
    #250 Why Sleep is the Most Important Pillar of Health with Professor Matthew Walker (Re-Release)

    enMarch 27, 2022
    What are the health impacts of short sleep?
    How does caffeine affect sleep quality?
    What role does sleep play in mental health?
    What are alternatives to caffeinated beverages for better sleep?
    How does sleep deprivation affect economic productivity?

    • The Importance of Sleep for Health and WellbeingSleep is vital for physical and mental health, resilience, and athletic performance. Caffeine's long-lasting effect can disrupt sleep, contributing to the global sleep loss epidemic and potential weight gain.

      Sleep is a crucial aspect of our health and wellbeing, with short sleep being linked to a shorter lifespan and increased mortality risk. Professor Matthew Walker, an expert on sleep, emphasizes that sleep is not just important for physical health but also for mental health, resilience, and athletic performance. Moreover, the impacts of caffeine and alcohol on sleep quality were discussed, with caffeine having a longer-lasting effect in the body than most people realize, potentially disrupting sleep even if consumed several hours before bedtime. The global sleep loss epidemic is a significant public health challenge, and being chronically sleep-deprived can also affect our appetite and ability to lose weight. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of prioritizing good sleep hygiene and being mindful of our caffeine intake for optimal health and wellbeing.

    • Underestimating the Impact of Caffeine on SleepA single cup of coffee can reduce deep sleep quality by 20%, leading to a dependency cycle and poor overall well-being.

      Caffeine consumption, particularly among children and adults in developed nations, has become a pervasive aspect of daily life, akin to a new pop culture. Despite its psychoactive properties, we often underestimate its implications. A single cup of coffee can significantly reduce deep sleep quality by 20%, equivalent to aging 15 years or having poor sleep every night. This can lead to a dependency cycle, as individuals may reach for more caffeine to compensate for the unrestorative sleep. It's crucial for individuals to be aware of the true impact of caffeine on their sleep and consider reducing their intake for improved sleep quality and overall well-being.

    • Caffeine's Impact on Sleep QualityReducing caffeine intake, especially after midday, can improve sleep quality. Decaf coffee is a caffeine-reduced alternative. Be mindful of decaf coffee's caffeine content and consider overall caffeine intake from all sources.

      Caffeine, a common morning beverage, can significantly disrupt sleep quality. While it's enjoyable and part of many people's routines, reducing caffeine intake, especially after midday, can lead to improved sleep. Decaf coffee is an alternative for those who want to maintain the ritual but avoid the negative effects of caffeine. It's important to note that decaf coffee still contains some caffeine, so it's essential to be mindful of the specific brand and amount consumed. The relationship between caffeine and sleep can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, leading to increased dependency and poorer sleep quality over time. Additionally, beverages like tea, which are often considered alternatives to coffee, also contain caffeine and should be considered when evaluating overall caffeine intake.

    • Sleep as a Foundational Pillar of HealthSleep impacts diet and exercise significantly. Lack of sleep causes muscle loss during weight loss and decreases motivation, intensity, muscle strength, and respiratory function for exercise. Prioritize sufficient sleep for overall health optimization.

      Sleep is the foundational pillar of health, not just a support for diet and exercise. Lack of sufficient sleep can lead to significant negative effects on both diet and exercise. For diet, sleep deprivation can cause the body to lose muscle instead of fat when trying to lose weight. For exercise, lack of sleep decreases motivation and intensity, negatively impacts muscle strength and respiratory systems, and increases the risk for injury. The good news is that the relationship between sleep, diet, and exercise is bidirectional, meaning that improving one can lead to improvements in the others. It's essential to prioritize getting enough sleep to optimize overall health and well-being.

    • Lowering core body temperature for better sleepTaking a hot bath or shower before bed can help lower core body temperature, improving sleep quality. Prioritizing sleep is essential for both physical and mental performance.

      Getting a good night's sleep is essential for both physical and mental performance. The body's core temperature plays a role in sleep quality, and working out late into the night can raise this temperature, making it harder to fall asleep. A solution for this is to take a hot bath or shower before bed to help lower the core body temperature and improve sleep. Additionally, many athletes, such as Roger Federer and LeBron James, prioritize sleep as a crucial part of their training and recovery regimen. Sleep is considered the greatest legal performance-enhancing drug due to its role in both preparing the body for exercise and aiding in recovery. For optimal performance in all areas of life, prioritizing sleep is key.

    • The Importance of Prioritizing Sufficient SleepPrioritizing sleep can lead to improved health, well-being, and longer life. Most adults need 7-9 hours per night, aim for 8 hours, and be aware of objective impairments even if subjective feelings are good.

      Prioritizing sufficient sleep is crucial for optimal health and well-being. Contrary to some beliefs, most adults require seven to nine hours of sleep per night, with an optimal sleep opportunity time of around eight hours. Lack of sleep can lead to objective impairments in the body and brain, yet many people are unaware of their sleep deprivation. It's important to understand that our subjective sense of well-being is not an accurate predictor of our actual state. Neglecting sleep can result in a chronically low baseline of health and wellness, and people may not realize that they can improve their lives by prioritizing sleep and addressing other areas like stress, diet, and physical activity. Sleep deprivation is a significant public health issue, with research showing that shorter sleep predicts a shorter life. It's essential to recognize the importance of sleep and make it a priority for a better version of ourselves and deeper, more meaningful interactions with the world.

    • The Importance of Sleep for HealthConsider supplements like Athletic Greens' AG1 for nutrients and Vivo Barefoot shoes for better movement, prioritize sleep for improved physical and mental health.

      While we place significant emphasis on the importance of nutrition and physical activity for our health, sleep often gets overlooked. The speaker emphasizes the critical role of sleep in both physical and mental health, and encourages listeners to consider supplements like Athletic Greens' AG1 as a convenient way to ensure they're getting the necessary nutrients. Additionally, the speaker endorses Vivo Barefoot shoes for their benefits in promoting better movement and reducing pain. The speaker laments that sleep has been neglected in the health conversation and urges more awareness and education on the topic.

    • The Importance of Changing Our View on SleepPrioritize sleep for better health, avoid blue light and work before bedtime for optimal sleep quality.

      Sleep is often overlooked in discussions about health and wellness, despite its importance. This may be due in part to the stigma surrounding sleep, with some people viewing getting enough sleep as a sign of laziness or sloth. To bring sleep back into the health conversation and destigmatize it, we need to change the way we view and talk about sleep. The speaker, who wrote a book on the importance of sleep, shares his personal experience of prioritizing sleep after having children and the negative effects of not getting enough. He also highlights the importance of avoiding blue light and work before bedtime, as these can negatively impact sleep quality. By recognizing the significance of sleep and making it a priority, we can improve our overall health and well-being.

    • The Importance of Prioritizing Sleep for Overall HealthSleep influences our genetic expression and overall well-being, making it a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. Neglecting sleep can lead to chronic health issues.

      Sleep is a crucial aspect of overall health and well-being, and it should be prioritized as an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. This perspective comes from both the speaker's personal experience and his professional observations as a doctor. He believes that the medical system has focused too much on acute diseases and their pharmaceutical solutions, while neglecting the impact of lifestyle factors, particularly sleep, on chronic conditions. Sleep, along with food and physical activity, plays a significant role in our health by influencing our genetic expression and overall well-being. The speaker's journey into promoting lifestyle changes for his patients led him to recognize the importance of sleep, and he now emphasizes it as a key factor in preventing and managing various health issues.

    • The Impact of Sleep on Overall Health and WellbeingSleep significantly affects multiple systems in the body, including brain function, hormones, and genetic expression, and its importance should be recognized for overall health and wellbeing.

      Sleep is a crucial aspect of overall health and wellbeing, yet it is often overlooked or under-prioritized in modern society. Listening to patients and observing the impact of sleep deprivation on their lives has been a major influence on the speaker's recommendations. The importance of sleep was further reinforced at a conference she attended, where she learned how sleep affects various systems in the body, including brain function, hormones, and genetic expression. Sleep's significance extends beyond just rest; it impacts numerous health aspects, such as blood sugar regulation and cardiovascular health. In fact, sleep deprivation can lead to health issues typically associated with conditions like prediabetes or cardiovascular disease. The speaker emphasizes the need for increased sleep education within the medical system, as it could significantly improve patients' wellness. Sleep is an essential component of human evolution, and reducing it by just 20% within a century has demonstrable health consequences. It's essential to recognize that sleep affects multiple systems in the body, and addressing it can lead to improvements in various aspects of health.

    • The Impact of Sleep on Health and Well-BeingLosing an hour of sleep increases heart attacks by 24%, while gaining an hour reduces them by 21%. Sleep strengthens the immune system and helps combat infections. Adequate sleep enhances energy levels and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

      Sleep plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. The global experiment of daylight savings time shows that losing just one hour of sleep can lead to a 24% increase in heart attacks, while gaining an hour of sleep results in a 21% reduction. Lack of sleep weakens the immune system, making us more susceptible to infections and diseases. During deep sleep, the body goes into an immune stimulation mode, restocking the immune army to fight infections. When we're sick, our bodies signal for more sleep to combat the infection. Sleep is a natural and effective tool to improve energy levels, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and enhance overall health.

    • The Significance of Sleep for Mental HealthSleep impacts mental health by affecting emotional reactivity and increasing the risk of anxiety and depression. Prioritizing good sleep hygiene and education on sleep is crucial for overall well-being.

      Sleep plays a crucial role in both physical and mental health. Matthew Walker, a leading sleep scientist, emphasizes that medical students should receive more education on sleep due to its significance. He says that his extensive knowledge on the subject came from self-learning, not medical school. Sleep has a profound impact on mental health, with research showing that individuals who are sleep deprived have more reactive emotional brain centers, such as the amygdala. This can lead to increased emotional reactivity, impulsivity, and misinterpretation of situations. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Furthermore, sleep can be a treatment for mental health problems. Walker's new course, "Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine," teaches healthcare professionals about the importance of sleep and its role in mental health. In summary, prioritizing good sleep hygiene and education on sleep is essential for overall well-being and mental health.

    • Sleep's Impact on Mental HealthSleep disruption is linked to various mental health issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD, schizophrenia, and even suicide. Prioritizing sleep could lead to cost savings and improvements in overall health and wellbeing.

      Sleep plays a significant role in both physical and mental health. The relationship between sleep and mental health is profound, with sleep disruption linked to various psychiatric conditions including depression, anxiety, PTSD, schizophrenia, and even suicide. Sleep deprivation is not just a symptom of mental health issues, but can also contribute to their development. The economic impact of insufficient sleep is also substantial, costing developed nations like the UK, US, and Japan around 2% of their GDP. Prioritizing sleep could lead to significant cost savings and improvements in overall health and wellbeing.

    • Improving sleep quality for better healthRegular sleep schedules and cool bedroom temperature improve sleep quality. Societal factors impacting sleep negatively should be addressed for better sleep for all.

      Prioritizing sleep as a society can significantly improve overall health and reduce health inequalities, as most methods to enhance sleep quality are affordable and accessible to everyone, except those with sleep disorders. The importance of regular sleep schedules and a cool bedroom temperature are two practical steps that can be implemented immediately to improve sleep quality. Additionally, addressing societal factors that negatively impact sleep, such as poor lighting in hospitals and the overuse of technology, can contribute to better sleep for individuals and communities. By focusing on sleep, we can democratically promote better health for everyone.

    • Creating a sleep-friendly environmentLimit screens and bright lights, create a dark and quiet space, avoid prolonged wakefulness in bed, and avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime for better sleep hygiene and health.

      Creating a conducive sleep environment involves several steps. First, limit exposure to screens and bright lights before bedtime, as they can disrupt the production of melatonin, a hormone essential for healthy sleep. Second, try to create a dark and quiet sleeping space by turning off some lights and avoiding electronic devices. Third, if you've been awake for a prolonged period in bed without falling asleep, get up and relax in another room to help your brain re-associate your bedroom with sleep. Lastly, avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime, as they can interfere with the quality of your sleep. By implementing these habits, you can help improve your sleep hygiene and promote better overall health.

    • Alcohol's Impact on Sleep QualityAlcohol fragments sleep and blocks REM, leading to poor sleep quality and emotional healing. Awareness of these effects can help individuals make informed decisions about their alcohol consumption for optimal sleep.

      Alcohol negatively impacts the quality of sleep in several ways. First, it fragments sleep, leading to numerous awakenings throughout the night that people may not remember. Second, alcohol blocks REM sleep, which is essential for emotional healing and restoration. The extent of these effects depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. While it's unrealistic to eliminate alcohol entirely, being aware of its impact on sleep can help individuals make informed decisions about their consumption. For instance, if you're feeling tipsy before bed, it's likely that you've had too much alcohol for optimal sleep quality. Overall, understanding the connection between alcohol and sleep can empower individuals to make choices that promote better health and wellbeing.

    • The Importance of Good Sleep HygienePrioritizing good sleep habits can lead to improved appetite hormone regulation, increased energy, and a reduced risk of health conditions like Alzheimer's.

      Sleep plays a crucial role in various aspects of our health, and many people are uninformed or misinformed about its importance. By prioritizing good sleep hygiene and addressing factors that disrupt sleep, individuals can experience significant improvements in their overall well-being. This includes better regulation of appetite hormones, increased energy levels, and even a reduced risk of developing certain health conditions like Alzheimer's. It may take time and experimentation to find what works best, but the effort is worth it. Ultimately, people are more likely to make lasting changes when they experience the benefits for themselves.

    • The Importance of Sleep for Health and ProductivityReducing caffeine intake and prioritizing deep sleep can significantly improve health, productivity, and overall wellbeing.

      Sleep quality is crucial for overall health and productivity. Matthew Walker, a leading sleep researcher, emphasized the importance of deep sleep and the negative effects of caffeine on sleep quality. He personally reduced his caffeine intake and switched to decaffeinated beverages. Additionally, our ability to focus and produce high-quality work is significantly impacted by the sleep we get at night. It's important to consider the impact of sleep loss on productivity and overall wellbeing. Listen to Matthew's full conversation on the podcast, and consider making changes to improve your sleep habits. Don't forget to check out his book, "Why We Sleep," and my book, "The Four-Pillar Plan," for more information on sleep and overall health. Lastly, my new book, "Happy Minds, Happy Life," offers practical strategies to enhance mental wellbeing and improve happiness. Order your copy today.

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    #471 8 Hidden Habits To Live Your Healthiest, Happiest and Most Fulfilled Life with Robin Sharma

    #471  8 Hidden Habits To Live Your Healthiest, Happiest and Most Fulfilled Life with Robin Sharma

    Is it time to redefine what it means to live a rich life? In a world where we're constantly bombarded with images of material success, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others and believing that more money means more happiness. But what if there's more to wealth than just money?


    What if the richest people aren't those with the most money but those with the most meaningful lives?

    This week, I'm thrilled to welcome Robin Sharma to my Feel Better Live More podcast. Robin is a globally respected humanitarian who has devoted over a quarter of a century to helping humans realise their native gifts. One of the top leadership and personal mastery experts in the world, he advises companies such as NASA, Nike, Microsoft, Starbucks, Yale University and the Young Presidents’ Organization. 

    He’s the author of several international bestsellers, including The 5AM Club and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. In his latest book, The Wealth Money Can’t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life, Robin aims to change our perception to include not just financial success but seven other essential forms of wealth, too.

    In our conversation, we explore Robin’s concept of the ‘eight forms of wealth’, including physical and mental wellness, rich family relationships, fulfilling work and strong community connections. We discuss why traditional self-help approaches often fall short, particularly in the realm of personal growth and happiness, and how society’s obsession with hustle culture and toxic positivity has exacerbated the problem of burnout and dissatisfaction.

    Robin is perhaps best known for his thriving 5AM Club community and in this episode, he shares insights on the power of intentional morning routines, including his ​​five-question morning maximiser, and the value of continuous learning. We delve into practical strategies for implementing these principles in various life situations, even for those of us who have busy schedules or family responsibilities.

    We also touch on the importance of nature, disconnecting from technology, and finding moments to savour in our daily lives. We explore the value of service, small acts of kindness, and how we can all live our lives to the fullest.

    Robin’s perspective on what it truly means to live a rich life is a powerful reminder for us all and his approach offers a much-needed alternative to the endless pursuit of material success, showing us how to create a life that's ‘wealthy’ in all the ways that matter most. I hope you enjoy listening.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/471

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #470 BITESIZE | How To Control Your Blood Sugar, Cut Cravings and Get Your Energy Back | Jessie Inchauspé

    #470 BITESIZE | How To Control Your Blood Sugar, Cut Cravings and Get Your Energy Back  | Jessie Inchauspé

    CAUTION: The advice in this episode may not be suitable for anyone with an eating disorder. If you have an existing health condition or are taking medication, always consult your healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet.

    Today’s guest believes that how you feel right now is directly linked to your blood-sugar level. And if you want to feel better than you do right now, you don’t necessarily need to change what you eat – just how.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 358 of the podcast with French biochemist and author Jessie Inchauspé. 

    In this clip, she shares some of the ways that we could still enjoy the foods we love, without suffering blood sugar spikes.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/358

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #469 How To Optimise Your Brain Health, Improve Your Memory & Unlock Your Full Potential with Jim Kwik

    #469 How To Optimise Your Brain Health, Improve Your Memory & Unlock Your Full Potential with Jim Kwik

    After suffering a traumatic brain injury as a child, this week’s returning podcast guest was labelled "the boy with the broken brain" by teachers and peers, shaping his beliefs about his own capabilities and potential.

    Fast-forward to today, and he’s transformed his challenges into strengths, becoming a world renowned brain coach who’s helped thousands of people around the world enhance their memory and improve their brain performance.

    I’m delighted to welcome Jim Kwik back for our second conversation. If you don’t know Jim, he’s spent the last three decades teaching his learning techniques to students from universities such as Harvard and CalTech. He’s also helped executives and employees from companies such as Google, Virgin, Nike and institutions like the United Nations to get the most out of work and life.


    Jim is also the author of the bestselling book Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, And Unlock Your Exceptional Life and his first appearance on my podcast 12 months ago now, is one of the most downloaded episodes in this podcasts’ history.


    In today's conversation, we cover many different topics relating to our brain and its limitless potential, including:


    • the importance of continuous learning,
    • how small changes can lead to big improvements in brain function,
    • the impact of our self-talk,
    • the role of our environment in shaping our productivity,
    • the importance of managing our energy and emotional states,
    • the power of choice in personal growth, and we discuss many practical techniques for better time management and focus.


    One of the highlights of this episode is a real-time memory activity that Jim guides us all through, demonstrating the practical application of his techniques and showcasing how anyone can improve their memory and cognitive abilities if they have the right strategies.


    Jim is such a wonderful and caring human being and a quite brilliant communicator, who has lots of practical knowledge that he is super passionate about sharing. And, I think his own journey from struggle to success, serves as a powerful reminder that each of us has a brain with incredible, limitless potential.

    Sign up for Jim's FREE Brain Summit on 5-7th August here https://www.jimkwik.com/livemore.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/469

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #468 5 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Summer with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

    #468 5 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Summer with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

    The summer months have a different flavour and feel to the other months of the year; there's something different about our energy, motivation and willpower. And, if we can harness those differences, we have a golden opportunity to make meaningful changes that can have a transformative impact on our health, happiness and relationships and teach us things about ourselves that we previously did not know.


    In this BONUS SOLO episode, I share five powerful ideas for you to consider introducing into your life over the summer months, including:


    • How to change up your morning routine
    • Why you should do your workouts in natural light
    • Why it’s the perfect time of year for a digital detox
    • How to embrace the slowness of the season
    • The importance of mini-challenges
    • How to nourish a different part of your brain


    This BONUS episode is a little different to my usual podcast episodes, but I very much hope you enjoy listening. And, if you want more short SOLO episodes like this one, do let me know.


    Of course, all of the ideas within the episode are just suggestions. So, take a listen, see what you think and, hopefully, one or two of them will make their way into your life this summer. Enjoy!

    Find out about my books:

    The 4 Pillar Plan

    The Stress Solution

    Feel Better in 5

    Feel Great Lose Weight

    Happy Mind Happy Life

    Buy tickets for my stage tour https://drchatterjee.com/tour

    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/466

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Related Episodes

    #70 Why Sleep is the Most Important Pillar of Health with Professor Matthew Walker

    #70 Why Sleep is the Most Important Pillar of Health with Professor Matthew Walker

    This interview originally aired 12 months ago as a 2 part conversation, which have proved to be two of the most popular episodes that I have released so far. Many listeners have asked me to re-release them as one single conversation so that they can listen from start to finish without interruption, so here it is!

    Sleep is one of the most undervalued components of our health, yet neglecting it can have devastating consequences. In this episode, I talk to world-leading sleep researcher, author of the international best-selling book ‘Why We Sleep’ and Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, Matthew Walker. We discuss everything you ever needed to know about sleep. Matthew shares some brilliant tips to combat jet lag, explains how sleep can enhance athletic performance and decrease risk of injury and reveals just how much caffeine consumption can impact sleep. We explore the reasons behind the current global sleep-loss epidemic and how sleep deprivation can affect every aspect of our health – from our blood sugar levels and our risk of heart attack to our mental health. Finally, we discuss alcohol’s impact on sleep and the staggering financial costs associated with lost sleep. Matthew also shares what he has changed in his own life since starting his research. This is an invaluable conversation – I hope you enjoy it!

    Please note: Matthew has agreed to do a follow-up podcast to answer any questions you may still have about sleep. Listen and let me know which questions you would like me to put to Matthew via my closed Facebook group (Dr Chatterjee 4 Pillar Community Tribe), where you can also discuss other podcast episodes and any lifestyle changes that you are trying to make.

    Show notes available at drchatterjee.com/70

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Wellbeing for healthcare providers: 3R'S - Rest

    Wellbeing for healthcare providers: 3R'S - Rest

    Many critical care practitioners, like workers in other industries, sleep less than recommended amounts, in what is truly an epidemic of poor sleep in our modern industrialised society. The effects of sleep deprivation are serious and visible across all levels of our community. The actual proportion of people who can live on insufficient sleep is extremely low and the first step towards improvement is to recognise when our sleep tank is running on empty. Simple changes in daily habits based on optimizing sleep hygiene can lead to improved wellbeing and are highly likely to lead to profound improvements in physical, mental and emotional health and performance. Sleep quality may well be more important than sleep quantity. Shift work and the scheduling of multiple consecutive daily shifts are a serious impediment and must be considered carefully by our institutional managers. Taking naps is another seemingly simple but logistically challenging method to improve overall sleep. The bravado that sleep is not important needs to be carefully redirected in our hospitals as the health and performance improvements of practitioners seem likely to lead to greater work satisfaction, less burnout, improved teamwork and ultimately improved patient outcomes. Of course if most of us need more sleep, and will benefit from doing so, just imagine what might happen if our patients could get more sleep.

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    The Powerhouse Women Series:  Women who found their purpose & share their passion. 

    This lively, informative tea, is jam-packed with informative approaches to stress through nutrition and sleep.  Rach and Sarah explore what we can practically do, exchanging thoughts on diet, hormones, stress & sleep. 

    Sarah talks about why caffeine can be good, new ways to manage stress and anxiety, leaving agency life and finding her passion for nutrition.  Science, practical and thought provoking tools to improve your wellbeing and life.
    Go grab your cup of tea! 

    48: Is Coffee/Caffeine Right For You?

    48: Is Coffee/Caffeine Right For You?

    Marcus is chatting all about coffee and how to know whether it’s right for you. Specifics include…


    • How does coffee/caffeine work?
    • How long do the effects last?
    • Individual tolerance
    • Potential benefits
    • Potential downsides
    • Synthesized caffeine vs. ‘naturally occurring’ caffeine
    • Take home points


    Please share, subscribe & ENJOY!


    Would you like to be coached by Marcus? Contact him HERE!

    Online Nutritional Coaching

    Online Workout Design

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    Episode 15 - Dr Charlotte Elsworth-Edelsten and Luke Gupta

    Episode 15 - Dr Charlotte Elsworth-Edelsten and Luke Gupta
    Dr Charlotte Elsworth-Edelsten is a Sleep Specialist and Human Movement Scientist. Luke Gupta is Lead Project Physiologist and Sleep Scientist at English Institute of Sport. Having completed her PhD in human movement biomechanics and physical activity performance and participation, Charlotte moved to the French alps and took a post doctoral position at Geneva University Hospital in 2009, where she worked between the sleep laboratory and the laboratory of kinesiology. This is where her interest in sleep developed.

    Living in Chamonix Mont-Blanc she is well placed to take theoretical and empirical work out into the field, for example the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc which you will hear us mention in this conversation.

    Charlotte runs sleep clinics, where she advises, assesses, and aids in the diagnoses of individuals with a wide range of sleep problems and disorders. In addition to this, she works in an educational capacity delivering lectures and seminars that raise awareness surrounding the importance of sleep. She is particularly interested in the cognitive and health related impairment we suffer directly resulting from disturbed sleep and the effect this has on performance.

    Website: www.charlotteedelsten.com or www.the-sleep-science-coach.com

    Luke is the author of ‘Does Elite Sport Degrade Sleep Quality?, and his research has included ‘napping in high-performance athletes: sleepiness or sleepability’ as well as ‘when research leads to learning and not practice in high performance sport.’

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