
    25: Extending Human Life: From Science Fiction to Science Fact

    enSeptember 27, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Holiday Packing and Shipping at UPS Store and Natural Supplements from SymbionicaDuring the holidays, UPS Store helps with timely packing and shipping while Symbionica offers all natural supplements made with premium plant-based ingredients, free from toxins.

      During the holiday season, the UPS store is open and ready to help with all packing and shipping needs, ensuring that your holiday goodies arrive on time. Another key takeaway is that Symbionica offers all natural supplements that actually work, made with premium plant-based ingredients and free from seed oils, fillers, or toxins. Lastly, BioViva USA Inc, led by CEO Liz Parrish, is committed to building gene therapies to eradicate diseases and extend healthy life, targeting biological aging as a disease rather than individual symptoms. Liz, who is known for her ambition and big visions, believes that age reversal and living longer, healthier lives is not only possible but a fact, with technologies already in use in animals and human cell culture.

    • A future of human enhancementThe speaker envisions a future where individuals can modify their traits independently, using technology to enhance physical abilities and save lives through advancements in stem cell work and genetics.

      The speaker, a biohacker and the founder of a biotech company, expresses a lifelong fascination with the potential of enhancing the human body beyond its current limitations. He envisions a future where individuals can choose and modify their traits independently, beyond what is currently possible with technology. The speaker shares examples of existing technology, such as myostatin inhibitors, that can enhance physical abilities. He formed his company in 2015, driven by a personal experience with a sick child and a desire to accelerate medical advancements, particularly in stem cell work and genetics, to save lives and improve human conditions.

    • Regulatory Approach to Experimental Medicine Causes HarmThe speaker advocates for a shift from treating symptoms to curing diseases at the genomic level using gene therapies, challenging the status quo and encouraging a more proactive and innovative approach to healthcare.

      The current regulatory approach to certain forms of experimental medicine is causing harm and losing lives, particularly in the context of aging diseases. The speaker's experience at a genetics conference led them to believe that we could be using genetic technologies to save lives instead of just trying to extend them. They argue that while safety and regulation are important, they are also causing unnecessary deaths through the cover-up of adverse drug effects and the high cost of therapies. The speaker is advocating for a shift in focus towards curing diseases at the genomic level, using gene therapies that can target every cell in the body and have a myriad of health benefits. While some of these therapies may be expensive, the speaker believes that health should not come at a cost and that we should be targeting every cell in the body to save lives instead of just treating symptoms. The speaker's perspective challenges the status quo and encourages a more proactive and innovative approach to healthcare.

    • Gene therapy targeting aging genesGene therapy can modify genes linked to higher IQ, longer life, and increased depression risk, potentially impacting academic motivation and treating conditions like depression.

      Gene therapy is a rapidly advancing field with the potential to target and modify genes that influence various aspects of human health and behavior. Currently, researchers are focusing on genes that our cells already have, some of which are turned off or downregulated as we age. One example of this is the Clotho gene, which is linked to higher IQ and a tendency to live longer, but also an increased risk of depression. This gene therapy could potentially impact traits like academic motivation in the future. Previously, researchers focused on using gene therapies to treat neurodegenerative diseases. The potential for gene therapy to manipulate the brain is significant, and could lead to breakthroughs in treating conditions like depression, as well as enhancing traits like academic motivation. The discovery of the genes involved and their interactions with each other and epigenetics is a complex process, but holds great promise for the future.

    • Promising Results of Stem Cell Therapy for Neurological Conditions, Temporary ImprovementsStem cell therapy shows promise in treating neurological conditions like ALS, but improvements are temporary. Future advancements like gene therapy, genetic engineering, and genomic engineering hold potential for more permanent solutions.

      Stem cell therapy, specifically the release of the h factor, has shown promising results in treating neurological conditions like ALS, with patients experiencing rapid cognitive and physical improvements. However, these improvements are temporary as the stem cells leave the area after a few weeks to months. The future of medicine holds the potential for gene therapy, genetic engineering, and eventually genomic engineering, which could lead to more permanent solutions for various diseases, including neurological conditions. The idea of genetically engineering an entire genome raises questions about identity and similarity. While these advancements may seem far-fetched, they hold the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve quality of life.

    • Exploring the Future of Gene Therapy and Genomic EngineeringGene therapy offers potential for disease eradication and improved quality of life, but the technology for managing massive genomic changes does not yet exist. Pioneering spirit and compassion are needed to advance genomic engineering for a more humane world.

      Scientists are making progress in gene therapy, which allows for the addition of genes without the risk of the body rejecting it, opening up possibilities for changing parts of the genome. However, the technology to keep the body from rejecting massive genomic changes does not yet exist. The field of genomic engineering, which could potentially change entire parts of the genome, is more complex and risky. A pioneering spirit is needed to advance these technologies, and the potential benefits could include eradicating suffering from diseases and improving overall human quality of life. The speaker expresses compassion for those suffering and a belief that a better world can be created by investing in humanity's potential. The speaker also emphasizes that the way we die is connected to how we live, and that improving the human condition can lead to a more humane world.

    • Pursue Passion and Achievement with Financial SustainabilityStrive for passions, impact and affordable cures, challenging the status quo for access to essential treatments

      We should strive for passion and achievement in life, while ensuring that passion and financial sustainability go hand in hand. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not settling for a low standard of achievement and encourages working towards our goals, even if they require significant effort. Furthermore, they argue against the notion that safety and efficacy should come with a hefty price tag, and that cures should be accessible to all, regardless of cost or patentability. The speaker's perspective is that companies should prioritize helping people and driving down costs, rather than focusing solely on profits and patents. Overall, the key takeaway is to pursue our passions, work towards making a positive impact, and challenge the status quo when it comes to access to essential treatments and cures.

    • The Future of Human LongevityPredicted future causes of death include infectious diseases for the elderly, and advancements in medicine aim to extend healthy human life through cellular division reset and plaque clearance proteins.

      The potential for human longevity is vast and the market for both pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals will continue to thrive as people strive to live longer, healthier lives. In the past, the leading cause of death was infectious disease, but with advancements in medicine, that has drastically changed. Now, diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's are the leading causes of death. However, it's predicted that in the future, infectious disease may once again become the leading cause, but this time for those living to extremely old ages. The goal is to extend healthy human life, and this can be achieved through resetting cellular division and upregulating proteins that help the body clear plaques and misfolded proteins. Ultimately, the question is, if you're healthy, what are you dying of? The potential for living to 120 years or even beyond is a real possibility, and the market for products and services that support this goal will only continue to grow.

    • Aging as a Disease: Preventing and Curing with Gene TherapiesGene therapies aim to prevent or cure diseases caused by aging by manipulating human genes, with a debate ongoing over transient vs permanent approaches, ultimately focusing on maintaining true health and resetting the body every 30 years.

      Aging is considered a disease caused by the accumulation of damage and misfolded proteins in the body over time. This damage can lead to various diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and atherosclerosis, which can start developing in young age. The goal is to create a "better human" by using human genes to prevent or cure these diseases before they become a major threat. The debate is ongoing about whether gene therapies should be transient or permanent. Our company specializes in permanent upregulation, but transient therapies have their value as well. The ultimate goal is to maintain true health and prevent diseases, not just manage symptoms. The human body's chances of dying from diseases between the ages of 15 and 30 are almost zero, and the goal is to reset the body to that point every 30 years. The decision between transient and permanent gene therapies depends on their potential immune response and long-term effects.

    • Exploring Age Reversal with Gene TherapyGene therapy holds promise for age reversal and disease prevention, but careful research is necessary to minimize side effects and ensure body acceptance. With $4.5 million in funding, a company aims to prove its therapies' efficacy by 2016, potentially leading to universal healthcare and cost savings.

      Gene therapy, particularly a one-time application, holds great potential for age reversal and prevention of age-related diseases. However, it requires careful consideration and research to ensure the body does not reject the therapy and unwanted side effects are minimized. The process involves small injections, which can cause some discomfort but is generally manageable. The company aims to have evidence of age reversal by 2016 and needs $4.5 million in funding to run clinical trials and prove the efficacy of their therapies. If successful, the therapies could lead to universal healthcare and significant cost savings for individuals and governments. The world is currently facing an aging population, making this research especially crucial.

    • Addressing the financial burden of aging population's healthcare costsThe aging population's healthcare costs are unsustainable, eradicating diseases of aging could save trillions, BioViva uses gene therapy and CRISPR technology to extend healthy human lifespan, and they aim to bring on top talent to expand capabilities.

      The aging population is growing rapidly, and the financial burden of their healthcare costs is unsustainable. With more people over 65 than under 5, the workforce is shrinking, and the financial strain on healthcare systems is becoming increasingly severe. Eradicating diseases of aging could save trillions of dollars in healthcare costs over a presidential term. BioViva, a company in the forefront of this revolution, is focused on genetic genomic engineering to extend healthy human lifespan. Although this technology is still developing, they are currently making strides with gene therapy and CRISPR technology to intervene and get people healthy now. BioViva's vision is to bring on the best and most innovative talent to expand their capabilities and continue making a positive impact on people's lives.

    • A team driven by passion and commitment to make a differenceThis team values making a positive impact on the world over personal gain or reputation, and is determined to change the game for the better.

      The team behind this innovative project values making a positive impact on the world above personal gain or reputation. They're not driven by the prospect of luxury items or high living, but rather by the desire to do what's right and take risks to make a difference. Despite the potential objections from traditional business practices, they're determined to change the game for the better. This passion and commitment is inspiring, and it's clear that their investors will be pleased with the results, but that's not their primary motivation. Instead, they're focused on using their talents and resources to create a better world. It's refreshing to hear such a selfless and forward-thinking approach, and it's a reminder that success can come in many forms beyond material wealth.

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    Dr. Adeel Khan completed his MD at the University of Ottawa in Canada.

    After training in sports medicine and interventional pain, he specialized in regenerative medicine. He co-founded Xalt and is the Chief Scientific Officer of Science & Humans. He is also the chief medical officer for Minicircle, the world’s first reversible gene therapy. He has a special interest in using interventional procedures to treat weightlifting injuries, as well as chronic neck and back pain. Dr. Khan is also an Assistant Clinical Professor at University of Toronto.


    This episode was recorded on Dec 29th, 2023.


    - Links -


    For Dr. Adeel Khan:

    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dr.akhan/?hl=en

    On TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@theregendoc?lang=en

    Learn more about Dr. Khan's clinic Eterna Health and the services we offer here https://eterna.health/

    Find out how to attend our upcoming anti-aging/longevity conference Unlock Longevity in Austin, TX on Feb. 24, 2024 here https://eterna.health/unlock-longevity/ 

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    Viruses: The Ultimate Gene Therapy Machines – Liz Parrish : 682

    Viruses: The Ultimate Gene Therapy Machines – Liz Parrish : 682

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is known as "the woman who wants to genetically engineer you," and a leading voice for genetic cures.

    Liz Parrish founded and serves as CEO of BioViva Sciences USA Inc., a bioinformatics company actively working to extend healthy lifespans using gene therapy. It’s looking specifically at how gene therapy works in humans and how regenerative genes work in human bodies. Its partner company, Integrative Health Systems, helps people get access to these technologies today.

    A strong champion of progress and education for the advancement of gene therapy, Liz firmly supports our right and our ability to hack our own DNA.

    And she definitely walks her talk: In 2015 she became the first person in the world to take dual gene therapies to treat aging. One of the ways was to use adeno-associated virus, called AAV.  “AAV doesn't essentially do what old gene therapy does,” she explains. “So, you don't get sick when you take it, because if you get sick then you're going to not uptake the genes. … And viruses are still the best gene delivery method there is. They get genes into the nucleus.”

    “Remember, these viruses are modifying you every year,” Liz says. “You get viruses and influenzas and things like that and they all do their little dance. We're just making them do a dance that only up-regulates therapeutic genes.”

    From increased muscle mass to mitochondria, and from clinical trials to affordability, our conversation about gene therapy takes you into new territory. Listen on to learn more about Liz’s personal experience, her longevity work, and how you can shape your own genes.

    Enjoy the show! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts

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