mean that “life is happening for you, not against you” as the wonderful Oprah says. Enjoy!

    And I hope Auntie Nellie helps you to find a parking space or two :)

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    A Cup of Tea with Mary B
    en-gbApril 09, 2023

    #36 From Scared to Empowered With One Simple Tool

    #36 From Scared to Empowered With One Simple Tool

    In this episode, I talk about a time when I was scared. I'm not talking about being afraid of heights or being terrified by a horror movie. I’m referring to how a new and exciting business opportunity led to knots in my stomach. How my loud inner chatter was there knocking my confidence and making me feel apprehensive about stepping out of my comfort zone. I want to tell you how I turned this limiting feeling around and kept my courage through it. Maybe it will inspire you to do the same when faced with new opportunities in life.

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    #35 Believe in Yourself and Ignite Your Passion with Katie Hasson

    #35 Believe in Yourself and Ignite Your Passion with Katie Hasson

    A passion for coaching led my next guest to create a life-changing global coaching movement within a large bank. The amazing Katie Hasson is sharing her ambitious journey, where a desire to carve out her own career and a ‘fundamental grit and goal around coaching' has meant Katie has achieved the extraordinary. Her project IGNITE, an internal executive coaching team at Standard Chartered Bank, is successfully fulfilling her mission to democratise coaching, as well as creating a massive impact. It’s a wonderful story proving that when you believe in yourself, anything is possible.

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    #34 Bouncing Back from Burnout with Elika Tasker

    #34 Bouncing Back from Burnout with Elika Tasker

    If you’re lacking energy, constantly getting sick and feeling unmotivated then my podcast guest Elika Tasker is an incredible resource. She is a passionate nutrition and energy Coach who has been on her own healing journey following two burnouts. It's an inspirational journey of self-discovery, through corporate and entrepreneurial life, where Elika authentically shares the lessons she’s learnt and what she’s still learning on the way. A truly fascinating conversation about how we all need to have self-compassion and work holistically on ourselves to truly feel aligned with our soul’s desires.

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    #33 Understanding Your Values with Mary Barrett

    #33 Understanding Your Values with Mary Barrett

    When was the last time you had a good cry? I mean the ones where you sob so hard your shoulders shudder and you end up with panda eyes?

    I love a good cry, or as my hero Oprah calls it, an 'ugly cry'. When something happens or someone says something that makes you extremely upset.

     Find out how how our values and beliefs shape our lives, how you can better align them plus, very critically, what to do if they get crossed. 

    Find out how how our values and beliefs shape our lives and how  you can better align them plus very critically what to do if they get crossed.

    If you'd like to learn more about your own values download your FREE PDF, with 3 quick and easy exercises: http://eepurl.com/hfqWK9 

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    #32 A Man Is Not A Plan with Batya Shulman

    #32 A Man Is Not A Plan with Batya Shulman

    Join me and Batya Shulman, Financial Advisor and Partner at Select Investors, as she shares why she is so passionate about empowering women to obtain financial independence and freedom. 

    Hear about her personal journey leading her into a career in financial investment advice and how she found her purpose in life in her 40s. 

    Batya shares why some women don't take care of themselves financially, her three pillars of wellbeing and we talk about the age spectrum of investment from young career women to the financial challenges of divorce. 

    This episode is filled with such great advice, I'm sure you'll get so much from it.  It's never too late to start investing! 

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    #31 Keep on Swimming with Maria Frances Marinay

    #31 Keep on Swimming with Maria Frances Marinay

    Join me and Maria Frances Marinay, Co Founder of beige. social, a social media agency helping conscious brands build strong, engaged communities online. Born in the Philippines, Maria's entrepreneurial spirit started young when she created a chocolate business with her hard working mum. Not a fan of being in the limelight selling, Maria's introverted nature led her to a love of social media. Hear all about her journey, how she overcame the hardships of visa challenges, burnout and anxiety but always had her mums voice in the background encouraging her. It really demonstrates the legacy thinking of resilience and courage that she inherited from her hard working Filipino mum. A wonderful, touching story I think you'll agree. 

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    #30 Cultivating Well Being with Angela Foulds

    #30 Cultivating Well Being with Angela Foulds

    Join me and Angela Foulds, The Coach Connector and Founder of The Power Within, a business where potential clients are matched with her pool of experienced and highly qualified Coaches.

    Listen to Angela's inspirational journey and why she decided to set up The Power Within in 2020. Spoiler alert, I feature in this journey!

    We also share exclusive details of our Cultivating Well Being Experiences that we are embarking on together. With Angela's amazing organisation skills and experience in event management, and my impactful delivery skills, we are bringing you an experience you'll always remember.

    We talk about why focusing on wellbeing is SO vital right now, who the experience is for and the many, many benefits you gain from coming along to join the FUN.

    If you're interested in reserving your space, join the Mary B Tribe

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.


    #29 There Are No Limits with Sera Murphy

    #29 There Are No Limits with Sera Murphy

    Join me and Sera Murphy, known as The ReOutfitter, a personal fashion stylist with sustainability at the heart of her business. Listen to how she went from fun fashion swaps with friends to starting a business that impacts positively on people and the planet - a powerful combination. Sera is truly inspiring with her passion for slow fashion. We talk about her journey into entrepreneurship as well as the challenges she faced during motherhood and how this experience has given her strength to run her own business.
    I love how we both work with helping people be their most authentic self - I focus on the inside, Sera the outside. By understanding yourself more, and your style, you'll be able to make much more sustainable choices. So if 'sustainable fashion' scares or confuses you, or if like me you dislike shopping, you'll be inspired to hire a stylist after listening to this episode (Sera is offering a discount to my Tribe so look out for that!). Enjoy and happy shopping! 

    Thank you so much for listening!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.

    If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.
