
    270. American Revival Part 1 Ft. Eric Greitens

    enApril 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • A candid conversation with former Governor Eric GreitensThe hosts engage in a respectful and insightful discussion with Eric Greitens, covering topics from societal lies to political aspirations, emphasizing authenticity and healthy debates.

      The hosts of this podcast, Aiden Priscilla and DJ, provide thought-provoking and entertaining discussions on various topics, ranging from calling out societal lies to inviting special guests to share their perspectives. They value authenticity and healthy debates among friends, even if they don't always agree. The podcast is ad-free, and listeners are encouraged to support it through word of mouth. In this episode, they welcome a special guest, former Governor of Missouri and United States Senate candidate, Eric Greitens. The conversation covers various issues and showcases the hosts' respectful and engaging dynamic.

    • Politics of Abstract Ideas vs. Real-World SolutionsPoliticians and media focus on abstract ideas and ideological solutions, while real people want practical solutions to real-world problems.

      The political discourse has become increasingly polarized, with people being labeled as extremists if they don't agree with the full agendas of the far left or right. However, the majority of the population consists of regular people who want practical solutions to real-world problems. The disconnect arises because many people who engage in politics live in a world of abstract ideas, while real people solve problems with their hands. The political class, especially those on the left, are often detached from reality, focusing on ideological solutions rather than addressing the root causes of issues. The media further exacerbates this by sensationalizing events and pushing for specific agendas, rather than asking whether proposed solutions would actually solve the problem at hand.

    • Focus on individuals and effective problem-solvingEffective leaders prioritize genuine care for individuals and focus on practical solutions, rather than self-interest and establishment benefits.

      Genuine care for people and effective problem-solving are crucial for meaningful progress. The speaker emphasizes that those in power should focus on what truly works for individuals, recognizing that solutions may vary. He criticizes current political figures for prioritizing self-interest and establishment benefits over the well-being of the average citizen. This disconnect between elected officials and the people they represent fuels public frustration and distrust in the political discourse. The speaker encourages the need for real, experienced individuals to enter politics and prioritize the betterment of the community over personal gain.

    • Corruption in Tax Credit ProgramsThe federal government collects more in taxes than it spends but loses billions through corrupt tax credit programs, with politicians facilitating the theft and the working class bearing the cost

      During a recent survey, American citizens identified taxation as the 11th most pressing issue. The federal government collected $4 trillion in taxes in 2021 but spent an average of $6 trillion per year. The speaker argues that a significant portion of taxpayer money is being stolen through corrupt tax credit programs, with only a small percentage going to their intended purpose. This theft is facilitated by politicians who receive donations from the insiders benefiting from these programs, creating a cycle of corruption. The speaker emphasizes that the working class is paying for this system.

    • Broken Tax System Favors CorporationsThe tax system is unfairly biased towards corporations, with lobbyists manipulating the code for special benefits, while regular people face high taxes and complexities.

      The current tax system is broken and unfair, with large corporations exploiting complexities in the code to secure special bonuses and incentives, while regular people bear the brunt of high taxes. Lobbyists play a significant role in this process, writing favorable provisions into the tax code for their corporate clients, who then use their newfound gains to donate to politicians. The system is intentionally complicated, making it difficult for honest individuals to comply. Meanwhile, politicians spend excessively on non-essential projects and continue to raise taxes, further burdening the average taxpayer. The situation is unsustainable, and true reform requires eliminating these unfair advantages and simplifying the tax code.

    • Implementing a flat tax and consumable tax for transparency and efficiencyFocus on results and value, not just the amount spent, to promote transparency and efficiency in complex business and political situations

      When deals or situations become overly complicated in business or politics, it's often an attempt to hide money or information. To address this issue, a flat tax on income and a consumable tax on expenditures could be implemented. However, the focus should be on results and the value received for the money spent, rather than just the amount spent. The history of government spending shows that results matter more than the amount spent. Unfortunately, those in power often act in their own interests, leading to lengthy and unnecessary processes. This behavior, common among attorneys and politicians, needs to change for transparency and efficiency.

    • The revolving door between politics and lobbying fuels corruptionStricter rules on lobbying, such as bans on former politicians becoming lobbyists and eliminating lobbyist gifts, could help reduce corruption in government.

      The corruption in government is a significant issue, fueled in part by the revolving door between politics and lobbying. Those who enter politics with it being the most impressive thing they've ever done are more likely to become sellouts, succumbing to the influence of lobbyists. Eliminating lobbying or implementing stricter rules, such as prohibiting former politicians from becoming lobbyists for a certain number of years, could help reduce corruption. Additionally, implementing a flat tax and banning all lobbyist gifts are suggested solutions. These changes would eliminate the financial incentive for politicians to cater to the interests of lobbyists instead of their constituents. The current system is incredibly corrupt and cowardly, as many politicians prioritize their own financial gain over serving the public.

    • Business owners' perceived greed fuels economic growthAssuming business owners hoard money overlooks hiring & expansion benefits, potential solutions include income-based student loans & vocational education investment.

      Business owners' perceived greed can actually lead to economic growth and job creation, rather than being a detriment. The taxation system, based on the assumption that business owners hoard money, overlooks the fact that hiring more people and expanding businesses contributes to communities and economic prosperity. A potential solution to student loan debt could be for universities to take a percentage of graduates' income instead of lending unlimited amounts of debt to students. Additionally, investing in vocational education and trades could lead to higher paying jobs and a stronger middle class. The American Republic's success relied on a thriving middle class, and continuing to prioritize education and skills training is essential for economic growth and individual success.

    • Balancing individual freedom and potential harmsLegalizing marijuana requires careful consideration, addressing past injustices, creating a regulated system, and addressing the politicization of the justice system.

      Promoting individual freedom and self-employment contributes to building a free country. However, it's essential to consider the potential negative effects of legalizing substances like marijuana, especially on young people. The legalization process should involve addressing past injustices, such as mass incarceration for marijuana use, and creating a regulated system to prevent corporate exploitation. Additionally, the justice system's politicization poses a significant threat to the United States and must be addressed to restore trust and fairness.

    • Concerns over trust in law, justice, and healthcare systemsThe speaker raises concerns over declining trust in the law, justice, and healthcare systems, advocating for caution in marijuana legalization and preventative healthcare measures to counteract profit-driven priorities

      The decline of trust in the law and fairness in the justice system, as well as the profit-driven healthcare system in the United States, are major concerns. The speaker believes that the lack of trust in these institutions can lead people to find alternative ways to protect themselves. Additionally, the speaker argues that the legalization of marijuana should be approached with caution, considering its potential impact on young people. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes the healthcare system in the US, labeling it a "disease profit system," and emphasizes the importance of addressing preventative measures for chronic conditions that are not currently prioritized in the healthcare conversation due to profit motives.

    • The Importance of Health in AmericaIf every American man could carry a 25-pound pack and walk 10 miles, the country would be healthier. Government policies and profit-driven industries contribute to the decline in health and increase in chronic conditions.

      The current state of health in the United States is a major contributor to the overall unhappiness and vitality of the population. The speaker argues that if every man in America were healthy enough to carry a 25-pound pack and walk 10 miles, the country would be vastly different. He suggests that government policies in the 1970s, such as the food pyramid, played a role in the decline in health and increase in chronic conditions. The speaker also criticizes the healthcare and disease profit industry for not emphasizing the importance of education and prevention, instead focusing on treatment and profit. The COVID-19 pandemic served as a stark reminder of the importance of health, with a disproportionate number of deaths occurring among the obese population. The speaker argues that making it difficult for people to access information and resources for improving their health perpetuates the problem.

    • Political groups' disconnect between messages and actionsDespite advocating for compassion, some political groups promote harmful actions and create dependencies, revealing a disconnect between their words and deeds.

      There's a disconnect between the messages and actions of certain political groups, specifically those on the left. They advocate for compassion and caring for people, but their actions, such as promoting unhealthy lifestyles and creating a pro-obesity movement, can be harmful and lack compassion. Furthermore, they may intentionally make people dependent on their systems for profit and greed, while claiming to be the good guys. It's important to critically evaluate the actions behind the words and recognize the cruelty and potential evil in these situations. The fight is not just left versus right, but establishment versus non-establishment.

    • Governor Greitens' Compassionate Leadership During Missouri UnrestDuring times of unrest, compassionate yet firm leadership is crucial to maintaining peace and order. Allowing peaceful protests while not tolerating violence and destruction sets a positive example.

      During a period of unrest in Missouri, then-Governor Eric Greitens demonstrated compassionate yet firm leadership to quell protests by Black Lives Matter and Antifa. He communicated clearly that peaceful protest was allowed, but destruction and violence would not be tolerated. The story ends tragically with the shooting deaths of two young men, but one of their brothers chose to honor their memory by becoming a police officer. This incident underscores the importance of strong leadership and the contrast between the common sense and courage of good people and the destructive actions of those seeking to harm society.

    • Overcoming Fear and Taking ActionAmericans must find courage to use personal abilities and gifts to help take the country back from disruption caused by a small minority. The left is well-organized, and the right needs to follow suit. Address fear and illusion of political correctness, recognize enemy's nature, and take action to counteract disruption.

      The current state of affairs in the country, as discussed in the conversation, involves a small minority of people causing significant disruption, and the majority of the population feeling afraid to speak out or take action. This situation is being exploited by those who wish to destroy the country, and it's crucial for every American, as individuals, to find the courage to use their personal abilities and gifts to help take the country back. The left is well-organized, and the right needs to follow suit to effectively counteract the ongoing disruption. The fear and illusion of political correctness must be addressed and overcome, and it's essential to recognize the nature of the enemy and the threat they pose. If good people do nothing, evil will succeed. It's time for everyone to step up and be part of the solution.

    • Look beyond labels, focus on intentionsFocus on individual candidates' intentions and motivations instead of blindly following political labels. Engage in accurate information sharing, truth spreading, and community involvement to stand up for our values.

      It's essential to look beyond the surface-level labels of left and right in politics and focus on individual candidates' intentions and motivations. The system won't correct itself if we blindly follow these labels. To make a difference, we can take action by sharing accurate information, spreading the truth, and getting involved in our communities beyond politics. We must remember that we, the people who believe in freedom, are the majority, and we have the power to stand up for what we believe in with courage. It's not enough to root for those speaking up; we must actively engage and fight for our values. The bullies in power work through fear, but courage, rooted in love for our country, community, family, and neighbors, is the antidote.

    • Standing for freedom and individual thoughtBusinesses that boldly express pro-freedom values attract customers and financial success.

      Businesses that stand for freedom and individual thought will not only align with the values of many people but also be financially successful. The current societal trend of canceling individuals or businesses for expressing unpopular opinions is wearing thin, and people are eager for a change. By taking a courageous stance and not apologizing for beliefs in the American flag, Constitution, and freedom, businesses can differentiate themselves and attract customers who share those values. This approach not only benefits the business financially but also allows business owners to be proud of their actions and stand up for what they believe in. As Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ulysses Grant have all said, anyone who stands for something will have enemies, but the consequences of standing up for freedom are far outweighed by the pride and success that come with it.

    • Standing up for what we believe inFocus on connecting with those who support us and speak up for freedom and values, despite criticism or opposition, to make a difference.

      Instead of focusing on pleasing the 50% of people who may not like us, we should strive to connect with and win over the 50% who have a propensity to like us. This requires standing up for what we believe in, even if it means facing criticism or opposition. The political correctness in society is designed to get us to self-sensor, but we cannot let fear hold us back. We must speak up for freedom and what we value, even if it means having "right enemies." The erosion of freedom and moral standards started decades ago, and it's up to each of us to refuse to self-sensor and take a stand. The mainstream media is no longer trusted by the majority, and it's important to remember that they underestimate the intelligence of the general public. By staying true to ourselves and refusing to be silenced, we can make a difference and help turn the tide.

    • Mistrust of mainstream media widespreadPeople increasingly turn to alternative sources for truthful conversations, questioning mainstream media's accuracy

      The public's perception of mainstream media has been eroded due to a belief that they spread lies and attack threats. People, recognized as intelligent and discerning, no longer trust the mainstream media and instead turn to alternative sources like podcasts for deep, historically informed, philosophically thoughtful, compassionate conversations. This mistrust is widespread, even in rural areas like Dunklin County, Missouri, where 98% of people believe the mainstream media lies about everything. The implication is that when consuming media, it's important to consider the possibility that the opposite of what is being presented may be true.

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    Valuable Resources:


    RFKJR Website (info/donate/yard signs/etc.)

    RFKJR Instagram

    Powerful RFKJR speech in Philly declaring his run as an independent candidate



    Podcasts featuring RFKJR:

    Aubrey Marcus

    Joe Rogan




    Tucker Carlson Interview (learn about the Ukraine W@r)




    RFKJR book: “The Real Another Fauci




    Shawn Stevenson

    Dr. Paul Saladino

    Dr. Zach Bush

    Dr. Pippa Malmgram

    Dr. Mark Hyman




    My “Kennedy24” Spotify Playlist

    My podcast ep episode about the Documentary “The Social Dilemma




    THE GREAT AWAKENING (riveting documentary)



    Connect with Cortney:

    Cortney’s Instagram

    Unique Way Instagram






    To say thank you for taking the time to subscribe, rate & review the podcast I’m gifting you my Zoom Yoga Library (11 creative vinyasa classes). All you have to do is take a screenshot of your REVIEW & send it to hello@cortneyostrosky.com. I’m so grateful for your support & think you’ll love these classes!

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