
    267. Andy, Vaughn & DJ CTI: Jen Psaki White House Exit, Zelenskyy Demotes 2 Generals & "Made In The Image Of God"

    enApril 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • MFCO Podcast Returns with Andy and VaughnThe MFCO podcast is back with Andy and Vaughn, who plan to entertain and make fun of various topics.

      The discussion revolved around the return of the MFCO podcast with Andy and Vaughn, and their plan to make fun of various topics while providing entertainment. Andy expressed his divine calling to be back on the show and shared that there's an equal number of fans for both MFCO and real AF. They acknowledged the diversity of their audience and discussed their past experiences, including their time in St. Louis and their love for gun freedom in Kansas. They also mentioned their upcoming topics for discussion and encouraged listeners to check out their articles, pictures, and videos on AndyForSeller.com. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and focused on their passion for entertaining and engaging their audience.

    • Gun ownership among women and a leaked watch listWomen, including black women, are increasingly becoming legal gun owners. A leaked FBI watch list sparked a lighthearted conversation about potential inclusion.

      The speaker and his friend were discussing gun ownership and the growing number of women, including black women, becoming legal gun owners. They found a gun with a large capacity magazine and decided to purchase it. Meanwhile, there was breaking news about an FBI watch list with over 1.9 million people, including suspected terrorists, being leaked. The speaker and his friend jokingly thought they were on the list and made light of the situation. Ultimately, they were relieved to find out they were not on the list and continued their conversation. This conversation highlights the increasing trend of gun ownership among women and the lighthearted perspective the speakers had towards the leaked watch list.

    • Jen Psaki reportedly leaving White House for MSNBCWhite House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is reportedly leaving her position this spring to join MSNBC, marking a shift in White House communications.

      White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is reportedly planning to leave her position this spring to join MSNBC, according to sources. This news comes as no surprise, as it's common for communication staffers to pursue TV jobs after leaving an administration. The details of her departure and potential contract have not been officially confirmed, and government ethics rules restrict public employees from pursuing private sector jobs while in office. Despite her reported rudeness and arrogance, Psaki's departure has sparked controversy, with some criticizing her for seemingly abandoning her role during a time of crisis. Others have joked about her supposed romantic tension with MSNBC anchor Peter Ducey. Regardless of personal feelings towards Psaki, her departure marks a significant shift in White House communications.

    • Divisive Politics and Media LandscapeIn a climate of division and mistrust, authenticity and accountability are crucial for building trust and unity. Traditional media struggles against new platforms, leading to job losses and a sinking public image.

      The current political climate is marked by division and mistrust, with some individuals and organizations intentionally fueling these issues for their own gain. The example given is the communications strategy of a particular figure, who has been criticized for her divisive statements and associations, and the subsequent backlash against her. Another takeaway is the changing media landscape, with traditional media struggling to compete against new platforms, leading to job losses and a sinking public image for those associated with these struggling entities. Ultimately, accountability and authenticity are key to building trust and unity in a time of great change.

    • Power disconnect from publicPoliticians' closed-door briefings and out-of-touch policies create a disconnect between those in power and the public, potentially leading to harmful decisions and consequences.

      There is a significant disconnect between those in power and the general public, as evidenced by closed-door press briefings and policies that are out of touch with the average person. The speaker expresses a desire to open up these briefings to the public and implement age limits for politicians to address this issue. Additionally, there are ongoing conflicts, such as the one between Ukraine and Russia, where leaders are making decisions that have serious consequences for their people. The demotion of Ukrainian generals and the attack on Russian oil fields are examples of these consequences. Overall, there seems to be a lack of consideration for the well-being of the people, leading to potential harm and even death.

    • Complex military actions and Russian disinformation in UkraineThe situation in Ukraine is confusing due to ongoing military actions, Russian disinfo, calls for intervention, and shifting narratives, potentially diverting attention from real issues and escalating conflict.

      The situation in Ukraine is more complex than what is portrayed in the news. According to the speaker, there are ongoing military actions and Russian disinformation, which can make it difficult to determine the true state of affairs. The speaker also expressed frustration with the constant calls for intervention and the billions of dollars already sent to Ukraine. The narrative about the situation seems to switch between Ukraine winning and losing, adding to the confusion. The speaker believes that the Biden laptop information and the involvement of compromised politicians are attempts to divert attention from the real issues and potentially drag the country into a larger conflict.

    • Speakers discuss social and political issues and affirm transgender rightsRespectful dialogue on social issues, acknowledgement of transgender rights, and commitment to creating inclusive societies.

      There are ongoing debates and conflicting perspectives regarding various social and political issues, such as economic reset, transgender rights, and discrimination. During a discussion, the speakers expressed their opinions on these matters, including the need for change, criticism towards certain propaganda, and support for transgender individuals. The President of the United States also released a message acknowledging and affirming the dignity and rights of transgender people, while addressing the challenges they face due to discrimination and violence. Despite disagreements, it's essential to respect each other's viewpoints and work towards creating inclusive and equitable societies for all.

    • Speaker concerns normalization of transgender identities in schools and societySpeaker expresses worry about young people being influenced to transition before mentally prepared, cites high regret and suicide rates, sees it as a distraction and part of a larger global agenda

      The speaker expresses concern over what they perceive as an agenda to normalize transgender identities in schools and society, leading to confusion among young people. They believe this trend is being promoted as a cool trend and causing some children to consider transitioning before they are mentally prepared. The speaker also expresses sadness for those who identify as transgender but believes the issue is not about treating people with kindness, but rather the intentional promotion of this agenda by the liberal establishment. They argue that children are not capable of making such life-changing decisions at a young age and that the statistics show a high rate of regret and suicide among those who have undergone gender transition. The speaker also implies that this issue is being used as a distraction and a way to divide society. Ultimately, they believe the push for transgender acceptance is part of a larger global agenda to depopulate the planet.

    • Engineering a Homogenized SocietyThe push towards a homogenized society is not organic but intentional, aimed at creating a large group for manipulation and control, using issues like transgenderism and LGBTQ+ rights, and ultimately leading to a one world government and religion.

      There is a push towards a homogenized society that aims to remove individual identity, and this is being achieved through the promotion and normalization of certain social issues, including transgenderism and LGBTQ+ rights. This cultural shift is not organic but is being intentionally engineered to create a large group of people who can be manipulated and controlled, with the ultimate goal being the implementation of a one world government and religion. The speaker argues that this has nothing to do with acceptance or equality, but is instead a deliberate attempt to divide society and create conflict between different groups. The gay community is being hijacked in this process, and it's important for them to speak out against it. The speaker also emphasizes that the majority of America does not support certain controversial issues, such as pedophilia, and that these issues should not be normalized or accepted.

    • Growing concern over politicization and potential grooming of children, particularly regarding gender identity issuesMany within and outside the LGBTQ+ community express frustration over perceived misrepresentation and use of identities as a tool for cultural decline, calling for action to protect children from inappropriate sexualization or transgenderization

      There is a growing concern and anger towards what is perceived as the politicization and potential grooming of children, particularly regarding gender identity issues. This sentiment is not limited to those outside the LGBTQ+ community, but also includes many within it. The discussion also touched upon the historical context of marginalization and labeling of those who do not conform to societal norms. The president's stance on certain laws and policies has further fueled this frustration, with many feeling that their identities are being misrepresented and used as a tool for cultural decline. The call to action is for everyone to stand up against this issue and protect children from being transgenderized or sexualized at an inappropriate age.

    • Respecting children's safety and individual rightsRespect all individuals, but prioritize children's safety and engage in open dialogue on transgender rights

      Respect and individual rights should be upheld for all individuals, but boundaries should not be crossed when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of children. The speaker believes that the ongoing debate surrounding transgender rights and potential implications for children could be a major unifying issue, sparking strong opinions from various perspectives. The importance of authenticity to one's beliefs was also emphasized, even if those beliefs may not be universally accepted. The speaker's beliefs on the matter may not align with everyone's, but the conversation serves as a reminder to respect differing viewpoints and engage in open dialogue.

    • Debate over gender identity and its impact on societyReligious individuals and radical feminists hold opposing views on gender identity, highlighting the importance of informed decisions and respectful dialogue.

      The debate surrounding gender identity and its impact on various aspects of society, including sports, continues to be a contentious issue. The discussion highlighted the differing perspectives of religious individuals and radical feminists, who typically hold opposing views on the matter. The incident of a man getting his girlfriend's lips tattooed on his face and instantly regretting it serves as a reminder of the importance of making informed decisions and the potential consequences of impulsive actions. The ongoing discourse around these issues underscores the need for open and respectful dialogue to better understand and navigate the complexities of gender identity and its implications.

    • Understanding the importance of self-discovery and maturity in relationshipsPeople prioritize instant gratification over long-term commitment and growth in relationships, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, patience, and maturity for healthy relationships.

      People, especially young adults, often make decisions without fully understanding the consequences or who they are as individuals. A discussion centered around a man getting a tattoo for a new relationship highlights the importance of self-discovery and maturity, which often comes with age. The group acknowledges that they didn't have everything figured out even when they were older, and they express concern over the current state of dating and relationships, where people prioritize instant gratification over long-term commitment and growth. They emphasize the importance of being a "real man" and standing up for oneself, rather than being needy and impulsive, which can lead to dysfunctional relationships. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of self-awareness, patience, and maturity in relationships.

    • Teaching children respect and manners before romanceFocus on essential life skills like respect and manners before romantic gestures. Personal growth in career, finances, and physique is crucial before seeking a relationship. Absence of male role models or poor parenting can hinder these skills' development, leading to negative impacts like hurt and even suicide.

      It's essential to teach children respect and basic manners as a foundation before focusing on romantic gestures. The speaker expresses concern that many young men are lacking these essential life skills due to the absence of male role models or poor parenting. He also emphasizes the importance of focusing on personal growth, such as career, finances, and physique, before seeking a relationship. The speaker's concern is evident when he discusses the prevalence of young men being hurt by women and the negative impact it can have, including suicide. Overall, the speaker advocates for a shift in priorities to ensure children are equipped with the necessary skills to navigate relationships and life successfully.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

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    What do these cases tell us about the lives of trans and queer people in America?

    If you or someone you know needs help, call or text 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

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    Mentioned in this podcast:
    Letter from Jason Crow and Robin Kelly on weapons of war (Jason Crow)
    We Are Not Done Yet (HBO)
    Addressing the threats of armed militias and white vigilantism in America (Brady)
    The 2nd amendment and public safety after Heller (Brady)
    Armed intimidation isn’t peaceful protest (Brady)
    What are so-called “second amendment” sanctuaries?  (Brady)

    Help support the podcast and Brady's mission by clicking here!

    For more information on Brady, follow us on social media @Bradybuzz or visit our website at bradyunited.org.

    Full transcripts and bibliographies of this episode are available at bradyunited.org/podcast.

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. 
    Music provided by: Dav

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    For more information on Brady, follow us on social media @Bradybuzz or visit our website at bradyunited.org.

    Full transcripts and bibliographies of this episode are available at bradyunited.org/podcast.

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255.
    In a crisis? Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor 24/7.

    Music provided by: David “Drumcrazie” Curby
    Special thanks to Hogan Lovells for their long-standing legal support
    ℗&©2019 Red, Blue, and Brady