
    26: Katie Price Reveals Her Crazy DMs, Worst Career Moment & Life Changing Injury

    enApril 27, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • An honest conversation with Katie PriceKatie Price shared her authentic perspective on her career, life, and her newfound appreciation for cold showers while having fun with friends on the Fellas podcast.

      Katie Price, a guest on the Fellas podcast, shared her authentic and unfiltered perspective on her career and life. She expressed her relief from the pressure of being manufactured or restricted in her conversations, preferring to keep it real and have fun with her friends. During the conversation, Reverend Reeve joined as a co-host, and they discussed various topics including Katie's thoughts on cold showers. Katie admitted that she had initially struggled with cold showers but eventually grew to enjoy the refreshing experience. She also shared her current struggles with fitness and her honest feelings about her body image. Overall, the episode showcased the importance of authenticity and having a good time with friends.

    • Embracing Challenges for Personal GrowthPush yourself out of comfort zone to build resilience and mental toughness, leading to personal growth and accomplishment.

      Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, even if it means enduring discomfort or hardship, can lead to personal growth and accomplishment. The speaker shared her experience of taking a cold shower challenge for 30 days, which reminded her of her time on "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!" where she faced various challenges in the jungle. She noted that while the challenges were difficult, they helped her build resilience and mental toughness. The speaker also clarified that the show is more real than some people might think, and shared an example of having to eat an unfamiliar food despite her initial reluctance. Overall, her experiences showed that embracing challenges, no matter how uncomfortable, can lead to personal growth and achievement.

    • The Power of Mental ResilienceMental fortitude helps us push past mental barriers and accomplish difficult tasks, even when faced with repulsive food or fear-inducing situations.

      Our mind plays a significant role in overcoming challenges, no matter how daunting they may seem. The speaker's experiences in running a marathon and surviving in the jungle demonstrate the power of mental resilience. Even when faced with repulsive food items like live cockroaches or wriggling worms, the speaker pushed through because she knew she had to for her team. Similarly, her fear of skydiving stemmed from a feeling of safety in the helicopter, while she felt more in control during the free fall of skydiving. These experiences illustrate the importance of mental fortitude and the ability to push past mental barriers to accomplish difficult tasks.

    • Finding personal growth in challenging reality showsReality shows like SAS: Who Dares Wins offer unique experiences, leading to introspection and appreciation for simple things, but also bring unexpected conflicts and tests of patience and resilience. Surround yourself with authentic and supportive people, not just for fame or money.

      Participating in challenging reality shows, such as SAS: Who Dares Wins, can provide unique and transformative experiences despite the hardships. The jungle environment, with its long hours of contemplation and discomfort, can lead to introspection and appreciation for the simple things in life. However, the experience can also bring unexpected conflicts and tests of patience and resilience. Despite the difficulties, the candidate recommends the show for those seeking a truly challenging and different experience. Money and fame, while sometimes a source of conflict, should not define one's worth or limit opportunities for personal growth. Instead, it's essential to surround oneself with authentic and supportive people.

    • Confronting conflicts in reality showsReality TV star Katie Hopkins shares her experiences dealing with rumors and conflicts in the house, revealing an instance with Camille Lea, and emphasizes participating for experience over career revival or winning, while keeping a health issue private.

      Katie Hopkins, a reality TV contestant, shares her experiences on shows like Big Brother and I'm a Celebrity, and how she dealt with rumors and conflicts within the house. She mentioned an instance with a fellow contestant, Camille Lea, where she confronted her about perceived disrespect. Hopkins also shared that she participates in reality shows for experience rather than reviving her career or the need to win. She also revealed an unexpected health issue during her time on I'm a Celebrity, which she chose to keep hidden from the other contestants. Despite the challenges, she won the show, and the public support was a nice feeling for her. In a lighter note, she also promoted Manscaped, a men's below-the-waist grooming brand, emphasizing the importance of maintaining personal hygiene in that area.

    • Feeling fresh, clean, and confident with MANSCAPEDMANSCAPED offers products for self-care and confidence, keeping men smelling great and promoting mental health. Founder uses platform to combat negative media and live authentically.

      Self-care and confidence are essential for everyone, and companies like MANSCAPED offer products to help men feel fresh, clean, and confident in their bodies. MANSCAPED's formulations keep men smelling great all day, and their new cologne adds an extra touch of sophistication. The importance of self-care and confidence extends beyond personal hygiene, as it also affects mental health. The media can often create a negative image of individuals, but having a voice and a following through platforms like YouTube allows individuals to call out false narratives and build resilience. MANSCAPED's founder has faced this challenge throughout his career, but he has learned to use his platform to tell his story in his words and speak out against inaccurate reporting. By focusing on self-care, confidence, and authentic storytelling, individuals can overcome negative media attention and live their best lives. If you're interested in trying MANSCAPED's products, use the code "FELLOWS" for 20% off and free shipping at manscaped.com.

    • A woman's wit and confidence win over the Sidemen's audienceA woman with a dry, unapologetic sense of humor won over the Sidemen's audience with her wit and confidence, resonating with viewers and earning a loyal fanbase.

      The woman's unique sense of humor and ability to give as good as she gets made her a great fit for the Sidemen's banter-filled content. Despite her son's initial disapproval, she won over their audience with her wit and confidence. The woman, who grew up with mostly male friends, found common ground with the Sidemen and their love for inappropriate jokes. Her appearance on their channel received overwhelmingly positive feedback, with many commenters praising her as the best guest by far. The woman's dry, unapologetic sense of humor, which she also showcases on her own channels, resonated with viewers and earned her a loyal fanbase. She continues to entertain by reacting to videos and poking fun at the absurdities she encounters, remaining true to herself and her unique sense of humor.

    • Authenticity and daring actions on YouTubeBeing true to oneself and taking calculated risks are essential for gaining popularity on YouTube. Authenticity resonates with audiences, and daring actions can captivate their attention.

      Authenticity and daring actions are key factors in gaining popularity on YouTube. The speaker expresses admiration for creators who aren't afraid to be themselves and push boundaries, even if those boundaries involve potentially dangerous stunts. The speaker shares a personal story about jumping a wall on vacation and landing in a devastating way, which resulted in severe injuries. Despite the initial misdiagnosis of a hairline fracture, the true extent of the damage was later revealed to be much more severe. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself, both online and offline, and taking calculated risks to achieve success. The speaker also mentions their own experiences with creating laws and regulations in the YouTube community, showcasing their multifaceted personality and dedication to making a positive impact.

    • Ignorance of medical procedures can lead to severe injuriesAlways research medical procedures before undergoing them and trust medical professionals for proper care to avoid life-altering consequences.

      Undergoing a medical procedure without proper research and consideration can have significant and life-altering consequences. A speaker in this conversation shared their experience of getting an x-ray while traveling in Turkey, which led to a severe foot injury requiring multiple surgeries, metal plates, and screws. They were advised against running or even walking normally for an extended period, but despite these warnings, they attempted to participate in a marathon, only to be reminded of their limitations. This experience taught them to respect those with disabilities and to never take their ability to move freely for granted. The incident also highlighted the importance of trusting medical professionals and seeking proper care in one's home country.

    • Overcoming challenges in a marathonRunning a marathon requires determination, resilience and the right equipment to push through challenges and achieve a strong sense of accomplishment.

      Participating in a marathon, despite its challenges, can be a rewarding experience. The speaker shared her personal experience of completing a marathon despite physical difficulties, which took her 7.5 hours. She also described the emotional impact of running alone and the motivation she found when she finally reached iconic landmarks like Tower Bridge. The marathon experience, she noted, was unlike anything else and left her feeling a strong sense of accomplishment. The speaker also mentioned the importance of having the right equipment, like her custom lungs and her new gravel bikes for cycling, to help her push through challenges and continue her active lifestyle. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the determination and resilience required to complete a marathon and the sense of achievement that comes with it.

    • Long-distance cycling vs horse ownership: Comparing challenges and expensesLong-distance cycling and horse ownership each present unique challenges and costs. Cycling requires preparation for potential issues like flat tires, while horse ownership involves high expenses for hay, feed, and specialized care.

      Both cycling long distances and horse ownership come with their unique challenges and expenses. The speaker shares his experience of considering a multi-day bike ride from Paris to London, and how he plans to prepare for potential issues like flat tires. He also discusses the high costs associated with horse ownership, comparing it to the varying price ranges of cars. The speaker's passion for horses and the different types, from ponies to expensive warm-blooded horses, is evident. He mentions that maintaining a horse can be expensive due to the need for hay, feed, and specialized care, especially for sports horses. The speaker also recently got a small horse, which he refers to as a "dog," and acknowledges the immature nature of the comment. Overall, the conversation highlights the commitment, costs, and enjoyment involved in both long-distance cycling and horse ownership.

    • Protection Dog Story: Blade the German ShepherdOwning a protection dog like Blade requires careful handling and training, while some breeds like French Bulldogs may be difficult to train and less pleasant but popular.

      The speaker shares a story about owning a protection dog, a German Shepherd named Blade, trained to guard against potential threats. The dog was acquired due to multiple kidnap threats and past experiences with being held at gunpoint. Blade is highly trained and protective, and the speaker had to prove his ability to handle and command the dog through a staged scenario. The dog is known as a weapon and requires careful handling, especially around strangers. The speaker also mentions owning a French Bulldog, which he finds to be a difficult breed to train and not very pleasant. Despite their challenges, French Bulldogs have gained popularity.

    • Considering Unique Characteristics and Preferences When Choosing a Dog BreedChoose a dog breed based on unique characteristics and personal preferences, considering trainability, lifestyle, and animal welfare.

      People have different preferences when it comes to choosing a dog breed. Some prefer dogs that are easy to train and protective, while others may opt for less common breeds, despite their challenges. The speaker in this conversation expressed his desire for a well-behaved, trainable dog, while also acknowledging the appeal of less conventional breeds. However, he also shared his experience with a less desirable dog breed, which required more effort and care. It's important to consider the unique characteristics and needs of different breeds when choosing a pet, as well as one's own lifestyle and preferences. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of animal welfare and the importance of treating all animals with care and respect, regardless of their size or breed.

    • Embracing Individuality and Self-DeprecationRecognize and appreciate everyone's uniqueness, and learn to laugh at yourself to foster a positive attitude towards self and others.

      People have different perspectives and experiences, and it's important to remember that everyone is unique. In the conversation, the speaker acknowledged that they have been criticized for their actions, but they also shared their love for self-deprecation and the art of drag. They expressed their desire to be a guest judge on RuPaul's Drag Race UK and even shared their experience of having their makeup done, which made them feel suspicious of others. The speaker also highlighted the power of makeup and how it can drastically change one's appearance. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of embracing individuality and having a sense of humor towards oneself and others.

    • Understanding Unique Approaches to Dating and RelationshipsRespect individual approaches to dating and relationships, communicate openly, and prioritize honesty and trust.

      People, regardless of gender, can have different approaches to dating and relationships. The speaker shares an experience of a man who assessed potential dates based on their appearance in various settings, while also mentioning her own preference for not engaging in one-night stands. The man's tactic of evaluating women's appearances in different situations might seem objectifying, but it's essential to remember that everyone has unique ways of approaching relationships. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of respecting each other's boundaries and commitments. From her perspective, she believes in following the rule of not sleeping with someone on the first night, but she acknowledges that not everyone shares the same view. Ultimately, it's crucial to communicate openly, respect each other's decisions, and prioritize honesty and trust in any relationship.

    • Privacy in Relationships and Social MediaSetting clear boundaries and having open communication are essential for maintaining trust and privacy in relationships, especially in the digital age. Inconsistent application of rules can lead to misunderstandings and chaos.

      In today's digital age, privacy in relationships can be a challenge due to the ease of access through social media platforms like Instagram. The discussion revolves around sharing phone access and the filth found in direct messages. One person shared an experience of receiving demeaning voice messages from a girl, and the ease of exposing such behavior online. Another shared an instance of a girl sending explicit content and getting exposed. They also discussed the openness required in relationships and the potential chaos caused by social media. The importance of setting boundaries and having rules was emphasized to maintain trust and peace of mind. However, it was noted that applying rules inconsistently can lead to double standards and misunderstandings. Ultimately, it's crucial to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your expectations and boundaries in the digital world.

    • The Importance of Authenticity and Respect in RelationshipsAuthenticity and respect are crucial in relationships, whether online or offline. Be true to yourself and others, and maintain open and honest communication to build strong, meaningful connections.

      Authenticity and respect are essential in relationships, both personal and online. The speaker expresses her belief that playing games or trying to impress others through social media can lead to unhappiness and dishonesty. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining the same rules and respect for both parties in a relationship. The speaker also acknowledges the influence of social media on perceptions of beauty and the ease with which one can manipulate appearances online. She encourages open and honest communication, emphasizing the importance of getting to know someone as a person rather than an online persona. Ultimately, the speaker values authenticity and respect above the need for validation through social media.

    • Exploring the complexities of human emotions and behaviors in manipulating perceptionsThe entertainment value of manipulating people's perceptions of themselves, as depicted in 'Catfish,' raises ethical concerns and highlights societal pressure to conform to beauty standards.

      The concept of manipulating people's perceptions of themselves, as depicted in the TV show "Catfish," can be intriguing and entertaining. The reactions of individuals when presented with unexpected truths about their own appearances can be both brutal and fascinating. However, it's important to consider the ethical implications of such actions. The idea of setting up people for a photo shoot or an audition under false pretenses, while entertaining, could be seen as exploitative or even depressing. Additionally, the pressure to conform to societal beauty standards and the use of airbrushing in social media images are also topics worth exploring. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the complexity of human emotions and behaviors, and the potential for both harm and joy in manipulating perceptions.

    • Trusting Strangers Can Lead to Financial and Emotional LossesBe cautious and thorough when dealing with unfamiliar individuals, especially in financial matters to avoid significant losses.

      Trusting strangers without proper verification can lead to significant financial and emotional losses. The individual in this conversation shared a story about how they were defrauded by someone who posed as a legitimate businessman, resulting in the destruction of their property and the theft of their belongings. This experience left them unable to live in their home and caused extensive damage. It's essential to be cautious and thorough when dealing with unfamiliar individuals, especially when it comes to financial matters. The individual in this conversation learned this lesson the hard way and urged others to be vigilant to avoid similar experiences.

    • Personal struggles and paranormal encountersDespite life's challenges, including mental health struggles and personal losses, it's important to find the strength to move forward and seek help when needed. Understanding and empathy towards those dealing with mental health challenges is crucial.

      Life can be unpredictable and full of unexpected challenges. The speaker shares her experiences of paranormal encounters, mental health struggles, and personal losses. Despite these experiences, she finds the strength to move forward and reclaim her space. The Priory, a mental health hospital, served as a turning point for her, providing a safe environment to process her emotions and learn coping mechanisms. Mental health issues are complex and multifaceted, affecting people differently. The speaker's experiences in the hospital, including encountering individuals with various backgrounds and stories, highlight the importance of understanding and empathy towards those dealing with mental health challenges.

    • Personal journey to better mental healthMaking the decision to seek help for mental health issues leads to personal growth and requires self-awareness and determination. Surrounding oneself with positive influences and being true to oneself can prevent relapse.

      Seeking help for mental health issues is a personal journey that requires self-awareness and determination. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of going to a rehabilitation center twice, and how the second time was different because she made the decision to get help for herself. She emphasized that external pressure to get help can be resented, but when one is ready to take that step, the process can lead to significant personal growth. The speaker also mentioned the importance of being true to oneself and surrounding oneself with positive influences to prevent relapse. Overall, her message is that everyone's journey to better mental health is unique, and it takes courage and self-awareness to seek help and make positive changes.

    • From rock bottom to self-improvementAcknowledging challenges and taking action to improve oneself can lead to personal growth and self-worth restoration.

      Personal growth and self-improvement often stem from hitting rock bottom and recognizing the need for change. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of struggling with negative influences and self-destructive behaviors, which ultimately led her to seek help and regain control of her life. This process involved cutting ties with unhealthy relationships and focusing on her own well-being, allowing her to rediscover her identity and regain her sense of self-worth. It's important to remember that everyone faces challenges and traumas, and the key to overcoming them is acknowledging their impact and taking action to improve oneself.

    • Seeking advice on a complicated relationship situationCommunicate openly and honestly, consider exclusivity if interested, or acknowledge non-exclusivity and respect each other's choices.

      People and relationships can be complex, and it's important to communicate openly and honestly. In the conversation, the speaker expressed feeling conflicted about a relationship situation, where they had feelings for someone but didn't want to commit fully. They sought advice on whether to continue seeing the person or end things before it got serious. The advice given was that if they were truly interested in the person, they should communicate their feelings and consider being exclusive. However, if they were still interested in seeing other people, they should acknowledge that and not expect the other person to be exclusive. The speaker also discussed the importance of understanding that labels like "exclusive" or "boyfriend/girlfriend" can be limiting and that communication and honesty are key in any relationship. The conversation also touched on the influence of media and how it can sometimes paint an inaccurate picture of people and situations.

    • Effective Communication in RelationshipsJealousy can indicate feelings, long-distance relationships require open communication, and expressing feelings openly with a kiss can deepen the bond, but consider timing and context.

      Communication is key in relationships. In the first scenario, a man's jealousy towards his girlfriend with other men indicates some feelings for her, and if she communicates her feelings, it may lead to reciprocation. In the second scenario, a long-distance relationship can be challenging due to lack of physical intimacy and the distractions that come with being apart. It's essential to weigh the pros and cons and communicate openly about the future of the relationship. Lastly, in the third scenario, expressing feelings openly is important, and a kiss can be a powerful way to show affection, but it's also crucial to consider the timing and the context. Overall, effective communication can help navigate various relationship scenarios and strengthen the bond between partners.

    • Exploring new experiences can lead to personal growthTrying new things and not being afraid of potential embarrassment or regret can help individuals understand what they truly want in life and lead to personal growth

      Exploring different experiences and relationships can help individuals understand what they truly want in life. It's essential to try new things and not be afraid of potential embarrassment or regret, as these experiences can lead to personal growth. The discussion also touched upon the idea that some people may prefer to focus on themselves and not worry about relationships at certain stages in their lives, while others may feel the need to experiment with different partners to determine what they want in a partner. Ultimately, it's important to trust your instincts and make decisions based on what feels right for you, rather than societal pressures or expectations. Additionally, the group shared stories of unconventional experiences, such as threesomes and sleeping with friends' family members, and acknowledged that while these experiences can be awkward, they are also a part of life and should be taken in stride.

    • Overcoming challenges in relationshipsCommunicate openly, understand each other, and find solutions together to overcome challenges in relationships. Small issues should not become bigger ones, and it's normal to have good days and bad days.

      Everyone experiences challenges and setbacks in relationships, and it's important to approach them with open communication and understanding. From erectile dysfunction to past relationship secrets, the speakers in this conversation emphasized the importance of not making the other person feel bad about it and finding ways to move forward. They also emphasized the normalcy of having good days and bad days in relationships, and the importance of not letting small issues become bigger ones. Ultimately, the key is to approach these situations with empathy, communication, and a willingness to find solutions together.

    • Reaching 5th position in UK podcast charts with 3 million listenersThe podcast has achieved remarkable success with a following of 3 million people, making it the 5th biggest podcast in the UK.

      The podcast being discussed has reached a significant milestone by becoming the 5th biggest podcast in the UK, with a following of 3 million people. This is a shocking and impressive achievement for the team behind the podcast. They expressed their gratitude to their guests, Reeve and Katie, for joining them on the show. They concluded the episode by promising to see their listeners on the next episode.

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    The Fellas
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    WATCH BACK SIDE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVIx71-0Gm4

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    The Fellas
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    BECOME A FELLAS LOADED MEMBER TO WIN £5,000: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enJune 11, 2024

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enJune 04, 2024

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    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enMay 28, 2024

    181. Joe Sugg On Why UK Vloggers QUIT YouTube, LA Trip With Joe Weller & Zoella & Alfie’s Relationship!

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    Joe Sugg: https://www.instagram.com/joe_sugg/?hl=en-gb

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

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    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enMay 21, 2024

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    DEJI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrqsNpKuDQZreGaxBL_a5Jg

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

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    The Fellas
    enMay 14, 2024

    179. Hardest Geezer on Being Robbed In Africa & Finish Line Disaster...

    179. Hardest Geezer on Being Robbed In Africa & Finish Line Disaster...

    BETTERHELP | Go to https://betterhelp.com/fellas for 10% off your first month #ad

    Russ Cook AKA Hardest Geezer joins us in The Fellas studio for the FINAL podcast since he run the length of Africa. From being kidnapped in Congo to taking shifts in the van to have a tug… This podcast really had absolutely everything. Big thank you to Russ for stopping by, a true legend.

    Hardest Geezer: https://www.youtube.com/@UCKyGSGxBLHvOZt002P9ZK4w

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    178. KSI Reveals His AWFUL Forfeit & Real Baby Reindeer Stalker FOUND…

    178. KSI Reveals His AWFUL Forfeit & Real Baby Reindeer Stalker FOUND…

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    Finally… Our dogs join us on set for a podcast and it’s quite possibly the most chaotic thing you’ll watch all year. Alphonso, Finn & Lola join The Fellas for a solo ep this week. Let’s just say, we know where Alphonso gets it from.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

    Follow us on TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thefellaspod?lang=en







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Like this show? Please leave us a review here - even one sentence helps! Post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally!

    Episode Resources:

    Achieve success in every area of your life with Jay Shetty’s Genius Community. Join over 10,000 members taking their holistic well-being to the next level today, at https://shetty.cc/OnPurposeGenius

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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