
    245. Andy & DJ CTI: Voting For Democrats Only, Biden’s State Of The Union & CDC’s Detrimental Data

    enMarch 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Appreciating the simple things in lifeCherish the present moment and find joy in simple things, like sharing a birthday with family or enjoying the beautiful weather.

      The importance of appreciating the simple things in life was emphasized in this conversation between Andy and DJ Cruz. Andy shared a heartwarming story about his father reminding him of his upcoming birthday and not wanting anything, but instead just wanting to share the moment with his family. This conversation shifted to discussing the beautiful weather outside and how it can positively impact one's mood. Additionally, they discussed the importance of self-awareness and being mindful of one's actions, even if they seem insignificant. The hosts also touched upon the various topics they cover in their podcast, reminding listeners that they offer a range of content from business and entrepreneurship to social issues and politics. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of cherishing the present moment and finding joy in the simple things.

    • Election integrity concerns in Houston, TexasProtecting voting rights and ensuring fair elections is crucial to prevent class division and address underlying issues. Stay informed and engaged to promote election integrity.

      The integrity of elections in the United States is a significant concern, as shown in a recent incident in Houston, Texas, where Republican voters were reportedly turned away from a polling station under the false pretense of being understaffed. This incident highlights the importance of protecting voting rights and freedoms to ensure fair elections and prevent the country from sliding towards complete class division. The speaker emphasizes that elections alone may not be sufficient to address the underlying issues and that it's crucial for individuals to stay informed and engaged in social issues, particularly those related to election integrity. The speaker's personal belief in the fraudulent nature of the 2020 presidential election underscores the urgency of this issue and the need for increased awareness and action.

    • Elections and government concernsThe speaker expresses concern about recent elections and the actions of the current government, believing them to be illegitimate and harmful to society. They warn of potential consequences for those not already wealthy, and encourage non-participation if people feel their votes won't be counted.

      The speaker expresses deep concern about the integrity of recent elections and the actions of the current government, which they believe to be illegitimate and harmful to the majority of society. They argue that elected officials no longer represent the values of their communities and instead answer to powerful elites. The speaker is frustrated that not enough people seem to understand or care about these issues and warns that the consequences could be a future of poverty and reduced quality of life for those not already wealthy. They also suggest that if people feel they cannot vote, they should encourage others to join them in not participating. Overall, the speaker's message is one of urgency and a call to action.

    • Politics and Corporate InterestsAmericans are encouraged to stay informed and engaged as politicians shift stances and crime rates rise, with a focus on choosing representatives who truly represent the people's values.

      The current state of politics in America is seen as corrupt and influenced by corporate interests, leading to a call for common sense Americans to get involved and take action. The speaker expresses frustration with the use of labels like "fascist" and believes the true definition lies in the intertwining of corporate and political interests. The State of the Union address revealed a shift in Democratic stance on funding the police, reflecting potential election concerns and the need for candidates who represent the values of the people. Crime rates have risen significantly in major cities over the past two years, and the speaker encourages vigilance in choosing representatives for upcoming elections. Despite the flip-flopping on issues, it's crucial to stay informed and engaged to ensure that values are represented in government.

    • Policies leading to personnel reduction and criminal release, mandatory vaccinations, and proposed solutionsUnderstanding the motivations behind policies and their consequences is crucial for making informed decisions. Be skeptical of propaganda and misinformation from various sources.

      During the past few years, there have been significant policies implemented that led to the reduction of law enforcement and military personnel, as well as the release of violent criminals. Simultaneously, there has been a push for mandatory vaccinations that resulted in the dismissal of non-compliant individuals from various sectors, including hospitals, the military, and the police force. Now, some individuals and politicians are attempting to present solutions to these issues they created, but the speaker argues that people need to understand the full history of these situations and the motivations behind them to make informed decisions. The speaker also expresses skepticism about the public's ability to grasp the truth and avoid being influenced by propaganda from Hollywood, culture, and the media.

    • Manipulating History for Ignorance and ComplacencyHistorical manipulation leads to ignorance, normalization of false narratives, and acceptance of harmful policies. Stay informed, hold leaders accountable, and use the internet to preserve truth.

      There is a deliberate effort to manipulate history and public perception, which leads to widespread ignorance and complacency among the population. This was exemplified by the comparison of the January 6th event to historical insurgencies during a candlelight vigil, despite the obvious differences. The consequences of this manipulation include the normalization of false narratives and the acceptance of harmful policies. It's essential to be aware of this tactic, keep records, and hold those in power accountable. The internet provides an invaluable tool for preserving information and exposing deception. The recent history of defunding the police is a prime example of this manipulation, with politicians like Joe Biden making contradictory statements and the media perpetuating false narratives. It's crucial to remain vigilant and demand truth and transparency from our leaders.

    • Breaking Free from ControlPeople should assertively stand up for themselves and their beliefs, not let others dictate their future, even if it means being confrontational.

      People are allowing themselves to be controlled without realizing it, and it's important to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. The speaker expresses frustration with those in power who make decisions despite their incompetence and divisiveness. He believes that the "silent majority" needs to break free from this label and make their voices heard. The speaker encourages people to be assertive and not let others dictate their future. He criticizes the culture of taking the high road and instead advocates for standing up for oneself, even if it means being rude or confrontational. The ultimate goal is to break the cycle of being bullied and to take back control.

    • Silence and Inaction Contribute to MisinformationSilence and inaction from individuals and organizations can contribute to the spread of misinformation, particularly when it comes to controversial topics like vaccine safety.

      It's not just the extreme voices on the political spectrum causing division and spreading misinformation, but also those who remain silent or fail to challenge harmful narratives. The speaker expresses frustration with individuals who claim to be patriots or advocates for certain causes, but do nothing to challenge the problematic actions and statements of others. The CDC's release of data on the risks of myocarditis caused by mRNA COVID-19 vaccines adds to the ongoing debate around vaccine safety and efficacy. The speaker expresses concern over the suppression of information and data that contradicts mainstream narratives, and the potential consequences of ignoring or downplaying these issues.

    • Concerns about COVID-19 vaccine side effects and accountabilityHistory may repeat if there's no transparency, accountability, and open dialogue regarding COVID-19 vaccine side effects and potential long-term consequences.

      The discussion highlights concerns about the side effects and potential long-term consequences of COVID-19 vaccines, which have been difficult to access and discuss openly due to censorship. The speakers express their belief that those responsible for promoting and implementing the vaccines may attempt to shift accountability to political figures like Donald Trump as more data on side effects and deaths emerge. They warn that history may repeat itself if there is no swift accountability and if people continue to comply with unchecked power. If social media and the internet did not exist, the situation could resemble dark periods in history with mass censorship and potentially even camps for those refusing vaccines. The importance of transparency, accountability, and open dialogue is emphasized.

    • Questioning the historical narrativeCritically examine historical events from multiple perspectives to gain a more accurate understanding, challenge mainstream narratives, and avoid the erosion of national identities.

      History as we know it may not be factual or complete. The speaker argues that those in power have controlled the narrative and what gets recorded in history books. He suggests that people need to question everything and seek out multiple perspectives to gain a more accurate understanding of historical events. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and connecting the dots to see the bigger picture. He believes that this is necessary to understand current events and the agendas of those in power, and to prevent the erosion of national identities and the move towards a one-world government. The speaker encourages everyone to educate themselves and look beyond the information presented to them through mainstream sources.

    • Holding Accountable and Staying EngagedRemember important issues, stand up for values, and stay engaged in communities to hold accountable and not let important matters be forgotten.

      It's important to remember and hold accountable those who have acted against the values and freedom of our country. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to stand up for what they believe in and not let important issues be forgotten or overshadowed by new narratives. The speaker also shares a light-hearted article about a creative dad who uses his vacuum cleaner hose to draw on his rug as a reminder that everyone has unique ways of enjoying themselves. Ultimately, the message is to stay engaged and involved in our communities and not let important issues slip away.

    • Unexpected joy from a new vacuum cleanerFinding joy in everyday tasks and sharing experiences with friends can bring camaraderie and lightheartedness

      The speaker found unexpected pleasure and appreciation for a new vacuum cleaner, drawing humorous comparisons to its shape and performance. He shared his experience with his friends, who joined in the conversation with jokes and laughter. Despite the explicit nature of some of the jokes, the group seemed to enjoy the camaraderie and lightheartedness of the conversation. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of finding joy in everyday tasks and sharing those experiences with others. However, it's important to be mindful of boundaries and considerate of others when engaging in such conversations.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

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    About this interview:

    Dr Thomas Binder MD studied medicine at the University of Zurich, received his doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology, and has 35 years of clinical experience. Thomas has worked in diagnostics and the treatment of respiratory infections in hospitals and in intensive care units, and has been working in his private practice in Switzerland for 25 years. In February 2020, Thomas stood up for the return of real science, medicine and humanity. The result of his vocal opposition to the unscientific and irrational covid poilicies was to be arrested and referred for compulsory psyhiatric treatment. Thomas describes eloquently the dystopian hell he went through. Thomas is a compassionate and kind man, and this conversation is really an inspirational story of a man, a doctor, standing up for what is right in a world gone mad. Thomas is a board member of the Swiss 'Aletheia, humane medicine and science', is a core member of 'Doctors for Covid Ethics', a member of the German ‘Physicians and scientists for health, freedom and democracy', and is one of the 22 life scientists who wrote the ‘Corman-Drosten Review Report’, including ‘addendum’. Blogs, articles, talks and interviews you can find on his personal website link below. Links - Twitter
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    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

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