
    260 | Humanoid Encounters, Shapeshifter Sightings, and Walmart Horror Stories!

    enApril 14, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Protecting Your Small BusinessInsuring your small business isn't just about revenue, it's about safeguarding hard work and team members. State Farm provides personalized policies for small businesses, acting as a reliable partner.

      Small business owners often overlook the importance of insurance for their businesses. The discussion emphasizes that protecting a business is not just about revenue but also about hard work and team members. State Farm offers personalized policies for small businesses, acting as a reliable partner for small business owners. Additionally, Shopify is a valuable tool for businesses at any stage, helping them grow and succeed. The episode's theme revolves around scary stories, and a fishing trip gone wrong is shared as an example. The experience of seeing a glowing red blur in the water and the boat getting hit by an unknown force serves as a reminder of the unexpected challenges that can arise, emphasizing the importance of being prepared.

    • Encounters with the UnknownUnexplained phenomena can leave us feeling frightened and uncertain, highlighting the power of fear of the unknown

      The unknown can be terrifying. The speaker recounts two separate encounters, one at sea and one in New Mexico, where they faced unexplained phenomena that left them feeling frightened and uncertain. In the first encounter, the speaker and their family were out at sea when their boat was hit from below, causing them to believe they were being pursued by a large creature. In the second encounter, the family was traveling through New Mexico when they became stranded and began to experience strange occurrences, including missing pets and eerie sounds. Both experiences left the speaker with a sense of unease and a desire to avoid the unknown at all costs. These encounters serve as a reminder that sometimes the things we can't explain can be the most unsettling and that fear of the unknown can be a powerful force.

    • Encounters with Skinwalkers and Haunted Houses in New MexicoSupernatural entities, like skinwalkers, can mimic loved ones and cause fear, leading families to abandon their homes. Unexplained occurrences in haunted houses can cause illness and distress, requiring desperate measures for resolution.

      The experiences shared in this discussion involve encounters with supernatural entities, specifically referred to as skinwalkers, in the desert of New Mexico. These entities were able to mimic the voices and actions of loved ones, causing confusion and fear. The consequences of these encounters led families to leave their homes in a hurry, seeking safety and explanation. The narratives also describe unexplained occurrences in a haunted house, causing illness and distress for the residents. Desperate measures, such as bringing in a woman to rid the house of evil, ultimately led to relief and resolution. Overall, these stories highlight the unexplained and mysterious nature of the supernatural and the profound impact it can have on people's lives.

    • Encountering the Unknown in the OceanThe ocean holds mysteries beyond human comprehension, and encounters with the unknown can strengthen faith and appreciation for nature's complexity.

      The world's oceans hold many mysteries that defy human understanding. The woman's warning about the cross, coupled with the bizarre experiences my father had at sea, illustrate this idea. My father, a seasoned mariner, encountered enormous whirlpools and a colossal, dark creature that was unlike anything he or the crew had ever seen. Despite the lack of explanation for these phenomena, my father's faith in a benevolent God was strengthened. These experiences serve as a reminder of the vastness and complexity of the natural world and the importance of maintaining an open mind to its mysteries.

    • Encounters with the unknown can shape us deeplyExperiences of fear and loss can leave lasting impacts on our perceptions and actions, highlighting the importance of safety and vigilance in uncertain situations.

      Encounters with the unknown or unexplained can leave a lasting impact on our lives. The speaker's encounter with a mouthless man with deep black eyes when she was 13 left her traumatized and shaped her behaviors and fears as an adult. Similarly, the passing of her grandmother and the change in atmosphere around her grandparents' home in the woods instilled a sense of unease and sadness. These experiences serve as reminders of the power of fear and loss to shape our perceptions and actions. The speaker's experience with the mouthless man also highlights the importance of taking safety precautions and being vigilant, especially in uncertain situations.

    • Father's unexplained experiences in the woods leave a lasting impactUnexplained experiences can leave a lasting impact on people, raising questions about the unknown.

      The unexplained experiences in the woods near a father's isolated house left him feeling uneasy and believing that a supernatural entity may have been present. This belief was strengthened when his friend committed suicide and he heard a sound and saw glowing orange eyes in the woods that night. The father believed it was a demon celebrating the suicide. The house, now empty except for cats, still unsettles the narrator, who hopes whatever his father plans to do with it will drive away the evil. The father's encounters and the narrator's nightmares add to the eerie atmosphere of the place. This story serves as a reminder that sometimes unexplained experiences can leave a lasting impact on people and raise questions about the unknown.

    • Judging People Based on Appearances is MisleadingAppearances can be deceiving, and people should be given the benefit of the doubt. Everyone has unique struggles and should be treated with kindness and understanding.

      Appearances can be deceiving and people should be given the benefit of the doubt. The speaker had a regular customer at her workplace who was strange and unconventional, with gray hair, a large backpack, and speech impediments. Despite her initial apprehensions, she engaged in friendly conversations with him and learned that he might have been dealing with mental or physical challenges. The customer proved to be helpful, but his assistance sometimes crossed boundaries, such as when he offered to clean off a sticky substance on the speaker's hands using a wet bandana. Although the speaker was uncomfortable, she tried to understand that he might not have known social norms and continued to be friendly towards him. However, his behavior became more intrusive when he asked about her grandfather's hospitalization, and she began to keep her guard up. The experience taught the speaker that people should not be judged based on their appearance or behavior, and that everyone has their own struggles.

    • Caution and awareness are key in the workplaceStay alert to potential threats, trust your instincts, and report suspicious behavior to management or HR for a safe and productive work environment.

      Personal safety and trusting your instincts are crucial in the workplace. The anonymous caller, who was persistent and seemed to be crossing boundaries, demonstrated the importance of being cautious and aware of potential threats. The employee's manager supported her and provided valuable information about the individual's past behavior towards women. The situation escalated when the caller continued to follow and harass the employee, leading her to seek advice from her colleagues. The rumors and allegations against the caller further confirmed the need for caution and vigilance. It's essential to prioritize personal safety and report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior to management or HR. Trusting your instincts and seeking support from colleagues and superiors can help ensure a safe and productive work environment.

    • Trusting Instincts and Taking ActionWhen feeling uncomfortable or unsafe, trust your instincts, take action, and report any concerning behavior to your supervisor or authorities.

      It's important to trust your instincts and take action when you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. The author of this story had multiple encounters with a man at her workplace who made her feel uneasy, and despite warnings from her coworkers, she continued to encounter him. Eventually, she reported his behavior to her supervisor and took steps to ensure her safety. In another instance, the author and her cousin were followed by an older woman with black eyes, whose intentions were unclear but unsettling. In both cases, the authors felt a strong sense of unease and took action to remove themselves from the situation. It's also important to note that workplaces and public spaces should have policies in place to protect their employees and patrons from harassment and unwanted advances.

    • The Unexpected Impact of Imaginary Friends on Jake's GriefJake's friendship with Chris, who became an imaginary friend after Chris's death, provided comfort during a difficult time, and their mothers' shared experiences suggest a deeper connection to the supernatural.

      The friendship between Jake and Chris, two boys who were almost inseparable, was affected by an unexpected tragedy. Despite the distance that came between them when Jake's family moved, Chris continued to be present in Jake's life in an unusual way - as an imaginary friend. This imaginary friend, named Chris, was a source of comfort for Jake during a difficult time, and seemed to have a connection to Chris, who had passed away. The story takes an even more intriguing turn when Jake's mother shares that Chris's mother, Stacy, had also reported experiencing similar occurrences with her daughter and her deceased son's imaginary friend. The tale raises questions about the nature of grief, the power of imagination, and the possibility of the existence of the supernatural. While skepticism is natural, the story serves as a reminder of the profound impact that relationships and memories can have on us, even beyond the physical realm.

    • Trust your instincts, sometimes things can't be easily explainedPay attention to your intuition and take necessary precautions when something feels off, even if it's hard to explain

      Not everything is as it seems, and it's important to trust your instincts. In the first story, the speaker was asked to participate in a survey and was offered concert tickets as an incentive. However, something didn't feel right, and the speaker declined, only to later realize that it was a potentially dangerous situation. In the second story, employees at a Walmart with a McDonald's inside reported strange occurrences that they attributed to a ghost. Despite initially dismissing these stories, the speaker came to believe that there was something unexplained happening in the store. Both stories serve as reminders that sometimes, there are things that can't be easily explained and that it's important to pay attention to our intuition and take necessary precautions.

    • The unexplained phenomena in the workplaceUnexplained events at work can challenge our beliefs and create a sense of camaraderie through shared experiences.

      Despite a workplace appearing safe and secure, there can be unexplained phenomena that cannot be rationalized. The story shared by "King K" about an encounter at a Walmart warehouse in Pennsylvania highlights this idea. The worker, who had previously not experienced any paranormal activity in his native New Orleans, was initially skeptical of his coworkers' tales of a haunted room in the warehouse. However, after being encouraged to enter the room, he experienced something inexplicable. The event serves as a reminder that there are still mysteries in our world that defy explanation. Furthermore, the experience of the workers in the warehouse, including M, Shelly, and Ray Ray, demonstrates the power of shared experiences and the impact they can have on shaping our beliefs and perceptions. Despite their initial hesitance to share their stories, they ultimately did so to warn their new coworker, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared understanding. In essence, the story highlights the importance of being open-minded to the unexplained and the role that shared experiences can play in shaping our beliefs and perceptions.

    • A personal encounter with the supernaturalPersonal experiences can challenge our skepticism and broaden our perspectives, even if they involve the seemingly impossible or supernatural.

      Personal experiences can challenge our skepticism and open our minds to new beliefs. The speaker shares a chilling encounter in a supposedly haunted room, where they felt an inexplicable presence and saw a large, red-eyed creature. Initially dismissive of the room's reputation, the speaker was left shaken and intrigued by the experience. This encounter made them reconsider their perspective on the supernatural and appreciate the value of respecting others' experiences. The speaker encourages listeners to be open-minded and cautious, reminding us that the world can be full of surprises.

    • Experiencing the woods at night on a familiar trailNight hiking can offer a unique sense of adventure and freedom, despite potential challenges and risks.

      Night hiking on familiar trails in the woods, despite the lack of lighting and potential dangers, can be a unique and unforgettable experience. The speaker recounts their experiences night hiking up to a natural bridge, a trail they knew well but was not officially allowed to hike at night. They describe the trail as having wooden and carved rock steps, log handrails, and sitting points under roofs, but no lights after the main trailhead. The hike was uphill but not overly difficult, and the group had done it multiple times. During one particular night hike, the group encountered an unexpected challenge when they came across a girl in a sundress and flip flops, hiking down the trail alone and without any apparent supplies. The speaker was surprised and intrigued by her determination to hike the trail at night, especially given its challenges and the potential risks involved. The girl seemed unfazed by their presence and continued on her way, leaving the group in awe of her courage and determination. This experience highlights the sense of adventure and freedom that can come from exploring the natural world at night, even when it may not be the most practical or safe choice. It also demonstrates the importance of being prepared for unexpected challenges and the resilience and determination that can come from pushing oneself outside of one's comfort zone.

    • An Encounter with the Unknown in the WoodsHiking in the woods, the group encountered a terrifying and inexplicable creature with dolphin-like skin, long limbs, and empty eye pits, leaving them shaken and convinced of the existence of something otherworldly.

      The experience of hiking in the woods and encountering an unknown creature was both terrifying and inexplicable. The group heard strange noises, saw mysterious lights, and felt a strong sense of being watched. When they finally came face to face with the creature, it was unlike anything they had ever seen before - humanoid in shape, but with thin, gray, dolphin-like skin, long limbs, and empty eye pits. The creature stood over nine feet tall and seemed to be intimidatingly intelligent and fast. The group's only chance of escape was to run as fast as they could, and even then, they could still hear the creature crashing through the trees behind them. The encounter left them shaken and convinced that they had encountered something otherworldly.

    • Encountering the Unexplained: A Personal Story and the Allure of ShapeshiftingExploring the unknown can lead to intriguing experiences and remind us of the mysteries in our world, even if they remain unexplained.

      The world around us may hold more mysteries than we realize. In the discussion, we heard about the excitement of winning big with Prize Picks, a fantasy sports app, while also being entertained by stories of alleged encounters with shape-shifting creatures. The speaker shared a personal experience of encountering a strange dog during a hike in a remote area, which exhibited unusual behavior and had yellow eyes. Despite the desert landscape appearing flat, the speaker found the terrain challenging to traverse. The encounter left the speaker puzzled and questioning the unknown. The conversation also touched on the idea of shapeshifting and the intrigue of being able to transform into an animal. These stories remind us that there are unexplained phenomena in our world, and it's important to remain open-minded and curious.

    • Encountering the Unpredictable in the DesertThe desert can leave us feeling uneasy and disoriented, with unexplained occurrences adding to the sense of uncertainty. Stay alert and aware of surroundings to ensure safety.

      The desert can be an unpredictable and disorienting place. The speaker encountered a strange dog that seemed to follow them, leaving them feeling uneasy and disoriented. The encounter was so disturbing that they saw the same dog on multiple occasions, even in different locations. Additionally, the speaker experienced an unexplained event at home involving a black cat appearing at their doorstep while they were alone. These experiences highlight the sense of unease and uncertainty that can come with being in unfamiliar environments and being unable to fully explain the strange occurrences around us. It's important to stay alert and aware of our surroundings, especially when we feel uneasy or disoriented. And sometimes, the unexplained can be more unsettling than we'd like to admit.

    • An Encounter with a Suspected WerewolfAn unusual animal encounter intensified an existing fear of werewolves, leading to a vivid nightmare and a real-life attack, leaving the speaker with a lasting fear and avoidance of werewolf media.

      The speaker had an encounter with an unusual animal that left them deeply disturbed. The animal, which had oversized, piercing yellow eyes, managed to shake the doorknob despite its size, and seemed to have an uncanny ability to appear when the speaker was looking out of the window. The speaker's fear of werewolves, already present due to childhood experiences and media, was intensified after this encounter. Years later, when the speaker watched the movie "An American Werewolf in London," they had a vivid nightmare about being chased by a werewolf, which culminated in the speaker being attacked in real life, resulting in five bloody gashes on their back. The speaker is still unsure if the encounter and the nightmare were real or just figments of their imagination. Regardless, the experience left a lasting impact on the speaker, leading them to avoid werewolf movies and maintaining a deep-seated fear of these creatures.

    • Encounters with Skinwalkers: Chilling Tales of the UnknownTwo friends had unexplained encounters with large, terrifying creatures resembling werewolves and zombie coyote humanoids, serving as reminders of the unexplained and the importance of sharing experiences and storytelling.

      The encounter between my friend M and an alleged skinwalker in Illinois three years ago serves as a chilling reminder of the unexplained and mysterious phenomena that exist in our world. This story, shared by M with her friends and later with me, involves a late-night road trip to a crossroads near an abandoned church, where M and her friend B witnessed an enormous, upright werewolf-like creature. This creature, with its glowing orange-red eyes, massive size, and terrifying presence, left a lasting impression on both of them. Similarly, M's experience during a camping trip in Colorado two years ago also involved an encounter with a skinwalker. This time, the group heard unusual noises and eventually saw the creature, described as a tall, nearly bone-thin zombie coyote humanoid. Both of these encounters serve as reminders of the unexplained and the unknown that exists in our world, and the importance of maintaining an open mind and being prepared for the unexpected. These stories, while unproven, serve as a reminder of the importance of sharing experiences and the power of storytelling to connect people and pass on knowledge. Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, these encounters offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of the unknown and the power of human imagination.

    • A dangerous skinwalker encounterEncountering a skinwalker can be life-threatening, revealing its true form can increase aggression, and seeking help from a Native American medicine person can aid in survival.

      A skinwalker encounter can be a life-threatening experience. In the story, the group encountered a skinwalker that caused them to flee in fear. Trigger Happy, in a moment of anger, threw a stone at the creature, leading it to reveal its true form and aggression. The skinwalker blocked their car's path, ripped the door off, and attempted to drag M out. M managed to escape and found help from a Native American medicine man who used his powers to drive the skinwalker away. The encounter left M shaken and determined to survive, and she was eventually reunited with her friends. This story highlights the danger and unpredictability of skinwalkers and the importance of staying calm and seeking help in such situations.

    • Stories of unexplained encounters with mysterious beingsUnexplained phenomena and encounters with mysterious creatures remind us of the unknown and expand our collective knowledge of legends and mysteries.

      The world is full of unexplained phenomena and encounters with mysterious creatures, as evidenced by the story of the Impundulu and the experience shared by Hannie 23. Both accounts involve coincidental encounters with larger-than-life beings that seemed to defy logic and reason. The Impundulu, a shape-shifting bird said to create lightning storms, attacked the narrator during a thunderstorm in Africa. Meanwhile, Hannie 23's experience involved staying in her treehouse when she sensed something was watching her, only to have her dog growl and stare into the woods, followed by the sound of a humming that left her feeling scared. These stories serve as reminders of the unexplained and unknown that exists in the world, and the importance of sharing these experiences to expand our collective knowledge of the mysteries and legends that surround us.

    • Encounters with mysterious humanoids and unexplained phenomenaThe natural world may hold unexplained creatures and phenomena that challenge our understanding. Human stories of encounters with these beings offer a glimpse into the unknown and the power of imagination.

      The woods can harbor mysterious and unexplained creatures that may resemble humans but are far from it. The speaker had an encounter with an unknown humanoid creature that left him terrified and unwilling to venture into the woods again. This encounter, along with other reported sightings of humanoids like Bigfoot, challenges our understanding of what exists in the natural world. In another story, a boy named Brandon shared with the speaker some strange occurrences near an abandoned train track in their neighborhood. Brandon mentioned two creepy rules related to the tracks that he had heard from the kids next door. Despite the speaker's skepticism, the stories of these rules left him intrigued and curious about the unknown. These encounters serve as reminders that there may be unexplained phenomena in our world, and that sometimes, the lines between reality and myth can blur. Whether you believe in these stories or not, they offer a fascinating glimpse into the unknown and the power of human imagination. So, if you have any scary experiences or stories to share, head over to darkstories.org and let us know. And don't forget to like and share this video with your friends and family. Do you believe in the unexplained? Share your thoughts below.

    • Unspoken rules on old train tracksOld train tracks may seem harmless, but they have unspoken rules and hidden dangers. Adhering to them is crucial for safety and respecting the unknown.

      The seemingly harmless and familiar environment of an old train track can hold unexpected dangers and rules that should not be broken. The narrator, despite being skeptical, experienced strange occurrences after whistling and looking behind herself, which led her to feel a sense of fear and unease. The rules, shared by Brandon, seemed like a mere legend until the narrator decided to test them out. The experience left her with a newfound respect for the unknown and the importance of adhering to unspoken rules in unfamiliar territories. The events served as a reminder that even in the most mundane places, there can be hidden dangers and mysteries waiting to be discovered.

    • Encounters with Unknown Creatures in the WoodsHeeding warnings and staying cautious in unfamiliar environments is crucial when dealing with unknown creatures in the woods.

      The woods can hold unexpected and terrifying creatures. In the first account, a young boy encounters a bizarre, skull-wearing creature in an orchard, which he narrowly escapes from. In the second story, a teenager in Romania discovers that leaving the back porch open at night is strictly forbidden due to a mysterious, horned creature that resides nearby. Both accounts illustrate the importance of adhering to rules and the potential dangers lurking in the darkness. These encounters serve as reminders of the unknown and the importance of respecting the unknown. Whether it's a Bigfoot in Oregon or a horned creature in Romania, it's crucial to heed warnings and stay cautious in unfamiliar environments.

    • The woods hide terrifying creatures, proven by personal experiencesPersonal encounters with unknown dangers in nature remind us of the importance of listening to warnings and respecting the unknown.

      The woods can hold unexpected and terrifying creatures, and sometimes the things we dismiss as myths or legends may hold truth. The woman's story of a haunting entity on her farm, which led to her grandfather's death, and my encounter with a speaking wolf while camping, both illustrate this idea. The woman's belief, despite being dismissed by others, was proven true when I saw the creature myself. Similarly, the strange noises that scared away the family at the campsite turned out to be coming from a wolf, but one that could speak like a human. These experiences serve as reminders of the unknown dangers that exist in nature and the importance of listening to the warnings of others, even if they seem far-fetched. Additionally, both stories demonstrate the power of fear and the impact it can have on our lives. Despite the terror I felt, I was able to survive, but the experience left a lasting impression on me.

    • Sibling bond strengthened during camping trip encounter with unknown creatureThrough a terrifying camping trip experience, siblings' bond was strengthened by their unwavering support and protection of each other, teaching them the importance of family and prioritizing safety.

      The bond between siblings was strengthened through a terrifying experience. The speaker recounts a camping trip where they encountered an unknown creature that forced them to abandon their campsite in a hurry. When they reached safety, their sisters' immediate reaction was to help and protect the speaker, despite the fear in their eyes. The sisters' unwavering support and honesty in the face of the unknown created a stronger bond between them. The incident also taught them to prioritize their safety over material possessions. Despite the traumatic experience, the siblings continue to camp and cherish their bond. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of family and the strength that can be found in their support during difficult times.

    • Encounters with the Unknown in the Woods and PastureThe narrator's experiences in the woods and pasture surrounding his grandparents' house left him feeling intrigued and terrified by unexplained phenomena, fueling his curiosity and leaving him questioning his own perception and sanity.

      The woods and pastures surrounding the narrator's grandparents' house held unexplained phenomena that left him feeling both intrigued and terrified. On separate occasions, he encountered strange noises and moving objects in the woods, and in the pasture, he saw a figure that he couldn't identify. Despite the fear, his curiosity led him to investigate further, but each encounter left him with more questions than answers. The experiences were surreal, and the lack of explanation only added to the mystery. The open pasture where he swam with his cousin Billy became the setting for one particularly unnerving encounter, where he saw a figure in the dark. The fear of the unknown was palpable, and the narrator was left questioning his own perception and sanity. These events served as reminders of the unexplored and mysterious aspects of nature that can leave us feeling both captivated and uneasy.

    • A chilling account of an unexplained encounterUnexplained phenomena can be both terrifying and intriguing, and sometimes the most frightening experiences are those that defy explanation

      Fear can be a paralyzing experience. The speaker shares a chilling account of an unknown entity tapping on their window late at night, leaving them frozen in terror. Despite their attempts to seek help or explain the encounter, no one seemed to believe them. The experience brought back memories of a similar incident involving their cousin. The speaker is left questioning what this entity could be, and whether it was a supernatural being or something more mundane. Despite the skepticism of others, the speaker remains convinced of the reality of their experience. The encounter left a lasting impression on them, and they believe that the entity is still present in the woods. This story serves as a reminder that unexplained phenomena can be both terrifying and intriguing, and that sometimes, the most frightening experiences are those that defy explanation.

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    470 | Beware the CRAWLER of West Virginia | 8 True Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    470 | Beware the CRAWLER of West Virginia | 8 True Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Don't let that rifle make you think you're safe, Mr. Hunter... Enjoy these True scary stories of the unexplained! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 0:51 What’s Wrong with Grandpa? From Loremaster93 11:08 Boy in the Deer Stand from Gamecock711 19:43 The Odd One Out from Peanut Butta Thugga 27:10 My Encounter with a Moehau Man from ash 35:07 Skinwalker in West Palm Beach from Angela T. 38:30 West Virginia Crawler from Appetite_4_Fight 44:39 While We Were Alone from Shady_german 52:54 Am I Haunted from Bethie555 Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    469 | 8 TRUE In the Woods HORROR Stories

    469 | 8 TRUE In the Woods HORROR Stories
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak What happens in the woods, stays in the woods. Especially if it kills you. Enjoy these allegedly true horror stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:05 Adirondacks Mystery Monster from Anonymous 6:11 Possible Cryptid in the Woods from Lori 911 10:23 Seeing is Believing from K_Bar the Donkey 18:54 Lynda from PumpkinMama2022 23:43 Letchworth State Park from TJB 26:16 I Don’t Believe it, Why Should You? From CoffeeQueen 37:55 Encounter on the Hill from The Dark Knight 44:50 A Presence from a stranger Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    468 | 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To (COMPILATION)

    468 | 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To (COMPILATION)
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak Do you believe in ghosts? You might after this compilation of 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: Intro 0:43 The Cat Saw It Too from TheWoo 1:40 I Call Him Jerry from Josh 10:12 It Came with the Fog from Double D 16:44 Yellow Eyes from Zax 27:13 The Basement from Martin 43:10 Faint Bernard and the Warbling Man from X99X 51:24 The Drench from mariscully 57:54 Just Getting Started from N00N3 1:03:34 The Skwentna AK Happenings from Quillback 1:09:11 Quiet Nights from TeaFox 1:23:59 Terror in the Chapel from Jack 9053 1:31:24 Late Night at the Park from 1314RECON 1:35:09 The Other Girl in the Room from Mavie Wavy 1:41:35 Hospital Terror from Lady Blue 1:47:33 It Got Inside My House from Anonymous 1:57:41 Never Sleep with the Closet Door Open from Crystal_hawley22 2:02:23 The Ghost in my Basement from Papigallo22 2:05:42 Creature Near the Old Oak from HotChocolate 2:13:26 The Mounds from bekka 2:19:18 Sleeping with the Ghost from Auntie TT 2:27:50 Shadow Island Drive from EvansFiance 2:31:43 My Haunted Doll from Smileyalby 2:34:25 The Many Voices in my Ears from Darkvoice 2:41:33 My Friend's Experiences As A Police Officer 2:46:17 Demon Pretending to be a Skinwalker or Wendigo from CountryMama87 2:52:50 Haunted Old Brothel Above Restaurant from April 3:04:44 Shadows Plague from Celestial 3:11:01 My Weird Childhood Poltergeist from JollyJello 3:16:43 The Haunting on the Roof from paranormal.pk 3:21:19 Ya I’m Here from Laurie Means Me 3:26:50 Shape from Casket 3:34:59 My Terrifying Home Alone Experience from OhNoItsAGhost52 3:42:01 I Felt like the Ghost's Plaything from PennyB2203 3:47:34 Specter Brume from WhiteChapel 3:54:07 Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    467 | "Why I'll NEVER Go Caving Again" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    467 | "Why I'll NEVER Go Caving Again" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak NaturesTemper joins me today in telling some very SCARY stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:03 Jeremy from Wanderlust Jojo 8:05 The Gargoyle Man of the Graveyard Shift from Nyxolotl 18:22 I Think a Skinwalker is Stalking Me from Scout 22:35 Two Sets of Eyes from B.W. Newman read by NaturesTemper 33:43 The Locked Doll from Mnm_974 37:29 Creature in the Cave from Mr. Instrument and Sensor read by NaturesTemper 48:55 The Shadow with Teeth from thatgirlzed Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak If you get lost in the woods, don't worry - something will find you. Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:36 Not All Monsters are Monsters from Very Mean Jelly Beans 14:55 The Dogman Talked to my Dog from Wolfenstein572 20:20 Wendigo Encounter While Zoinked from Shnitzel 29:55 It Followed Me from spartan_thorn9 35:27 Never Alone from Meg 43:09 What Was In The House from Robert117 50:17 What’s in my House? From Sleepless Nights  Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    465 | DISTURBING Entity in the Appalachian Mountains | 8 TRUE Stories of the Unexplained

    465 | DISTURBING Entity in the Appalachian Mountains | 8 TRUE Stories of the Unexplained
    HEADS UP: This episode was made when I was bedridden and sick. So, I had someone use an AI version of my voice. Sorry, but I'd rather my family have food on the table and my fans have stories to enjoy. You might hear some mispronunciations. Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak Something evil lurks in the Appalachian mountains, and you DON'T want to meet it! SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 1:10 Bridge Water Triangle in Massachusets Story; from DanTheMan 4:13 I move, it moves, we all move; from N00N3 10:28 Be Careful Hiking in the Bighorn Mountains; from Colter Morgan 13:22 The Woman in the Bathroom Mirror; from SpookyGuy556 30:50 The Morning I'll Never Forget; from TruthFinder16 35:08 Paranormal Happenings; from PaigeH92 48:14 Oconee Spirits; from Swampfox 57:31 Uncle Johnny; from Leahbeah Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    EP: 43 I SAW DEAD CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS (members trailer)

    EP: 43 I SAW DEAD CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS (members trailer)

    In episode 43, we get an exclusive otherworldly encounter. Paul joins the show to tell his one-of-a-kind story of witnessing blurry creatures on his bedroom floor as a child. Every night for well over a year, a dark figure would enter his room--but one night it decides to bring a whole history scene with him. Tune in now and hear this chilling tale. Just one of the many perks of supporting the show. 

    become a member: blurrycreatures.com

    contact: blurrycreaturespodcast@gmail.com

    Socials instagram.com/blurrycreatures



    Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

    Mastering: ironwingstudios.com

    Outro Song: timecop1983.com

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    361 | "The Witch of Guadalajara" | 10 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    There may be no escape when the evil kind of witch sets her eyes on YOU. Enjoy these allegedly true scary stories of the unexplained! Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 0:40 The Wooded Void from Abigail W. 5:26 Farmer Ghost from ranchgirl 9:42 Guadalajara Witch from SilverBullet54 13:56 The Creepy Neighbor from AmmeJeanRomeo 21:13 A Shadow in the Doorway from Rachael1993 25:10 Midnight Ghosts from Clemchie2020 28:02 Astral Projection from Anonymous 31:09 The Haunted Villa from Nina W. 49:38 Red Eyes from Austin M. 54:51 Stories from a Package Courier from Gabe9891 CREDITS: Music by Dark Music (me)! LINKS:  Join my DISCORD: https://discord.gg/5Wj9RqTR3w Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491   Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    224 | 5 REAL And HORRIFYING Haunted Schools
    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices