
    264 Balancing Act: The Emotional Strain of Wildlife Management

    enDecember 19, 2023

    About this Episode

    In this episode, host Nick Madsen discusses the challenges of working with wildlife and feeling responsible for their well-being. He shares personal experiences where he felt the pressure to make decisions and take action, even when it wasn't his responsibility. Nick also highlights the importance of not getting too involved in the process and the need to make good calls for the benefit of oneself, the community, and the team.
    • Working with wildlife can lead to feeling responsible for their well-being, even when it's not your responsibility.
    • It's important to not get too involved in the process and avoid burnout.
    • Wildlife management situations can be high-pressure and unpredictable.
    • Making good calls in wildlife situations requires considering the bigger picture and working with a team.

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    Recent Episodes from Manage the Wild

    297: Net Gunning Turkeys

    297: Net Gunning Turkeys
    In this episode of Manage the Wild, host Nick Madsen shares his experience using a net gun to capture a turkey. He introduces the net gun and discusses the challenges and precautions associated with its use. Nick recounts his attempt to capture the turkey and the unexpected outcome. He emphasizes the importance of accepting failure and learning from it. Nick also explores the benefits and applications of the net gun, including wildlife rescue scenarios. He concludes by discussing the possibility of testing the net gun on deer in the future.
    • Using a net gun for wildlife capture can be challenging and requires careful consideration of safety precautions.
    • Accepting failure is an important part of learning and improving in new endeavors.
    • The net gun has various applications, including capturing turkeys, rescuing wildlife entangled in fishing lines, and managing injured birds.
    • Testing the net gun on deer poses potential challenges and risks that need to be carefully evaluated.

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     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter


    Manage the Wild
    enMarch 13, 2024

    296: Darting Moose Doesn't Always Work

    296: Darting Moose Doesn't Always Work
    In this episode, host Nick Madsen shares his experience using the drug BAM to chemically immobilize animals. He recounts a situation where they had to immobilize a moose trapped in a facility. Despite their efforts, the moose did not cooperate and ran away. Nick discusses the challenges they faced, including the weather conditions and the possibility of issues with the drug mixture. He also explains the process of darting animals and the importance of air pressure. The episode ends with plans to continue the operation and a reminder to be cautious when working with immobilization drugs.
    • BAM (Butyrophanol Azaperon Metatomidine) is a drug used for immobilizing animals.
    • Weather conditions, such as cold temperatures and snow, can affect the effectiveness of immobilization drugs.
    • Darting animals requires careful consideration of air pressure and range finding.
    • Nighttime darting is not recommended due to the uncertainty of dart placement.

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     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter


    Manage the Wild
    enMarch 09, 2024

    295: Turkey Jui Jitsu

    295: Turkey Jui Jitsu
    In this episode, host Nick Madsen shares his experience dealing with aggressive turkeys on a school campus. He discusses the prevalence of nuisance turkeys in the area and the challenges they pose. Nick recounts his attempt to capture the aggressive turkey and the unexpected agility and intelligence of the bird. Despite the turkey's escape, Nick reflects on the lessons learned and plans for future strategies.
    • Nuisance turkeys can be a significant problem in certain areas, causing fear and inconvenience for people.
    • Turkeys are intelligent and agile creatures, capable of evading capture and surprising humans with their quick reflexes.
    • Dealing with aggressive turkeys requires careful planning and the use of specialized equipment, such as net guns.
    • It is important to learn from failed attempts and adapt strategies to effectively manage nuisance turkeys.

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     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter


    Manage the Wild
    enMarch 06, 2024

    294: When Hazing Deer Goes Wrong

    294: When Hazing Deer Goes Wrong
    In this episode, host Nick Madsen shares his experience of hazing deer to prevent damage to a wheat field. He discusses the various methods of hazing, including using bird shot, cracker shells, and a rifle. Nick also highlights the challenges of hazing in a large area and the potential risks involved. He recounts a nerve-wracking moment when he had to prevent a group of deer from crossing a freeway. Despite the efforts, hazing may not always be effective in deterring deer from returning to the area. The episode concludes with Nick reflecting on the temporary nature of hazing as a solution.
    • Hazing is a method used to deter wildlife, such as deer, from causing damage to crops or property.
    • Different hazing methods, such as using bird shot, cracker shells, or a rifle, can be employed depending on the situation.
    • Hazing in a large area can be challenging due to limited visibility and the spread-out nature of the deer group.
    • While hazing can be effective in some cases, it may not always prevent deer from returning to the area.

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     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter


    Manage the Wild
    enMarch 06, 2024

    293: I Peed on Myself Today

    293: I Peed on Myself Today
    In this episode, host Nick Madsen shares his experiences with depredation and the challenges faced in managing wildlife. He discusses the issues of deer trampling and eating crops, and the efforts taken to haze the deer away from the property. Nick also highlights the difficulties in assessing damage caused by trampling. He then shares two unusual encounters he had during depredation work, including an unexpected visit from a yellow lab and a close call with a rancher's dog. These stories showcase the unpredictable nature of wildlife management.
    • Depredation can be a significant challenge for landowners, especially when deer trample crops and eat vegetation.
    • Hazing techniques, such as yelling, and using cracker shells, and shotgun shells, can be effective in keeping deer away from the property.
    • Assessing damage caused by trampling is a complex task that requires further research and collaboration with colleges and experts.
    • Wildlife management work can lead to unexpected and sometimes humorous encounters with animals, highlighting the unpredictable nature of the job.


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     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter


    Manage the Wild
    enFebruary 28, 2024

    22: Cougar Darted Near Utah State University

    22: Cougar Darted Near Utah State University
    In this episode, host Nick Madsen recounts his experience responding to a cougar sighting near a cemetery. He describes the challenges of locating the cougar and the efforts to keep the neighborhood safe. The episode highlights the chaotic scene after darting the cougar and the importance of securing the area. Madsen also discusses the health assessment of the cougar and the increase in cougar calls following such incidents.
    • Responding to cougar sightings requires coordination between wildlife officers, biologists, and law enforcement to ensure public safety.
    • Darting a cougar can be a chaotic and hectic situation, with various stakeholders wanting to be involved and document the process.
    • Reversing the drugs used to sedate the cougar requires careful timing to ensure the animal fully recovers.
    • Following a cougar sighting, there is often an increase in reported cougar sightings, which may include misidentifications of other animals.


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    License code: QWS1TG5BYTFK2

     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter


    Manage the Wild
    enFebruary 23, 2024

    291: Time Crunch and Hunt Recommendations

    291: Time Crunch and Hunt Recommendations
    In this episode, host Nick Madsen discusses the time crunch faced by wildlife biologists and managers when making hunt recommendations. The hunt recommendation numbers are released in April, but the data collection process is challenging due to the hunting season starting in August and ending in January. The biologists rely on various data sources, including population estimates, GPS collar data, hunter harvest data, habitat and environmental conditions, and disease data. They use this information to determine buck-to-doe ratios, assess population objectives, and make recommendations for permits. The episode highlights the importance of accurate and up-to-date data in the decision-making process.
    • Hunt recommendation numbers are released in April, but the data collection process is challenging due to the hunting season starting in August and ending in January.
    • Wildlife biologists and managers rely on various data sources, including population estimates, GPS collar data, hunter harvest data, habitat and environmental conditions, and disease data.
    • Buck-to-doe ratios are used to assess population objectives and determine the number of permits to be issued.
    • Accurate and up-to-date data is crucial for making informed hunt recommendations

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    License code: QWS1TG5BYTFK2

     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter


    Manage the Wild
    enFebruary 21, 2024

    290: Colorado Wolf Dispersal and Montana Grizzly Plan Comment Period

    290: Colorado Wolf Dispersal and Montana Grizzly Plan Comment Period
    In this episode, host Nick Madsen discusses various wildlife management plans and the importance of public input. He starts with a personal update and introduces the topics of the grizzly bear management plan in Montana and the wolf conservation management plan in Colorado. He highlights the extensive movement of collared wolves in Colorado and the need to update the grizzly bear management plan due to population growth and dispersal. Nick emphasizes the opportunity for public input and encourages listeners to voice their opinions on wildlife management. He also discusses the differing opinions and involvement of hunters in wildlife management and the changing approaches to wildlife management in different states. The episode concludes with a reminder of the importance of civic engagement in wildlife management.
    • Public input is crucial in wildlife management plans.
    • The movement of collared wolves in Colorado highlights the need for updated management plans.
    • Hunters should actively participate in wildlife management discussions.
    • Wildlife management approaches are changing in different states.

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: QWS1TG5BYTFK2

     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter

    Manage the Wild
    enFebruary 14, 2024

    289: Snowboarder Has an Encounter with A Cougar

    289: Snowboarder Has an Encounter with A Cougar

    A man in Northern Utah had a terrifying encounter with a cougar while backcountry snowboarding. This incident highlights the importance of safety precautions and being prepared when engaging in outdoor activities. The conversation also introduces the Wild Aware Utah website as a resource for information on wildlife encounters. Tips on how to react when encountering a cougar are discussed, emphasizing the need to stay calm, make oneself look big, and back away slowly. Additionally, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and avoiding distractions like headphones.

    Anderson, M. (2024) Cache Valley man fends off Cougar Attack with snowboard, KSLTV.com. Available at: https://ksltv.com/620892/cache-valley-man-fends-off-cougar-attack-with-his-snowboard/ (Accessed: 07 February 2024).


    Be aware ’ Cougars (no date) Wild Aware Utah. Available at: https://www.wildawareutah.org/wildlife/cougars/ (Accessed: 07 February 2024).


    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: QWS1TG5BYTFK2

     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter 

    Manage the Wild
    enFebruary 09, 2024

    288: Court Battles and Wildlife Go Hand in Hand

    288: Court Battles and Wildlife Go Hand in Hand
    In this episode of Manage the Wild, host Nick Madsen discusses ongoing fights in court related to wildlife issues. He highlights the case of Montana taking the US Fish and Wildlife Services to court over the listing of Wolverines as threatened. Madsen explains the implications of listing a species as threatened or endangered and the potential impact on wildlife management. He also shares a recent case in Nevada where three men were convicted of illegally harvesting a mule deer using a drone. Madsen expresses concerns about the increasing use of drones in wildlife hunting and the ethical implications it raises.
    • Wildlife issues often lead to legal battles in court.
    • Listing a species as threatened or endangered has implications for wildlife management and funding.
    • Illegal harvesting of wildlife using drones is a growing concern.
    • The use of drones in wildlife hunting raises ethical questions.

    Three Men Convicted of Illegally Harvesting Mule Deer - NDOW

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    License code: QWS1TG5BYTFK2

     #bigbuck #biggamehunting #wildlife #bowhunter #archeryhunting #outdoors #huntingthings #muledeer #deerhunter 

    Manage the Wild
    enFebruary 08, 2024