
    #262 - "Freeway" Rick Ross

    en-usSeptember 07, 2012
    How did Rick Ross's name impact his career?
    What concerns does the speaker express about societal issues?
    What reflects the loss of authenticity in entertainment?
    How can wealth accumulation lead to downfall?
    What are the implications of drug normalization in society?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of a Name or PersonaNames and personas shape identity and success, but adopting one that isn't authentic can have consequences. Reflecting on Rick Ross's career, the speaker explores the impact of media on public perception and the loss of authenticity in the entertainment industry.

      The power of a name or persona in shaping one's identity and success cannot be underestimated. The speaker shares an anecdote about Rick Ross, a rapper who built his career around a name that was already famous. This raises questions about authenticity and the impact of media on public perception. The speaker also reflects on the changing cultural landscape and the loss of authenticity in the entertainment industry during the late 1990s. The discussion highlights the importance of individual identity and the potential consequences of adopting a persona that is not one's own.

    • Rapper Rick Ross's Past as a Corrections Officer and Authenticity of His LyricsThe contradiction between Rick Ross's past as a corrections officer and his present image as a rapper, which often revolves around drugs, has sparked debates and criticisms, raising questions about authenticity and potential power dynamics and abuse of authority.

      Rapper Rick Ross's past as a corrections officer raises questions about the authenticity of his lyrics, which often revolve around drugs. This contradiction between his past and present image has sparked debates and criticisms. The discussion also touched upon the power dynamics and potential abuse of authority that come with such roles. Additionally, there have been studies suggesting that even simulated authority can lead to abusive behavior. The speaker shared their personal experience working as a security guard and the development of an "us versus them" mentality. The situation became even more complicated when it was revealed that some individuals Ross raps about are actually in prison and have accused him of sharing their stories without permission. This raises ethical concerns and could potentially harm their appeals.

    • Power, fame, and corruptionPower and fame can corrupt individuals, leading them to perpetuate false images or actions to maintain their status. Both Griselda Blanco and Rick Ross have faced consequences for their actions, highlighting the importance of authenticity.

      Power and fame, whether it comes from the drug trade or entertainment industry, can corrupt individuals and lead them to perpetuate false images or actions to maintain their status. The discussion revolved around Griselda Blanco, a notorious figure in the drug trade, and Rick Ross, a rapper known for projecting a criminal image despite coming from a privileged background. Both individuals have faced consequences for their actions, whether it be legal repercussions or public backlash. The conversation also touched upon the idea that those with significant financial resources may believe they are invincible, leading them to disregard their health and well-being. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the importance of authenticity and the potential negative consequences of chasing power and fame at any cost.

    • Legal battle over rapper nameDetermined individuals can spend significant resources to protect or claim a name, even in prolonged legal battles

      A man named Rick Ross, who is a rapper, has been involved in a lengthy legal battle over the use of his name. The discussion reveals that the man was once a correctional officer and there were questions about his football past. When the rapper refused to give up the name, the man spent over $1.3 million on legal fees to try and claim it. Despite the significant resources spent, the case has been ongoing for an extended period, with the rapper continuing to use the name. The incident highlights the determination and resources some individuals are willing to use to protect or claim a name, even in the face of opposition.

    • Legal battle over Rick Ross name highlights identity issues in entertainment industryEstablished names hold value and create confusion in entertainment industry, leading to legal battles over identity and intellectual property.

      Rapper Rick Ross found himself in a legal battle against Warner Brothers and another rapper, both claiming the same name. Ross, whose real name is William Roberts, had used the name Rick Ross since the late 90s, but had gained significant recognition and success in the early 2000s. Warner Brothers, seeing the value in an established name, reportedly tried to fast-forward the career of another artist using the same name, leading to confusion and legal action. The case highlights the issue of identity and name recognition in the entertainment industry, where established names can hold significant value and create confusion when used by others. Ross's situation is unique in that his birth name was the one in question, unlike other cases where artists have adopted nicknames or borrowed names from their surroundings. The ongoing legal battle underscores the importance of clear communication and respect for intellectual property in the entertainment industry.

    • Creating False Identities for SuccessPeople sometimes fabricate identities or misrepresent themselves to gain recognition or success, which can lead to confusion and dilution of historical significance.

      People sometimes create false identities or misrepresent themselves to achieve success or recognition, even if it means confusing or diluting the truth. This was discussed in relation to Rick Ross's use of a criminal nickname in rap music, despite having no connection to the original Rick Ross involved in the Iran Contra scandal. The speaker also touched upon individuals feeling the need to cheat or lie to make it in life, leading to a culture of "faking it till you make it." This can result in confusion and a loss of historical significance. The speaker also mentioned the example of Joe Rogan, who was falsely believed to be in jail for life due to misunderstandings about the three strikes rule, and how he embraced and leveraged his own identity instead.

    • Media manipulation and accountabilityThe media landscape has shifted, with traditional sources becoming less reliable. Independent journalism and alternative news sources are crucial for staying informed and holding those in power accountable. Critical thinking and seeking diverse sources are essential to navigate propaganda and manipulation.

      The media landscape has changed dramatically, and many traditional news sources are no longer reliable or unbiased. The conversation highlights the example of a specific individual who has benefited from this shift by manipulating the media and avoiding accountability for past actions. The speakers also emphasize the importance of independent journalism and alternative news sources, such as podcasts and international outlets like BBC and Al Jazeera. They criticize mainstream media for failing to report the truth and instead peddling propaganda, particularly in the case of political figures like Mitt Romney. The conversation also touches on the power dynamics at play, with those in positions of authority able to manipulate public perception and control the narrative. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of critical thinking and seeking out diverse sources of information to stay informed and make informed decisions.

    • Awkward Interaction between Mitt Romney and Regular PeopleThe wealth gap and perceived disconnect between politicians and everyday people led to uneasy interactions during political discussions, with both parties ultimately catering to wealthy donors.

      The communication between Mitt Romney and regular people came across as awkward during the discussion. Romney's wealth and perceived detachment from everyday life situations created an uneasy interaction. The Democratic and Republican conventions showcased stark differences, with the Democratic platform being more accepting and inclusive, but both parties ultimately become beholden to the same wealthy donors. The speaker expressed frustration with the lack of authentic leadership and the prioritization of corporate interests over the needs of the general population. The fear of civil unrest due to economic inequality was also raised as a concern.

    • Wealth and resources can lead to greed and downfallExcessive wealth can lead to obsession, prioritizing hoarding over living, and potential harm or loss

      Wealth and resources can lead to greed and eventual downfall, as history has shown us through civilizations like the Roman Empire. Elite clients, including the extremely wealthy, are being advised to manage their money during times of chaos. The obsession with accumulating wealth can lead individuals to prioritize hoarding over living, and even the richest people may never truly be satisfied. The discovery of coca leaves, which can be used for energy and health benefits, led to the creation of cocaine, causing harm and problems. Regardless of legality, the real danger lies in the potential for robbery and loss of both money and possessions.

    • Society's Inconsistencies and HypocrisiesAddressing root causes, transparency, and creating supportive environments for young people are crucial for addressing societal issues.

      The inconsistencies and hypocrisies in society, such as the legal status of marijuana or the presence of questionable figures like a fake Rick Ross, highlight the importance of transparency and addressing the root causes of social issues. The speaker emphasizes the need to care for young people and create supportive environments where they can thrive, rather than leaving them to face despair and a lack of opportunities. The anonymity and disconnection brought about by modern technology and mobility have contributed to a culture of dysfunction and rudeness, making it essential to find ways to build stronger communities and connections.

    • Exploring Human Diversity with AnonymityAnonymity can broaden perspectives but also expose to harmful influences. Balance is key in exploring human diversity.

      While anonymity in social situations allows for a broader understanding of human diversity, it can also lead to irresponsible behavior and exposure to potentially harmful influences. For instance, meeting various people without accountability can result in assuming different personas, and constant exposure to such diverse individuals can broaden one's perspective. However, this can also lead to encountering negative influences, such as violence or inappropriate behavior, which can have detrimental effects, especially on children. Additionally, the authenticity of what is seen on television or social media, such as reality shows, should be questioned, as they may not accurately represent reality. Ultimately, it is essential to strike a balance between broadening one's horizons and maintaining personal responsibility and accountability.

    • Skepticism towards political system and authenticity of public figuresCritically evaluate political figures and systems, focus on local action, and empower yourself through education and community involvement.

      The speakers in this discussion questioned the authenticity of certain public figures and the effectiveness of voting in bringing about real change. They expressed skepticism towards the political system and suggested that individuals could make a difference on a local level through active participation. The speakers also mentioned their involvement in the Freeway Literacy Foundation, which focuses on literacy and leadership development. The conversation touched on various controversial topics, including the validity of tattoos, the role of celebrities, and historical events involving political figures. The speakers emphasized the importance of critical thinking and self-empowerment. They encouraged people to educate themselves and take action in their communities instead of relying solely on political leaders.

    • Sharing Stories and Beliefs Through PodcastsAuthenticity and entertainment grow podcast audiences. Trust and connection lead to support and impact. Focus on positive impact instead of distractions.

      Having a podcast or finding a platform to share your stories and beliefs can lead to a dedicated audience and influence. Authenticity and entertainment are key factors in growing a following. The speaker emphasized that when people trust and connect with you, they will support and spread your message. The podcast medium allows for a personal connection that can lead to opportunities and impact. Additionally, the speaker touched on the idea that people are often drawn to shiny distractions, but it's important to focus on using that energy and resources to benefit others and make a positive impact.

    • Conflicts over Lithium and Aging Population's TV PreferencesThe demand for lithium, crucial for electric vehicles, fuels geopolitical conflicts. Older Americans, with a median age of 36.9, influence TV content towards their demographic.

      The demand for lithium, a key component in electric vehicle batteries, leads to conflicts over its control and extraction, often in countries with complex geopolitical situations. Additionally, the average age of Americans watching television is higher than it used to be, with the median age being 36.9, making content catering to older demographics more prevalent. The 1970s saw a significant cultural shift with the legalization of various substances, which was later followed by a crackdown and criminalization. These topics were discussed in a conversation that also touched upon personal experiences and dreams.

    • Making Healthier Choices for Better Overall HealthPrioritizing health and making conscious choices, despite challenges, can lead to long-term benefits.

      Making healthier choices, like drinking Mexican Coke with cane sugar instead of corn syrup or eating nutritious meals, can lead to better overall health. However, sometimes these choices can be difficult to stick to due to taste preferences or convenience. In the entertainment industry, some artists have faced health challenges and have had to make changes to their lifestyles, such as Rick Ross's dietary modifications after experiencing seizures. Companies may also manipulate sales numbers to make artists appear more successful than they actually are. Ultimately, prioritizing health and well-being, even if it requires effort and sacrifice, can have long-term benefits.

    • Rising to fame in rap despite background or occupationTalent and audience connection are key to success in rap music, regardless of background or previous occupation. Consistent hustle and dedication are also essential.

      Success in the music industry, particularly in rap, can be achieved regardless of one's background or previous occupation, as long as the artist is talented and able to captivate audiences. The use of provocative or unconventional themes in lyrics can also contribute to an artist's appeal. Additionally, there is a perception that fame can be quickly attained in the music industry, but in reality, it takes consistent hustle and dedication to make it big. The music business is a strange and complex world, where individuals can defy expectations and rise to fame despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Ultimately, it's the individual's talent and ability to connect with audiences that determines their success.

    • Rick Ross's pursuit of justice and reclaiming his nameDespite challenges and financial strains, Rick Ross remains committed to justice and reclaiming his name, inspiring transparency and hard work, and valuing individuality over wealth.

      Rick Ross is determined and persistent in his pursuit of justice and reclaiming his name, despite facing challenges and financial strains. He's not motivated by anger or vindictiveness, but rather a commitment to getting what's rightfully his. Ross also values information and transparency, using his platforms to share news and inspire others to explore their talents and work towards success, regardless of their current financial situation. He believes in the equality of all people and the importance of changing societal norms to value hard work and individuality over wealth.

    • Societal Issues and Financial DebtThe current state of societal issues and financial debt raises concerns for the future, with inconsistent norms and punishments contributing to a broken system. Personal experiences highlight the need for reflection and change in areas like prescription drugs and mass incarceration.

      The current state of financial debt and societal issues, including mass incarceration and over-reliance on prescription drugs, creates a sense of brokenness and concern for the future. The speaker expresses worry that the system may only improve after a failure, and highlights the inconsistency of societal norms and punishments. The issue of trillions of dollars in debt, along with the normalization of certain drugs while criminalizing others, contributes to a feeling that the system is not working as it should. The speaker shares personal experiences of witnessing the effects of prescription drugs on children and adults in jail, and raises questions about the motivations behind prescribing certain medications. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for reflection and change in various aspects of society.

    • Prison Life: A Complex Web of Survival, Relationships, and TransactionsInmates obtain medication and contraband through various means, form strong bonds, and navigate a complex system of survival within prison walls.

      Prison life involves a complex system of obtaining and trading prescription medication, as well as access to various contraband items. Prisoners can get prescription medication from the infirmary, some of which can be sold for profit. They can also obtain illegal substances like cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth. Inmates can get a wide range of things, including cell phones, special mattresses, and even steak meals, but it requires money. Money can be brought in from the outside or earned through various means inside the prison. The prison kitchen, or "syphons," operates on a credit system where inmates can charge their meals to their accounts. Some inmates even have special deals or "contracts" with the kitchen staff. Despite the challenges and dangers, inmates can form strong bonds and receive support from their fellow inmates. The speaker shared how he received love and support from his friends during his last night in prison. Ultimately, prison life is a complex and intricate web of survival, relationships, and transactions.

    • Story of a talented tennis player who couldn't read and ended up in prisonIgnorance and lack of education can lead to unintended consequences. With determination and self-motivation, one can overcome obstacles and achieve goals.

      Ignorance and lack of education can be major obstacles in life, even leading to unintended consequences. The guest shared his personal story of being a talented tennis player who couldn't read and ended up in prison. He emphasized the importance of teaching literacy skills to incarcerated individuals and the importance of self-motivation. The guest also highlighted how his lawyer's words, "any time somebody else wants for you something more than you want it for yourself, then you're in trouble," inspired him to take matters into his own hands and learn to read. Despite the challenges, the guest persevered and eventually regained his federal license after six years. This story serves as a reminder that no matter what obstacles we face, with determination and self-motivation, we can overcome them.

    • Neighborhood dynamics during the Jim Crow eraIn disadvantaged communities, complex community dynamics can shape individuals' lives, allowing for unexpected cooperation and even peace between rival gangs.

      Growing up in disadvantaged communities during the Jim Crow era, where literacy was not prioritized and crime was accepted, presented significant challenges for individuals like the speaker. He shares how his neighbors, despite their own struggles and knowledge of his criminal activities, allowed him to conduct his drug business respectfully, maintaining peace in the neighborhood. This unusual situation enabled the speaker to build a reputation and even facilitate cooperation between rival gangs, the Crips and Bloods, through financial gains. The speaker's experience highlights the complex realities of living in impoverished areas and the role community dynamics can play in shaping individuals' lives.

    • The Rodney King incident: A turning point in history due to the use of personal video camerasThe Rodney King incident showcased the power of technology in exposing police brutality, sparking conversations about accountability and reform, and highlighting issues with excessive fines and potential power imbalance.

      The Rodney King incident in 1991 was a turning point in history due to the widespread use of personal video cameras. The public was able to witness police brutality firsthand, leading to increased awareness and outrage. This event highlighted the power of technology in holding authorities accountable and sparked conversations about police misconduct and the need for reform. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the issue of excessive fines and tickets, as well as the potential for those in power to lose objectivity and act against civilians.

    • Perpetual criminal images in hip hop can lead to harmful encountersThe portrayal of criminal images in hip hop music and media can contribute to negative stereotypes and potentially harmful encounters between law enforcement and individuals, particularly within the Black community. Presenting positive images and behavior is crucial.

      The portrayal of perpetual criminal images in hip hop music and media can contribute to fear mongering and negative stereotypes, potentially leading to harmful encounters between law enforcement and individuals, especially within the Black community. The speaker shares personal experiences of encountering police brutality and the desensitization of violence in rap music, highlighting the potential dangers of these perpetual criminal images. Additionally, the speaker expresses frustration with the treatment of individuals in the criminal justice system, such as the handcuffed man who shot himself in the head, and the importance of presenting positive images and behavior.

    • Rapper Rick Ross's Authenticity Questioned: Real-Life Drug Dealer Claims InspirationThe internet has the power to challenge mainstream narratives and bring hidden truths to light, as seen in the controversy surrounding Rick Ross's authenticity and the claims of a real-life drug dealer who inspired his name and persona

      Rick Ross, the rapper, is accused of stealing not only his name but also the persona of a real-life individual named Rick Ross. This man, who was once a successful drug dealer, served time in jail, and claims to have been the inspiration for the rapper's name. The controversy surrounding Rick Ross's authenticity, particularly his beard and appearance, has gained significant attention online. The internet has played a crucial role in bringing this issue to light, potentially putting pressure on the rapper to address these allegations. The incident highlights the power of the internet in challenging mainstream narratives and bringing hidden truths to the forefront.

    • Friends can introduce us to negative experiencesExperiences, whether good or bad, shape our lives. Friends can influence us, sometimes leading us down negative paths. The speaker's past experiences, including being introduced to drugs by a friend, have given him the ability to make a difference in the world today.

      Experiences, both good and bad, shape who we become in life. The speaker shares his journey from being a tennis player to selling drugs, emphasizing that it was not some stranger but a close friend who introduced him to drugs. He is now using his experiences to educate kids and create a documentary called "Cracking the System." The speaker also reflects on how easy it is to get institutionalized while in prison and how his past experiences give him the ability to navigate various environments. Despite the challenges he faced, he believes that these experiences have made him who he is today and have given him the ability to make a difference in the world.

    • Addressing the root causes of the illegal drug tradeTo combat the illegal drug trade, we need to focus on education and providing real opportunities, rather than relying on fake or dangerous alternatives. Holding those who profit accountable is also crucial.

      The illegal drug trade is fueled by a complex web of factors including lack of opportunities, the desire for power and respect, and the demand for drugs. To effectively address this issue, we need to focus on education and providing real opportunities to help people feel important and valued, rather than relying on fake or dangerous alternatives. Additionally, those who profit from the drug trade, including those in the entertainment industry, should be held accountable for their actions and the messages they promote. Ultimately, the only way to truly eliminate the illegal drug trade is to address the root causes of the demand and provide viable alternatives for those caught up in it.

    • Mass Incarceration: A Social EpidemicThe US criminal justice system disproportionately incarcerates black men, perpetuating systemic racism and denying opportunities. Investing in community rebuilding could be a more effective solution.

      The mass incarceration of black men in the United States is a complex issue with deep roots in systemic racism and a profit-driven criminal justice system. The speaker, a former prosecutor, argues that instead of addressing the root causes of crime in impoverished communities, the system pushes people into the prison system, creating jobs for others but denying opportunities for the incarcerated. The numbers are staggering, with the US having the highest incarceration rate in the world, particularly for black men between 25 and 35, who are ten times more likely to be imprisoned than the highest recorded rate in any other nation. This issue, which disproportionately affects African American families, is not being adequately addressed in political platforms or public discourse. The speaker suggests that treating mass incarceration as a social epidemic and investing in rebuilding communities could be a more effective solution.

    • Slavery's Lasting Impacts and SolutionsSlavery persists in various forms, causing societal issues. Focusing on root causes of poverty & inequality may be more effective than conflicts.

      Slavery, though officially abolished in many countries including the United States, still exists in various forms and has lasting impacts. The conversation touched upon the persistence of slavery in different parts of the world, including the US, and the implications of this for society. The speaker emphasized that addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality, particularly for marginalized communities, could be a more effective solution than engaging in foreign wars or conflicts. The discussion also highlighted the disproportionate impact of policies like mandatory minimum sentencing on certain communities and the role of private prisons in perpetuating systemic issues.

    • From Slavery to Mass Incarceration: The Prison System's Exploitative HistoryThe prison system's origins in slavery and its exploitation of Black communities continue through mass incarceration, mandatory minimums, and private prisons, perpetuating racial inequality.

      The prison system in the United States has deep roots in slavery and has been used as a tool for exploitation and oppression, particularly against Black communities. Beginning in the late 1800s, convict leasing emerged as a way for farmers and businessmen to replace their labor force after slavery was made illegal. This practice continued into the 1980s when the crack epidemic opened the door for the mass incarceration era and the privatization of prisons. The mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses, which disproportionately affect Black people, have led to mass incarceration and the waste of countless lives. The private prison industry, which operates 264 correctional facilities housing almost 99,000 adult convicts, profits from this system and perpetuates racial inequality. The criminal justice system's focus on punishment rather than rehabilitation and the perpetuation of racist laws and policies have made prison worse than slavery for many.

    • The Push to Address the Crack Epidemic and Its Controversial LawDuring the 1980s, a controversial law disproportionately impacted minorities and those without legal representation due to the crack epidemic, with a former cop admitting to planting drugs and a documentary exposing this issue.

      During the 1980s, there was a push to address the crack epidemic, leading to the passing of a controversial law without proper investigation. This law disproportionately impacted minorities and those unable to afford legal representation. A documentary is being made to expose this issue, including interviews with a former cop who admitted to planting drugs and archival footage of Ronald Reagan discussing the crack epidemic. The real-life story of the speaker's experiences in the criminal justice system is more compelling than fictional portrayals, but Hollywood often prefers the latter due to perceived scariness or marketability. Jamie Foxx is considered a strong contender to play the speaker in a potential film adaptation.

    • Jamie Foxx's Talent in 'Ray Charles' and Upcoming Film on Freeway Rick RossJamie Foxx impresses as Ray Charles and is part of a new film about Freeway Rick Ross. They're raising funds and invite interested parties to visit Freeway Rick's website.

      Jamie Foxx is an incredibly talented actor and singer who can convincingly portray different characters, as evidenced by his acclaimed performance as Ray Charles. The script for the upcoming movie they're working on, which is inspired by the life of Freeway Rick Ross, has a unique blend of characters and storylines that will appeal to a wide audience. The team is still in the process of raising a budget and encourages anyone interested to check out Freeway Rick's website for more information. Additionally, they mentioned the importance of crediting artists for their work and encouraged listeners to visit Ting.com to save $50 on a new Android phone.

    • Joe Rogan talks about product recommendations from Ana.com and upcoming guestsJoe Rogan discussed discounted kettlebells, battle ropes, and Alpha Brain supplements from Ana.com. Kat Von D and Eddie Bravo will be upcoming guests, with an intriguing story about Kat tattooing Eddie's grandmother.

      Joe Rogan mentioned some product recommendations from Ana.com, including kettlebells, battle ropes, and Alpha Brain supplements. He offered a discount code, "Rogan," for 10% off any supplement purchases. Additionally, Kat Von D and Eddie Bravo will be appearing on the podcast next week. Rogan shared an interesting story about Kat Von D tattooing Eddie Bravo's grandmother on his chest. Overall, the podcast episode featured Joe Rogan's signature blend of humor, insight, and interesting guests. Stay tuned for the upcoming episode with Kat Von D and Eddie Bravo.

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    S3 Episode 8: The Trouble With Schenectady

    Schenectady, NY is a small city that's had a troubled past. Once known as "The City That Lights and Hauls the World", Schenectady has faced a police corruption scandal as well as other tragic events over the years. In the late 90's and early 2000's, Schenectady's Police Dept. was the focus of a federal investigation by the FBI while under the tenure of former police chief Greg Kaczmarek. 

    Author David Bushman was traveling up near Albany, NY when he got a Lyft ride from no other than former police chief Kaczmarek. The two formed a relationship which spurred the writing of his book, Forget It, Jake, It's Schenectady: The True Story Behind "The Place Beyond the Pines." The book reflects on the events that transpired while Kaczmarek was chief of police from 1996 to 2002.