
    25. Enriching Your Soul: A Conversation on Inner Strength, Mental Health, and Energy Mastery with Rich Bracken

    en-usSeptember 07, 2023

    About this Episode

    Rich Bracken is a thought leader, the host of the EnRich Your Soul podcast, and a keynote speaker specializing in emotional intelligence. He brings a unique and refreshing blend of empathy and positivity that resonates with professionals from every level and background.


    We discuss how to decide what’s most important to you, how to listen to your own intuition, the power of energy practices as you navigate this world, and what’s worked for us in creating strength in our lives.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.soulsistercoaching.com/blog/enriching-soul-rich-bracken

    Recent Episodes from The Mindset School for Soulful Entrepreneurs with Natalie Ottosen

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Taking a Break

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Taking a Break

    Today's episode is a little different. It is a heart to heart, a moment of personal reflection and a message from me to you, my amazing listeners, about the power of pause and the necessity of self care.


    I am currently moving through some of my own life challenges and it has led me to a significant realization that sometimes we must pause in order to move forward with intention. Just like nature has its seasons, our lives have periods of growth and periods of rest, and right now my spirit is calling for a restful winter to replenish and renew. So, tune in this week to hear why I'm taking a break from the podcast for the next little while.


    Click here to learn how you can work with me, or go to www.soulsistercoaching.com/services.

    33. Energy Healing: Tools for Transformation (Part 3)

    33. Energy Healing: Tools for Transformation (Part 3)

    Energy healing is a gift many of us are blessed with, and it can be cultivated and shared with others in various ways. 


    Continuing with our series into the different healing modalities I use in my business, we’re diving deep into energy healing and the power of unleashing the healing power you hold in your hands.


    I’m discussing Reiki, Bioenergetics, and Reconnective Healing, showing you how they align your mind, body, and energy, and the impact you can have on your clients when you start embracing the healing power that lives in your hands.


    Get full show notes and information here: https://www.soulsistercoaching.com/blog/energy-healing-tools-transformation

    32. Astrology: Tools for Transformation (Part 2)

    32. Astrology: Tools for Transformation (Part 2)

    If you want to get to know yourself on a deeper level, astrology is an amazing place to start. 


    When I read somebody’s astrology chart, it gives me a unique insight into them as a person and gives me information on how to make their healing journey work better for them. 


    Tune in this week to discover the power of astrology and the valuable information available in your birth chart. I’m discussing the Sun, the Moon, the Ascendant or rising sign, Saturn, and showing how this information will influence your soulful healing journey.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.soulsistercoaching.com/blog/astrology-tools-transformation

    31. Life Coaching: Tools for Transformation (Part 1)

    31. Life Coaching: Tools for Transformation (Part 1)

    Life coaching is one of the things that has transformed my life and the lives of the people I work with the most.


    If you feel like what you want to create in your life simply isn’t achievable, life coaching is an amazing tool and, by the end of today’s show, you’ll understand why.


    Tune in this week to discover what first intrigued me about life coaching and how it is a powerful modality for transformation. I’m discussing what life coaching is, what it definitely isn’t, and I’m sharing the alchemy that happens when coaching is fused with cosmic wisdom.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.soulsistercoaching.com/blog/life-coaching-tools-transformation

    30. Finding Fulfillment and Success with The Four Agreements

    30. Finding Fulfillment and Success with The Four Agreements

    The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is essential reading for any soulful entrepreneur. This book introduces some incredible principles that can help us build more fulfilling personal and professional lives filled with freedom and show us how to become all-around better people.


    Whether you’ve read The Four Agreements in the past and you’re looking to glean some deeper insights, you’ve been meaning to read it, or you’ve never even heard of the book before, this episode is here to show you how to integrate some powerful lessons into your own life, spiritual journey, and business.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.soulsistercoaching.com/blog/fulfillment-success-the-four-agreements

    29. 4 Signs You Need More Rest

    29. 4 Signs You Need More Rest

    Why is rest important? Well, before we can move mountains, we must first be able to sit still. But rest isn’t just about physical relaxation.


    Rest is a sacred space where you recharge spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. It’s an opportunity to reflect on insights and lessons, and rest often precedes major growth spurts on your spiritual journey.


    Tune in this week to discover why rest matters, and how to get more of it. I’m sharing why you might struggle to get the rest you need in order to keep growing mentally and spiritually, and I’m showing you how to incorporate more intentional restful practices into your everyday life.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.soulsistercoaching.com/blog/signs-you-need-more-rest

    28. Spiritual Awakening: A Comprehensive Guide

    28. Spiritual Awakening: A Comprehensive Guide

    Whether you’re in the middle of a spiritual awakening, you have a deep desire to explore what your own transformative experience may look like, or you’re just curious about what a spiritual awakening entails, this episode is for you. I’m giving you the clarity and insight you need, along with some actionable tips for navigating this kind of event.


    Tune in this week to discover everything you need to know about spiritual awakenings. I’m sharing what a spiritual awakening looks like, discussing how to identify your own transformational moments, and showing you how to move forward once you understand the gravity of your spiritual awakening.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.soulsistercoaching.com/blog/spiritual-awakening-guide

    27. 5 Ways to Handle Criticism Gracefully

    27. 5 Ways to Handle Criticism Gracefully

    Criticism can be tough to swallow. It triggers feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, and hearing other people’s opinions can even lead to us questioning our own identity, values, and life choices. So, when you receive criticism and your defenses go on high alert, how can you stop these natural defenses from blocking your path to growth?


    Tune in this week to discover some of the hidden blessings of receiving criticisms. Dealing with other people’s opinions can be uncomfortable, but I’m showing you the upsides of truly hearing other people’s opinions and criticisms, and I’m giving you five pillars for handling criticism gracefully and with your own personal growth in mind.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.soulsistercoaching.com/blog/handle-criticism-gracefully

    26. An Everyday Meditation to Change Your Life

    26. An Everyday Meditation to Change Your Life

    Over the past 25 episodes, I’ve spoken about mindfulness, meditation, and having a self-care practice because all of these things are imperative for entrepreneurs. Building a business means mental drama and personal growth as you become the best version of yourself. Today, I’m sharing a meditation I do regularly that helps me with all of these things.


    Whether you’re familiar with meditation or you’re totally new, what I’m giving you in this episode has the potential to open you up to a world of growth, peace, and mindfulness.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.soulsistercoaching.com/blog/everyday-meditation